Carlo Linati

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Carlo Linati (born April 25, 1878 in Como , † December 11, 1949 in Rebbio di Como ) was an Italian writer.


As a child, Linati spent his holidays in Gravedona , where his mother was from. From 1899 he studied at the Law Faculty of the University of Turin (in Turin he later also studied painting ) and graduated in 1906 from the University of Parma . After returning to Lombardy , he worked as a lawyer in Milan for some time.

Before the First World War he was active as a writer, essayist and traveling journalist. He worked with the Italian Touring Club , on whose behalf he wrote stories about travel and nature discoveries. a. traveled through Europe by car, train, bicycle and the so-called “ultra-slow”. Many of his novels and short stories are set in Lombardy and Insubria .

His debut is due to some allegorical stories such as The Green Court of 1906 and other short stories , one of his favorite genres. In 1909 he wrote a novel entitled Duccio da Bontà , the protagonists of which are two young people who intensely experience their contact with nature. In 1922 Pubertà e altre storie (puberty and other stories) was published, followed in 1926 by Storie di bestie e fantasmi (stories of animals and ghosts).

Linati has written articles for La Stampa , Corriere della Sera , the travel paper Verde e Azzurro and the literary magazines Il Convegno and La Voce . He maintained contacts with Cesare Angelini and Carlo Emilio Gadda . In 1925 he was one of the signatories of Benedetto Croce's manifesto of anti-fascist intellectuals , not for political reasons, but because of the bourgeois rejection of the development of the fascist movement.

Linati was also the author of various prose works and a few radio plays that were first broadcast by EIAR and then by RAI , including the radio play Angeli e colori with music by Arrigo Pedrollo .


In 1913 Linati traveled to Ireland , where he met the new Irish National Theater by John Millington Synge , William Butler Yeats , Lady Gregory and Sean O'Casey . In 1918 he received the first letter from James Joyce with the suggestion of translating one of his short stories. This letter marks the beginning of a great correspondence that only ended with the death of Joyce.

Linati became an important translator of important English authors into Italian, alongside James Joyce also works by Charles Dickens and David Herbert Lawrence . Joyce prepared a scheme for the structure of his novel Ulysses for Carlo Linati , known as the Linati scheme .

Literary works

  • Il tribunale verde , Officine grafiche De Castiglione, Milano ( 1906 )
  • Cristabella , Tipografia Enrico Zerboni, Milano ( 1909 )
  • Porto Venere , Vittorio Omarini Editore, Como ( 1910 ); Nerosubianco, 2009, ISBN 9788889056417
  • Duccio da Bontà , Puccini Editore, Ancona ( 1912 )
  • Doni della Terra , Studio Editoriale Lombardo di Mino Facchi ( 1915 )
  • Barbogeria , Studio Editoriale Lombardo di Mino Facchi ( 1917 ); Oedipus, 2014, ISBN 9788873411659
  • Sulle orme di Renzo in Quaderni della Voce, Roma ( 1919 )
  • Nuvole e paesi , Vallecchi, Firenze ( 1919 )
  • Amori erranti. Figure ed episodi , Studio Editoriale Lombardo di Mino Facchi, Milano ( 1922 )
  • Issione il polifoniarca , Bottega di Poesia, Milano ( 1922 )
  • Malacarne , Bemporad, Firenze ( 1922 )
  • Le tre pievi , Il Convegno, Milano ( 1922 )
  • Scrittori anglo-americani d'oggi , Corticelli, Milano ( 1932 )
  • Storie di bestie e fantasmi , Treves, Milano ( 1925 )
  • Pubertà e altre storie , Morreale, Milano ( 1926 )
  • Due , Corbaccio, Milano ( 1928 )
  • La principessa delle stelle , Corbaccio, Milano ( 1929 )
  • Strade perdute , Ribet, Torino ( 1929 )
  • La regione dei laghi , Nemi, Firenze ( 1931 )
  • Le pianelle del signore , Carabba, Lanciano ( 1932 )
  • Il re dello scoglio , Corticelli, Milano ( 1933 )
  • Concerto variato , Emiliano degli Orfini, Genova ( 1933 )
  • Cantalupa , Treves, Milano ( 1935 )
  • Sinfonia alpestre , Treves, Milano ( 1937 )
  • Passeggiate lariane , Garzanti, Milano ( 1939 ); Il Polifilo, 2009, ISBN 9788870503432
  • A vento e sole , Società Subalpina Editrice, Torino ( 1939 )
  • Un giorno sulla dolce terra , Ceschina, Milano ( 1941 )
  • Decadenza del vizio e altri pretesti , Bompiani, Milano ( 1941 )
  • Quartiere cinese , Collana “Il Fiore”, Biblioteca dell'Arte e di Cultura, Milano ( 1942 )
  • Aprilante , Tumminelli, Roma ( 1942 )
  • Arrivi , Rizzoli, Milano-Roma ( 1944 )
  • Due tempi in provincia , Ultra, Milano ( 1944 )
  • Nerone secondo , Martello, Milano ( 1944 )
  • Disegni di Ugo Bernasconi , Hoepli, Milano ( 1944 ) o ( 1945 )
  • Il bel Guido , Gentile, Milano ( 1945 )
  • La giornata del rinfaccio , Bompiani, Milano ( 1945 )
  • Milano d'allora , Domus, Milano ( 1946 ); Massimiliano Boni Editore, 1998, ISBN 9788876224164


