Jimmy Hoffa

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Jimmy Hoffa

James "Jimmy" Riddle Hoffa (born February 14, 1913 in Brazil , Indiana ; † (presumably) July 30, 1975 ; declared legally dead on July 30, 1982) was an American union leader with ties to the American Cosa Nostra . As President of the Teamsters union , Hoffa was known in the United States as the lord of trucks . Together with his wife Josephine (nee Poszywak) he had the daughter Barbara Ann Crancer and the son James Phillip , who also became President of the Teamsters in 1999.


Early years and advancement

James Hoffa was born on February 14, 1913. His father, the German-American John Hoffa ( Pennsylvania Dutch ), was a mine worker and died of a lung disease in 1920 when Jimmy was seven years old. His mother Viola, b. Riddle, moved with him first to Clinton , Indiana, and in 1924 to Detroit .

He left school after the ninth grade at fourteen and after several jobs became a warehouse worker at the Kroger Food Company . His hourly wage at that time was 0.32  US dollars . In 1932 Hoffa organized a strike , as a result of which the management increased the hourly wage to $ 0.45, otherwise the delicate fruit products (especially strawberries ) would be spoiled. In 1936, following another strike in the docks, the company found an opportunity to fire Hoffa.

But Hoffa now had a name in trade union circles. The Trade Union of Transport Workers Teamsters in Detroit introduced him as an official and told him the place cell Local 299 to. Hoffa had taken friends from Kroger with him. These Strawberry Boys (English strawberry boys) formed the core of a thugs in the fight against the troops of entrepreneurs .

In the first year of his activity, Hoffa was physically attacked 24 times by police officers or strikebreakers . In order to increase the chances of survival in an assassination attempt by a car bomb , he is said to have only started his car half-boarded with the door open so that he could be thrown out of the car in the event of a possible explosion .

As a trade unionist, he had to deal with blown up cars, destroyed offices, brawls and vehicles trying to force him off the road. During a single strike, he was arrested 18 times in a 24-hour period, and each time he returned to the picket chain immediately after release , to be taken away again.

Hoffa did not receive a fixed wage , but received a small monthly portion of the contributions of the members he had recruited. He initially concentrated the acquisition of new members on the truck drivers , as he saw in them the key to rapid growth. He addressed them directly during their breaks along the roads and rest areas on the highways . As a result, he only spent about 1/3 of his time in the office and the rest on the streets during strikes, demonstrations, or recruiting.

Organized Crime Link

The connection to the Cosa Nostra came about through Hoffa's former girlfriend Sylvia Pigano, with whom he had lived for four years. She married a little Mafioso and eventually became the girlfriend of Frank Coppola . Hoffa later looked after the son of his ex-girlfriend, Charles "Chuckie" O'Brien, personally.

The contact with the Cosa Nostra was important for Hoffa because the mobsters had always and decisively sided with the companies; the violent circumstances ( labor racketeering ) in New York  - e.g. B. the so-called " Labor Slugger Wars " - are still legendary today. Hoffa was able to convince Frank Coppola in 1937 to stay out of it. The Teamsters won their strike and the union gained about 4,000 new members from this success.

In 1941 there was a power struggle between the AFL and the CIO in Detroit . As z. For example, if a Teamster group wanted to switch from the AFL to the CIO, Hoffa prevented this by force. He was supported by his later bodyguard Rolland McMaster .

"McMaster was the personified connection between Hoffa and Meyer Lansky , Santo Trafficante, Jr. , the Dorfman family , the syndicate in Chicago ( Chicago Outfit ) and the Genovese family in New Jersey and New York"

- Dan Moldea

With the help of the Justice Department he managed to defeat the rival CIO in Minneapolis . In 1957, McMaster, Dave Yaras and Barney Baker helped him set up the Local 320 branch in Miami , where the mobster Santo Trafficante then moved into an office.

Jimmy Hoffa, Vice President of Teamsters from 1952, quickly became a controversial person. Robert Kennedy had been appointed chief adviser to the Senate's Standing Committee of Inquiry ( McClellan's Committee against Organized Crime ) in the late 1950s and had collected a lot of evidence, which particularly targeted team star Dave Beck and his deputy Jimmy Hoffa.

