Ahrweiler constituency

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Constituency 198: Ahrweiler
Bundestag constituency 198-2017.svg
Country Germany
state Rhineland-Palatinate
Constituency number 198
Eligible voters 195,618
voter turnout 77.5%
Election date September 24, 2017
Constituency representative
Photo of the MP
Political party CDU
Voting share 42.8%

The constituency of Ahrweiler (constituency 198, in the federal elections 2009 and 2013 constituency 199) has been a federal constituency in Rhineland-Palatinate since 1949 . It includes the district of Ahrweiler and the western part of the district of Mayen-Koblenz with the cities of Andernach and Mayen as well as the municipalities of Maifeld , Mendig , Pellenz and Vordereifel . Since 1949, the constituency has always been won by the direct candidates of the CDU .

Bundestag elections

Bundestag election 2017

The 2017 federal election took place on Sunday, September 24, 2017.

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Mechthild Heil CDU 42.8 40.6
Andrea Nahles SPD 27.4 22.7
Martin Schmitt GREEN 5.8 6.7
Christina Steinhausen FDP 8.7 11.6
Marion Morassi THE LEFT 4.5 5.7
Kathrin Koch AfD 8.8 9.6
Axel Ritter PIRATES 0.8 0.4
- NPD - 0.3
- ÖDP - 0.2
- MLPD - 0.0
- UBI - 0.2
- The party - 0.9
- V party³ - 0.3
Siegfried Verdonk Individual applicants 1.3 -

Bundestag election 2013

The 2013 federal election took place on Sunday, September 22, 2013.

14 parties competed against each other nationwide in Rhineland-Palatinate. This was decided by the state election committee in a public meeting on July 26, 2013 in Mainz. This granted approval to all parties who had submitted their state lists and other documents by July 15.

The order of the approved state lists on the ballot is initially based on the number of second votes that the respective party received in the last federal election in the state (list positions 1 - 10): CDU, SPD, FDP, GRÜNE, Die Linke, PIRATEN, NPD , REP, ÖDP and MLPD. Newly candidate lists follow in alphabetical order of their names (list positions 11-14): Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), Bürgerbewegung pro Deutschland (pro Germany), Free Voters and the Party of Reason.

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Mechthild Heil CDU 55.5 48.8
Andrea Nahles SPD 28.0 24.6
Michael Salzmann FDP 2.4 5.6
Klaus Meurer Alliance 90 / The Greens 5.6 6.6
Marion Morassi The left 4.5 4.7
Gernot Reipen Pirate party 3.1 2.1
- NPD - 0.8
- The Republicans - 0.2
Rainer Hilgert ÖDP 1.0 0.4
- MLPD - 0.0
- AfD - 5.2
- Citizens' movement for Germany - 0.2
- Free voters - 0.7
- Party of reason - 0.2

The top candidate of the SPD in Rhineland-Palatinate Andrea Nahles was able to move into the Bundestag via the state list.

Bundestag election 2009

In the 2009 Bundestag election , 195,658 residents were eligible to vote and had the following result:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in% Bundestag election 2005
second votes in%
Mechthild Heil CDU 45.5 39.9 43.1
Andrea Nahles SPD 24.9 21.1 31.8
Christina Theresa Steinheuer FDP 15.0 18.9 12.2
Frank Bliss GREEN 7.4 8.5 6.0
Gert Winkelmeier LEFT 6.1 7.4 4.5
- REP - 0.3 0.4
Hans-Robert Klug NPD 1.1 0.9 0.8
- PBC - 0.2 0.3
- FAMILY - 0.8 0.9
- MLPD - 0.0 0.1
- PIRATES - 1.6 -
- DVU - 0.1 -
- ödp - 0.3 -

Andrea Nahles (SPD) and Gert Winkelmeier (LINKE) entered the Bundestag via the respective state lists.

Constituency winner

choice Surname Political party
1949 Johann Junglas CDU
1953 Otto Lenz CDU
1957 Johann Peter Josten CDU
1961 Johann Peter Josten CDU
1965 Johann Peter Josten CDU
1969 Johann Peter Josten CDU
1972 Johann Peter Josten CDU
1976 Johann Peter Josten CDU
1980 Karl Deres CDU
1983 Karl Deres CDU
1987 Karl Deres CDU
1990 Karl Deres CDU
1994 Wilhelm Josef Sebastian CDU
1998 Wilhelm Josef Sebastian CDU
2002 Wilhelm Josef Sebastian CDU
2005 Wilhelm Josef Sebastian CDU
2009 Mechthild Heil CDU
2013 Mechthild Heil CDU
2017 Mechthild Heil CDU

Constituency history

choice Constituency name area
1949 2 Ahrweiler Ahrweiler district, Mayen district
1953-1969 149 Ahrweiler
1972-1976 149 Ahrweiler Ahrweiler district, from the Mayen-Koblenz district the cities of Andernach and Mayen and the municipalities of Maifeld, Mendig, Andernach-Land and Mayen-Land
1980-1998 147 Ahrweiler
2002 201 Ahrweiler Ahrweiler district, from the Mayen-Koblenz district the cities of Andernach and Mayen and the municipalities of Maifeld, Mendig, Pellenz and Vordereifel
2005 200 Ahrweiler
2009-2013 199 Ahrweiler
since 2017 198 Ahrweiler

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. constituencies
  2. Preliminary official final result ( memento from September 26, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) from September 22, 2013 on wahlen.rlp.de
  3. 14 parties are running for the election of the 18th German Bundestag ( Memento from April 7, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Press release by the regional returning officer of July 26, 2013
  4. 14 parties compete in the federal election in Rhineland-Palatinate on Allgemeine-zeitung.de on July 26, 2013
  5. Public announcement ( memento of October 1, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) PDF file of August 3, 2013
  6. Bundestag election 2013: Elected applicants ( memento from December 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) on wahlen.rlp.de from September 23, 2013