Indivisible (demonstration)

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Human chain of the indivisible alliance for solidarity on June 14, 2020 in Berlin

Indivisible (#indivisible) - For an open and free society - Solidarity instead of exclusion is an alliance that held a large demonstration for the first time on October 13, 2018 in Berlin . The alliance is mainly supported by NGOs, initiatives and trade unions. On August 24, 2019, a nationwide follow-up demonstration took place in Dresden . A nationwide demonstration in the form of human chains followed on June 14, 2020 .


Demonstration in Berlin 2018

Organization and process

The demonstration should be directed against racism and political tendencies towards the exclusion of social groups in Germany. More solidarity was called for. The march led from Alexanderplatz in the direction of Potsdamer Platz , on to the Brandenburg Gate and from there to the Victory Column , where the final rally took place. The call for a demonstration had been signed by more than 4,500 organizations and individuals, including the actor Benno Fürmann , the satirist Jan Böhmermann , the writer Eva Menasse , the social scientist Naika Foroutan , the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband , Amnesty International, Pro Asyl and bands such as The Doctors and The Stars . Political parties such as Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen , SPD Berlin and Die Linke Berlin also took part in the demonstration, as did the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany , which, according to a spokesman, only learned later that the organizers had distanced themselves from them. The CDU Berlin expressly did not support the demonstration and justified this with the fact that its applicant was a lawyer for the Red Aid , which supports “ left-wing extremist criminals”.

The organizer stated that the number of participants was around 240,000. Initially, the organizers had only expected 40,000 participants. The police estimated the number of participants at around 120,000. She reported no major incidents, the event had a "happening character".

At the final rally at the Victory Column, the managing director of Aktion Sühnezeichen , Jutta Weduwen, the Berlin general superintendent Ulrike Trautwein and the Germany boss of Amnesty International , Markus Beeko, spoke . The subsequent cultural program was designed by Herbert Grönemeyer , Konstantin Wecker , Dirk von Lowtzow from the band Tocotronic , Romano and singer Joy Denalane and other artists.

According to an analysis by the microblogging service Twitter , #EsReicht and #Undeilbar were the fourth and fifth most-used debate hashtags of 2018.


The demonstration took place against the background of xenophobic demonstrations. In particular those in Chemnitz and Köthen were the reason for various initiators to call for this demonstration.

In the calls for the Berlin demonstration, the target was named

“Together with the #unteilbar alliance, we want to set an example against racism and human contempt . We oppose that right-wing groups and parties, Pegida, right-wing hooligans and the AfD openly attack humanity, human rights, religious freedom and the rule of law "

- SPD Berlin

Demonstration in Dresden 2019

A follow-up meeting with participants from all over Germany took place in Dresden on August 24, 2019 . This is said to have had around 40,000 participants and is considered the largest demonstration in Dresden since German reunification . Some of the participants traveled by special trains. Around 300 organizations signed the appeal. According to the taz , representatives of churches, educational institutions, political parties, social associations, environmental protection, refugees, cultural workers and club operators took part in the event as well as citizens, and according to the world, numerous left-wing radicals . The demonstration was peaceful. Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer decided against participating.

Demonstrations in Erfurt 2020

After Thomas Kemmerich (FDP) was elected Prime Minister of Thuringia on February 5, 2020 with the votes of AfD , CDU and FDP, the alliance organized under the motto #nichtmituns - No pact with fascists - never and nowhere! a nationwide demonstration on February 15, 2020 in Erfurt. The demonstration was directed against racism and a collaboration with the AfD. The trigger was the election of Thomas Kemmerich (FDP) as Prime Minister of Thuringia with the help of votes from the AfD, which resigned on February 8, 2020 after massive protests.

Demonstration #nichtmituns on February 15, 2020 in Erfurt

As the reason for the call for the demonstration, the alliance declared #unteilbar, the election of Kemmerich marked a "taboo break", even after his "rowing back" it is clear that parts of the FDP and CDU are also ready to cooperate with the AfD. Such should not exist, one is "deeply indignant". In addition to the #indivisible alliance, according to their own statements, the organizers included the German Trade Union Federation , the umbrella organization for migrant organizations in East Germany (DaMOst) and many other organizations, alliances and initiatives. The demonstration led from Domplatz via Benaryplatz and Karl-Marx-Platz to the House of Social Services, where the final rally took place. According to information from the organizers, around 18,000 people took part in the demonstration, and according to the police there were around 9,000 people.