Hoffa tried to bribe the lawyer John Cheasty as an informant and to place him as a member of this Senate committee; however, he only accepted the offer in appearance. Under FBI supervision, US $ 200,000 was handed over, but Hoffa was acquitted on July 19, 1957 and succeeded Beck, who had not run for office, to the office of IBT President.

At the hearing of the Senate committee, Beck used his right to remain silent; In another case in 1959, however, he was able to prove that he had embezzled $ 1,900. Beck was imprisoned for three years for tax evasion.

Descent and end

Robert Kennedy had expected Hoffa's conviction and jokingly announced that he would jump from the Capitol if he did not. Hoffa's attorney Edward Bennett Williams sent a parachute to Robert Kennedy on the day of the acquittal . This now declared the Teamsters to be a major enemy of the state. He even wrote a book about it called The Enemy Within .

Hoffa did improve the living conditions of many workers in the USA, but on the other hand he enriched himself at the Central States Pension Fund, which he himself co-founded in 1960 . With the help of this fund, he is also supposed to give the mafia financial aid, for example in the form of illegal withdrawals, interest-free loans , etc. a. for building casinos in Las Vegas . To this end, Hoffa had Roy Lee Williams installed as administrator and trustee in this fund .

When Robert Kennedy became American attorney general in 1961 , he intensified the fight against organized crime, and especially against Hoffa. A separate sub-department was set up within his ministry, which dealt exclusively with labor racketeering , the so-called “Get Hoffa Squad” (“Schnappt-Hoffa-Gruppe”). Kennedy forbade the CIA , which was about to recruit troops against Fidel Castro as part of Operation Mongoose from Cubans in exile and killers of the Mafia , from any cooperation with Hoffa. In March 1962, the attorney general organized a second trial in Nashville , Tennessee, of Hoffa, who with a partner had acquired the shipping company Test Fleet Corporation in the names of their wives . She had been borrowed $ 50,000 from Commercial Carrier's Corporation , which was on a wildcat strike . The labor dispute ended immediately. This trial initially failed because Hoffa had bribed jurors with $ 10,000 each . However, this bribery became known. After Hoffa had the trial delayed for three years, he was finally due to fraud , bribery and conspiracy sentenced to a prison term of 13 years in prison, which he in March 7, 1967 Lewisburg ( Pennsylvania took). His union then named him "President for Life," increased his salary from $ 75,000 to $ 100,000, and granted him $ 1.3 million to pay legal and legal fees.

On December 23, 1971, Hoffa was released on parole by the new US President Richard Nixon . Allegedly, the new Teamster boss Frank Fitzsimmons is said to have organized a million dollar donation for the Nixon election campaign with the help of the Mafia . The condition of this deal was that Hoffa gave up his presidency and would not try again for another ten years. Hoffa agreed, but began to collect votes for a reappointment shortly after his dismissal, again using his regular “local” 299. However, he had broken with Rolland McMaster, whom he believed to be a government informant. His foster son, Chucky O'Brien, also worked for Fitzsimmons and his bodyguard Dave Yaras , who was also one of the most important contacts between Chicago , Florida and Cuba , was murdered.

There was a fierce power struggle in which some car bombs were used. At the same time, independent truck drivers , long-distance drivers with their own vehicles, tried to evade the Teamsters cartel .

Jimmy Hoffa disappeared from the parking lot of the Machus Red Fox restaurant in Bloomfield Hills, north of Detroit , at around 2:30 p.m. on July 30, 1975, at the age of 62, and was officially pronounced dead seven years after his disappearance on July 30, 1982 .

By that time, the FBI's investigation files into his case had grown to around 70 volumes with a total of 16,000 pages.

From mystery to media hype

The disappearance of Hoffa on July 30, 1975 has become culturally independent and has become a part of American culture as a modern legend , especially in the Midwest of the United States (→ adaptations ). As z. For example, at around 11:30 am on May 17, 2006, the search of the remote Hidden Dreams Farm in Milford, Michigan , located 30 miles from Detroit on Interstate 96 , was the American media from the start with it.

The note came from Donovan Wells, a 75-year-old man as marijuana - dealer was convicted and only a short time 6,000-strong town had lived in the 1970s in the. He claims to have seen a corpse wrapped in a carpet on the 32-hectare site. Since the farm had been owned by Rolland McMaster, an important follower of Hoffa, at the time of the disappearance, the hint was taken seriously. At least 15 vehicles drove up for the first search and cordoning off, helicopters were used and a barn was torn down. On May 30th the campaign ended without success.

