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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the local community Harthausen
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Harthausen highlighted

Coordinates: 49 ° 18 '  N , 8 ° 21'  E

Basic data
State : Rhineland-Palatinate
County : Rhine-Palatinate District
Association municipality : Römerberg-Dudenhofen
Height : 107 m above sea level NHN
Area : 8.37 km 2
Residents: 3118 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 373 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 67376
Area code : 06344
License plate : RP
Community key : 07 3 38 011
Association administration address: Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 6
67373 Dudenhofen
Website : www.vgrd.de/
Local Mayor : Harald Löffler ( CDU )
Location of the local community Harthausen in the Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis
Frankenthal (Pfalz) Kreis Bergstraße Landkreis Alzey-Worms Landkreis Bad Dürkheim Landkreis Germersheim Landkreis Karlsruhe Neustadt an der Weinstraße Landkreis Südliche Weinstraße Ludwigshafen am Rhein Mannheim Rhein-Neckar-Kreis Speyer Worms Altrip Beindersheim Birkenheide Bobenheim-Roxheim Böhl-Iggelheim Dannstadt-Schauernheim Dudenhofen Fußgönheim Großniedesheim Hanhofen Harthausen Heßheim Heuchelheim bei Frankenthal Hochdorf-Assenheim Kleinniedesheim Lambsheim Limburgerhof Maxdorf Mutterstadt Neuhofen (Pfalz) Otterstadt Rödersheim-Gronau Römerberg (Pfalz) Schifferstadt Waldsee (Pfalz)map
About this picture

Harthausen is a municipality in the Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis in Rhineland-Palatinate . It belongs to the Römerberg-Dudenhofen community .



Harthausen is in the Palatinate . The Gäu extends to the west . Harthausen also includes the Allmend, Steinbrücke, Weidenseehof and Ziegelei residential areas . Neighboring communities are - clockwise - Hanhofen , Dudenhofen , Römerberg , Schwegenheim , Gommersheim and Neustadt an der Weinstrasse .


The Hainbach flows through the middle of the development . the Modenbach grazes the northern edge of the settlement, which then flows into the Speyerbach from the right . The latter partially forms the northern and northeastern boundary of the district. For a short time the Kropsbach and the Altwiesenbach also run through the municipality. The Pfaffensee is also located on site .


Harthausen was in 9./10. Founded in the 19th century by the Franks and first mentioned in 1230 under the name Hardhusen . The current spelling has existed since the 16th century.

In 1065 Harthausen came under the sovereignty of the Speyer bishopric , which had jurisdiction since 974. In 1232 the Heilsbruck monastery was established here , confirmed in the same year by the Speyer bishop Beringer von Entringen . Due to the poor location, however, it moved to what is now Edenkoben in 1262 . In 1235 the place was transferred to the St. German-Stift , which exercised feudal and tithe rights until 1797, although the sovereignty of the Speyer bishops was preserved. From around 1475 Harthausen was administered by the high-level sub-office Marientraut in Hanhofen and from 1772 from the office of Deidesheim .

From 1801 to 1809 the later cathedral capitular Franz Christoph Günther (1770–1848) worked as pastor of Harthausen. He was the son of the baroque sculptor Joachim Günther and the nephew of the famous baroque painter Matthäus Günther . His two brothers Tobias and Johann Adam Günther were also active as artists and according to the parish memorial book, Pastor Franz Christoph Günther had them make new altars for the parish church. Of these "Günther altars" from the old church, which was demolished in 1871, only one crucifixion group in the field chapel on Hanhofer Str. Has survived.

In 1794 the region was occupied by French revolutionary troops, from 1798 to 1814 Harthausen belonged to the French canton of Speyer in the Donnersberg department and was subordinate to the Mairie Heiligenstein . In 1816 the Palatinate, including Harthausen, was ceded by Austria to the Kingdom of Bavaria . Under the Bavarian administrative Harthausen belonged from 1817 to the country's Commissariat Speyer , from 1862 the district office Speyer and 1939 the district Speyer was born.

