Unicode block Arabic

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The Arabic Unicode block (Arabic, U + 0600 to U + 06FF) contains the standard letters and diacritics of the Arabic script as well as other diacritics and the two Arabic variants of the Indian number script . Another three Arabic blocks are Arabic, supplementary , Arabic, extended-A as well as Arabic forms of presentation-A and Arabic forms of presentation-B .


Unicode number Characters
category Bidirectional class Official name description
U + 0600 (1536) ؀؀ Formatting characters Arabic numeral ARABIC NUMBER SIGN Arabic number sign
U + 0601 (1537) ؁؁ Formatting characters Arabic numeral ARABIC SIGN SANAH Arabic character Sana ("year")
U + 0602 (1538) ؂؂ Formatting characters Arabic numeral ARABIC FOOTNOTE MARKER Arabic footnote mark
U + 0603 (1539) ؃؃ Formatting characters Arabic numeral ARABIC SIGN SAFHA Arabic character Safha
U + 0604 (1540) ؄؄ Formatting characters Arabic numeral ARABIC SIGN SAMVAT Arabic character Sambat
U + 0605 (1541) ؅؅ Formatting characters Arabic numeral ARABIC NUMBER MARK ABOVE Arabic number marker above
U + 0606 (1542) ؆؆ math symbol other neutral sign ARABIC-INDIC CUBE ROOT Arabic-Indian cube root
U + 0607 (1543) ؇؇ math symbol other neutral sign ARABIC-INDIC FOURTH ROOT Arabic-Indian fourth root
U + 0608 (1544) ؈؈ math symbol arabic letter ARABIC RAY  
U + 0609 (1545) ؉؉ other punctuation European
closing bell
ARABIC-INDIC PER MILLE SIGN Arabic-Indian alcohol symbol
U + 060A (1546) ؊؊ other punctuation European
closing bell
U + 060B (1547) ؋؋ Currency symbol arabic letter AFGHANI SIGN Afghani
U + 060C (1548) ،، other punctuation general separator ARABIC COMMA Arabic comma
U + 060D (1549) ؍؍ other punctuation arabic letter ARABIC DATE SEPARATOR Arabic date separator
U + 060E (1550) ؎؎ different symbol other neutral sign ARABIC POETIC VERSE SIGN Arabic poetic verse sign
U + 060F (1551) ؏؏ different symbol other neutral sign ARABIC SIGN MISRA Arabic character misra
U + 0610 (1552) ؐ◌ؐ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC SIGN SALLALLAHOU ALAYHE WASSALLAM Arabic character salla llahu alayhi wa-sallam
U + 0611 (1553) ؑ◌ؑ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC SIGN ALAYHE ASSALLAM Arabic character Alayhi s-salam
U + 0612 (1554) ؒ◌ؒ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC SIGN RAHMATULLAH ALAYHE Arabic character Rahmatu llah alayhi
U + 0613 (1555) ؓ◌ؓ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC SIGN RADI ALLAHOU ANHU Arabic character Radiya llahu anhu
U + 0614 (1556) ؔ◌ؔ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC SIGN TAKHALLUS Arabic character nom de plume
U + 0615 (1557) ؕ◌ؕ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
U + 0616 (1558) ؖ◌ؖ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
U + 0617 (1559) ؗ◌ؗ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC SMALL HIGH ZAIN Arabic small tall zay
U + 0618 (1560) ؘ◌ؘ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC SMALL FATHA Arabic small fatha
U + 0619 (1561) ؙ◌ؙ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC SMALL DAMMA Arabic little damma
U + 061A (1562) ؚ◌ؚ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC SMALL KASRA Arabic small kasra
U + 061B (1563) ؛؛ other punctuation arabic letter ARABIC SEMICOLON Arabic semicolon
U + 061C (1564) <format>؜ Formatting characters arabic letter ARABIC LETTER MARK Arabic letter sign
U + 061E (1566) ؞؞ other punctuation arabic letter ARABIC TRIPLE DOT PUNCTUATION MARK Arabic three dot symbol
U + 061F (1567) ؟؟ other punctuation arabic letter ARABIC QUESTION MARK Arabic question mark
U + 0620 (1568) ؠؠ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER KASHMIRI YEH ARABIC LETTER KASHMIRI YA
U + 0621 (1569) ءء other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER HAMZA ARABIC LETTER HAMZA
U + 0622 (1570) آآ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH MADDA ABOVE Arabic Letter Alif with Madda Above
U + 0623 (1571) أأ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA ABOVE Arabic Letter Alif with Hamza Above
