Northern Kazakhstan

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Northern Kazakhstan region
Солтүстік Қазақстан облысы
Северо-Казахстанская область
coat of arms
coat of arms
Basic data
State : KazakhstanKazakhstan Kazakhstan
Administrative headquarters : Petropavl
Founded: July 29, 1936
Area : 97,993  km²
Residents : 548,755 (Jan 1, 2020)
Population density : 6 inhabitants per km²
Time zone : EKST ( UTC + 6 )
Postal code : 15xxxx
Telephone code : +7 (715)
License plate : 15 (old: T, O)
KATO code: 590000000
ISO 3166-2 : KZ-SEV
Äkim ( governor ) : Qumar Aqsaqalow
Website :
Location in Kazakhstan
Turkmenistan Usbekistan Aserbaidschan Georgien Kirgisistan Tadschikistan China Russland Baikonur Almaty Nur-Sultan Mangghystau Atyrau Westkasachstan Aqtöbe Qostanai Nordkasachstan Aqmola (Gebiet) Pawlodar Qaraghandy Qysylorda Türkistan Schambyl Ostkasachstan Almatymap
About this picture

The area North Kazakhstan ( Kazakh. Солтүстік Қазақстан облысы / Soltüstik Qasaqstan oblysy , Russian Северо-Казахстанская область / Severo-Kasachstanskaja Oblast ) is the smallest of the 14 regions ( Oblystar ), in which the Republic of Kazakhstan is divided. Its capital is Petropavl .


Geographical location

The area ( Oblys ) is located in the far north of the country and has an area of ​​98,000 km² and 580,000 inhabitants. It is bordered by Russia in the north and the Pavlodar areas in the east, Aqmola in the south and Qostanai in the west.

Northern Kazakhstan occupies the southern edge of the West Siberian lowlands . Much of it is characterized by gently rolling hills. The most important river Ishim with its tributary Imanburlyq flows through the area in which wheat has been mainly grown since the so-called "new land campaign" in the 1950s . The capital Petropawl is located on the Ishim near the Russian border.

There are more than 1,000 lakes in the Oblys, the majority of which are freshwater lakes. The largest are the Schaglytenis , the North and South Kak , the Akusch , the Taranköl and the Stanowoje . Northern Kazakhstan is located in the forest steppe and steppe zone. Birch and aspens grow mainly in the forest steppe and there are many swamps . Forests take up eight percent of the territory.

Neighboring states and territories

Qostanai Wind rose small.svg Pavlodar


Ethnic groups

According to the Kazakh census of 2009, the population is divided as follows: ethnic Russians make up 50.43% of the population, Kazakhs 33%, Ukrainians 5%, Germans 3.5%, Poles 2.5%, Tatars 2.2% and Belarusians 1.15%. Other nationalities account for 2.1%.

The proportion of Germans in the total population has decreased from almost 10% in 1989 to 3.5% in 2009. The majority of Germans in Kazakhstan have meanwhile emigrated to Germany as repatriates . The Audany Tajynscha is the district within northern Kazakhstan with the highest proportion of Germans, who still make up around 10% of the population there. Also noteworthy is the size of the Polish minority in the same district, which makes up almost 22% of the population.

Ethnic group VZ 1989 VZ 1999 VZ 2009
number % number % number %
Russians 469,636 51.49 361,461 49.79 300,849 50.43
Kazakhs 206.060 22.59 214,697 29.57 198,641 33.30
Ukrainians 70,525 7.73 46,980 6.47 29,817 5.00
German 86,716 9.51 41,157 5.67 20,800 3.49
Poland 22,917 2.51 18,757 2.58 13,976 2.34
Tatars 19,977 2.19 16,472 2.27 13,024 2.18
Belarusians 16,388 1.80 11,184 1.54 6,856 1.15
Azerbaijanis 1,394 0.15 1,457 0.20 1,564 0.26
Armenians 940 0.10 1,394 0.19 1,270 0.21
Tschuwaschen 1.941 0.21 1,288 0.18 850 0.14
Other 24,925 2.71 11,133 1.53 9,883 1.65

Population development

year Residents
1939¹ 541,527
1959¹ 456.999
1970¹ 873.916
1979¹ 889.530
1989¹ 921,416
1999¹ 725.980
2000 713,628
year Residents
2001 702.623
2002 691.263
2003 682.148
2004 674.497
2005 665.936
2006 663.126
2007 660.950
year Residents
2008 653.921
2009¹ 597,530
2010 592,746
2011 589,308
2012 583,598
2013 579,636
2014 575,766
year Residents
2015 571,759
2016 569.507
2017 563,300
2018 558,584
2019 554,517
2020 548.755

¹ census result

Politics and administration

Administrative division

The area is divided into 14 districts ( Kazakh Ауданы Audany ; Russian Район Rajon ). The administrative center of Petropawl represents its own urban district. Other cities in the Northern Kazakhstan region are Bulajew , Mamljut , Sergejew and Tajynscha .

Administrative division of the Northern Kazakhstan region
Audany Area [km²] Residents Administrative headquarters
Aiyrtau 9,600 36,448 Saumalköl
Aqqaiyng 4,710 18,631 Smirnowo
Aqshar 8,040 15,415 Talschyq
Ghabit Muesirepow 11,100 40,252 Novoishim
Jessil 5,140 21,823 Jawlewka
Maghan Shumabaev 7,600 29,166 Bulayev
Mamlyut 4,100 17,508 Mamlyut
Petropavl (city) 222 219.231 Petropavl
Kyzylshar 6,150 44,072 Besköl
Aqyn scarf 4,840 18,077 Sergeyev
Shambyl 7,460 18,814 Presnovka
Tajynscha 11,430 42,237 Tajynscha
Timiryazev 4,510 10,929 Timiryasevo
Uälichanow 12,880 16,152 Kischkeneköl
As of January 1, 2020

Äkim (governor)

List of governors ( Kazakh Әкім , Äkim ) of the Northern Kazakhstan region since 1992:

No. Surname Term of office (beginning) Term of office (end)
1 Vladimir Hartmann 1992 1997
2 Danial Akhmetov 1997 1999
3 Qashymurat Naghymanov October 1999 May 17, 2002
4th Anatoly Smirnov May 17, 2002 December 24, 2003
5 Tajyr Mansurov December 24, 2003 October 9, 2007
6th Serik Bilalow October 9, 2007 January 22, 2013
7th Samat Jeskendirow January 22, 2013 May 27, 2014
8th Jerik Sultanov May 27, 2014 March 14, 2017
9 Qumar Aqsaqalow March 14, 2017 officiating

Web links

Commons : Northern Kazakhstan  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Численность населения Республики Казахстан по полу в разрезе областей и столицы, столицы, столицы, анколицы, столицы, городоав, областей и столицы, анкония, горойцы, коники, городоав,. ( Excel ; 96 KB), accessed on July 19, 2020 (Russian).
  2. Ethnic composition: 1989 census (data for regions)., accessed August 9, 2020 (Russian).
  3. Ethnic composition: 1999 census (data for regions)., accessed August 9, 2020 (Russian).
  4. Ethnic composition: 2009 census., accessed August 9, 2020 (Russian).

Coordinates: 55 ° 0 '  N , 69 ° 0'  E