The event developed into a real media hype via event marketing . With Hoffa burgers , Hoffa cup cakes (with a green hand sticking out of them), T-shirts etc., the mystery of Jimmy Hoffa's disappearance has finally become part of pop culture in the USA.

First findings

On August 2, 1975, the FBI took over the investigation and over 200 agents began their investigations in New Jersey , Detroit and four other major cities. Hoffa's car, a green Pontiac Grand Ville , was found unlocked in the northern part of the restaurant's parking lot on August 1st .

Jimmy Hoffa was known as a regular at Machus Red Fox . The wedding reception of his son James Phillip Hoffa had taken place there. Hoffa had told his wife Josephine on the day of his disappearance that he would meet there with his union colleague Anthony "Tony Pro" Provenzano and the mafia boss Anthony Giacalone and be back at 4:00 pm. Both people, however, denied the existence of such an appointment and had perfect alibis . Giacalone was seen at the Southfield Athletic Club gym, according to witness statements , and "Tony Pro" was playing cards with friends in New Jersey .

Hoffa made two phone calls from a public set. First, at around 2:15 p.m., he asked about the messages at home. He then phoned his friend Louis Linteau , who ran a limousine service at the airport and would have been the first port of call for Giacalone.

After a witness testified that Hoffa had got into a car with multiple occupants in the back seats in the parking lot and leaned forward to chat with the driver, it was assumed that Hoffa had been taken to another location.

On August 8th, Charles O'Brien's fingerprints were found on a water bottle found in the Pontiac . With the help of sniffer dogs and the clothes worn the day before, his scent was detected on the tire of a red Mercury Marquis that O'Brien had borrowed that day from his friend Joe Giacalone , son of Anthony Giacalone. In 2001 a hair found in this vehicle was examined and, after a DNA test, could be assigned to Hoffa.

In all subsequent speculations about the circumstances of the disappearance and the alleged murder, it became clear that O'Brien had to play a key role in the investigation. Hoffa's foster son was one of the few people he trusted.

It corresponds to the classic strategy of the mafia to use people they trust the victims as decoys, often without them being informed. In addition, hair and blood were found in O'Brien's rental car, but could not be assigned to Hoffa using the technology at the time. Furthermore, O'Brien's alibi has some gaps to this day.

On September 2, the Detroit Grand Jury began a six-month investigation into some 50 people known to be associated with the American Cosa Nostra. Were summoned z. B. Rolland McMaster and Frank Sheeran ; most of the summons refused to testify, citing the 5th Amendment to the United States Constitution .

In particular, the statements made in 1976 and 1977 by Ralph Picardo , a member of Local 84 of the Teamsters, who has been incarcerated in Trenton State Prison for murder since May 1975 , substantiated the transfer of Hoffa to another location and were published in 1978 by Dan E. Moldea in his book The Hoffa Wars made public. Picardo was one of Anthony Provenzano's drivers and confirmed Hoffa's invitation to Machus Red Fox , which is said to have come from Anthony Giacalone in order to clear up existing disagreements between Tony Provenzano and Hoffa in the conversation. According to this, Hoffa was taken from the restaurant to a nearby house by O'Brien and then waited in front of it with some friends. In the house itself, Thomas Andretta , Salvatore Briguglio , his brother Gabriel Briguglio and their driver Frank Sheeran would have been waiting for Hoffa to murder him.

Police believe this statement is credible, especially since Anthony Giacalone actually came to New Jersey on the day of the crime. Salvatore Briguglio could no longer be questioned because he was shot in 1978.

The exact circumstances in and around the Machus Red Fox have remained unclear to this day. There are many myths about the background and whereabouts of the corpse .

