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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the local community Hochdorf-Assenheim
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Hochdorf-Assenheim highlighted

Coordinates: 49 ° 25 '  N , 8 ° 17'  E

Basic data
State : Rhineland-Palatinate
County : Rhine-Palatinate District
Association municipality : Dannstadt-Schauernheim
Height : 109 m above sea level NHN
Area : 9.7 km 2
Residents: 3212 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 331 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 67126
Area code : 06231
License plate : RP
Community key : 07 3 38 014
Community structure: 2 districts
Association administration address: Am Rathausplatz 1
67125 Dannstadt-Schauernheim
Website : vg-dannstadt-schauernheim.de
Local Mayor : Walter Schmitt (FWG)
Location of the local community Hochdorf-Assenheim in the Rhine-Palatinate district
Frankenthal (Pfalz) Kreis Bergstraße Landkreis Alzey-Worms Landkreis Bad Dürkheim Landkreis Germersheim Landkreis Karlsruhe Neustadt an der Weinstraße Landkreis Südliche Weinstraße Ludwigshafen am Rhein Mannheim Rhein-Neckar-Kreis Speyer Worms Altrip Beindersheim Birkenheide Bobenheim-Roxheim Böhl-Iggelheim Dannstadt-Schauernheim Dudenhofen Fußgönheim Großniedesheim Hanhofen Harthausen Heßheim Heuchelheim bei Frankenthal Hochdorf-Assenheim Kleinniedesheim Lambsheim Limburgerhof Maxdorf Mutterstadt Neuhofen (Pfalz) Otterstadt Rödersheim-Gronau Römerberg (Pfalz) Schifferstadt Waldsee (Pfalz)map
About this picture

Hochdorf-Assenheim is a municipality in the Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis in Rhineland-Palatinate . It belongs to the community of Dannstadt-Schauernheim .


Geographical location

The place is located in the Upper Rhine Plain west of the Rhine in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region . Neighboring communities are Rödersheim-Gronau , Dannstadt-Schauernheim , Böhl-Iggelheim and Meckenheim . The next largest city is Ludwigshafen am Rhein in the northeast.


Precipitation 1961–1990

The annual precipitation is 532 millimeters. The rainfall is very low. They are in the lower tenth of the values ​​recorded in Germany. Lower values ​​are registered at 7 percent of the measuring stations of the German Weather Service . The driest month is February, with the most rainfall in June. The rainfall varies moderately. Lower seasonal fluctuations are recorded at 38 percent of the measuring stations.


History of Hochdorf

The Franconian town foundation from the 7th / 8th Century was first mentioned in 776 in the Lorsch Codex in the form "high thorph". The name suggests the slight, approximately five-meter elevation in terrain opposite Assenheim to the east.

Probably in 10/11. In the 18th century, the exact year is not known, the village, which had previously belonged to the Franconian tribal duchy and then to the German kingdom, came into the possession of the Weissenburg Monastery in Alsace . In 1482, Hochdorf was sold to the Speyer Cathedral Chapter and in 1487 passed to the Speyer Monastery, whose ownership it remained until it was annexed to France in 1797.

History of Assenheim

Assenheim was founded by the Franks in the 6./7. Century first mentioned in 777 in the Lorsch Codex already in the since unchanged form "Assenheim".

Like Hochdorf, Assenheim initially belonged to the Weißenburg monastery, but was given as a fief to Count Jofried von Leiningen in 1340 . With the abolition of the monastery during the Reformation, the Counts of Leiningen became the lords of Assenheim. After the Peace of Augsburg in 1555, Assenheim used the right of free choice of faith guaranteed by Charles V and joined the Lutherans , Hochdorf remained Catholic. The Leiningen counts kept Assenheim in their possession until 1797, only interrupted in the period from 1701 to 1764, when Assenheim was pledged to the Speyer cathedral chapter.

The common history after 1797

From the time of French rule (1797), the history of both villages is largely identical. After the French left, Hochdorf and Assenheim were assigned to the Rhine District (later Palatinate (Bavaria) ) in the Kingdom of Bavaria in 1816. With the right of self-administration one belonged to the canton Mutterstadt , within the Landkommissariat Speyer . Due to the rapid growth of the young industrial city of Ludwigshafen and the surrounding towns, the Ludwigshafen district office was set up in 1886, to which Hochdorf and Assenheim then also belonged. After the First World War they were under French occupation (1918–1930). After the Second World War , Hochdorf and Assenheim came to the then newly formed state of Rhineland-Palatinate in the Ludwigshafen am Rhein district , now part of the Rhine-Palatinate district . On June 7, 1969, the local community of Hochdorf-Assenheim was newly formed from the previously independent communities of Hochdorf and Assenheim.


