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ZSU-23-4 Schilka
Fla-Sfl ZSU-23-4 in the Artillery Museum St. Petersburg

Fla-Sfl ZSU-23-4 in the Artillery Museum St. Petersburg

General properties
crew 4 (commander, driver, two radar monitors)
length 6.54 m
width 2.95 m
height 2.25 m
Dimensions 20.5 tons
Armor and armament
Armor 8.3-9.2 mm
Main armament 4 × 23-mm automatic cannon ASP 23 "Amur", water-cooled
Secondary armament no
drive W6R 6-cylinder in-line diesel engine
210 kW (280 PS )
suspension Torsion bar ( PT-76 chassis)
Top speed 50 km / h
Power / weight 10.2 kW / ton
Range 450 km

The self-propelled guns ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" ( Russian ЗСУ-23-4 "Шилка" , ЗСУ = зенитная самоходная установка, transcription: SSU = Senitnaja Samochodnaja Ustanowka, German antiaircraft -Selbstfahrlafette) is in the Soviet Union developed Flakpanzer to combat low flying warplanes and helicopters as well as lightly armored ground targets.

She has been in service with the Soviet and Russian armed forces since 1965 , and with all other armies of the Warsaw signatory states and a number of other armies since the early 1970s . The vehicle is named after the Shilka River in Eastern Siberia .

Development history

The predecessor, the Fla-Sfl ZSU 57-2 in the foreground, behind the Fla-Sfl 23-4

The Second World War had already shown that motorized infantry and genuine tank units needed anti-aircraft support weapons that could follow them on the battlefield and offer a minimum of protection against low-flying aircraft. During the war, however, the USSR focused on building battle tanks, assault guns, and tank destroyers. Self-propelled anti-aircraft weapons such as the SU-72 or the ZSU-37 based on the 37 mm M1939 anti-aircraft gun were developed, but were not used in large numbers.

During the Cold War , series production of the Fla-Sfl ZSU-57-2 began in the mid-1950s . Protection and mobility were advantageous compared to the rifled anti-aircraft artillery previously used, the range based on the relatively large caliber and the effect on the target. The disadvantage was the low rate of 100 to 120 rounds per minute, which made it difficult to fight high-speed and low-flying targets, as well as the lack of electronic reconnaissance and fire control. Operation at night and with poor visibility was therefore not possible, detection and combat of targets were made more difficult even during the day and depended on the level of training of the crew. With the use of the NATO jet fighter aircraft introduced in the 1950s , the properties of this weapon system were no longer sufficient. Since the deficiencies became apparent early on, the Council of Ministers of the USSR instructed the development of two new Fla-Sfl on April 17, 1957, shortly after the start of production of the ZSU-57-2.

In the meantime, the development of electronic components had reached a level that enabled the integration of radar and fire control systems into a combat vehicle instead of having to accommodate them in their own vehicles as was previously the case. Therefore, the new Fla-Sfl should offer the possibility of electronic reconnaissance and fire control.

On the basis of the instruction, the Fla-Sfl ZSU-37-2 Jenissei and the ZSU-23-4 Schilka were created . The ZSU-37-2 had two 37-mm cannons 500P and was based on the chassis of the self-propelled artillery gun SU-100P, which, however, did not go into series production. The ZSU-23-4 had four 23 mm 2A7 cannons and used a chassis developed on the basis of the PT-76 . The electronic equipment of both weapon systems also differed. The ZSU-37-2 Yenisei received the weapon control complex RPK Baikal , the ZSU-23-4 Schilka the RPK Tobol . Both weapons control systems enabled reconnaissance, target accompaniment and calculation of target data for the weapon systems. The originally intended deployment profiles of both flak tanks differed slightly. While the ZSU-37-2 was intended to be used by tank units, the ZSU-23-4 was intended to protect mechanized and motorized infantry units.

The prototypes of both flak tanks were completed in 1960, the subsequent state testing dragged on until October 1961. Due to their design, the two weapon systems had different properties. While the effectiveness of the Shilka in fighting air targets at a height of 200 to 500 m was one and a half to two times higher than that of the Yenisei , the effective range of the weapons was significantly higher in the latter. The advantages of the Schilka were mainly achieved through the small-caliber weapons, which enabled high cadence and greater aiming speeds. The larger caliber of the Yenisei , on the other hand, enabled effective combat against aerial targets up to an altitude of 3000 m, while effective combat with the shilka was only possible up to 1500 m. The Yenisei was around 28 tonnes in weight also significantly heavier than the Shilka . The production costs of the two anti-aircraft tanks practically did not differ. The state commission recommended adopting both weapon systems, as neither of the two had decisive advantages. Ultimately, the range and weapon effect of the Schilka appeared sufficient, which was also based on a chassis widely used in the Soviet Army, while the chassis of the ZSU-37-2 was a separate construction. The lower mass of the ZSU-23-4 also increased mobility and made transport easier. Therefore, on September 5, 1962, the Council of Ministers decided to mass-produce the ZSU-23-4 Shilka , while the Yenisei project was discontinued.