Theses about the possible location of the corpse

Originally there were four more serious theses about a possible dead body:

  1. The police assumed that Hoffa's body in an oil barrel (am .: " Barrel Murder ") had been brought to the Ford scrap recycling plant in Detroit in the Dearborn district ; u. a. Charles O'Brien is said to have stated this.
    In 1999 the Mafioso Salvatore "Bill" Bonanno delivered a variant of this version in his book Bound by Honor . According to this, Hoffa was brought to a scrap press in the trunk of a car. This variant corresponds roughly to the assumed approach of the perpetrators in the murder of James Squillante in 1960, whose body was also never found.
  2. The US judiciary has long assumed that the body was disposed of in a fat processing plant. Shortly before investigations were to begin there, the factory burned down under unexplained circumstances.
  3. In 1982 Charles Allen, who had been in prison with Hoffa, claimed the body had been cut into small pieces and thrown into a swamp in Florida.
  4. In 1989, Playboy published another thesis based on the portrayal of mafia killer Donald "Tony the Greek" Frankos . Accordingly, Hoffa's body was dismembered and mixed with ready-mixed concrete. This was then installed for the construction of the grandstand on the corner at eye level with the touchdown line or the 10- yard line at Giants Stadium in New Jersey. In 1993 the authors William Hoffman and Lake Headley published Contract Killer: The Explosive Story of the Mafia's Most Notorious Hitman, a book that was created with the help of Donald Frankos.

Recent developments

From 2001 new facts emerged about the Hoffa case; To this day, the authorities are following up clues to potential sites:

  • Charles O'Brien remains key to solving the case. In 2001 the old traces of blood in his car could be assigned to Jimmy Hoffa with the help of a DNA analysis. This refuted his statement that Hoffa was not in his car. However, his renewed questioning has so far not led to an indictment .
  • In the course of a 13th episode of the Discovery Channel's MythBusters television show, produced in 2002 and 2003, the Giants Stadium was examined using ground penetrating radar and nothing was found. The show had its German premiere on December 17, 2005.
  • In 2003, Richard C. Powell, convicted of murder, claimed he was the driver of the car that took Hoffa from the parking lot to a spot on the Au Sable River near Oscoda . The statement seemed credible at first, since with Powell's help the body of Robert A. Woods, who had been missing from Bay City for almost thirty years , could be found. Excavations behind a house in Hampton Township, also near Bay City, to find a wallet that still contained the syringe that was used to numb Hoffa, Powell said, remained completely inconclusive.
  • In 2004 Charles Brandt published his book I Heard You Paint Houses ( To paint houses is a euphemistic Mafia slang for murder, which figuratively describes the splashing of blood). Brandt, a former deputy sheriff, reports from his numerous meetings and phone calls with the mafia killer Frank "The Irishman" Sheeran . He killed Hoffa on behalf of the Mafia, and the body was burned. He also admitted to having shot and killed accomplice Salvatore Briguglio in 1978.
    Sheeran further specified his testimony shortly before his death with the name of the house in which the murder took place. In 2004 traces were taken there for analysis. A result has not yet been officially announced. Sheeran now named the names of Tom and Steve Andretta as the disposers of the body.
  • On February 14, 2006, Lynda Milito, wife of Liborio "Louie" Milito , a member of the Gambino family , announced that her husband had admitted in 1988 to murdering Hoffa and disposing of the body at New York's Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge .
  • In 2006 the hit man Richard "The Iceman" Kuklinski died in a hospital in New Jersey. His version of the story was published in Philip Carlos' book The Iceman: Confessions of a Mafia Contract Killer . According to his own statements, Kuklinski received 40,000 US dollars for the murder of Hoffa. The body was said to have reached Japan in a load of scrap and was melted down there; Kuklinski thus delivered a variant of the thesis that Hoffa's body had been disposed of with the help of a scrap press in Detroit.
  • On the basis of Brandt's book about Frank Sheeran, the police officer Jeff Hansen, in whose precinct the murder of Jimmy Hoffa is to be settled, noticed the fact that the Grand Lawn cemetery crematorium is only two minutes away from the alleged crime scene . Hansen contacted Brandt, apparently Brandt may have come across something there in April 2006 that could further clarify the disappearance. This trace, initially ignored, resulted from Frank Sheeran's additional statement that the brothers Steve and Tommy Andretta had disposed of Hoffa's body in a crematorium. Brandt meanwhile gave an interview to the television station Klas.TV in November 2006.
  • In September 2012, authorities pierced the access route to a storage shed in search of a body and took soil samples. The trigger was the latest statement from a local resident that he had observed the removal of a corpse at this point 35 years ago. Due to the fact that at that time the property belonged to a notorious player with relevant Mafia contacts, this new statement was apparently credible enough to investigate at this point; and it said in the room, maybe to find Hoffa there. Apparently nothing was found.
  • In January 2013, the high-ranking mobster ("underboss" of the "Detroit Partnership") Anthony Joseph Zerilli alleged that Hoffa was buried in a field 20 miles north of the restaurant in Oakland County shortly after his murder. FBI digs in June 2013 were unsuccessful.


