Tour de Suisse 1935

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Final score
Tour winner FranceFrance Gaspard Rinaldi 55:16:24 h
Second SwitzerlandSwitzerland Leo Amberg + 1:44 min
Third BelgiumBelgium Henri Garnier + 4:56 min
Fourth Italy 1861Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946) Carlo Romanatti + 11:46 min
fifth FranceFrance Adrien Buttafocchi + 13:05 min
Sixth FranceFrance Benoit Faure + 20:43 min
seventh SwitzerlandSwitzerland Alfred Bula + 21:24 min
Eighth SwitzerlandSwitzerland Werner Buchwalder + 40:26 min
Ninth Italy 1861Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946) Augusto Introzzi + 42:29 min
Tenth SwitzerlandSwitzerland Albert Büchi + 54:24 min
Mountain scoring FranceFrance Benoit Faure 42 P.
Second Italy 1861Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946) Luigi Barral 35 p.
Third FranceFrance Adrien Buttafocchi 32 p.
Team evaluation FranceFrance France 116: 23: 00 h

The 3rd Tour de Suisse took place from August 24th to August 31st, 1935. The cycling tour was held in seven stages over a distance of 1708 kilometers.

The overall winner was the Frenchman Gaspard Rinaldi. The race started in Zurich with 56 drivers, of which 38 drivers also crossed the finish line in Zurich on the last day.


stage Day Start finish km Stage winner Jersey yellow.svg Overall rating
1st stage August 25 Zurich - St. Moritz 242.9 FranceFrance Benoit Faure FranceFrance Benoit Faure
2nd stage 26th of August St. Moritz - Lugano 223.6 SwitzerlandSwitzerland Werner Buchwalder
3rd stage August 27 Lugano - Lucerne 205.4 SwitzerlandSwitzerland Alfred Bula SwitzerlandSwitzerland Leo Amberg
4th stage August 28th Lucerne - Geneva 286.9 FranceFrance Léon level
5th stage 29th August Geneva - Bern 249.8 Italy 1861Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946) Adalino Mealli FranceFrance Gaspard Rinaldi
6th stage August 31 Bern - Olten 240.1 FranceFrance Benoit Faure
7th stage September 1 Olten - Zurich 259.3 SwitzerlandSwitzerland Albert Büchi

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