Structure of the weapon system

The ZSU-23-4 is designed for largely autonomous use. Usually used in an anti-aircraft battery, the use of remote vehicles is also possible. The normal use of batteries in regular armed forces is closed. The battery is responsible for reconnaissance of the airspace and the combat against air targets. It is also responsible for the transport and supply of ammunition as well as the maintenance and repair of the battery's flak tanks. An anti-aircraft artillery battery or the anti-aircraft artillery train of an anti-aircraft missile artillery battery consists of:

  • the movable guide point 9S486 (PU-12)
  • four flak tanks ZSU-23-4
  • the truck-based radio measurement workshop KRAS-1RSch or radio measurement workshop KRAS-1RSchM with an electrical unit ÄSD-20
  • a vehicle for the transport of spare parts, tools and accessories
  • four transport and loading vehicles for transporting ammunition

Basic interaction of the elements of the weapon system

The control center 9S486 is used for the automated display, processing and transmission of information on the air situation as well as for guiding and fire control of the anti-aircraft battery. The air situation information obtained from various radar devices or command posts is automatically transmitted to the control center 9S486 and displayed there for the battery chief. However, further automated transmission of this information to the flak tanks is not possible and, due to the delay time and the system's own inaccuracy, also makes no sense. Orders for reconnaissance of the airspace and target data are transmitted to the ZSU-23-4 by radio. In the command post PU-12 twelve, in the PU-12M version ninety-nine air targets can be displayed at the same time.

The radar system of the ZSU-23-4 enables electronic reconnaissance at distances of up to 12,000 m. Either an all-round search or a sector search can be carried out. From a distance of 10,000 m, an automatic accompaniment of the target is possible. The target data of the recorded target are automatically transferred to the fire control system. There, depending on the position, course and speed of the air target, the lead point for the weapon system is calculated. The air target to be combated must be visually identified if necessary; there is no friend-foe recognition system. Radar devices and fire control systems enable different operating modes. Combat of the aerial target is possible at an inclined distance of 2,500 m and an altitude of 1,500 m. The weapon system can be used while stationary or while driving at speeds of up to 25 km / h.

The vehicles for transporting ammunition follow the battery at a distance of 1.5 to 2 km and, if necessary, feed the flak tank with the supplement for the fired ammunition. The ammunition on the transport and loading vehicles is already strapped and can be handed over to the flak tank in a relatively short time.

The radio measurement workshop KRAS-1RSch enables the testing and repair of the ZSU-23-4 under field-like conditions. With the extensive testing equipment, most of the electronic assemblies of the ZSU-23-4 can be tested automatically. The spare parts, tools and accessories carried along enable the majority of the flak tank assemblies and wear parts to be exchanged. With the help of the radio measurement workshop KRAS-1RSch, most of the regular maintenance and repair work on the flak tank can be carried out in the battery.

Structure of the ZSU-23-4

Chassis and power supply

ZSU-23-4, rear view. The semicircular hatch on the right covers the gas turbine outlet when not in use

The type GM 575 is used as the chassis. This is a modification of the original for the floating tank PT-76 or the artillery Sfl. ASU-85 developed a chassis that also served as the basis for other Soviet combat and command vehicles. The drive and power supply system are housed in the rear, the central section houses the tower, and the driver's seat is at the front left. The chassis is sprung with torsion bars and has six rollers on each side ; there are no supporting rollers. A six-cylinder diesel engine with an output of 280 hp is installed transversely in the rear . This part is also a modification of a type widely used in Soviet military vehicles. The motor drives the rear drive wheels via a mechanical transmission. The flak tank is steered with the help of a steering brake. The diesel engine can also be used to supply the on-board electrics of the ZSU-23-4 when the vehicle is stationary; the engine speed is set to a little less than 2,000 revolutions for this. The chassis and drive enable a cruising speed of 50 km / h on the road and 30 km / h in the field, so the ZSU-23-4 can follow the units to be supported both on the march and in combat.

A gas turbine of the type DG4 or one of its modifications with an output of 51 kW is used as the primary power source . The advantage of the gas turbine is a high power output with a compact design and low weight as well as a short commissioning time, the disadvantage in the high fuel consumption. The gas turbine, like the traction motor, uses diesel fuel. It is located in the rear to the right of the traction motor and drives the generator G / SW-2-14 and the converter BP112 via a gearbox to which the traction motor can also be connected . Three- phase alternating current is provided with a voltage of 220 V and a frequency of 400 Hz as well as direct current for the on-board network with a voltage of 27 V. Since the fuel consumption of the turbine is very high at 90 l / h, the training company either uses a fixed power supply Mains or via the electrical unit ÄSD-20 carried by the KRAS-1RSch. The driving range depends heavily on the use of the gas turbine system. With an operating reserve of 1.5 to 2 hours for the gas turbine, it is around 450 km on roads and 300 km off-road.

The chassis and turret are armored, but the armor on the turret is only 10 mm thick and only protects against fragments and small-caliber ammunition. The flak tank has a filter ventilation system that protects against bacteriological and chemical warfare agents and radioactive fallout for a maximum of four hours .

The ZSU-23-4 is not buoyant, but can wade through bodies of water to a depth of 1 m without preparation. Size and weight allow air transport with aircraft of the types Antonov An-12 and Ilyushin Il-76 .

The driver has an active night vision system . The driver's hatch can be covered by an armored plate, then observation takes place through a corner mirror , with the armor folded up through the open or covered with a glass pane. The connection to other units was maintained via an R-123 radio , and the crew members communicated with each other via the TPU-4 intercom. A TNA-2 or 3 navigation device was available to the commander / driver for navigation. The device continuously calculates the coordinates of its own location using the vehicle's angle of rotation and the measured speed.