Biographical and historical films

Mentions in film and television (selection)

How much the disappearance of Hoffa as a modern saga has become part of American culture is shown in particular by the countless mentions and allusions in films and series:

  • 1983: In the comedy The Survivors , gangster Jack Locke (Jerry Reed) claims he murdered Jimmy Hoffa.
  • 1984: The disappearance of the gangster Max in the film Once Upon a Time in America (original title: Once Upon a Time in America ) contains an allusion to the disappearance without trace of Hoffa or to operations in the Teamsters -Gewerkschaft. At the end of the film, a garbage truck, organized by the Teamsters in the USA, pulls up and Max disappears for good. The infiltration of the garbage collectors had been operated by James Squillante , who was often referred to as the "king of the garbage collection racket" ("King of the waste management crime"). James Squillante disappeared as early as 1960 without a trace, as did Hoffa.
  • 1993: In the 76th episode: Princess of Tartar (OT: Last exit to Springfield ) from the fourth season of the television series The Simpsons , the owner of the nuclear power plant Mr. Burns misses the union boss. The next scene shows a football player running across the field and stumbling over a grass hill that is shaped like a man.
  • 1994: In Die Nackte Kanone 33⅓ is looking for Ltd. Frank Drebin ( Leslie Nielsen ) searches for the address of a suspect in a pile of hospital files and stumbles across "less important files" like "The Truth About the Kennedy Assassination" and "Location of Jimmy Hoffa's Body".
  • 1995: In the 3rd episode The Smarter Gives Up (OT: That Smarts ) from the first season of the television series Pinky and the Brain , Brain presents a plan to impersonate Jimmy Hoffa so that the union members can use the "vertical force convector" for him to build.
  • 1997: In the fourth season of the television series The Nanny - episode 17 (overall episode 92) Oh Schreckraub (original title: Samson, He Denied Her ) - the butler Niles says that if Jimmy Hoffa had a burger in his pants, it would have been from the The nanny's mother was found eating a lot.
  • 1997: In the movie Titanic by James Cameron of treasure hunters Bobby Buell (Nicholas Cascone) against Brock Lovett (Bill Paxton) voices the suspicion that the diamond , the heart of the ocean could be located in Jimmy Hoffa's briefcase probably after the search in the vault was unsuccessful .
  • 1999: In the 220th Simpsons episode The Secret of the Truck Driver (OT: Maximum Homedrive ; Season 10, Episode 17) Homer reveals the secret of the intelligent autopilot. Then the organized truck drivers want to discipline him: "Like back then with Jimmy Hoffa ..."
  • 2000: In the 10th episode of the first season of the Gilmore Girls , a dialogue between the characters Luke von Lorelai alludes to the fact that Jimmy Hoffa's search for people would take a long time.
  • 2003: As a result of Police Bike 1 of the American series American Chopper , which was shown in Germany on March 8, 2007 on DMAX , Michael Teutul comments on a picture while visiting the photo gallery of the police station with the sentence: “There you have Jimmy Hoffa found ”.
  • 2003: In the comedy Bruce Almighty (OT: Bruce Almighty ) the failed television reporter finds Hoffa's body buried under a lawn through his newly acquired divine powers and with the help of a police dog.
  • 2006: In the fourth episode of the sixth season of the television series The Sopranos, the surgeon during the emergency operation of mafia boss Tony Soprano complains that he has just found Jimmy Hoffa.
  • 2006: In the eighth episode of the third season of Veronica Mars , Lord of the Pis, which was shown in Germany on January 11, 2008 on ZDF, a respondent responded with the sentence: “God, what's with all the questions? What's next? You want to know where I buried Jimmy Hoffman? "(German: My God, what's all this questioning about? What's next? Do you want to know where I buried Jimmy Hoffman?)
  • 2007: In the seventh episode of Dexter's second season , Sergeant James Doakes ( Erik King ) says to Dexter Morgan ( Michael C. Hall ), "Your past is a bigger secret than Jimmy Hoffa's."
  • 2008: In the thirteenth episode of the second season of Breaking Bad , DEA agent Hank Schrader joke about a criminal that he might reveal something about Hoffa's whereabouts if you give him a pack of cigarettes.
  • 2008: In the seventh episode of the FBI's Fringe First Season , Walther Bishop (played by John Noble) recalls trying to interview a murdered man named Jimmy Hoffa.
  • 2010: In the twelfth episode of the fifth season of Bones, a secret government organization brings a corpse to the Jeffersonian, which is expressly not to be identified. Dr. Jack Hodgins wonders if it could be Jimmy Hoffa.
  • 2011: In the twelfth episode of the fourth season of Breaking Bad , another dialogical allusion to Hoffa is made by Schrader's DEA partner agent Steve Gomez: Gomez ironically remarks before the search of a laundry that DEA found Jimmy Hoffa in this heroin.
  • 2012: In the twelfth episode of the third season of Lost Girl , Trick mentions the name Jimmy Hoffas to dissuade Kenzis from her announcement that she will form a union for people in the Fae world.
  • 2014: In the eleventh episode of the second season of House of Cards , Frank Underwood sarcastically says in front of a commission of inquiry that one could also accuse Jimmy Hoffa or the Pope over six corners.
  • 2015: In season 2, episode 8 of Scorpion , Cabe Gallo asks a CIA agent where Hoffa was staying, to which he gets the answer: “In the Meadowlands . Everyone knows that."
  • 2017: In season 1 episode 6 of Ozark , Buddy tells about his past in the evening. When asked why he moved to Ozark, he replies that he had some problems with unions in Detroit and then jokingly says, "I'm Jimmy Hoffa's killer."