U + 0624 (1572) ؤؤ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER WAW WITH HAMZA ABOVE Arabic Letter Vaw with Hamza Above
U + 0625 (1573) إإ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA BELOW Arabic Letter Alif with Hamza Below
U + 0626 (1574) ئئ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER YEH WITH HAMZA ABOVE Arabic Letter Ya with Hamza Above
U + 0627 (1575) اا other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER ALEF ARABIC LETTER ALIF
U + 0628 (1576) بب other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER BEH ARABIC LETTER BA
U + 0629 (1577) ةة other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER TEH MARBUTA ARABIC LETTER TA MARBUTA
U + 062A (1578) تت other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER TEH ARABIC LETTER TA
U + 062B (1579) ثث other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER THEH ARABIC LETTER THA
U + 062C (1580) جج other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER JEEM ARABIC LETTER JEEM
U + 062D (1581) حح other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER HAH ARABIC LETTER PHARYNGALES HA
U + 062E (1582) خخ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER KHAH ARABIC LETTER CHA
U + 062F (1583) دد other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER DAL ARABIC LETTER DAL
U + 0630 (1584) ذذ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER THAL Arabic letter Dhal
U + 0631 (1585) رر other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER REH ARABIC LETTER RA
U + 0632 (1586) زز other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER ZAIN ARABIC LETTER ZAY
U + 0633 (1587) سس other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER LAKES ARABIC LETTER SIN
U + 0634 (1588) شش other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER SHEEN ARABIC LETTER SHIN
U + 0635 (1589) صص other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER SAD ARABIC LETTER SAD
U + 0636 (1590) ضض other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER DAD ARABIC LETTER DAD
U + 0637 (1591) طط other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER TAH Arabic letter emphatic Ta
U + 0638 (1592) ظظ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER ZAH ARABIC LETTER ZA
U + 0639 (1593) عع other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER AIN ARABIC LETTER AIN
U + 063A (1594) غغ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER GHAIN ARABIC LETTER GHAIN
U + 063B (1595) ػػ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER KEHEH WITH TWO DOTS ABOVE Arabic Letter Kehe with Two Dots Above
U + 063C (1596) ؼؼ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER KEHEH WITH THREE DOTS BELOW Arabic letter kehe with three dots below
U + 063D (1597) ؽؽ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER FARSI YEH WITH INVERTED V ARABIC LETTER FARSI YA WITH BACK V
U + 063E (1598) ؾؾ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER FARSI YEH WITH TWO DOTS ABOVE Arabic Letter Farsi Ya with Two Dots Above
U + 063F (1599) ؿؿ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER FARSI YEH WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE Arabic Letter Farsi Ya with Three Dots Above
U + 0640 (1600) ــ modifying letter arabic letter ARABIC TATWEEL Arabic kashida sign
U + 0641 (1601) فف other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER FEH ARABIC LETTER FA
U + 0642 (1602) قق other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER QAF ARABIC LETTER QAF
U + 0643 (1603) كك other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER KAF ARABIC LETTER KAF
U + 0644 (1604) لل other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER LAM ARABIC LETTER LAM
U + 0645 (1605) مم other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER MEEM ARABIC LETTER MIM
U + 0646 (1606) نن other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER NOON ARABIC LETTER NUN
U + 0647 (1607) هه other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER HEH ARABIC LETTER HA
U + 0648 (1608) وو other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER WAW ARABIC LETTER WAW
U + 0649 (1609) ىى other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER ALEF MAKSURA ARABIC LETTER ALIF MAQSURA