Weapon system

View of the weapon system. You can see the tube cradles, the liquid-cooled weapons, the muzzle caps of the weapons operated by cables and the ejector tubes for the cases
Structure of the tower 2A10, top view:
A - place of the commander
B - place of the radio detector 1
C - place of the radio
2 1 - left belt bunker 2 - weapons AZP-23-4
3 - right belt bunker
4 - computing device 2A7
5 - panoramic screen 1Rl33
6 - Distance screen 1RL33
7 - SBZ (MIT) 1RL33
8 - Antenna control assemblies

The weapon system of the ZSU-23-4 consists of

  • the tower 2A10
  • the actual weapon system AZP-23-4
  • the directional drives 2Ä2

Technical data for the weapon system

  • Caliber: 23 mm
  • Length of the tube: 82 caliber
  • Weight of one weapon: 85 kg
  • Side straightening range: 360 °
  • Elevation range: −4 ° to 85 °
  • theoretical rate of fire: 3,200-3,600 rounds / min
  • practical rate of fire: 2,000 rounds / min
  • Shot height, maximum: 1,500 m
  • Firing distance, maximum: 2,500 m (slanting distance)

The weapon system of the ZSU-23-4 is located in the front two thirds of the tower. In the center of the front is the actual AZP-23-4 Amur weapon system (АЗП-23-4 Амур ). It consists of four automatic cannons of 23 mm caliber. The weapons are liquid-cooled and have a rate of 11 rounds per second. This results in a theoretical rate of fire of 3,200 to 3,600 rounds / min when shooting from all four barrels, but it is also possible to shoot from just two barrels. Air targets are usually fought with short bursts of two to three rounds. With bursts of fire of more than 50 shots there is a risk of failure of the cooling. The weapons are directed vertically by hydraulic straightening drives, and sideways straightening is also done hydraulically by rotating the complete tower. The operation of the straightening drives is limited to two hours, after which a break must be taken. If the hydraulic straightening drives fail, straightening can also be carried out by hand. The pipe elevation is limited to values ​​between −4 ° and 85 °, the side straightening range is unlimited. When using the hydraulic straightening drives, depending on the operating mode, the straightening speed is a maximum of 55 to 65 ° / s according to the height and 65 to 75 ° / s towards the side. This means that it is also possible to fight fast and low-flying targets at short distances. The efficiency of the directional drives limits the inclination of the flak tank when using weapons to 10 °, otherwise inclinations of up to 20 ° are permitted while driving. The weapons are fired electrically. Fire from all four weapons has the greatest hit probability, which is why it is used against unexpectedly appearing as well as fast and low-flying targets. When shooting with two weapons, either the upper or lower weapons could be used.

The ammunition bunkers are located to the left and right of the weapon system. The ammunition, a total of 2000 rounds, is fed to the weapons with belts. Mixed fragmentation grenades and tank incendiary grenades are used in a ratio of 3 to 1. The fragmentation explosive projectiles are used in the version with (ОФЗТ) or without (ОФЗ) tracer, the tank incendiary grenades only with tracer (БЗТ). The tracer should enable the position of the shots in the target to be observed and, if necessary, corrected, particularly in the optical operating method. The grenade cartridges each weigh 450 g, the muzzle velocity is 900 to 1000 m / s. The effect against air targets results from the projectile cloud, which is created by the high rate of fire and the dispersion of the weapons. The tank incendiary grenades penetrate armor 25 mm thick at a distance of 500 m and 10 mm at a distance of 1000 m. Cadence and effect in the target enable the ZSU-23-4 to be used against non-armored or only lightly armored targets on the ground. The deployment was therefore also observed in conflicts such as in Afghanistan and Chechnya , where there was no threat from enemy aircraft.

Fire control system

ZSU-23-4, tower swiveled. You can see the armor plate covering the weapon system from above, as well as the night vision system on the left in the picture above the chain cover.
Scheme of the structure of the antenna system of the 1RL33 radar station.
1 - Exciter
2 - Secondary reflector with polarization filter
3 - Primary reflector
4 - Radiated electromagnetic wave
Representation for transmission mode
The two large hatches to cover the ammunition bunkers and the antenna system can be seen here. Immediately in front of the crew hatches, on the left in the picture, are the sighting heads. The front head in the picture is covered, the rear head is opened.

The fire control system is referred to as радиолокационно-приборный комплекс, roughly translated as a radar device complex. Such a complex includes systems for reconnaissance and fire control in Soviet military vehicles. The RPK-2 (РПК-2) is used in the ZSU-23-4. It consists of

  • the radar station 1Rl33 (1РЛ33) or one of its modifications
  • the computing device (СРП) 1A7
  • the optical sighting system
  • the stabilization system GAG

The RPK is housed in the rear part of the tower, in which there is also space for the crew (except for the driver). The crew consists of the commander and two radio locators.