In 2008, 41.6 percent of the population were Catholic and 28.8 percent Protestant. The rest belonged to another religion, such as the Mennonite congregation or the New Apostolic Church , or are non-denominational.

Population development

Population development of Hochdorf

The first survey of population figures shows around a hundred people in 1412. Even 300 years later, this number was hardly exceeded, but in the meantime there was a sharp decline in population due to the war. During this entire period the place consisted exclusively of the founding core along the main road from the Catholic parish church in the east to the school and community center in the west. In the 18th century, as a result of the resettlement after the War of the Palatinate Succession, the population rose to around 300 people, and the settlement of the main road continued to the west and east. The first cadastral plan from 1837 shows Hochdorf still as a pure street village, with around 540 inhabitants settling between the junction of Assenheimer Strasse and Haßlocher Strasse. In the western part of the area began to expand in the following decades, in the 1920s, the character of a street village was removed by building the streets branching off to the south.

Between the two world wars and in the post-war period, mainly workers 'and employees' houses were built; in 1960, 1150 people lived in Hochdorf.

Population development of Assenheim

The founding core of Assenheim is in the area around the former town hall and the Protestant parish church along Langstrasse. Presumably, the settlement did not move beyond the original core until the 18th century. The population increased more rapidly due to the abolition of feudal dependencies and the possibility of moving freely at the beginning of the 19th century. From 350 inhabitants in 1800 the number rose to 493 in 1837, when the first land registry plan was drawn up. The building boundaries from this time, which in addition to Langstrasse included the parallel to the south of Hohlstrasse and Westerstrasse, lasted until after the Second World War , and vacant lots were essentially closed during this period.

Due to the new development areas that have been developed since then, the populated area tripled, in 1975 Assenheim had more than 1000 inhabitants.


Municipal council

The municipal council in Hochdorf-Assenheim consists of 20 council members, who were elected in a personalized proportional representation in the local elections on May 26, 2019 , and the honorary local mayor as chairman.

The distribution of seats in the municipal council:

choice SPD CDU FWG total
2019 3 6th 11 20 seats
2014 5 9 6th 20 seats
2009 6th 8th 6th 20 seats
2004 4th 8th 8th 20 seats
  • FWG = Free Association of Voters Hochdorf-Assenheim


The local mayor of Hochdorf-Assenheim is Walter Schmitt (FWG). In the local elections on May 26, 2019, he was elected with a share of 70.30% of the vote and is the successor to Gabriele Böhle (CDU), who had not run for office after ten years.

coat of arms

Coat of arms of Hochdorf-Assenheim
Blazon : "In a shield divided by silver and blue above a blue double key, below a spectacle-shaped silver mark."

It was approved by the Neustadt district government in 1977 .

Reasons for the coat of arms: The colors silver and blue refer to the former local lords, the Speyer monastery and the Counts of Leiningen . The key comes from the old coat of arms of Hochdorf, the glasses-shaped symbol from that of Assenheim.

Culture and sights

Catholic Church Hochdorf
Historic town hall Assenheim
Historic town hall and Protestant church in Assenheim


