Citizens' movement for Cologne

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Citizens' movement for Cologne
Party leader Michael Gabel
Deputy Chairman Markus Wiener
Treasurer Karel Schiele
founding June 5, 1996
Place of foundation Cologne
resolution April 15, 2018
Headquarters Cologne
Alignment Right-wing populism , right-wing extremism , nationalism , Islamophobia
Number of members approx. 220 (according to the Protection of the Constitution, as of March 2010)
Minimum age 16 years

The citizens' movement pro Cologne was a right-wing extremist group of voters who were represented on the Cologne city ​​council and were considered part of the " pro-movement ". It presented itself in public as a democratic citizens' movement and used the themes and campaign forms of right-wing populism . In terms of content, it was primarily directed against immigration and an alleged " Islamization ".


Five-person “pro-Cologne” parliamentary group in 2005 in the Cologne city council.

The association was founded on June 5, 1996 in Cologne-Dünnwald as an offshoot of the German League for People and Homeland (DLVH). In 1999 the group and its candidate Stephan Flug (now NPD ) ran for the first mayoral election in Cologne and received 0.3 percent of the vote. Judith Wolter , a law student and trainee lawyer, became chairwoman of pro Cologne in the same year , but she ran for the Republicans in the election. In the same year, the publisher Manfred Rouhs and the lawyer Markus Beisicht , who were also active for the NPD and the Republicans , joined the association. Together with other former REP and NPD members, including Harald Neubauer and Karl Richter as well as the former NPD federal chairman Martin Mußgnug , Rouhs and Beisicht were already involved in the establishment of the DLVH. In the constitution protection report of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia from 1994, the party was classified as nationalistic , racist and völkisch - collectivist . The party program is linguistically and ideologically closely based on that of the NPD. From 1991 to 1993, the DLVH was represented in the Cologne city council in parliamentary groups. The Cologne DLVH dissolved after three party members had offered a bounty of 5,000 marks in March 1993 for the arrest of a woman belonging to the Roma ethnic minority who was threatened with deportation , which led to the isolation of the DLVH in Cologne. In 1996, the DLVH decided to give up its party status and transform itself into an association after only 0.2% of the votes had been achieved in the state elections in Schleswig-Holstein, despite the fact that the DVU had converted, which in turn was Beisicht, Rouhs and prompted the Schöppe brothers to venture a complete new start. On its website, 'pro Köln' claims that the association was primarily founded by people who were never active in politics before. Today the DLVH is only active in southern Germany and consists exclusively of NPD members around Jürgen Schützinger .

When she first elected in the local elections in North Rhine-Westphalia on September 26, 2004, Cologne received 4.7% of the votes and thus entered the city council with four seats. In 2005, with the transfer of a non-party council member who had entered the city council for the Republicans, a fifth mandate was added. In addition, the party won seats in all nine district councils. In the districts of Cologne-Chorweiler and Porz , she won two mandates each. Markus Beisicht has been chairman of the association since December 2004. After the local elections, the citizens 'movement pro Germany , chaired by Manfred Rouhs, and the citizens' movement pro NRW , which is led by Markus Beisicht, were founded. In the local elections in Cologne on August 30, 2009, Pro Cologne received 5.36% of the votes and again moved into the city council with 5 seats.

When the city of Cologne was looking for a suitable plot of land to build a mosque in the Cologne-Chorweiler district in 2002 , pro Cologne organized a collection of signatures against this building project. This campaign was extended to the entire city area after further mosque sites were proposed. Shortly before the local elections in 2004, the association submitted 28,000 signatures against the construction projects to the complaints committee of the Cologne City Council. Further campaigns were directed against refugee homes in Cologne-Poll and Cologne-Merkenich, which are mostly inhabited by Roma . Pro Köln achieved above-average local election results in both districts .

In 2007, Pro Köln initiated a “residents' initiative” against the expansion of the existing Muslim prayer house in Cologne-Ehrenfeld into the DITIB Central Mosque in Cologne . By April 2007, Pro Köln carried out a collection of signatures for a petition against the building of the mosque, in which over 23,000 signatures were collected. Since more than 7,000 of these signatures were invalid, the referendum failed because of the required quorum .