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Teamsters for LaRouche by Dennis King (English)
  2. James Barron: John C. Cheasty, Star Witness In Teamsters Case, Dies at 96. In: The New York Times , June 21, 2004.
  3. ^ David Kaiser : The Road to Dallas. The Assassination of John. F. Kennedy. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA 2008, p. 21.
  4. ^ David Kaiser: The Road to Dallas. The Assassination of John. F. Kennedy. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA 2008, p. 85.
  5. ^ David Kaiser: The Road to Dallas. The Assassination of John. F. Kennedy. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA 2008, pp. 130 ff.
  6. "Headline: Jimmy Hoffa / Release" CBS Evening News from Thursday, December 23, 1971 (English)
  7. Michigan bakery sells Hoffa cupcakes ( Memento from July 26, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
  8. ^ "The Disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa" ( Memento from April 6, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) by Anthony Bruno on www.crimelibrary.com (English)
  9. historyvshollywood.com (English), accessed June 30, 2020
  10. What happened to Jimmy Hoffa on www.neatorama.com (English)
  11. Playboy 11/1989: Who Shot Jimmy H.?
  12. ^ Playboy Editor: Jimmy Hoffa Story Extensively Investigated The Victoria Advocate - Sept. 21, 1989; Retrieved from Google News April 21, 2014
  13. ^ "Annotated Mythbusters: Episode 13: Buried in Concrete, Daddy Long-legs, Jet Taxi". on kwc.org (English)
  14. a b George Knapp: The Hoffa Files: The Missing Body of Jimmy Hoffa ( Memento from September 27, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) (English)
  15. ^ Philip Carlo: The Iceman: Confessions of a Mafia Contract Killer. ISBN 0-312-34928-9
  16. www.spectrepublishing.com ( Memento from September 26, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) (English)
  17. www.lasvegasnow.com ( Memento from September 27, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) (English)
  18. No signs of human remains in Detroit search for Jimmy Hoffa. In: Fox News , September 28, 2012, (English)
  19. Detroit mobster says he knows where Jimmy Hoffa is buried. In: Fox News , January 14, 2013.
  20. Latest Search Latest search for Jimmy Hoffa called off with no remains found ( Memento from June 19, 2013 in the Internet Archive ). USNews on NBCNews.com, June 19, 2013, accessed July 3, 2013.
  21. Ozark | Netflix Official Site. Retrieved January 7, 2018 .
predecessor Office successor
Dave Beck President of the Teamsters Union
Frank Fitzsimmons