An event announced for June 14, 2020 for the nationwide “Indivisible” day of action had to be postponed at short notice - in Erfurt - due to bad weather.

Demonstration in Berlin in June 2020

On June 14, 2020, the alliance held another demonstration in Berlin, in which, according to their own information, 20,000 people, and according to the police, around 8,000 people took part. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the activists had promised special safety precautions in advance, including a mask requirement and minimum distances for the participants.


The position of indivisible is controversial because the understanding of the terms and their definitions differ:

“We stand for solidarity instead of exclusion and for an open and free society! We do not allow the welfare state, flight and migration to be played off against each other. We oppose this if fundamental rights and freedoms are further restricted. We fight together against racism and discrimination. Our diversity is our strength "

The terms used are understood differently.


Indivisible in Berlin 2018

Sarah Wagenknecht ( Die Linke ) expressed reservations about the spectrum of participants in the run-up to the 2018 Berlin demonstration. She called the demand for open borders “completely unworldly”. Those who are against racism but not in favor of “open borders for all” have been excluded.

Inge Bell , member of the board of directors of the human rights organization Terre des Femmes , said in advance that the demonstration was a “sham” that she did not support: “Figureheads, first signatories and driving forces are Salafist organizations and organizations close to the Muslim Brotherhood , including anti-Semitic and nationalist initiatives - and individuals who to this day have a very difficult relationship with democracy and against fascism. "

Martin Niewendick wrote on Welt Online that the claim to be indivisible is already being reduced to absurdity by the fact that the demonstration is divided into several blocks: “And that the Central Council of Muslims is indivisible with the Giordano Bruno Foundation , all of them who awards a blasphemy art prize for two years can also be doubted. ”Nevertheless, both of them signed the call for a demonstration.

Niewendick also criticizes the fact that during the demonstration there were anti-Israel rallies and calls to support the boycott campaign Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions . The organizers distanced themselves two days later on Twitter . Participants in a "Show the flag against right-wing extremism" campaign, who, contrary to a request from the organizers, carried German flags and wanted to form their own demonstration block , were harassed and threatened by anti- Nazi activists until the police intervened. Palestinian and Turkish flags, however, were accepted, according to Niewendick. A group of young liberals among the participants was also harassed and insulted.

Indivisible in Dresden 2019

Johannes Boie , editor-in-chief of Welt am Sonntag , criticized at the follow-up event in 2019 in Dresden that indivisible seems to be "only the certainty of the organizers that they are on the right side." However, this only increases the rift through society: "Who exactly listens, can perhaps hear Saxon AfD sympathizers while looking at the demo: "Why am I being put in the right corner - and down there the SPD is marching with the radical left-wing Antifa on a train in which German flags are undesirable?"

The extremist background of individual participants (such as the person who registered the demonstration, who is a member of the left-wing extremist Red Aid ) and groups (such as “Antifa Nordost”) was also criticized . It caused concern that individual demonstration participants were said to have been attacked because they came with the German flag and thus violated the organizers' wish not to carry national flags. Representatives of the youth organization of the FDP also reported that they had been harassed, which the organizers of “Indivisible” neither denied nor regretted.


  • Alliance #unteilbar (Ed.): # UnteilbarFür an open and solidary society , Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-5502-0036-6 .