Under the motto “Cologne is standing across”, protests against the pro Köln congress were held in

In September 2008 pro Köln organized a so-called anti-Islamization congress in Cologne. The planned speakers included Henry Nitzsche and Mario Borghezio (politicians of the Lega Nord ). Various political and social groups organized counter-demonstrations and blockades under the motto “We stand across the board”, in which up to 40,000 people took part on September 20, 2008, while only around 50 participants had come to the actual “Congress”. The protest led to the cancellation of the planned congress; the central rally on the hay market was prohibited by the police for security reasons. The echo was divided: while several politicians praised the protests as a sign of exemplary civil courage , constitutional lawyer Josef Isensee and journalist Henryk M. Broder , among others, expressed concern that the police were unable to enforce the constitutional law of the Protect freedom of assembly . The congress was repeated on May 9, 2009 in Cologne.

In March 2012 it became known that the chairman of pro Cologne, Markus Beisicht, had already published an article in 2008 entitled Will the Cardinal Submit to the Homo-Pervert? published on the blog . This resulted from the answer of the President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution , Heinz Fromm , to a request from the Parliamentary Director of the Greens , Volker Beck ., which went offline on December 2, 2012, was classified as unconstitutional by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution because of homophobic , racist , Islamophobic and anti-Semitic content, some of which contained extremely aggressive diction. Nevertheless, pro Cologne defended the cooperation on its homepage with the headline: Blockwarte der Political Correctness once again on the hunt for Catholics and PRO-KÖLN . Pro Köln also commented on the allegations as follows:

“The binding political values ​​and goals that are jointly represented in the PRO KÖLN citizens' movement are decisive. Under this premise, of course, there is also room for particularly tradition-conscious Catholics, also from the Pius Brotherhood. "

The Pius Brotherhood was not brought into connection with the article in the press or by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Since April 2012, the former city councilor and current district representative in Cologne-Porz, Regina Wilden, has written at least four articles on the portal. She was named in two articles, in two others it was stated that the author was city councilor for Pro Köln from 2004 to 2009, which can only apply to Ms. Wilden, since the second city councilor Judith Wolter is still a city councilor to this day.

In the 2014 local elections, Pro Cologne achieved 2.59% of the vote and thus lost its parliamentary group status.

In May 2015, an internal party power struggle broke out between Pro Köln and Pro NRW. Reason were u. a. Rivalries between Markus Wiener and Markus Beisicht. The Kölner Stadtanzeiger reported that they were accusing each other of behavior that was harmful to the party, for example fraud to the detriment of taxpayers on the part of the city party and the extreme right-wing trend on the part of the state party. Both parties distance themselves from each other. The Kölner Stadtanzeiger reported that Pro NRW is planning to set up a new Cologne sub-organization and will compete with Pro Cologne.

On April 15, 2018, at an extraordinary general meeting at the request of the board, the immediate dissolution of the association was decided. 97.2 percent of the votes cast therefore voted for the motion. According to pro Cologne, the reasons for the dissolution were the completely changed political landscape in Germany.

organization structure

In terms of personnel, organization and programming, the electoral association was closely linked to the pro NRW citizens 'movement and closely linked to the pro Germany citizens' movement, which was dissolved in November 2017 . The party board of pro NRW consisted largely of board members from pro Cologne.

In June 2010 the umbrella organization “Die Pro-Movement (PRO)” was founded, in which pro Cologne, pro NRW, pro Germany and other small clubs were organized. Since then Markus Beisicht has acted as chairman, Manfred Rouhs was appointed as his deputy . According to the statutes, the purpose of the association is the "Germany-wide coordination and coordination of the political work of the various independent pro-parties and associations in the municipalities and states".

In June 2011 the “Local Political Association of the PRO Movement” (KPV PRO) was founded. Jörg Uckermann became president of KPV PRO . The youth representative of Pro Köln and Pro NRW, Gereon Breuer, was elected chairman of the advisory board. The aim of the KPV PRO is to give the elected representatives in the city and municipal councils rhetorical and technical questions of local politics through training and handouts.

Political content

In its program for the election to the City Council of Cologne in 2009, the voters' association spoke out against alleged “ Islamization ” and in particular against the construction of the mosque in Cologne-Ehrenfeld at the time . The Turkish-Islamic Union of the Institute for Religion (DITIB) was rejected because, according to pro Cologne, it “does not serve integration”.