Radar station 1RL33

The radar station 1Rl33 is used to clear up the airspace, accompany the target and determine the target coordinates. Due to the development before 1960, it is built with electron tubes, in later modifications partially transistorized assemblies were used. In order to achieve sufficient angular accuracy with reasonable dimensions of the antenna system, it works in the Ku-band with a frequency in the range of 16 GHz. A magnetron is used in the transmitter . To protect against passive radar interference, the flak tank has a system for selecting moving targets (SBZ) that worked with potential storage tubes. The system has the option of wind compensation . The installation of a friend-enemy identification system of the type 1RL251 was prepared, but the flak tanks intended for export, including those of the NVA, were not equipped with this system.

The antenna of the radar station is folded back in the marching position. The parabolic antenna uses the polarization of electromagnetic waves . A vertically polarized electromagnetic wave is radiated from the exciter in the direction of the vertically oriented secondary reflector with a polarization filter. The secondary reflector reflects the wave in the direction of the primary reflector, i.e. the actual parabolic mirror. The wave is radiated from the parabolic mirror in the direction of the secondary reflector, the polarization is rotated from vertical to horizontal. However, since the secondary reflector is designed as a polarization filter, the now horizontally polarized wave can pass it unhindered. With small dimensions, this design enables a high antenna gain compared to conventional parabolic antennas and the implementation of the small opening angle of the directional diagram required for automatic target accompaniment, which is 1 ° here. In contrast to the conventional Cassegrain antenna , the primary and secondary reflectors have almost the same diameter, which further increases the antenna gain. In addition, the undesired shadowing of the primary reflector by the secondary reflector is avoided. The same antenna is used for both the search operation and the target accompaniment, but the radiator that feeds the antenna is switched. In order to compensate for the offset of the radiator when switching from search to target escort mode, the antenna is swiveled sideways by a defined value. The antenna is directed - independently of the tower - with the help of electrical drives. The lateral straightening range is unlimited, the elevational straightening range is between −2 ° and 87 °.

The radar station can work in several modes. In the all-round search mode, the antenna is rotated at a speed of 20 ° / s, which corresponds to 3.3 revolutions per minute. The elevation angle is automatically deflected from 0 to 15 °. With the accelerated all-round search, the elevation angle is fixed, but can be switched to two different values. For the automatic sector search, a variable lateral search area from 30 to 70 ° latitude can be set, according to the height an area of ​​45 ° is searched. Alternatively, the sector search can also be carried out manually. The air situation is shown to the radio locator 1, referred to in the NVA as the Oberfunkorter, on a panoramic device. In the target escort operation, the perceived aerial target is automatically accompanied and the distance to the target is determined. The distance resolution is 75 m, the accuracy of the distance determination is 10 m, the accuracy of the angular coordinates is well below one degree. The distance to the air target is displayed to the radio locator 2 on a distance viewing device. In order to automatically accompany an aerial target and to determine the information for the computing device, it must first be accompanied manually and covered manually with marks on the viewing devices before it can be switched to automatic target accompaniment. A trained radio locator needs 3 to 5.5 s to grasp and accompany.

In the automatic all-round search mode, only a limited height range can be searched due to the narrow directional diagram. A reliable detection of aerial targets at all altitudes with only one ZSU-23-4 is not possible. Therefore, the radar stations of all Fla-Sfl of the battery must be used for seamless monitoring of the airspace. However, the lack of a data transfer option limits the display of the air situation for the Fla-Sfl and the battery boss.

Visor system

The optical sighting system enables reconnaissance and target accompaniment without emitting electromagnetic waves. It consists of two visors, the heads of which are covered by armored caps when not in use. One visor is automatically pivoted axially parallel to the weapon system, for this purpose the visor is connected to the tubular cradle via rods, the other to the antenna. The visor has a reticle for manual distance determination.

Computing device 1A7

The computing device 1A7 is an analog computer , which mostly with resolvers and resolvers is built. The advantage of this design lay in the significantly higher operating speed of analog computers compared to digital computers at the time of development and in the simple implementation of the differential equations to be solved by rotating electrical machines. The lead point and the guide values ​​for the weapons are calculated in the computing device on the basis of the information provided by the radar system about the target. Alternatively, information on the target coordinates can also be provided by the sighting system. At the same time, it is continuously calculated whether the target is in the ZSU-23-4's zone of action, depending on the course, speed and distance. The computing device automatically takes into account the inclination of the tank and the turret position in the calculation. Other values, such as the propellant charge temperature or the degree of wear on the guns, must be set manually. The computing device cannot determine any values ​​for air targets that fly at speeds above 450 m / s or higher than 1500 m. If the air target is in the zone of effect, this is indicated to the crew. The calculator needs between 4 and 5.5 s to calculate the guide values.

Working method

In principle, the device complex enables five so-called operating modes, which have been referred to as working methods.

In working method 1, the target was automatically accompanied and the elevation and bank angles as well as distance were continuously transmitted to the computing device. The weapons are automatically aimed at the lead point.

In working method 2, the radar device does not emit. The target is visually accompanied by the radio locator, the elevation and lateral angles are automatically transmitted to the computing device, the distance must be determined using a reticle in the sight and entered by hand.

In working method 3, the radar device does not emit either. The computing device continuously determines the lead point based on the stored values. This working method could be used for a maximum of ten seconds; previously, operation in method 1 or 2 of at least ten seconds was required.

In working method 4, the radar device does not emit either. The lead point is determined with the help of a ring sight plate in the sight 2, which is coupled to the weapon system.

In working method 5 for shooting at ground targets, a range reticle is used in the sight 2, otherwise it is the same as method 4.