Web links

Commons : Indivisible  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  3. How the SPD, the Left and the Greens are promoting #indivisible. In: Der Tagesspiegel . October 12, 2018, accessed October 16, 2018 .
  4. For an open and free society - solidarity instead of exclusion! Initiative Indivisible, accessed October 15, 2018 .
  5. a b # Indivisible organizers speak of 240,000 participants. Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg , October 13, 2018, accessed October 15, 2018 .
  6. a b c d Martin Niewendick: Wut auf der Wohlfühl-Demo , Welt Online, October 17, 2018.
  7. Imre Balzer: The collecting movement is there. Die Zeit , October 13, 2018, accessed on October 16, 2018 .
  8. ^ Mass German rally against far right. BBC News , October 13, 2018, accessed October 15, 2018 .
  9. Indivisible demonstration in Berlin: Tens of thousands take to the streets with colorful posters against racism. Stuttgarter Zeitung , October 13, 2018, accessed on October 15, 2018 .
  10. More than 100,000 roam Berlin , n-tv, October 13, 2018.
  11. program. Initiative Indivisible, accessed October 15, 2018 .
  12. #WeSindMore was the most popular debate hashtag . In: Spiegel Online . 5th December 2018.
  13. ^ Right- wing demonstration and counter-demonstration in Chemnitz. Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk , accessed on October 18, 2018 .
  14. ^ Again the right-wing demonstration and protests in Koethen. Die Zeit , September 16, 2018, accessed on October 18, 2018 .
  15. Christina Clemm: Show that many do not want to divide society. Deutschlandfunk Kultur , August 31, 2018, accessed on October 18, 2018 .
  16. Come to the #unteilbar-Demo in Berlin! Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen , accessed on March 25, 2019 : “The right-wing extremists are marching again. Side by side with AfD , hooligans and Pegida "
  17. SPD Berlin supports #individable. SPD , accessed on March 25, 2019 : “Together with the #unteilbar alliance, we want to set an example against racism and human contempt. We oppose that right-wing groups and parties, Pegida, right-wing hooligans and the AfD openly attack humanity, human rights, religious freedom and the rule of law "
  18. Come to the #unteilbar-Demo in Berlin! Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen , accessed on March 25, 2019 : “The right-wing extremists are marching again. Side by side with AfD, hooligans and Pegida "
  19. "Dresden is #unteilbar" TAZ of August 24, 2019
  20. ^ Christian Jakob : Indivisible demo in Dresden was plural: No day of re-education. In: , August 25, 2019, accessed on August 25, 2019.
  21. a b Johannes Boie : Renate Künast and her bigoted Boris Johnson tweet , Die Welt, August 24, 2018.
  22. ^ Election in Thuringia - Kemmerich is the new Prime Minister. Retrieved April 24, 2020 .
  23. #NichtMitUns - Nationwide large demo in Erfurt. In: Retrieved April 24, 2020 .
  24. Several thousand people in a demonstration against the election of the prime minister. In: Retrieved April 24, 2020 .
  25. ^ Resignation of Thomas Kemmerich. In: Retrieved April 24, 2020 .
  26. ↑ Large demonstration on February 15th, 2020 in Erfurt. Alliance # indivisible , accessed on April 26, 2020 .
  27. Press kit for the press conference on February 13, 2020 in Erfurt. Retrieved April 24, 2020 .
  28. Route of the #nichtmituns demonstration. Retrieved April 26, 2020 .
  29. Several thousand people in a demonstration against the election of the prime minister. Retrieved April 26, 2020 .
  30. ^ "Band der Solidarirät" Human Chains for Solidarity , Junge Welt from June 15, 2020 (accessed online on June 14, 2020)
  31. dpa: "How high is the Corona risk on demos?" from June 12, 2020
  34. Imre Balzer: The collecting movement is there. October 13, 2018, accessed June 18, 2020 .
  35. a b Matthias Meisner : Wagenknecht has reservations about the #unteilbar demo . Ed .: Der Tagesspiegel . October 11, 2018 ( [accessed October 17, 2018]): “Of course .. absolutely correct when many people take to the streets against racism and right-wing developments. But .. in the call for demonstrations there is a tendency where a certain position, namely 'open borders for all', is again presented as the determining position "
  36. Inge Bell: "Indivisible" - without me. , October 13, 2017.
  37. Martin Niewendick: #unteilbar, #wegbassen, #wirsindmehr - these labels are fiction. In: Welt Online , October 9, 2018.
  38. Mona Jaeger: “Indivisible” demonstration: The good end and its means . ISSN  0174-4909 ( [accessed September 6, 2019]).