In addition, pro Cologne advocates tough crackdowns “against young violent criminals ” and blames migrants in particular for juvenile delinquency , as “many violent criminals have an immigration background”. According to pro Cologne, “rejected asylum seekers” are to be “ deported immediately ” and advice centers for so-called “ illegals ” abolished; In addition, the abuse of the right to asylum , which they describe as such, should "come to an end". Likewise, no more tax money should be paid for “nonsensical projects” and “marginalized groups”. Furthermore, the urban distribution of heroin to severely addicts is rejected. In cultural policy, the orientation “on the concerns of a minority that sees itself as avant-garde” is rejected. Patrons should have more influence on the use of donations. Among other things, the equestrian monument of Friedrich Wilhelm III. to be restored on the hay market. Pro Cologne and the citizens' movement Pro NRW, which were largely identical at the time , also spoke out against financial aid for Greece and other EU states and called for a referendum to reintroduce the D-Mark under the motto “Give us our money back”. Furthermore, both of them called for "no accession of Turkey to the EU".

Relationship to right-wing extremism

Management cadre

According to the political scientist and professor Christoph Butterwegge from the University of Cologne , the staff of pro Köln and PRO NRW were largely recruited from "old fighters of right-wing extremist parties".

For an exact breakdown of the protagonists, see the management team of pro Köln / NRW .

Political classification

The sociologist Alexander Häusler from the neo-Nazism office assigned pro Cologne to the extreme right, a form of right-wing extremism that surrounds itself with a “ right-wing populist shell”. Häusler used the term “extreme right” to denote the “far right edge of the political spectrum”. This collective term encompasses the “entire political right wing spectrum” from the “brown zone between right-wing conservative and right-wing extremist circles” to “openly neo-Nazi scenes”. Criteria for classification in terms of content are ethnic- nationalistic , racist and anti-Semitic manifestations, authoritarian political ideas, the rejection of the principle of social equality, discrimination against minorities and the ethnicization or nationalization of social and economic problems. The extreme right stylizes the multicultural society as the central enemy. Campaigns against the construction of mosques and minarets would be used to make a racism charged with cultural and religious beliefs socially acceptable.

Strategies, tactics and concrete forms of action

Anti-mosque demonstration by Pro Cologne 2008
Anti-mosque election campaign posters for the NRW election 2012 before the cath. Church in Cologne-Urbach

Christoph Butterwegge assumed that the strength of pro Köln was in the municipal area. Here she has partially succeeded in bringing her own content to the political center. The party officially distinguished itself from the NPD, but this is only a tactic to win over middle-class voters.

The internal strategy for recruiting new members and voters was presented at the beginning of 2006 by Manfred Rouhs in Cologne as part of a "strategy seminar". Alexander Häusler describes this "structural concept" as follows:

“In this concept, the creation of citizen inquiries is described as the 'core work of the citizens' movement'. In the early days of the movement, collecting the addresses of the signed petitions served as the group's “most important political capital” for developing further propaganda strategies. The 'core business' is the use of the possibility of drawing up petitions for a citizens' initiative:' But the petitions aimed at connecting people are our core business, with which the success of our political work stands or falls', said Rouhs. "

“Problems, fears and prejudices are sharpened like keywords, mixed with one another in an undifferentiated manner and images of the enemy are built up in order to be able to stage oneself as a moral authority and political authority that is ready to accept the concerns of the population. [...] The style is typical for right-wing populist campaigns: First, existing grievances and resentments are generalized and exaggerated. Then virtues such as decency, idealism, order and cleanliness are referred to. With reference to this, right-wing populists stage themselves as a mouthpiece for 'people's voice'. "

“Such platitudes are an attempt to simplify complex problems in a nationalistic manner. A special feature of right-wing populist propaganda is that issues and prejudices are picked out from the middle of society in order to portray oneself as the 'enforcer' of what are supposedly socially justified interests. In summary, there are the following topics that are operated like a campaign: immigration / Islam / national identity, felt / clique / corruption, security / crime, persecution / freedom of expression. "

- cf. Häusler (2010), pp. 30–31.