In addition, the so-called commander alignment device can be used. This is a reflex sight that is attached to the commander's turret hatch. The straightening drives can be controlled directly via the commander straightening device. By coupling the sights, antenna system and weapons, the commander can be assigned a target to the radio locator.

The greatest accuracy and thus the probability of a hit is achieved in working method 1. However, a quick target change is not possible in this method, since a total of around 11 s are required to combat a target. Therefore, further and surprisingly emerging goals are combated in working method 4. Another disadvantage in working method 1 is the emission of the radar device, which facilitates the reconnaissance, disruption and combat by the enemy. Although the fire control system was a major step forward compared to its predecessor, the ZSU-57-2, from the early 1980s onwards it no longer met all requirements - the possibilities for reconnaissance and for combating quickly maneuvering targets were too limited.


ZSU-23-4MP Biała. Instead of the radar antenna, the target acquisition optics sit on the antenna carrier that can be rotated and folded backwards. On the right in the picture next to the target acquisition optics the quadruple launcher for the anti-aircraft missiles.

Due to the long construction time, the ZSU-23-4 was produced in various modifications. The modifications 0 , W , W1 and M are known . Externally, the modifications can only be distinguished by the arrangement of the hatches and maintenance openings on the tower and chassis. In the case of modification M , the weapons are also partially covered from above by a movable armor plate. However, the structure and properties of individual assemblies differed considerably.

In the M2 version used in Afghanistan , the fire control system was expanded. The space gained was used to enlarge the ammunition bunker.

As early as the 1980s, conceptual deficiencies in the weapon system became apparent. With the increasing transition to stand-off weapons, the range of the 23 mm cannons was no longer sufficient. The ZSU-23-4 could be fought by attack helicopters with anti-tank guided missiles that were outside the range of the flak tank. Due to the reaction times for technical reasons, a quick target change was not possible when using the reconnaissance radar. It was difficult to combat targets that only appeared briefly. This was significant because from the mid-1980s onwards, NATO introduced attack helicopters and aircraft with precision-guided ammunition and weapon systems that worked on the fire-and-forget principle. Both the lack of inclusion in an automated command network and the relatively high clarity and disruptibility of the ZSU-23-4 due to the radar radiation were deficient.

Even before 1990, considerations were made to modernize the ZSU-23-4. The systems conceptually seen as successors were only released for export by the Soviet Union in 1989, the development of a modern Fla-Sfl Promet with 30 mm cannons in the VR Poland was initially discontinued in 1988. The inadequate air defense capabilities at close range have been stated on various occasions, but the planned modernization of the weapon system no longer took place due to the political changes in 1989/90. Since the ZSU-23-4 was still used by numerous armies after 1990, there were numerous attempts to modify the weapon system. The main objectives were to increase the effective range and immunity to interference without giving up the positive properties of the weapon system. There are now numerous photos showing the installation of infrared guided anti-aircraft missiles of the Soviet design. The extent to which these are standard conversions and whether these are actually functional cannot be assessed on the basis of the photos.

The ZSU-23-4MP Biała represents a profound modernization . In addition to the 23 mm cannons, infrared-guided Grom anti-aircraft missiles , a derivative of the Soviet 9K38 Igla , are also used here. An active radar system has been completely dispensed with, the target acquisition and accompaniment is purely optical. The analog computer was replaced by a digital computer. The use of new ammunition is said to have increased the range of the 23 mm cannons by 0.5 to 1 km. Poland is procuring around 70 copies because the PZA Loara , which has now been produced, is too expensive.


Operational principles

ZSU-23-4 with antenna in combat position, covers for ammunition bunker are open.
Battle Rules "Line of Battle Vehicles"

The ZSU-23-4 was originally intended to protect motorized formations. In the structure of the Soviet Army, which was also taken over by allied armies from the beginning of 1968, each motorized rifle or tank regiment had a Fla-Sfl battery with four flak tanks. The battery was divided into two fire trains with two flak tanks each, plus a battery control vehicle for the battery chief, usually a PU-12 based on the BTR-60 or its successor. The battery also included a technical sub-unit that had vehicles for transporting ammunition, tools, spare parts and accessories, as well as a mobile workshop for testing and repairing the flak tanks.

The ZSU-23-4 was used to defend against enemy aircraft in all types of combat as well as on the march. The flak tank was able to carry out both reconnaissance and fire both from movement and from short stops. Due to the limited range of the weapons, the operational area or the marching band of the regiment could not be completely covered, so it was necessary to establish priorities. The air defense was supplemented by the anti-aircraft missile regiments of the higher command level, usually equipped with the anti-aircraft missile systems 2K12 Kub and 9K33 Osa , the portable anti-aircraft missile systems such as the 9K32 Strela and their successors on the battalion level as well as the anti-aircraft armament of the combat vehicles . However, it was not possible to include the ZSU-23-4 in the command and reconnaissance network due to the technical limitations.