U + 064A (1610) يي other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER YEH ARABIC LETTER YA
U + 064B (1611) ً◌ً Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
U + 064C (1612) ٌ◌ٌ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC DAMMATAN Arabic dammatan
U + 064D (1613) ٍ◌ٍ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
U + 064E (1614) َ◌َ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
U + 064F (1615) ُ◌ُ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC DAMMA Arabic damma
U + 0650 (1616) ِ◌ِ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC KASRA Arabic kasra
U + 0651 (1617) ّ◌ّ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
U + 0652 (1618) ْ◌ْ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC SUKUN Arabic sukun
U + 0653 (1619) ٓ◌ٓ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC MADDAH ABOVE Arabic Madda across
U + 0654 (1620) ٔ◌ٔ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC HAMZA ABOVE Arabic Hamza across
U + 0655 (1621) ٕ◌ٕ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC HAMZA BELOW Arabic below Hamza
U + 0656 (1622) ٖ◌ٖ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC SUBSCRIPT ALEF Arabic subscript alif
U + 0657 (1623) ٗ◌ٗ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC INVERTED DAMMA Arabic inverted damma
U + 0658 (1624) ٘◌٘ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC MARK NOON GHUNNA Arabic character Nun ghunna
U + 0659 (1625) ٙ◌ٙ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
U + 065A (1626) ٚ◌ٚ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC VOWEL SIGN SMALL V ABOVE Arabic vowel symbol with small V above
U + 065B (1627) ٛ◌ٛ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC VOWEL SIGN INVERTED SMALL V ABOVE Arabic vowel symbol inverted small V above
U + 065C (1628) ٜ◌ٜ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC VOWEL SIGN DOT BELOW Arabic vowel sign below period
U + 065D (1629) ٝ◌ٝ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC REVERSED DAMMA Arabic inverted damma
U + 065E (1630) ٞ◌ٞ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC FATHA WITH TWO DOTS Arabic Fatha with two points
U + 065F (1631) ٟ◌ٟ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC WAVY HAMZA BELOW Arabic below wavy Hamza
U + 0660 (1632) ٠٠ Decimal digit Arabic numeral ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO Arabic-Indic Digit Zero
U + 0661 (1633) ١١ Decimal digit Arabic numeral ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ONE ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ONE
U + 0662 (1634) ٢٢ Decimal digit Arabic numeral ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT TWO ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT TWO
U + 0663 (1635) ٣٣ Decimal digit Arabic numeral ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT THREE ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT THREE
U + 0664 (1636) ٤٤ Decimal digit Arabic numeral ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FOUR ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FOUR
U + 0665 (1637) ٥٥ Decimal digit Arabic numeral ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FIVE ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FIVE
U + 0666 (1638) ٦٦ Decimal digit Arabic numeral ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT SIX ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT SIX
U + 0667 (1639) ٧٧ Decimal digit Arabic numeral ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT SEVEN ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT SEVEN
U + 0668 (1640) ٨٨ Decimal digit Arabic numeral ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT EIGHT ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT EIGHT
U + 0669 (1641) ٩٩ Decimal digit Arabic numeral ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT NINE ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT NINE
U + 066A (1642) ٪٪ other punctuation European
closing bell
ARABIC PERCENT SIGN Arabic percent sign
U + 066B (1643) ٫٫ other punctuation Arabic numeral ARABIC DECIMAL SEPARATOR Arabic decimal separator