In 2006 the association launched a “youth offensive” which began in March with the distribution of leaflets with the inscription “German is cool!”. On August 14, 2006, pro Köln distributed the school and youth newspaper "Lens" for the first time on the streets in front of several Cologne schools. In particular, the first edition of “Lens” and its distribution met with criticism from student representatives, teachers, politicians and the media. The magazine contained, embedded in leisure tips, articles on topics from the political focus of pro Köln , conveyed through articles such as the fictional story “Jessica and Ali”, in which a blonde girl is molested and humiliated by a young Turk at night. Spiegel Online judged this story to be “disgustingly flat, full to the brim with dull clichés” .

From November 8, 2008 to April 11, 2009, pro Köln organized so-called vigils in downtown Cologne on a monthly basis . The themes of the demonstrations were “Active for human rights - against the oppression of women in Islam”, “Against Turkishization and Islamization - Cologne must not become Istanbul”, “No to Turkish nationalism and chauvinism - the fate of the Armenians warns!”, “Against large mosques , Hate preachers, minarets, muezzin calls and parallel societies ”and“ No to the Cologne Grand Mosque - For the Basic Law instead of minaret and Sharia ”.

In addition, pro Köln produced two films critical of Islam in 2009 , which deal with the events at the first anti-Islamization congress from their point of view as well as the alleged Islamization of Europe.

In Cologne City Council tried to attract as much attention as possible to Cologne. Motions were tabled as early as possible so that they could be dealt with at the beginning of a meeting: the Council always dealt with motions from the political groups in the order in which they were received. Since the council meetings usually begin at 3.30 p.m. and last until well after midnight, but the spectator stands are only well filled at the beginning and empty in the course of a meeting, giving the impression of a particularly active parliamentary group.

In May 2017, pro Köln replaced the previous homepage with the news portal “Cologne uncensored” called “ blog ”. There, according to its own information, in contrast to the Cologne local " Lügen und Lückenpresse", own and agency reports, police reports, city press releases, video professions and political agitation are prepared in a uniform layout, whereby sources, news, comments and party political statements are difficult to distinguish . Thematically, the portal picks up on issues that are typical for Cologne, such as “ foreign infiltration ”, foreign crime or Islam and classifies the texts used accordingly. The chairman of the German Association of Journalists Frank Überall criticized the presentation of the medium as a journalistic-editorial product: “In the texts, 'the editorial staff' is usually given as the author (...) as if professional criteria were being adhered to. But that is not the case. (...) On the one hand, it is claimed that what the media keep silent can be read there. On the other hand, there are direct links to press releases from the city of Cologne in a section - which are hardly ignored by other editorial offices. "


Neo-Nazis from the militant Free Comradeships, such as Christian Malcoci and Siegfried Borchardt, took part in several pro Köln rallies - but against the will of pro Köln, according to their statements. A photo of a rally in Cologne-Kalk before the local elections in autumn 1999 shows the then 16-year-old neo-Nazi Axel Reitz next to Manfred Rouhs. While the latter denies knowing Reitz at all, he told the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger that Rouhs had even asked him to help organize the rally and said: "Most of the participants came at my instigation." Reitz was from pro-Cologne -Chairman and attorney Markus Beisicht represented as public defender in court. During a demonstration against the Office for the Protection of the Constitution on March 9, 2002 in Cologne-Chorweiler, Manfred Rouhs handed the microphone over to neo-Nazi activist Daniela Wegener as a representative of the Free Comradeships.

At a rally organized by the NPD and pro Cologne in 2003, Judith Wolter and Beisicht could be seen together with the NPD functionary Thorsten Crämer. Before the local elections in 2004, the so-called “ National Resistance ” called for votes for pro Cologne, from which the citizens' movement initially did not distance itself. Manfred Rouhs stated that pro Köln could not distance itself from the appeal because it was unknown to them.

According to reports in the daily newspaper , the authorities have evidence that suggests contacts between the Norwegian mass murderer and right- wing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik and the pro-Cologne working group Christians for Cologne .

Constitutional Protection Reports

Pro Köln has been listed since 2004 under the “suspicion of right-wing extremist tendencies” in the North Rhine-Westphalian Constitutional Protection Report.

In the 2004 report on the protection of the constitution, the citizens' movement was described as an “offshoot of the right-wing extremist German League for People and Homeland”, which maintains close contacts with various other right-wing extremist groups and people.

