Ferdinand Kayser

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Ferdinand Kayser

Ferdinand Christian Eduard Kayser (born November 5, 1863 in Lübeck , † May 29, 1921 there ) was a German businessman and manufacturer. He founded the paint wholesaler and retailer “Ferd. Kayser ”as well as the company“ Kayser & Co. ”.



Ferdinand Kayser attended the F.-A.-Petri-Reallehranstalt .

House name

Together with Max Strübing , Kayser founded the drug store "Kayser & Strübing" in 1889 in the house at Breite Straße 81 opposite the town hall . The rear building , Breite Strasse 81 II , served as an apartment . When Strübing left in 1890 and Kayser became the sole owner , the company name changed to “Ferd. Kayser ”.

At the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce on February 8, 1896, Kayser was accepted into the merchant class. As the board of directors of the business community, the chamber was entrusted with the tasks of an economic authority. In the year before the factory opened, the company was divided into two departments : Department A for colors , drugs, perfumeries and chemicals wholesalers and in detail , and Department B for chocolate and tea , which from 1905 onwards was combined under confectionery , marzipan and canned goods .

The house in the Breiten Strasse became the "Kayserhaus". In the Lübeck address books of 1905, this word was first given as a wire address . Since the commercial building, also inhabited by Kayser, soon proved to be too small for business operations despite various extensions and conversions , several properties in the Hüx- , Fleischhauer- , Fisch- and Braunstraße 6–8 were acquired for storage purposes over the years But Kayserhaus remained the main office building .

In 1899, Kayser expanded. In the Vorwerk district bordering Lübeck, the Schwartauer Allee in Lübeck became the Schwartauer Chaussee . On their properties 23 and 23a, a factory was built for the addition of a large department to his business, a lacquer and paint factory . The factory was called "Kayser & Co.". The Chaussee merged into the avenue in 1904 and the numbers 23 / 23a changed to the numbers 161 and 161a. In addition to the business premises, building 161 (23) also contained three employee apartments and the Kaysersche summer apartment .

Area of the factory

The expansion continued and the area of the now "Hanseatische Chemisch-Technischen Werke Kayser & Co." had to be expanded. To this end, acquired Kayser 1905 the plots no. 1-9 in the next to the factory of the avenue in which at that time not yet Hanseatic city belonging Holstein outgoing Vorwerk Triftstraße. There the production rooms were expanded to include a melting plant and an office . There were also three workers' apartments here. In the same year, Department C for import and export was created. The priorities changed and were made clear to the outside world with the restructuring of the departments in 1907 . So department C became 1, A became 4 and B became 5.

The company names were changed again in 1914. This is how the Kaiser drugstore, Ferdinand Kayser and the Kayser & Co., Kayserwerke came into being .

The factory produced lacquer , paints and floor wax , later expanded to include putty and floor oil, for export, industry , technology , ship and household needs . It not only supplied the north of Germany, but also exported the makes of its branch worldwide . Among his foreign customer was England the largest buyer. Floor oil and wax were the main products here. However, the First World War completely destroyed this branch of the company.

If the business began with two employees in the smallest of circumstances, 70 people were employed shortly before the war .

Kaiser-Friedrich-Strasse 15

In addition to his business activities, Kayser was also active in the non-profit and church fields. In April 1892 he was accepted as a new member of the Society for the Promotion of Charitable Activities . He acquired land in St. Gertrud that should be used as a residential property for his workers. In place of the outgoing Senator Kulenkamp as head of the collection of paintings, Kayser was proposed as one of three possible successors for the office. When Kayser & Co. had to give up its location in St. Lorenz in 1917 , they moved into the rear building of the main office building instead. Kayser acquired by the children of the April 22, 1915 as a company commander of the 1st Company in lübeckischen children Regiment 215 at the gas attack on the first day of the Second Battle of Ypres on the Yser fallen Regional Court Council Eduard Kulenkamp once built by his villa in St. Gertrude at the corner Kaiser -Friedrichstrasse 15 / Kaiser-Friedrich-Platz

Last Supper (1904)

In St. Mary's Church Board and the leadership of the Evangelical Association house Kayser had lasting service. His participation in the construction of the Marienwerkhaus is particularly noteworthy. The eastern end of the ground floor is a hall for meetings, choir and confirmation lessons, which is now called the confirmation hall . His main decoration is the painting Last Supper , which he donated by Willibald Leo von Lütgendorff-Leinburg . In the club house he was a member of the board of directors and held the office of treasurer for many years . Kayser was also a member of the board of directors of the Lübeck Retailers' Association.

As a Freemason , Kayser belonged to the “Zur Weltkugel” lodge .

After he became increasingly sickly in the last year of his life, Ferdinand Kayser died on May 29, 1921 around noon.


HL Back then - Ferdinand Kayser - Familiengrab.jpg

Ferdinand Kayser had married Frieda Possner. When he died in 1921, his sons were not yet able to follow in his footsteps. His widow moved to Eschenburgstraße No. 29d , Roeckstraße No. 2 and finally to Curtiusstraße No. 3/5 . She died in 1955. The drugstore, of which she was still a partner, was liquidated in 1938 . The "Kayser & Co." still existed after the Second World War and was located on the Hülshorst .


Web links

Commons : Ferdinand Kayser  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce. In: Lübeckische Blätter ; Volume 32, number 13, edition of February 16, 1896, p. 75.
  2. Fleischhauerstrasse 41
  3. Nothing is left of the works today. Plots 161 and 161a are undeveloped and belong to a petrol station and residential buildings have been built on plots No. 1–9. The current size of lots 161 and 161a is only marginal due to a modified end of the street at Triftstraße .
  4. In one of Kayser's obituaries from 1921 it was said that without him "Christmas in many families could not really be imagined".
  5. ^ Society for the promotion of charitable activities ; In: Lübeckische Blätter ; Volume 34, number 28, edition of April 6, 1892, p. 162.
  6. ^ Society for the promotion of charitable activities ; In: Lübeckische Blätter ; Vol. 56, number 8, edition of February 22, 1914, p. 133.
  7. The writer Werner Beumelburg later coined the term “children's regiments”. In his books he referred to the new regiments , consisting of inexperienced volunteers , deployed in Flanders , to whose crews he had also belonged at the time, as "children's regiments" because of the age of their soldiers . '
  8. Kulenkamp had as captain of the militia at the outbreak of war as volunteers reported
  9. Today it is the street corner between Rathenaustraße and Hindenburgplatz.
  10. The new church house of St. Marien. In: Vaterstädtische Blätter , No. 15, edition of April 10, 1904, pp. 57–59.