U + 066C (1644) ٬٬ other punctuation Arabic numeral ARABIC THOUSANDS SEPARATOR Arabic thousands separator
U + 066D (1645) ٭٭ other punctuation arabic letter ARABIC FIVE POINTED STAR Arabic five-pointed star
U + 066E (1646) ٮٮ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER DOTLESS BEH ARABIC LETTER DOTLESS BA
U + 066F (1647) ٯٯ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER DOTLESS QAF Arabic Letter Dotted Qaf
U + 0670 (1648) ٰ◌ٰ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC LETTER SUPERSCRIPT ALEF Arabic letter superscript Alif
U + 0671 (1649) ٱٱ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER ALEF WASLA Arabic letter Alif- Wasla
U + 0672 (1650) ٲٲ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH WAVY HAMZA ABOVE Arabic Letter Alif with Wavy Hamza Above
U + 0673 (1651) ٳٳ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH WAVY HAMZA BELOW Arabic Letter Alif with Wavy Hamza Below
U + 0674 (1652) ٴٴ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER HIGH HAMZA Arabic letter high hamza
U + 0675 (1653) ٵٵ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER HIGH HAMZA ALEF Arabic Letter Alif with High Hamza
U + 0676 (1654) ٶٶ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER HIGH HAMZA WAW Arabic Letter Waw with High Hamza
U + 0677 (1655) ٷٷ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER U WITH HAMZA ABOVE Arabic Letter U with Hamza Above
U + 0678 (1656) ٸٸ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER HIGH HAMZA YEH Arabic Letter Ya with High Hamza
U + 0679 (1657) ٹٹ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER TTEH ARABIC LETTER TTE ( ṭe )
U + 067A (1658) ٺٺ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER TTEHEH ARABIC LETTER TTEHE
U + 067B (1659) ٻٻ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER BEEH ARABIC LETTER BE
U + 067C (1660) ټټ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER TEH WITH RING ARABIC LETTER TA WITH A RING
U + 067D (1661) ٽٽ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER TEH WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE DOWNWARDS  
U + 067E (1662) پپ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER PEH ARABIC LETTER PE
U + 067F (1663) ٿٿ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER TEHEH ARABIC LETTER TEHE
U + 0680 (1664) ڀڀ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER RESET ARABIC LETTER BEHE
U + 0681 (1665) ځځ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER HAH WITH HAMZA ABOVE Arabic Letter Ha with Hamza Above
U + 0682 (1666) ڂڂ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER HAH WITH TWO DOTS VERTICAL ABOVE Arabic Letter Ha with Two Vertically Above Dots
U + 0683 (1667) ڃڃ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER NYEH ARABIC LETTER NJA
U + 0684 (1668) ڄڄ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER DYEH ARABIC LETTER DYA
U + 0685 (1669) څڅ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER HAH WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE Arabic Letter Pharyngales Ha with Three Dots Above
U + 0686 (1670) چچ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER TCHEH ARABIC LETTER CHE
U + 0687 (1671) ڇڇ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER TCHEHEH ARABIC LETTER CHEHE
U + 0688 (1672) ڈڈ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER DDAL ARABIC LETTER Ddal
U + 0689 (1673) ډډ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER DAL WITH RING ARABIC LETTER DAL WITH A RING
U + 068A (1674) ڊڊ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER DAL WITH DOT BELOW Arabic Letter Dal with Dot Below
U + 068B (1675) ڋڋ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER DAL WITH DOT BELOW AND SMALL TAH Arabic Letter Dal with Dot Below and Small Ta
U + 068C (1676) ڌڌ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER DAHAL Arabic Letter Dahal
U + 068D (1677) ڍڍ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER DDAHAL ARABIC LETTER DDAHAL
U + 068E (1678) ڎڎ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER DUL ARABIC LETTER DUL
