Cishan culture

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Neolithic cultures of China
Shangshan culture 11000-9000 cal BP
Zaoshi culture of the lower class 7500-7000 BC Chr.
Pengtoushan culture 7500-6100 BC Chr.
Gaomiao culture 7400-7100 BC Chr.
Zhaobaogou culture 7000-6400 BC Chr.
Hemudu culture 7000-4500 BC BC / 5000–3300 BC Chr.
Houli culture 6250-5850 BC Chr.
Xinglongwa culture 6200-5400 BC Chr.
Laoguantai culture also Dadiwan-I culture 6000-5000 BC BC / 6000-3000 BC Chr.
Dadiwan culture 5800-3000 BC Chr.
Chengbeixi culture 5800-4700 BC Chr.
Peiligang culture 5600-4900 BC Chr.
Xinle culture 5500-4800 BC Chr.
Cishan culture 5400-5100 BC Chr.
Beixin culture 5400-4400 BC Chr.
Qingliangang culture 5400-4400 BC Chr.
Tangjiagang culture 5050-4450 BC Chr.
Baiyangcun culture 5000-3700 BC Chr.
Yangshao culture also Miaodigou-I culture 5000-2000 BC Chr.
Yingpanshan culture 5000 –... v. Chr.
Caiyuan culture 4800-3900 BC Chr.
Majiabang culture 4750-3700 BC Chr.
Hongshan culture 4700-2900 BC Chr.
Daxi culture 4400-3300 BC Chr.
Dawenkou culture 4100-2600 BC Chr.
Beiyinyangying culture 4000-3000 BC Chr.
Songze culture 3900-3200 BC Chr.
Miaozigou culture 3500-3000 BC Chr.
Liangzhu culture 3400-2000 BC Chr.
Longshan culture also Miaodigou II culture 3200-1850 BC Chr.
Shanbei culture 3050-2550 BC Chr.
Majiayao culture 3000-2000 BC Chr.
Xiaoheyan culture 3000-2000 BC Chr.
Tanshishan culture 3000-2000 BC Chr.
Shixia culture 2900-2700 BC Chr.
Qujialing culture 2750-2650 BC Chr.
Shijiahe culture 2600-2000 BC Chr.
Banshan Machang culture 2500-2000 BC Chr.
Baodun culture 2500-1700 BC Chr.
Keshengzhuang II culture 2300-2000 BC Chr.
Zhukaigou culture ...– 1500 BC Chr.
Qijia culture 2000 –... v. Chr.
Qugong culture v. Chr.
Shangzhai culture v. Chr.
Xinkailiu culture v. Chr.
Youziling culture v. Chr.
Kuahuqiao culture v. Chr.
Lijiacun culture v. Chr.
Pianbaozi culture v. Chr.
Banpo culture v. Chr.
Shijia culture v. Chr.
Miaodigou culture v. Chr.
Xiwangcun culture v. Chr.
Qinwangzhai culture v. Chr.
Hougang culture v. Chr.
Dasikongcun culture v. Chr.
Xiawanggang culture v. Chr.
Changguogou culture v. Chr.
Copper Age

The cishan culture ( Chinese  磁山文化 , pinyin Cishan Wenhua , English Cishan Culture ) is after the site Cishan (city Wu'an (武安市), province of Hebei , northern China named) early Neolithic culture. The Cishan site is the eponymous site and was discovered in 1973. The culture was mainly spread in the southern part of Hebei Province.

According to the radiocarbon dating , it is dated from about 5400 to 5100 BC. Dated. On the whole, it is similar to the Peiligang culture , its culture forms are relatively closely related. Sometimes the two cultures are also referred to together as the Cishan-Peiligang culture or the Peiligang-Cishan culture .

Agriculture was already developed, and in some storage pits, piled millet (more precisely: millet ; Chinese xiǎomǐ ; English foxtail millet ) was discovered, which means that agriculture was already practiced on a fairly large scale. Pigs and dogs were bred on domestic animals, and probably chickens as well. Gathering, fishing and hunting also played a very large part.

The main tools used were polished stone tools, including a willow leaf- shaped saddle mill (shímòpán) and stone sickles for processing the grain . The firing temperature of the pottery was relatively low, among other things the three-legged clay pot (bō 钵), bowl (wǎn 碗) and the two-eyed jug (shuāngěrhú 双耳) can be found on vessel shapes . Also clay ding -vials were discovered. Water heating techniques are already emerging, which marks the beginning of cooking in clay vessels. Drinking and eating was already done from different utensils.

The Cishan site ( 磁 山 遗址 , Cìshān yízhǐ ) has been on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China (3-188) since 1988 .

See also


  • Hebei sheng wenwu guanlichu (ed.): "Hebei Wu'an Cishan yizhi" (The Cishan Site in Wu'an, Hebei Province), Kaogu Xuebao 1981 (3): 303-338.
  • Zhou Benxiong (周 本 雄): "Hebei Wu'an Cishan yizhi de dongwu guhai" (animal bones from the Cishan site in Wu'an, Hebei Province), Kaogu Xuebao 1981 (3): 339-346.
  • Zhongguo da baike quansu chuban faxing (Editing Group of the Great Chinese Encyclopedia Publishing House), Ed .: Zhongguo pengren baike quanshu [Encyclopedia of Chinese Cuisine], Beijing 1995; ISBN 7-5000-5125-5
  • Cihai ("Sea of ​​Words"); Shanghai: Shanghai cishu chubanshe 2002; ISBN 7-5326-0839-5

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Cihai , S. 247b.
  2. Archived copy ( memento of the original from January 3, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Zhongguo pengren baike quanshu , p. 772a