Gerhard Schäffer

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Gerhard Schäffer (born September 26, 1942 in Vrbas , Vojvodina , Kingdom of Yugoslavia ) is a former Austrian politician ( ÖVP ) and state school board president , member of the Austrian National Council and state secretary .


After primary school, Schäffer attended the Bundesrealgymnasium and graduated in 1962 with the Matura. He then studied humanities at the University of Graz and graduated in 1966 with the academic degree Mag. Phil. from.

Schäffer was a teacher at various grammar schools in the state of Salzburg and was appointed provisional professor in 1969. From 1972 he was also a member of the examination commission for the teaching post at secondary schools, between 1974 held a teaching position for methodology at the Institute for Sport Science at the University of Salzburg and was director of the Bundes-Oberstufenrealgymnasium Salzburg in Akademiestraße from 1976 to 1979 . Between 1979 and 1994 he was acting president of the state school board for Salzburg , where he took over this function again in 1996. Schäffer was awarded the professional title of professor in 1970 .

Schäffer was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Pädagogische Akademie Salzburg and represented the ÖVP in the National Council between March 31, 1982 and November 4, 1990 . He was also State Secretary in the Federal Chancellery for Sport from November 29, 1994 to March 12, 1996 .


  • Norbert Blaichinger (Ed.): Gerhard Schäffer. 25 years of education policy for Austria. Collection of articles, Edition Innsalz, Aspach 2004, ISBN 3-901535-95-0 .

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Individual evidence

  1. Member of Parliament Karlheinz Kopf, speech , April 24, 1996, in: Nationalrat, XX.GP stenographic protocol 17th session / page 175 f