U + 068F (1679) ڏڏ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER DAL WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE DOWNWARDS Arabic Letter Dal with Three Dots Above
U + 0690 (1680) ڐڐ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER DAL WITH FOUR DOTS ABOVE Arabic Letter Dal with Four Dots Above
U + 0691 (1681) ڑڑ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER RREH ARABIC LETTER RARA
U + 0692 (1682) ڒڒ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER REH WITH SMALL V Arabic Letter Ra with Smaller V
U + 0693 (1683) ړړ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER REH WITH RING ARABIC LETTER RA WITH A RING
U + 0694 (1684) ڔڔ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER REH WITH DOT BELOW Arabic Letter Ra with Dot Below
U + 0695 (1685) ڕڕ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER REH WITH SMALL V BELOW Arabic Letter Ra with Small V Below
U + 0696 (1686) ږږ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER REH WITH DOT BELOW AND DOT ABOVE Arabic Letter Ra with Dot Below and Dot Above
U + 0697 (1687) ڗڗ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER REH WITH TWO DOTS ABOVE Arabic Letter Ra with Two Dots Above
U + 0698 (1688) ژژ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER JEH ARABIC LETTER ZE
U + 0699 (1689) ڙڙ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER REH WITH FOUR DOTS ABOVE Arabic Letter Ra with Four Dots Above
U + 069A (1690) ښښ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER SEEN WITH DOT BELOW AND DOT ABOVE Arabic Letter Sin with Dot Below and Dot Above
U + 069B (1691) ڛڛ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER SEEN WITH THREE DOTS BELOW Arabic Letter Sin with Three Dots Below
U + 069C (1692) ڜڜ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER SEEN WITH THREE DOTS BELOW AND THREE DOTS ABOVE Arabic letter Sin with three dots below and three dots above
U + 069D (1693) ڝڝ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER SAD WITH TWO DOTS BELOW Arabic Letter Sad with Two Dots Below
U + 069E (1694) ڞڞ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER SAD WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE Arabic Letter Sad with Three Dots Above
U + 069F (1695) ڟڟ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER TAH WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE Arabic letter emphatic Ta with three dots above
U + 06A0 (1696) ڠڠ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER AIN WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE Arabic Letter Ain with Three Dots Above
U + 06A1 (1697) ڡڡ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER DOTLESS FEH Arabic letter dotted Fa
U + 06A2 (1698) ڢڢ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER FEH WITH DOT MOVED BELOW Arabic letter Fa without a period above but with a period below
U + 06A3 (1699) ڣڣ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER FEH WITH DOT BELOW Arabic Letter Fa with Dot Below
U + 06A4 (1700) ڤڤ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER VEH ARABIC LETTER VA
U + 06A5 (1701) ڥڥ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER FEH WITH THREE DOTS BELOW Arabic Letter Fa with Three Dots Below
U + 06A6 (1702) ڦڦ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER PEHEH ARABIC LETTER PEHE
U + 06A7 (1703) ڧڧ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER QAF WITH DOT ABOVE Arabic Letter Qaf with Dot Above
U + 06A8 (1704) ڨڨ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER QAF WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE Arabic Letter Qaf with Three Dots Above
U + 06A9 (1705) کک other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER KEHEH ARABIC LETTER KEHE
U + 06AA (1706) ڪڪ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER SWASH KAF  
U + 06AB (1707) ګګ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER KAF WITH RING ARABIC LETTER KAF WITH A RING
U + 06AC (1708) ڬڬ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER KAF WITH DOT ABOVE Arabic Letter Kaf with Dot Above
U + 06AD (1709) ڭڭ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER NG ARABIC LETTER NG