In October 2005 pro Köln initiated a lawsuit against the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of the Interior in order to eradicate the mention in the Constitutional Protection Report and the suspicion as right-wing extremist, but was defeated before the administrative court in Düsseldorf. On the basis of the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court of May 2, 2000, the court found in its judgment of October 2, 2000 that there are sufficiently weighty factual indications for the suspicion of right-wing extremist tendencies in the citizen movement pro Cologne . Against this decision, the civil rights movement wanted to appeal the Higher Administrative Court for North Rhine-Westphalia insert, which was not approved by the court. Even with another lawsuit about being mentioned in the reports of 2005 and 2006, pro Cologne could not prevail. In the meantime, the name was also confirmed by the Düsseldorf Administrative Court in the following years.

As an indication of current right-wing extremist efforts, the 2007 report on the protection of the constitution named not only interviews with pro-Cologne functionaries in the relevant publications National-Zeitung and German Voice but also Pro Köln's participation in a “conference of leading representatives of right-wing parties from Germany and members of the right-wing parliamentary group in the European Parliament Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty ”. In addition to the members of the Vlaams Belang from Belgium, the FPÖ from Austria and the Front National from France, representatives of the Republicans , the NPD and the DVU also took part in the conference, including Rolf Schlierer ( REP ), Udo Voigt ( NPD ) and Gerhard Frey ( DVU ).

The 2009 report on the protection of the Constitution accused the group of "continuing to disregard the human rights specified in the Basic Law, in particular human dignity and the prohibition of discrimination " with their statements and demands, and of stirring up "latent fears of foreign infiltration and spreading xenophobic resentment". One focus of the campaigns is to "stir up fears of Muslims".

In the 2010 interim report of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in North Rhine-Westphalia, Pro Cologne was mentioned again as there are further indications for suspicion of right-wing extremist activities, but no concrete classification as an extremist party was made. The 2011 report on the protection of the constitution spoke of facts that go beyond the “assessment of a mere suspicion of being unconstitutional”. The Higher Administrative Court of Münster confirmed a judgment of the Administrative Court of Düsseldorf from February 15, 2011, which had expressly stated that 'pro Köln' and 'pro NRW' have right-wing extremist tendencies and not just a suspected case. Pro Cologne was mentioned again in the 2012 report for the protection of the constitution, here for the first time in connection with the right-wing extremist blog .

The Federal Administrative Court ruled in June 2013 that the party was inadmissible in the Federal Constitutional Protection reports in 2008, 2009 and 2010. There is no legal basis for a suspicious transaction report; The Federal Administrative Court did not examine whether there were any actual indications of anti-constitutional efforts by the party.



The association had attracted attention several times in the past through the use of incorrect attendance numbers at its events. For example, over 2000 participants spoke for the so-called “Anti-Islamization Congress”, but only 300 were present. Only 150 people took part in the demonstration against the Merkez Mosque in Duisburg in March 2010 - contrary to the announcements made by over 2000 participants. During a march in May 2011, the number of demonstration participants was given as 2500, with just under 300 present. The Federal Agency for Civic Education (BPB) and the Office for the Protection of the Constitution are aware of this practice. As a rule of thumb, the "stated number of participants should always be divided by three", according to the BPB.

In the local elections in 2009, voters in North Rhine-Westphalia had the opportunity to ask questions directly to the OB candidates via the parliament watch portal . The portal then sorted the candidates according to the number of questions answered. After a short time, the board of trustees decided to remove the mayor candidate from Pro Cologne, Markus Beisicht, from the classification, as obviously supporters of pro Cologne had specifically asked Beisicht a large number of questions in order to move him up the ranking to transport.

Also in the local elections in 2009, Pro Köln and Pro NRW are said to have put candidates on the reserve list who did not agree. The Kölner Stadtanzeiger reported on at least three candidates who stated: "The candidacy did not come about at our request, and we very much regret that we were put up for election!"

Intra-party conflicts

Before the local elections in 2009, there were several resignations of top functionaries of the organizations at pro Köln and pro NRW. a. the youth representative of pro NRW and initiator of an alleged residents' initiative against the mosque in Cologne-Ehrenfeld, Marylin Anderegg. In an open letter to Markus Beisicht, Anderegg stated that she felt “lied to and betrayed”. It went u. a. about the fact that she was offered a job as a secretary after the election, which was then not kept. In addition, although she was a member of the board, she was not informed of several board meetings. Other graduates such as the Essen mayor Uwe Berger reported unanimously that Markus Beisicht and Markus Wiener would “lead the pro-movement like a small kingdom”.