Several battle orders were possible for use in the context of the battery. When taking the line of combat vehicles, the ZSU were in pairs about 200 to 300 m behind the combat vehicles acting in the front line. The distance between the pairs was up to 2000 m, between the AA-Sfl in the pair 100 to 300 m. The order of combat Two lines of combat vehicles could be taken in different variants, the pairs act directly or offset one behind the other. This order of combat was also adopted when forming ambushes on the assumed approach and departure routes of enemy aircraft. A tactical peculiarity was the hiking unit planned in the NVA . It was created as a reaction to the improved reconnaissance and disruption capabilities of NATO. A ZSU-23-4 was supposed to constantly change its place in the regiment's order of action and thus simulate the presence of a battery while the anti-aircraft artillery battery was further behind its own troops or an ambush was formed elsewhere. During the march the order of the column was adopted. The platoon column, in which both Fla-Sfl platoons moved in parallel, was taken with priority if an encounter battle was to be expected, otherwise the battery column. All battle regulations have in common that the ZSU-23-4 of the battery had to be pulled far apart in order to cover the formation to be protected, but even in this way it was not possible to protect all forces and resources of a motorized rifle or tank regiment. The low concentration reduced the likelihood of destruction and made it difficult to combat targets that were attacking at the same time. In principle, the fire of all Fla-Sfl of the battery should be combined to combat aircraft, while other targets can also be combated by a pair of ZSU-23-4. The introduction of anti-aircraft missile systems such as the Strela 1 and Strela 10 could only partially remedy this deficiency.

Use in the GDR

Mixed use of ZSU-23-4 and Strela-1 , here in the Polish People's Army

The supply of the ZSU-23-4 for the National People's Army of the GDR, there called Fla-Sfl ZSU-23-4 , began in 1968. It was to use the now outdated Fla-Sfl ZU-57-2 in the tank regiments and 14.5- Replace mm-Fla-MG ZPU-4 and the 23-mm-Flak ZU-23 in the motorized rifle regiments. This was the first time that an anti-aircraft weapon system with the option of electronic reconnaissance was available in the NVA at regimental level. In the motorized rifle regiments, the protection and mobility of the anti-aircraft units increased considerably. The introduction was planned from the mid-1960s, the reclassification of the corresponding units began before the arrival of the first flak tanks. The structure adopted from January 1965 initially provided for six flak tanks in the battery, the structure from 1968 only four.

From 1968 the teaching facilities were equipped with the new Flak tank in modification 0 . This made it possible to create a training course. Due to the manufacturer's delivery problems, it was initially delivered without a gas turbine, which was later retrofitted. As the first units, the air defense units of the 4th and 8th motorized rifle divisions were equipped with the ZSU-23-4. The last units to receive the anti-aircraft units of the 9th Panzer Division were their Flakpanzer 1975. Due to the long delivery period, the Flakpanzer in the versions 0 , W , W1 and M was delivered to the GDR. Later, however, as part of the main repairs, it was converted to the standard of the Version M , as far as technically possible. Version 0 was used as a training technique at the officers 'and non-commissioned officers' schools of the armed forces , and in some cases it was converted into a training device for use in teaching classes. In 1988 the NVA had a total of 116 ZSU-23-4. Of these, 96 flak tanks were used in the Fla-Sfl batteries of the active motorized rifle and tank regiments, 20 more, i.e. a total of five batteries, were stored for the mobilization divisions of the NVA or used as so-called training combat technology for training purposes in schools.

As early as 1975, the GDR procured a few 9K31 Strela-1 anti- aircraft missile systems . The use was intended in the anti-aircraft batteries of the tank regiments. These batteries were restructured into anti-aircraft missile artillery batteries. Such a battery consisted of a train with four ZSU-23-4 and another train with Strela-1 . Due to the conceptual deficiencies of the 9K31, however, only a few copies were procured, so that initially only a few tank regiments of Military District III were equipped with this weapon system. The AA units were only converted on a larger scale with the arrival of the successor 9K35 Strela-10 , which also largely displaced the Strela-1 from the active regiments of the land forces. Here, too, the anti-aircraft rocket artillery battery consisted of a platoon with four anti-aircraft tanks and another platoon with four anti-aircraft missile systems. Contrary to the original plan, motorized rifle regiments were also equipped with anti-aircraft rocket artillery batteries. In 1988, the 8th Panzer Regiment of the 8th Motorized Rifle Division, the 18th Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 11th Motorized Rifle Division , the 7th Motorized Rifle Regiment and the 14, 15 and 16 tank regiments of the 7th Panzer Division, as well as the 9 Motorized Rifle Regiment and the 21, 22nd Armored Regiments and 23 of the 9th Panzer Division so set up.

In the course of the unilateral disarmament measures decided at the beginning of 1989, the tank regiments of the motorized rifle divisions were completely disbanded, while one tank regiment was ceased to exist in the tank divisions. This meant that only 72 ZSU-23-4 were still in active stock, the 28 flak tanks that had become free were to be stored for the mobilization troops after a major overhaul. However, due to the political changes that occurred in the GDR in autumn 1989, this plan could no longer be fully implemented.

While training and exercises on anti-aircraft missile systems of the NVA with the use of combat ammunition could only be carried out in the USSR, such exercises and training for the anti-aircraft units equipped with the ZSU-23-4 also took place in the GDR. There was a training facility on the flak firing range on the Darß peninsula , where the use of the weapon system with combat ammunition could also be practiced against real air targets. The tactical restrictions that were caused by the otherwise common use of air bags and other towed targets were eliminated.

In the long term, the replacement of the ZSU-23-4 by the 2K22 Tunguska was also planned for the NVA, but there was still no concrete plan in 1989, when the Tunguska was released for export by the Soviet Union.