U + 06AE (1710) ڮڮ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER KAF WITH THREE DOTS BELOW Arabic letter kaf with three dots below
U + 06AF (1711) گگ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER GAF ARABIC LETTER GAF
U + 06B0 (1712) ڰڰ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER GAF WITH RING ARABIC LETTER GAF WITH A RING
U + 06B1 (1713) ڱڱ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER NGOEH ARABIC LETTER NGE
U + 06B2 (1714) ڲڲ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER GAF WITH TWO DOTS BELOW Arabic Letter Gaf with Two Dots Below
U + 06B3 (1715) ڳڳ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER GUEH ARABIC LETTER GGE
U + 06B4 (1716) ڴڴ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER GAF WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE Arabic Letter Gaf with Three Dots Above
U + 06B5 (1717) ڵڵ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER LAM WITH SMALL V ARABIC LETTER LAM WITH SMALL V
U + 06B6 (1718) ڶڶ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER LAM WITH DOT ABOVE Arabic Letter Lam with Dot Above
U + 06B7 (1719) ڷڷ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER LAM WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE Arabic Letter Lam with Three Dots Above
U + 06B8 (1720) ڸڸ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER LAM WITH THREE DOTS BELOW Arabic Letter Lam with Three Dots Below
U + 06B9 (1721) ڹڹ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER NOON WITH DOT BELOW Arabic letter Well with a period below
U + 06BA (1722) ںں other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER NOON GHUNNA ARABIC LETTER NUN GHUNNA
U + 06BB (1723) ڻڻ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER RNOON ARABIC LETTER NYUN
U + 06BC (1724) ڼڼ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER NOON WITH RING Arabic letter nun with ring
U + 06BD (1725) ڽڽ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER NOON WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE Arabic letter Nun with three dots above
U + 06BE (1726) ھھ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER HEH DOACHASHMEE ARABIC LETTER DO CASHMI HE
U + 06BF (1727) ڿڿ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER TCHEH WITH DOT ABOVE Arabic Letter Che with Dot Above
U + 06C0 (1728) ۀۀ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER HEH WITH YEH ABOVE Arabic Letter Ha with Ya Above
U + 06C1 (1729) ہہ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER HEH GOAL  
U + 06C2 (1730) ۂۂ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER HEH GOAL WITH HAMZA ABOVE  
U + 06C3 (1731) ۃۃ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER TEH MARBUTA GOAL  
U + 06C4 (1732) ۄۄ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER WAW WITH RING ARABIC LETTER WAW WITH A RING
U + 06C5 (1733) ۅۅ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER KIRGHIZ OE Arabic Letter Kyrgyz Ö
U + 06C6 (1734) ۆۆ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER OE Arabic letter o
U + 06C7 (1735) ۇۇ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER U Arabic letter U
U + 06C8 (1736) ۈۈ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER YU ARABIC LETTER Yu
U + 06C9 (1737) ۉۉ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER KIRGHIZ YU Arabic Letter Kyrgyz Yu
U + 06CA (1738) ۊۊ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER WAW WITH TWO DOTS ABOVE Arabic Letter Vaw with Two Dots Above
U + 06CB (1739) ۋۋ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER VE ARABIC LETTER VA
U + 06CC (1740) یی other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER FARSI YEH ARABIC LETTER FARSI YA
U + 06CD (1741) ۍۍ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER YEH WITH TAIL ARABIC LETTER YEH WITH TAIL
U + 06CE (1742) ێێ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER YEH WITH SMALL V Arabic Letter Ya with Small V
U + 06CF (1743) ۏۏ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER WAW WITH DOT ABOVE Arabic Letter Waw with Dot Above
U + 06D0 (1744) ېې other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER E. Arabic letter E.