  • Catholic parish church St. Petrus (Hauptstraße 51, Hochdorf): The current church was built in 1756, previous buildings at the same location can be traced back to 1179, but they probably existed much earlier. The late baroque hall building was significantly expanded to the west in 1973/74 and redesigned inside. The high bell tower adjoining the choir to the east dates from the Romanesque period and received its bell-shaped storey in 1923. Inside there is a fresco from 1760 by Paul Rammelkammer and three baroque wooden figures.
  • Catholic rectory (Hauptstrasse 53, Hochdorf): The two-storey plastered building stands directly behind the choir of the church and was built in the same year. At that time, the representative building was the largest residential building in town. Parts of the enclosure wall and gate system of the rectory can be dated back to the 16th century.
  • Protestant parish church (Langstrasse 23, Assenheim): built 1752–1758 as a late baroque hall church. Plastered building with a mansard roof, which is also led around the three-sided choir. A roof turret with an elaborately curved attachment is located above the facade. In 1887 the arched facade portal was restored, in 1959 and 1960 the interior with a wooden ceiling and a surrounding gallery. The organ was built in 1785 by Johann Georg Geib . Previous buildings in the same place can be traced back to 1372.
  • Former school and town hall (Hauptstraße 83, Hochdorf): Built in 1819 to replace the previous building that has been known since the 17th century. One-storey, large-scale building with a gable roof and very large windows on the facade and courtyard side.
  • Former town hall (Langstraße 25, Assenheim): two-storey building with a solid ground floor, the upper floor as a visible framework and a high hipped roof. The building also served as a school building, was restored and partially rebuilt in 1957 and is now used as a Protestant welfare station.
  • Oberstraße 30 (Assenheim): Oldest house in the village, residential building of a former three-sided courtyard with two attic floors and a gable roof, built in the 18th century.
  • Hauptstraße 78 (Hochdorf): Single-storey residential building, built around 1800, with a high gable roof and crooks.
  • Hauptstraße 80 (Hochdorf): House of a farm from 1807. Two-storey plastered building with late baroque and classicist individual forms, was the largest private house in the town at the time of construction.
  • Hauptstraße 97 (Hochdorf): House of a farm from 1777, formerly used as the “Zur Krone” inn. Because of the partly public use, a comparatively large-scale building.
  • Hauptstraße 103 (Hochdorf): Late Baroque three-sided courtyard from the late 18th century, the only three-sided courtyard in the town that has largely been preserved in its original form. The late medieval baptismal font of the Catholic parish church is located in the courtyard.
  • Former estate of the Order of St. John (Hauptstraße 110, Hochdorf): built in 1782 as a late baroque hook courtyard. One-storey plastered building, gable roof with crested hips. The rear of the courtyard is formed by the original barn with partial basement, the entrance to the courtyard is flanked by two classicist gate posts with pine toppers.
  • Wayside shrine (in front of Hauptstrasse 166, Hochdorf): built in 1785 in the form of a small chapel as a station for field processions.
  • Assenheim cemetery : Two tombs from the years 1912 and 1919 have been preserved from the time before the Second World War.
  • Hochdorf cemetery : beginning of the 19th century. Relocated to the current location, the cemetery cross from 1758 and some grave crosses from the 18th century in the surrounding wall were moved here from the original cemetery.
  • Wegekreuz (Böhler Straße, 700 m south of the main street): Mission cross from 1858, the metal body dates from 1887.

See also: List of cultural monuments in Hochdorf-Assenheim


  • Brass band 1934 Assenheim e. V.
  • Catholic Music Association Hochdorf 1931 e. V.
  • The band Grand Malör comes from Hochdorf-Assenheim. Until 2002 the band was also called "the Assremer Bänd" (= dialect for Assenheimer band ). In 1996 the band organized an open air benefit concert and raised 32,000 DM for children with cancer from 2500 guests.

Economy and Infrastructure


The federal motorway 65 runs south-east of the village . There are bus connections to the surrounding communities. Hochdorf-Assenheim belongs to the tariff area of ​​the Rhein-Neckar transport association .


There is a primary school in Hochdorf. Secondary schools can be attended in the neighboring communities.



  • Winfried Seelinger: Families in Hochdorf and Assenheim 1412 to 1912 . Hochdorf-Assenheim 1998

Web links

Commons : Hochdorf-Assenheim  - Collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. State Statistical Office of Rhineland-Palatinate - population status 2019, districts, communities, association communities ( help on this ).
  2. Minst, Karl Josef [trans.]: Lorscher Codex (Volume 4), Certificate 2118 May 28, 776 - Reg. 1275. In: Heidelberger historical stocks - digital. Heidelberg University Library, p. 47 , accessed on January 19, 2016 .
  3. Minst, Karl Josef [transl.]: Lorscher Codex (Volume 4), Certificate 2056 July 3, 777 - Reg. 1515. In: Heidelberg historical stocks - digital. Heidelberg University Library, p. 30 , accessed on January 19, 2016 .
  4. Official municipality directory (= State Statistical Office of Rhineland-Palatinate [Hrsg.]: Statistical volumes . Volume 407 ). Bad Ems February 2016, p. 166 (PDF; 2.8 MB).
  5. ^ The Regional Returning Officer RLP: City Council Election 2019 Hochdorf-Assenheim. Retrieved October 9, 2019 .
  6. ^ The Regional Returning Officer Rhineland-Palatinate: Municipal elections 2014, city and municipal council elections
  7. The regional returning officer RLP: direct elections 2019. see Dannstadt-Schauernheim, Verbandsgemeinde, second line of results. Retrieved October 9, 2019 .