The existing Fla-Sfl were no longer used after the takeover by the Bundeswehr. Within the framework of NATO equipment aid, a larger number of the ZSU-23-4 were to be given to Greece. In contrast to the handover of the NVA's 9K33 to Greece, this plan did not come to fruition. Individual copies from the former NVA holdings ended up in the USA and Israel.

Use in wars and armed conflicts

A ZSU-23-4 used to represent the enemy in the US Army. Commander (right) and radio detector 1 are in the hatch. The system above the weapons is a laser imitation system that simulates the combat against targets. The infrared headlight of the night vision device can still be seen on the commander's hatch. The antenna is folded down in the marching position.
Iraqi ZSU-23-4 abandoned during the retreat on a marching road, Operation Desert Storm, 1991. The antenna is in the marching position.

The ZSU-23-4 was also exported in large numbers. The weapons delivered to the Middle East and Vietnam were also used in major military conflicts and wars. The Soviet Army itself used the flak tank in Afghanistan, but there primarily against ground targets. In addition, the ZSU-23-4 was used in countless smaller conflicts from different sides. There the operational principles and the structure of the units differed greatly from the Soviet model. During the conflict in the Middle East in the 1970s / 1980s, but increasingly after 1990, individual flak tanks came into the hands of Western NATO countries. After testing, they were and are used for experimental purposes and for depicting enemies during training and exercises.

Destroyed ZSU-23-4 tank during the Second Gulf War in 1991

Yom Kippur War 1973

The ZSU-23-4 was used on the Egyptian side for the first time during the war of wear and tear from 1968 to 1970. A larger-scale operation took place in the 1973 Yom Kippur War on the Arab side. The simultaneous use of modern anti-aircraft missile systems such as the 2K12 made it possible to create a protective screen for one's own troops that was graded according to the operational height and range, which severely restricted the capabilities of the Israeli air force. A reconnaissance and disruption of the ZSU-23-4 was initially not possible for the Israeli Air Force , as it operated in a frequency band that was previously unusual.

As a result of the war, some anti-aircraft tanks reached the United States via Israel and were used there to attempt to bombard the A-10 and A-7 aircraft. As a result of the experiments, various measures were introduced to increase the survivability of the A-10. The fact that the A-10 could not be effectively fought by the ZSU-23-4 in turn led to the development of anti-aircraft weapons with the 30 mm caliber on the Soviet side , which were then used in the 2K22 Tunguska .


The North Vietnamese People's Army also used the ZSU-23-4 during the Vietnam War . Here it was used particularly in property protection and to protect important traffic infrastructure, as these were often fought low by the US air forces due to the technical possibilities at the time.

Lebanon War 1982–1983

In the Lebanon War, the ZSU-23-4 was used by the Syrian army , but also partly by Lebanese groups. Overall, like the other air defense systems on the Arab side, it proved to be ineffective. The anti-aircraft and anti-aircraft rak systems were largely used stationary and were able to be cleared up by the Israeli air force before the conflict began. Furthermore, the Israeli Air Force had developed a tactical deployment concept that combined the use of unmanned reconnaissance equipment , electronic jamming measures, target bait and anti-radar missiles AGM-45 Shrike and AGM-78 Standard ARM . During Operation Mole Cricket 19 , practically the entire Syrian air defense was destroyed.

In the subsequent clashes in Lebanon after the withdrawal of the Israeli troops, Lebanese and Syrian forces were able to shoot down enemy aircraft with the ZSU-23-4.


ZSU-23-4 of the Afghan National Army (ANA), 2004

The Soviet troops also used the ZSU-23-4 during the war in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989. Since there was no threat from the air, the flak tank was used here to fight against earth targets. Mobility and weapon effect proved to be advantageous due to the high cadence. The large maximum tube elevation made it possible to use it in narrow mountain valleys, where conventional artillery weapons and combat vehicles could not be used or only to a limited extent due to their limitations.

Former Afghan, but also Soviet flak tanks came into the hands of various Afghan groups during and after the war and some are still in use there today. The Afghan National Armed Forces also still have, or again, ZSU-23-4.

Gulf Wars

The weapon system was used by Iraq both during the war against Iran from 1980 to 1988 and during the Second and Third Gulf Wars. Especially in the last two disputes, the effectiveness of the ZSU-23-4 was increasingly limited. On the one hand, the USA and its allies increasingly used stand-off weapons so that their aircraft were outside the area of ​​action of the anti-aircraft tanks; on the other hand, it was possible to effectively prevent reconnaissance and fire control of the ZSU-23-4 by means of electronic countermeasures. The use of anti-tank helicopters with anti-tank guided missiles such as the TOW was also successfully practiced. With this weapon system, the flak tank can be fought at distances of up to 3.7 km, while the helicopter is outside the range of the ZSU-23-4.

