Klaus Sunshine

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Klaus Sonnenschein (born June 13, 1935 in Berlin ; † April 19, 2019 there ) was a German actor and voice actor .


After leaving school, Klaus Sonnenschein first completed an apprenticeship as a brewer and then attended the Max Reinhardt School for Drama in Berlin, where he was trained by Hilde Körber and Lucie Höflich . He then received various stage engagements, including in Bochum and Berlin.

In 1970 he studied with samples of the play Happy End of Elisabeth Hauptmann at the Berlin grandstand his future wife Edith Hancke know. When the grandstand ran into financial difficulties in 1972, Klaus Sonnenschein took over the management of the theater. Until 1997 he was in charge of the management and converted the small stage into a musical theater in which, in addition to revues and cabaret programs, tabloid comedies and classical pieces were performed.

In 1958, Sonnenschein made his television debut in Ludwig Berger's Measure for Measure ; In 1966 he was seen as an inspector in Konrad Wagner's Die Nacht zum Fourth . For the next almost 40 years, Sonnenschein took over roles in film and television again and again, although his artistic focus was on stage work. He played in several films in the Tatort series , in Curth Flatow's drama Preußenkorso No. 17 , the early evening series Café Wernicke , as well as guest roles in series such as I marry a family , Hotel Paradies and Der Nelkenkönig . He became popular through his role in the Berlin crime series Direktion City (1976–1980) and through the interactive live broadcast Do you know better? which ran on television from 1980 to 1984. He was married to Edith Hancke from 1972 until her death in 2015.

In addition, Klaus Sonnenschein has also worked extensively in dubbing since 1966. He dubbed the actors Bob Hoskins , John Goodman and Morgan Freeman particularly often. In total, he worked on over 600 synchronous productions.

Synchronous rollers (selection)

Bob Hoskins
Danny DeVito
Gene Hackman
John Goodman
Judd Hirsch
Morgan Freeman
William Shatner
Christopher Lee



Radio plays

He also took part in numerous radio plays , for example:

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Martina Kaden: Klaus Sonnenschein Now the widower is talking about Edith Hancke. In: BZ of June 12, 2015. Retrieved October 23, 2016.
  2. ↑ Culture news: Klaus Sonnenschein died. In: Deutschlandfunk Kultur, April 21, 2019. Retrieved April 21, 2019.