Burkard Dregger

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Burkard Dregger, 2017

Burkard Dregger (born June 7, 1964 in Fulda ) is a German politician ( CDU ). He has been a member of the Berlin House of Representatives since 2011, where he has been chairman of the CDU parliamentary group since June 2018 and thus leader of the opposition .

education and profession

After graduating from high school in 1983, Burkard Dregger did his military service from July 1983 to September 1984 and was trained as a reserve officer . Dregger is a lieutenant in the reserve .

He then studied German and European law ( law ) from October 1984 to October 1988 in Freiburg im Breisgau , Geneva , London and Münster (Westphalia ) and passed his first state examination in 1989 at the Hamm Higher Regional Court .

Between September 1989 and December 1990 he carried out research at the Institute for International Business Law in Münster, before starting a legal clerkship at the District Court of Frankfurt am Main from January 1991 to June 1994 , which he interrupted for a year-long study at the Southern Methodist University in Dallas . There he finally obtained the academic degree of a Master of Laws in 1992 .

From 1991 to 1992 Dregger worked as a freelancer for a law firm in Dallas. In 1994 he passed his second state examination in law.

Since 1995 Dregger in is Berlin as a lawyer in civil law with a focus on commercial and corporate law as well as in real estate business.

In addition to his job , Dregger volunteered on the board and advisory board of the Berlin Capital Initiative . He is co-founder of the Alliance of Business Lawyers , an association of independent international law firms, of which he was President from 2006 to 2012.

Burkard Dregger practices as a lawyer in Berlin .


Burkard Dregger was recruited into the Berlin CDU by Monika Grütters in 2010 and was appointed to the state executive shortly afterwards. There he took over the office of state treasurer until December 2017, after which he was member of the CDU Berlin until the beginning of 2019. Since his election as parliamentary group leader in June 2018, Dregger has automatically been a member of the presidium of the CDU Berlin.

Dregger is currently a member of the Reinickendorf district association and is a member of the district board. He is also the chairman of the local association Am Schäfersee.

In 2010 he was a member of the 14th Federal Assembly .

Member of the Berlin House of Representatives (since 2011)

17th legislative period (2011-2016)

On September 18, 2011, Dregger moved into the Berlin state parliament for the first time as a directly elected member of the Reinickendorf 1 constituency for the CDU in the election for the Berlin House of Representatives . During the legislative period he was the network and integration policy spokesman for his parliamentary group as well as a member of the working committee, the committee for electronic administration, data protection and freedom of information and also the committee for urban development and the environment. He was also a member of the judges' selection committee .

18th legislative period (since 2016)

In the election to the House of Representatives on September 18, 2016 , Dregger defended his mandate and took on the role of domestic affairs spokesman. In addition, he is a member of Parliament's Interior and Integration Committees and was chairman of the 1st Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry from July 14, 2017 to June 28, 2018 to investigate the investigative procedure in connection with the terrorist attack on Breitscheidplatz on December 19, 2016 ( Amri ).

After the current incumbent Florian Graf because of his move to the Economic Council of the CDU his resignation explained Dregger was on 5 June 2018, the then state chairman Monika Grütters as the new party leader suggested what he internally against former Social Senator Mario Czaja positioned, the official the also strived for.

Group leader and opposition leader (since 2018)

In succession to Graf, Dregger was finally elected on June 12, 2018 with 87 percent as the new CDU parliamentary group leader in the House of Representatives. He also took on the role of opposition leader.

On September 11, 2018, he was confirmed in office with 82.14 percent as part of the regular election of the parliamentary committee.


His father was the politician Alfred Dregger , long-time chairman of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group , chairman of the CDU Hessen and Lord Mayor of Fulda .

Burkard Dregger is Catholic, married and has three children. In addition to his mother tongue, he also speaks English and French.

Web links

Commons : Burkard Dregger  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. team. Dregger Rechtsanwälte Berlin, accessed on July 15, 2017 .
  2. Welcome to the CDU Am Schäfersee! In: Website of the CDU Reinickendorf. Accessed June 20, 2019 (German).
  3. Resolution Minutes 16/67. (PDF) Berlin House of Representatives, June 17, 2010, accessed on July 15, 2017 .
  4. Resolution Minutes 18/3. (PDF) Berlin House of Representatives, July 6, 2017, accessed on July 15, 2017 .
  5. Decision: Burkard Dregger is to become parliamentary group leader. In: DER TAGESSPIEGEL. June 5, 2018, accessed June 5, 2018 (German).
  6. ^ Dregger new Berlin CDU parliamentary group leader. In: DER TAGESSPIEGEL. June 12, 2018, accessed June 12, 2018 (German).
  7. Dregger confirmed as CDU parliamentary group leader. In: WORLD. September 11, 2018, accessed on September 11, 2018 (German).