  • In nero , in La Gazzetta Letteraria , agosto ( 1899 )
  • Articles for the Scrittori anglo-americani d'oggi series , collected in the 1932 work of the same name and originally published between 1924 and 1932 in Il Corriere della Sera , La Stampa , Pegaso and La Nuova Antologia .


  • Robert Louis Stevenson: The New Arabian Nights, La Voce, Rome (1920)
  • Robert Louis Stevenson: Raiah's Diamonds, La Voce, Rome (1920)
  • Thomas de Quincey : Knock on Macbeth's door ( On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth ). Caddeo, Milan (1921)
  • Thomas de Quincey: Assassination and other prose, Caddeo, Milan (1922)
  • James Joyce: some passages by Ulysses, in "Il Convegno", n. 11–12 (1926)
  • James Joyce: Exile, Rose and Ball (1944)
  • James Joyce, Stefano-Held, Mondadori, Milan, series "Il ponte", 312 pages with 8 illustrations by Luigi Broggini (1950)
  • Henry James : The American, Mondadori, Milan (1934)
  • Henry James: Portrait of a Lady, Einaudi, Turin, (1943)

Radio plays

  • La pista infernale , a radio play in one act, was broadcast on February 12, 1931
  • Il popolo della collina , radio story in one act, broadcast on March 14, 1934
  • Il processo delle voci , radio commedia in three acts, by Carlo Linati and Mario Lazzari , directed by Alberto Casella , broadcast on October 26, 1937
  • Angeli e colori , radio play, music by Arrigo Pedrollo directed by Pietro Masserano Taricco with Salvo Randone , broadcast on May 6, 1950


  • Cesare Angelini: Conversazione sui lombardi: Carlo Linati , in "Il Convegno", aprile-maggio 1921, p. 162.
  • Enrico Falqui: La narrativa dei vociani (ovvero Linati romanziere) , in "Civiltà fascista", September 1936.
  • Enrico Rocca: Panorama dell'arte radiofonica , Bompiani, Milano, 1938.
  • Arturo Della Torre: Carlo Linati , Pietro Cairoli, Como, 1972.
  • Arturo Della Torre: Carlo Linati, Antologia degli scritti , Massimiliano Boni, Bologna, 1980.
  • Carlo Del Teglio: Linati Milanese , in "Scrittori di casa nostra", see below "Leucensia", Editrice CBRS, Lecco, 1985.
  • Matteo Colaone, Maurizio Pasquero: In memoria di Carlo Linati , in "Terra Insubre" n ° 52, Varese, 2009.
  • Maurizio Pasquero: Belli spiriti d'Irlanda, Versioni di Carlo Linati da autori irlandesi , Terra Insubre, Varese, 2010.
  • Andrea Sciffo : Carlo Linati in Brianza , in "Brianze", n ° 55, September 2010, p. 40-43.
  • Simone Dubrovic (a cura di), Carlo Linati e Emilio Cecchi. Un carteggio . Vecchiarelli Editore, Manziana, Roma, 2012.
  • Fabio Maggi, Nicoletta Trotta (a cura di), Cesare Angelini, Carlo Linati. Carteggio: 1918–1947, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, Roma, 2013.
  • Maurizio Pasquero: "Mi par di trovarmi di fronte a un fatto nuovo letterario": Carlo Linati alla scoperta di James Joyce , in "Studi irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies", n. 2 (2012), 2012, p. 199– 254.
  • Maurizio Pasquero: Teatro irlandese. I grandi autori dell'Abbey Theater di Dublino tradotti da Carlo Linati . Agorà & Co., Lugano, 2018.

Individual evidence

  1. C. Linati travelers by Ultralento, in "Le Vie d'Italia", Volume 49, no. 3, March 1943, p 231
  2. A. Longatti, Linati the Irishman. A European Como, Province of Como, Monday 4 June 2018, pp. 38–39
  3. The Linati scheme , full text