User states

Current users

  • EgyptEgypt Egypt - As of January 2018, there are 350 ZSU-23-4 in service.
  • AlgeriaAlgeria Algeria - As of January 2018, there are approximately 225 ZSU-23-4 in service.
  • AngolaAngola Angola - As of January 2018, an unknown number of ZSU-23-4s are in service.
  • ArmeniaArmenia Armenia - As of January 2018, an unknown number of ZSU-23-4 are in service.
  • EthiopiaEthiopia Ethiopia - As of January 2018, an unknown number of ZSU-23-4s are in service.
  • BulgariaBulgaria Bulgaria - As of January 2018, an unknown number of ZSU-23-4 are in service.
  • EritreaEritrea Eritrea - As of January 2018, an unknown number of ZSU-23-4 are in service.
  • IndiaIndia India - As of January 2018, there are 75 ZSU-23-4 in service.
  • IranIran Iran - As of January 2018, there are 100 ZSU-23-4 in service.
  • IsraelIsrael Israel - As of January 2018, there are 60 ZSU-23-4 in service.
  • JordanJordan Jordan - As of January 2018, there are 40 ZSU-23-4 in service.
  • KyrgyzstanKyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan - As of January 2018, there are 24 ZSU-23-4 in service.
  • CubaCuba Cuba - As of January 2018, an unknown number of ZSU-23-4 are in service.
  • LaosLaos Laos - As of January 2018, an unknown number of ZSU-23-4 are in service.
  • NigeriaNigeria Nigeria - As of January 2018, there are 30 ZSU-23-4 in service.
  • PeruPeru Peru - As of January 2018, there are 35 ZSU-23-4 in service.
  • PolandPoland Poland - As of January 2018, there are 8 ZSU-23-4 and 20 ZSU-23-4MP in service.
  • Congo RepublicRepublic of the Congo Republic of the Congo - As of January 2018, an unknown number of ZSU-23-4s are in service.
  • RussiaRussia Russia - As of January 2018, there are 60 ZSU-23-4 in service in the marine infantry.
  • SyriaSyria Syria - As of January 2018, an unknown number of ZSU-23-4s are in service.
  • TurkmenistanTurkmenistan Turkmenistan - As of January 2018, there are 48 ZSU-23-4 in service.
  • VietnamVietnam Vietnam - As of January 2018, an unknown number of ZSU-23-4s are in service.

Former users

  • Germany Democratic Republic 1949GDR German Democratic Republic
  • GeorgiaGeorgia Georgia - Decommissioned by January 2018.
  • IraqIraq Iraq - Decommissioned by January 2018.
  • YemenYemen Yemen - Decommissioned by January 2018.
  • Yugoslavia Socialist Federal RepublicYugoslavia Yugoslavia
  • CambodiaCambodia Cambodia - Decommissioned by January 2018.
  • LibyaLibya Libya - Decommissioned by January 2018.
  • MozambiqueMozambique Mozambique - Decommissioned by January 2018.
  • Korea NorthNorth Korea North Korea - Decommissioned by January 2018.
  • SomaliaSomalia Somalia - Decommissioned by January 2018.
  • HungaryHungary Hungary - Decommissioned by January 2018.

See also

Similar systems:


  • А. Широкорад: «Шилка» и другие. Отечественные зенитные самоходные установки. / М. Барятинский, Моделист-конструктор, Москва 1998 (Бронеколлекция № 2 (17)) (Russian).
  • David Miller, Christopher F. Foss : Modern combat weapons. Stocker-Schmid Verlag, Dietikon 1989, ISBN 3-7276-7092-4 .
  • Steven J. Zaloga : ZSU-23-4 Shilka & Soviet Air Defense Gun Vehicles. Concord Publications Company, Hong-Kong 1993, ISBN 962-361-039-4 .
  • Wilfried Copenhagen : The land forces of the NVA . 1st edition. Motorbuch, Stuttgart 1999, ISBN 3-613-01943-4 .

Web links

Commons : ZSU-23-4 Schilka  - album with pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. per tube, see, among others, Copenhagen
  2. a b c see А. Широкорад
  3. for the Fla-Sfl ZSU-37-2 Jenissei see ЗЕНИТНАЯ САМОХОДНАЯ УСТАНОВКА ЗСУ-37-2 "ЕНИСЕЙ" in Вестник ПВО (Russian)
  4. the structure of the NVA is shown as an example, in other states and in other periods this may differ
  5. Missile and Weapons Service in Kdo.MB III, Command Center 9S486 (PU-12)
  6. Missile and Weapons Technical Service in Kdo. MB III, radio measurement workshop KRAS-1RSch
  7. Missile and Weapons Service in Kdo. MB III, electrical unit ÄSD-20
  8. depending on the version up to 20 km, see Вестник ПВО
  9. Missile and Weapons Service in Kdo. MB III navigation device TNA-2
  10. a b from four tubes
  11. Information according to А. Широкорад
  12. 24th MWTR Conference, 1981, Leipzig. See also NVA military technology
  13. ^ Website of the manufacturer ( Memento of July 24, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) (Polish)
  14. see also air defense of the PR-4
  15. the spelling differs considerably, see, among others, RWD KMB III and FRR-11
  16. see also page no longer available , search in web archives: Air Defense of the PR-4@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.panzerregiment4.de
  17. According to the Berlin Information Center For Transatlantic Security (BITS), the NVA is said to have owned 128 Fla-Sfl, the difference is currently incomprehensible
  18. see Air Defense in the NVA 1987–1989.
  19. ↑ Air defense in the NVA 1990 ( Memento from October 20, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  20. Flight International, 1974, No. 3383, p. 62
  21. see Cooper / Palmer
  22. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS): The Military Balance 2018 . 1st edition. Routledge, London 2018, ISBN 978-1-85743-955-7 (English, January 2018).