Investigations into gang and commercial fraud

In October 2012, the Cologne public prosecutor's office searched 17 offices and apartments of Pro Cologne members and sympathizers in Cologne, Leverkusen and Berlin, the headquarters of the association on Cologne's Heumarkt and the law firm of chairman Markus Beisicht. Per Cologne, several hundred internal parliamentary group meetings should have settled with the city of Cologne, which would never have taken place. The damage to the city "should be around 100,000 euros". The search was preceded by investigations lasting several months, which were started in spring 2012 on the basis of several reports. The public prosecutor's office investigated a total of 15 people, including the chairman and all five Pro Köln council members and knowledgeable citizens proposed by the association in the committees of the City of Cologne. The city of Cologne reclaimed the money that had been paid too much. Pro Cologne denies the allegations. The Interior Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Ralf Jäger , described Pro Köln as unscrupulous right-wing extremists who would prey on the democratic constitutional state.

On October 27, 2016, the former councilor Jörg Uckermann was sentenced to a suspended sentence and a fine of 1,000 euros by the Cologne Regional Court after he had been sentenced in the first instance to a prison term of two years and three months and a fine of 4,500 euros. It was about cases where attendance fees were wrongly paid out or alleged travel expenses and loss of earnings were reimbursed. In the first instance, eighteen such fraudulent acts were found with Uckermann, eleven with Bernd Schöppe and Markus Wiener. How many fraudulent acts were identified in the final verdict and the extent to which the latter two politicians were convicted in the second instance was not reported by the media.


On March 7, 2018, Pro Köln announced on its internet portal that the association's board of directors had decided to dissolve it on March 2, 2018. The background is likely to be the disputes within the pro-movement, which had already led to the dissolution of Pro Germany in September 2017. According to their own admission, there was a tendency towards radicalization and self-isolation in certain parts of the PRO movement. To continue to be held jointly liable for the misconduct of others by the media and the protection of the constitution. The executive board also indirectly justified the decision with the entry of the alternative for Germany into numerous state parliaments and the Bundestag, without, however, directly mentioning the party. In contrast to Pro Deutschland, there was also no recommendation to join the AfD, which Manfred Rouhs had recommended to the members of Pro Deutschland. The pro-Cologne politicians Markus Wiener and Judith Wolter, who remained on the city council, wanted to keep their council seats as non-party members. The dissolution was carried out on April 15th by an extraordinary general meeting at the request of the board.

Since April 20, 2018, the domain "" has been referring to the website of the aid organization for crime victims WEISSER RING e. V.


