Better (noble family)

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Coat of arms of those of Besser

Better is the name of a Prussian noble family whose bourgeois origin is in Auma in Thuringia . At least four lines of sex are independent of each other ennoblement come, of which however only the 1768 gave the family a lasting flourished in the nobility.

Contrary to information in older literature, there is no proven kinship with the Swabian noble family Besserer von Thalfingen .


The von Besser family members begin their secure family line with the councilor of Auma, Nikol Besser († around 1537), although mentioning by name without being able to be put into a filiation context is documented from the 15th century. It is a rather petty bourgeois family that produced officials and clergy on several occasions and thus prepared their social advancement.

The lawyer, Oberamtsrat der Niederlausitz and Mayor of Lübben Carl Christoph Besser (1700–1774) was given the coat of arms of a great-grandfather on his mother's side, the margravial Kulmbach secretary Peter von der Grün († 1602) in Vienna on March 24, 1768 in the imperial nobility upscale . His descendants regularly provided senior officers in the Prussian army and also several Prussian district administrators.

The family was comprehensive in Prussia wealthy , so had the Besser among other large and small showers, Draulitten , Georgenswalde , cold flow, Kringitten, Neudeck , Okonitz, Oschilau, Pamientowo, Patricken , Paulau, Peterwitz, Plöstwehnen , Powunden, Prussian Rockels, St Lorenz, Stangenwalde, Groß and Klein Tippeln, Wittichwalde and Wolfsberg.

Side relatives

The Swedish State Councilor Johann von Besser received a letter of coat of arms as early as 1688 . His membership of the Auma family is not certain, and the literature used here does not reveal anything about descendants.

The Brandenburg-Saxon master of ceremonies and court poet Johann von Besser (1654–1729), who was ennobled on May 24, 1699 , is said to have been a documented agnate of the family. His two sons did not survive him, however, and only one of the two daughters was married, so that his line already found its way out with the children.

The Saxon captain and heir to Niedergersdorf and Lomnitz, Carl Christian von Besser, who came from Zittau and was raised to imperial nobility in Vienna on October 4, 1783 , was a distant cousin of the above named in 1768. However, assuming a similar ancestry, he received the coat of arms of the Besserer von Thalfingen . From two marriages there were three daughters and one son. This, Carl Christian Maximilian Ernst von Besser (1790–1809), as a Saxon Sousleutnant , died of the wounds he had received at Wagram without leaving any heirs.

coat of arms

The coat of arms (1768) shows a silver diagonal right bar in red . On the helmet with the red and silver covers there is an open red flight , on the right with a silver oblique left, on the left with a silver oblique right.

Family coat of arms

Coats of arms of the tribal relatives

On the left the common coat of arms of the related families von Berg , von Epprechtstein , von der Grün , von Münchberg, von Radeck , von Reitzenstein , von Sparnberg , von Sack , von Stein , von Thoßfell , von Töpen and von Wildenstein

Coats of arms of the relatives

The Swedish coat of arms (1688) shows a golden lion in blue , holding a silver bowl in its paws. Above and below each 2: 1 silver stars.

Coat of arms of those von Besser from 1699

The coat of arms (1699) is split and shows on the right in silver (blue) an eight (or six) pointed golden star over a right-hand red eagle (with golden clover stems in the wings ( Brandenburg eagle )) and on the left in blue a silver, upwardly jumping one Unicorn . On the helmet with red and silver covers, the unicorn growing between open red flight.

The coat of arms (1783 = better ) shows two silver trophies in black , with a silver plate in between. Two arms clad in black on the helmet, holding the trophies of the shield image in their hands.



Individual evidence

  1. ^ New Prussian Adels Lexicon , 1836, p. 222 (lit.).
  2. ↑ Nobility Lexicon . Volume 1, 1972, p. 367.
  3. a b c From the better. On the use of heraldry for civil family research , 1961, pp. 341–347.
  4. Not to be confused with the Saxon-Gotha engineer, master builder and architect Carl Christoph Besser (1726–1800); see. German biography ( Besser, Carl Christoph ).
  5. News of the Sex of the Green. No. 7, October 1, 1925, p. 2 (online edition).
  6. Maximilian Gritzner : Chronological register of the Brandenburg-Prussian class elevations and acts of grace from 1600–1873. Berlin 1874, PDF; P. 10 ,
  7. ^ Aristocratic lexicon of the Prussian monarchy . 1858, p. 198 (lit.).
  8. ^ Siebmacher , 1878, p. 86 (lit.).
  9. Old Prussian Adelslexikon , 1935, p. 98 (lit.).