The Ten Commandments (2006)

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German title The Ten Commandments
Original title The Ten Commandments
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2006
length 180 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Robert Dornhelm
script Ron Hutchinson
production Bernard Dudek ,
Robert Halmi, Sr. ,
Paul Lowin
music Randy Edelman
camera Edward J. Pei
cut Mark Conte ,
Victor DuBois ,
Klaus Hundsbichler ,
Ingrid Koller

The Ten Commandments (original title: The Ten Commandments ) is a two-part television film from 2006 by director Robert Dornhelm and a remake of the feature film The Ten Commandments from 1956 .


The pharaoh , who is plagued by nightmares, is prophesied that a Hebrew child slave will rise to become Prince of Egypt , who then issues an order to kill all newborn slave boys. The newborn boy of father Amram and mother Jochebed should therefore be hidden in the reeds by the river. Once there, Jochebed has to put her child in a basket in the Nile . Down the river, the child is found and taken in by a princess from a royal family; she names him Moses .

Later the princess also gives birth to her own son: Menerith. Both children grow up like brothers, although as a child the princess reveals to Moses that she is not his birth mother and also grants him a visit to his parents' slave house, where he also meets his brother Aaron and his sister Mirjam .

When Moses grew up, he kills an Egyptian overseer while trying to save the honor of a slave. Thereupon Moses flees Egypt into the desert. In an oasis he witnesses how the seven daughters of Jitro and their flock of sheep are attacked and chased away. He intervenes and is thanked by Jitro, is accepted by him and marries Jitro's daughter Zippora . Son Gershom is born.

Moses climbs the holy mountain Horeb . God speaks to him through a burning bush . When Moses asks his name, he only replies: "I am who I am". God commissioned Moses to free the Hebrews from enslavement. Moses goes back to Egypt, the old Pharaoh has already died and Pharaoh Ramses rules now, so that he no longer has to fear being captured.

Moses demands the release of all slaves from Pharaoh, which he refuses. Only after the land is afflicted by the Ten Plagues does it give in and allow the exodus from Egypt . However, the Pharaoh retrospectively regrets his permission and takes up the pursuit with his army. Moses and his people are led by windpants to the Red Sea , where Moses, with God's help, divides the water masses and allows them to flee from their persecutors. When the Egyptian army follows them, the masses of water return and bury the Egyptians under themselves.

Moses leads the Hebrews through the desert. There are repeated attacks by the Amalekites . Moses teaches the former slaves to fight and equips them with weapons to defend themselves against the Amalekites, who are then fought in a bloody battle. Moses climbs Mount Sinai , where he receives the Ten Commandments on stone tablets . Meanwhile his people are supposed to wait for him at the foot of the mountain, but they begin to create a golden calf and celebrate a festival. When Moses descends from the mountain and sees her adoring the golden calf, he is furious and destroys the golden calf. He demands that everyone should now decide for or against the one God. All, including women and children, who have not chosen God are then killed without mercy. They build an ark in which they carry the stone tablets with the commandments and set off for the promised land . Although God did not allow Moses to enter the Promised Land himself, He did allow him to look at it shortly before his death.


  • Production costs were estimated at $ 20 million.
  • Filming locations were Morocco , Tunisia and Hungary .


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