  • Alexander Häusler (Ed.): Right-wing populism as a "citizen movement". Campaigns against Islam and the construction of mosques and communal counter-strategies . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften , Wiesbaden 2008, ISBN 978-3-531-15919-5 .
  • Christoph Busch : Rhenish right-wing radicalism . In: Blätter für Deutsche und Internationale Politik, H. 9/2008, pp. 17–20.
  • Dominik Clemens, Hendrik Puls (Ed.): 33 questions and answers on Pro Köln / Pro NRW. Development, ideology and strategies of an alleged civil movement, publishing house of the NS Documentation Center of the City of Cologne, Cologne 2014, ISBN 978-3-938636-21-3 ( online , PDF)
  • Michael Schomers : Germany on the far right . Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1990.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Schmalenberg, Detlef. Hunting against Roma women. the daily newspaper February 2, 1994, p. 5.
  2. Own presentation of the genesis of Pro Köln ( Memento from December 30, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  3. Internet presence of the DLVH
  4. ^ "Election result of the local elections 2009" website of the city of Cologne
  5. Natalie Wiesmann: Right stupidity. taz of May 9, 2007.
  6. Freia Peters, Kristian Frigelj: Cologne defends itself against right-wing extremists. In: Welt Online , September 20, 2008.
  7. Page no longer available , search in web archives: Without real celebrities? In: Lokalzeit , September 15, 2008 (accessed September 16, 2008).@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /
  8. ^ Lenz Jacobsen, Philipp Wittrock: Cologne lets right-wing populists flash. In: Spiegel Online , September 20, 2008.
  9. Peter Philipp: Demonstrators prevent "Anti-Islamization Congress" In: Deutsche Welle , September 20, 2008
  10. Police forbid anti-Islam rallies. In: Spiegel Online , Sept. 20, 2008.
  11. Wolfgang Thierse: “Our democracy must be defended.” In: Deutschlandfunk , Sept. 22, 2008.
  12. Birgitta Ronge, Ulli Tückmantel: The Farce of Cologne. ( Memento of September 24, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) In: RP Online , September 22, 2008.
  13. Kristian Frigelj: “Prohibition of demonstrations is a disgrace for the rule of law” In: Die Welt , September 2008.
  14. Hildegard Stausberg: "Cologne was a capitulation" In: Die Welt , September 25, 2008 (interview with Henryk M. Broder ).
  15. Markus Beisicht at - from the love of freedom ( Memento from May 2, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  16. Letter from Heinz Fromm to Volker Beck on the question about ( Memento from January 3, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  17. State security unmasked Kölner Stadtanzeiger accessed on April 2, 2012
  18. The 'Kölner Domradio' spans with an enemy of the Pope by Regina Wilden on May 3, 2012.
  19. What does' 'have to do with the citizens' movement' Pro Köln '? May 12, 2012.
  20. Why does Volker Beck hate ''? from April 19, 2012
  21. What reason is there for Volker Beck's swipes against 'Pro Köln'? by Regina Wilden on April 26, 2012.
  22. Archive link ( Memento from July 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  23. Power struggle at Pro NRW and Pro Köln: Right-wing extremist pro-movement dismantles itself. Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, May 15, 2015.
  24. a b (accessed on April 16, 2018)
  25. cf. Häusler (2010), p. 14
  26. cf. Party and association boards per Cologne, per NRW, per Germany (as of July 2, 2011)
  27. ^ Message on the website of the pro NRW party from June 15, 2010 with the title "Pro-Movement founded as an official umbrella organization" ( Memento from November 11, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  28. PRO-BEWEGUNG founds local political association ( Memento from November 11, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  29. ^ Election program of Pro Köln 2009. ( Memento of March 11, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  30. We don't want Turkey in the EU. ( Memento of November 10, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) (postcard of the petition, pdf; 897 kB).
  31. a b Pro Köln wants to establish itself nationwide as Pro NRW, right-wing populists with invisibility cloak ( memento from April 12, 2008 in the Internet Archive ), WDR, by Rainer Kellers (accessed on January 4, 2011)
  32. Alexander Häusler: The "PRO Movement" and the anti-Muslim cultural racism of the right wing (2011), pp. 2–3
  33. cf. Häusler: Right-wing populism in the form of a “citizens' movement”, 2010, pp. 31–34, 36.
  34. Rainer Kellers: German is cool and Ali is bad. ( Memento from September 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive ), WDR on October 31, 2006
  35. ^ Armin Himmelrath: Brown agitation between leisure tips. , Spiegel Online from August 18, 2006
  36. ^ Right-wing populism of the “pro-movement” using the example of their application behavior in the Cologne city council, introduction to the methodology of the work ( Memento from January 5, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 5.4 MB)
  37. a b Editor: “Cologne Uncensored” - Political messages from “Pro Cologne” disguised as a news blog ? / Politics Cologne / Politics News / / - Cologne's Internet newspaper. Retrieved June 28, 2017 (German).
  38. ^ Constitutional Protection Report of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia for 2002 ( Memento from April 22, 2003 in the Internet Archive ), p. 19
