Archangel Saint Michael Eparchy in Sydney

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Archangel Saint Michael Eparchy in Sydney
Basic data
Rite church Melkite Greek Catholic Church
Country Australia
Ecclesiastical province Immediate
Diocesan bishop Robert Rabbat
founding 1987
surface 7,961,676 km²
Parishes 13 (December 31, 2014 / AP2015 )
Residents 29,108,533 ( 12/31/2014 / AP2015 )
Catholics 52,900 ( 12/31/2014 / AP2015 )
proportion of 0.2%
Diocesan priest 11 (December 31, 2014 / AP2015 )
Religious priest 2 (December 31, 2014 / AP2015 )
Catholics per priest 4,069
Permanent deacons 7 (December 31, 2014 / AP2015 )
Friars 2 (December 31, 2014 / AP2015 )
Religious sisters 3 (December 31, 2014 / AP2015 )
rite Byzantine rite
Liturgical language Arabic
cathedral St. Michael's Cathedral
address PO Box 620, 80 Waterloo St., Greenacre, NSW 2190, Australia

The Archangel Saint Michael eparchy in Sydney ( lat . : Eparchia Sancti Michaëlis Sydneyensis Graecorum Melkitarum ) is a Melkite eparchy unified with the Roman Catholic Church and is based in the Sydney suburb of Darlington , Australia .


In the mid-19th century, Christians from the Melkite Greek Catholic Church began to immigrate to Australia. The first gatherings were in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne , later Melkite Christians also settled in other regions. After the number of believers had increased significantly, the need arose to practice the faith and the Eucharist in the Byzantine rite .

In 1889 the religious priest of the Basilians of St. John the Baptist Archimandrite Silwanos Mansour, from Baalbek in Lebanon , came to Australia to pay a visit to his parents. At the request of the faithful, after obtaining the approval of his church leadership, he stayed in Sydney. Mansour began collecting donations, and in 1891 the foundation stone for the first church of the Melkite Greek Catholic Community was laid. The laying of the foundation stone was blessed by Auxiliary Bishop Higgins on behalf of the Roman Catholic Archbishop Patrick Francis Moran of Sydney . The church was consecrated in 1895 and became a meeting place for believing Christians from various Eastern churches. Since 1895, religious priests of the Basilians of St. John the Baptist have served at the church, which bears the name "Archangel Saint Michael". Pope John Paul II implemented the eparchy with the Apostolic Constitution Quae quantaque on March 26, 1987. Since 1999, the area of ​​the diocese has included Australia and New Zealand .


See also

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