U + 06D1 (1745) ۑۑ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER YEH WITH THREE DOTS BELOW Arabic Letter Ya with Three Dots Below
U + 06D2 (1746) ےے other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER YEH BARREE ARABIC LETTER BARI YE
U + 06D3 (1747) ۓۓ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER YEH BARREE WITH HAMZA ABOVE Arabic Letter Bari Ye with Hamza Above
U + 06D4 (1748) ۔۔ other punctuation arabic letter ARABIC FULL STOP Arabic point
U + 06D5 (1749) ەە other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER AE Arabic letter A
U + 06D6 (1750) ۖ◌ۖ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
U + 06D7 (1751) ۗ◌ۗ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
U + 06D8 (1752) ۘ◌ۘ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC SMALL HIGH MEEM INITIAL FORM Arabic small high Mim initial form
U + 06D9 (1753) ۙ◌ۙ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
U + 06DA (1754) ۚ◌ۚ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC SMALL HIGH JEEM Arabic small tall jim
U + 06DB (1755) ۛ◌ۛ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
U + 06DC (1756) ۜ◌ۜ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC SMALL HIGH LAKES Arabic small high sin
U + 06DD (1757) ۝۝ Formatting characters Arabic numeral ARABIC END OF AYAH End of Āya
U + 06DE (1758) ۞۞ different symbol other neutral sign ARABIC START OF RUB EL HIZB Rub al-hizb
U + 06DF (1759) ۟◌۟ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
U + 06E0 (1760) ۠◌۠ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
U + 06E1 (1761) ۡ◌ۡ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
U + 06E2 (1762) ۢ◌ۢ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC SMALL HIGH MEEM ISOLATED FORM Arabic small high mim isolated form
U + 06E3 (1763) ۣ◌ۣ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC SMALL LOW LAKES Arabic small deep sin
U + 06E4 (1764) ۤ◌ۤ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
U + 06E5 (1765) ۥۥ modifying letter arabic letter ARABIC SMALL WAW Arabic small waw
U + 06E6 (1766) ۦۦ modifying letter arabic letter ARABIC SMALL YEH Arabic small ya
U + 06E7 (1767) ۧ◌ۧ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
U + 06E8 (1768) ۨ◌ۨ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC SMALL HIGH NOON Arabic small high nun
U + 06E9 (1769) ۩۩ different symbol other neutral sign ARABIC PLACE OF SAJDAH  
U + 06EA (1770) ۪◌۪ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
U + 06EB (1771) ۫◌۫ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
U + 06EC (1772) ۬◌۬ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
U + 06ED (1773) ۭ◌ۭ Marking without
extra width
Marking without
extra width
ARABIC SMALL LOW MEEM Arabic small deep mim
U + 06EE (1774) ۮۮ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER DAL WITH INVERTED V Arabic Letter Dal with Inverted V
U + 06EF (1775) ۯۯ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER REH WITH INVERTED V Arabic Letter Ra with Inverted V
U + 06F0 (1776) ۰۰ Decimal digit European digit EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO East Arabic-Indian Digit Zero
U + 06F1 (1777) ۱۱ Decimal digit European digit EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ONE East Arabic-Indian digit one
U + 06F2 (1778) ۲۲ Decimal digit European digit EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT TWO East Arabic-Indic digit two
U + 06F3 (1779) ۳۳ Decimal digit European digit EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT THREE East Arabic-Indian digit three
U + 06F4 (1780) ۴۴ Decimal digit European digit EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FOUR East Arabic-Indian digit four
U + 06F5 (1781) ۵۵ Decimal digit European digit EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FIVE East Arabic-Indian Digit Five
U + 06F6 (1782) ۶۶ Decimal digit European digit EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT SIX East Arabic-Indian digit six
U + 06F7 (1783) ۷۷ Decimal digit European digit EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT SEVEN East Arabic-Indian digit seven
U + 06F8 (1784) ۸۸ Decimal digit European digit EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT EIGHT East Arabic-Indian digit eight
U + 06F9 (1785) ۹۹ Decimal digit European digit EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT NINE East Arabic-Indian Digit Nine
U + 06FA (1786) ۺۺ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER SHEEN WITH DOT BELOW Arabic Letter Shin with Dot Below
U + 06FB (1787) ۻۻ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER DAD WITH DOT BELOW Arabic Letter Dad with a Dot Below
U + 06FC (1788) ۼۼ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER GHAIN WITH DOT BELOW Arabic Letter Ghain with Dot Below
U + 06FD (1789) ۽۽ different symbol arabic letter ARABIC SIGN SINDHI AMPERSAND Arabic character Sindhi ampersand
U + 06FE (1790) ۾۾ different symbol arabic letter ARABIC SIGN SINDHI POSTPOSITION MEN Arabic character Sindhi postposition men
U + 06FF (1791) ۿۿ other letter, syllable or ideogram arabic letter ARABIC LETTER HEH WITH INVERTED V Arabic Letter Ha with V inverted

Graphic board

UCB Arabic.png
Representation of the characters as graphics. Unoccupied code points are single hatched, format or control characters are replaced by double hatching.

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