  39. a b Andreas Damm, Detlef Schmalenberg: Pro Cologne: "Evidence" for neo-Nazi contacts. ( Memento from February 18, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Caption: "Pro-Cologne councilwoman Judith Wolter, NPD functionary Thorsten Krämer (center) and Pro-Cologne chairman Markus Beisicht at a rally in 2003." Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger from 23 April 2005.
  40. ^ Hans-Peter Killguss, Jürgen Peters, Alexander Häusler: PRO KÖLN - development and activities . In: Alexander Häusler (ed.): Right-wing populism as a “citizen movement”: Campaigns against Islam and the construction of mosques and communal counter-strategies . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2008, ISBN 978-3-531-91119-9 , pp 58, pp 55-71, 58. .
  41. a b Report on the protection of the constitution of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia for the year 2004 ( Memento of February 11, 2007 in the Internet Archive ), p. 75: “That 'pro Köln' works with neo-Nazis and also represents their interests is shown, for example, by the neo-Nazi election call 'National Resistance Cologne', which in the run-up to the local elections in 2004 called in an Internet setting to vote 'pro Cologne': "
  42. ↑ The process against “Verfassungsschutz” continues on ( memento from October 12, 2007 in the Internet Archive ): “An election call from the right-wing extremist spectrum was not rejected by the citizens' movement. Pro-Cologne board member Manfred Rouhs explains: 'We couldn't distance ourselves from the appeal because it was unknown to us.' "
  43. the daily newspaper: “Pro Köln” with contacts to Oslo bombers. Right Citizens Movement in Need of July 27, 2011
  44. ^ Constitutional Protection Report of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia for 2005 ( Memento of 23 May 2011 in the Internet Archive ), p. 57
  45. Press release of the Ministry of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia of May 31, 2007 with reference to the judgment of the OVG Münster of May 24, 2007 ( Memento of November 24, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  46. ^ Page no longer available , search in web archives: Constitutional Protection Report of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia for 2006 , March 2007, p. 79@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /
  47. Düsseldorf Administrative Court , 22 K 1286/06, judgment of December 4, 2007
  48. Defeat for Pro Köln. Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger from November 10, 2009
  49. State election 2008: The inconvenient truth ( Memento from September 23, 2008 in the Internet Archive ), Donaukurier, 19. June 2008
  50. ^ Constitutional Protection Report of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia for 2007 ( Memento of July 20, 2006 in the Internet Archive ), January 2008, p. 79
  51. ^ Constitutional Protection Report of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia for 2009 ( Memento from September 29, 2013 in the Internet Archive ), March 2010, p. 7
  52. ^ Interim report 2010 of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution of North Rhine-Westphalia ( Memento from October 6, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), p. 20 and p. 18, footnote 7
  53. ^ Constitutional Protection Report NRW 2010 p. 60 ( Memento from March 31, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  54. Citizens' movement pro Köln e. V. and citizens' movement pro NRW ( memento from March 18, 2013 in the Internet Archive ). MIK NRW
  55. Constitutional Protection Report 2012 for North Rhine-Westphalia, p. 27  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  56. Press release of the Federal Administrative Court on the judgment , accessed on June 26, 2013
  57. cf. Constitutional Protection Report NRW (2010), p. 44
  58. Around 2000 Cologne residents rebel against the right-wing pro-NRW parade. In: WAZ , May 7, 2011.
  59. Tomas Sager: Lots of hot air. In: Federal Agency for Civic Education , June 4, 2009.
  60. a b Manipulation of parliamentarians watch, reaction to the departure of Berger ( Memento from March 27, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  61. a b Article on withdrawals and manipulations by Pro Köln ( Memento from February 12, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Kölner Stadtanzeiger
  62. Another departure from “pro” groups . In: NRW far right . August 25, 2009. Retrieved July 24, 2011.
  63. ^ Report on the resignation of Marylin Anderegg
  64. ^ Searches in Markus Beisicht's office - Kölner Stadtanzeiger, accessed on October 25, 2012
  65. ^ Raid against Pro Köln - die Welt accessed on October 25, 2012
  66. City of Cologne demands money back - Kölner Stadtanzeiger accessed on October 25, 2012
  67. ^ Pro Cologne denies allegations of fraud - Kölner Stadtanzeiger accessed on October 25, 2012
  68. Interior Minister Jäger settles with Pro Köln - Kölner Stadtanzeiger accessed on October 25, 2012
  69. Former pro-NRW vice Uckermann does not have to be in custody ,, October 27, 2016
  70. ^ Court imposes prison sentence on pro-Cologne politicians , Der Spiegel, December 28, 2014
  71. Archived copy ( Memento of March 24, 2018 in the Internet Archive )
  72. pn_dumont_koelnerexpress: Cologne: “Pro Köln” has dissolved - these are the reasons. In: Focus Online . March 8, 2018, accessed October 14, 2018 .