From 1939 the place was part of the district of Speyer . After the Second World War , Harthausen became part of the then newly formed state of Rhineland-Palatinate within the French occupation zone . In the course of the first Rhineland-Palatinate administrative reform , the place moved to the district of Ludwigshafen am Rhein , which has been called Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis since 2004 . From 1972 to the end of June 2014, the local community Harthausen was part of the Dudenhofen community . Harthausen has been part of the Römerberg-Dudenhofen community since July 2014 .

Gas explosion at Hoffmann Gastrans

On Saturday, September 28, 2013, two trucks standing apart from each other burned on the premises of the Hoffmann Gastrans company, which sold liquid gas. During the extinguishing work by the fire brigade, which was notified at around 4:20 a.m., the fire spread to a gas tank, which exploded shortly after 5 a.m. 17 members of the fire brigade were injured, three of them seriously. The debris spread within a radius of several hundred meters. The gas tank flew over 400 meters through the air and smashed through the roof of a warehouse. Another tank was thrown over the adjacent road to Hanhofen into an adjacent field. The bang could be heard within a radius of 25 km. Other explosions also affected nearby buildings. Since there was a risk of further gas tanks exploding due to the fire, the location was evacuated from 9 a.m. all 3,000 residents had to leave their houses and apartments. To prevent the tanks from exploding, they were burned down in a controlled manner by the BASF works fire brigade and cooled at the same time. A total of 450 emergency services were involved in the action. After the Rhineland-Palatinate Transport Minister Roger Lewentz had already visited the site of the accident on Saturday and got a picture from the air, Prime Minister Malu Dreyer visited the place on Sunday. The evacuation from Harthausen was lifted on September 29 at around 1.30 p.m. On December 11, 2013, two arson suspects were arrested. Those arrested are the 40-year-old ex-boyfriend of the gas trader's daughter, with whom he also had business relations, and the ex-boyfriend's 27-year-old girlfriend. While the 27-year-old made an extensive confession before the Frankenthal Regional Court before the trial that began on September 10, 2014, the 40-year-old main perpetrator, who had already threatened the owner of the company several times prior to the act and also in April 2013 in Franconia, was silent Burgbernheim had set a truck of the daughter on fire, so far to the allegations. On December 3, 2014, the main perpetrator was sentenced to 12 years in prison and his ex-girlfriend was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months.


Population development

The development of the formerly typical street village progressed slowly until the beginning of the 19th century. Harthausen had around 400 inhabitants in 1511, but in 1667 it was only 109 due to the Thirty Years' War and the year of the plague in 1666. Around 1700 there were around 250 inhabitants, in 1801 551 were counted. The original town center was Speyerer Straße, the development of which up until the 17th century in an easterly direction probably did not extend beyond the former location of the town hall at the junction with Rappengasse. The first exact plan is the cadastral plan from 1820, which shows the expansion of the buildings on Speyerer Straße to the east, Rappengasse and Zwerchgasse. Since that time the population has increased continuously.

The development of the population of Harthausen, the values ​​from 1871 to 1987 are based on censuses: The number of inhabitants can be called up in the monthly statistics.

year Residents
1815 624
1835 1092
1871 1373
1905 1435
1939 1674
1950 1833
year Residents
1961 1993
1970 2129
1987 2300
2005 3021
2017 3234


From 1232 the municipality was the location of the Heilsbruck monastery , which however moved to Edenkoben in 1262 . In addition, the friars held services in the Carmelite monastery in Speyer in the 13th century in the local parish.


Municipal council

The local council in Harthausen consists of 20 council members, who were elected in the local elections on May 26, 2019 in a personalized proportional representation, and the honorary local mayor as chairman. The incumbent local mayor has been Harald Löffler since 2004, who is also the local association chairman of the CDU .

The distribution of seats in the municipal council:

choice SPD CDU FDP total
2019 6th 11 3 20 seats
2014 6th 13 1 20 seats
2009 7th 12 1 20 seats
2004 7th 12 1 20 seats

coat of arms

Harthausen coat of arms
Blazon : "In a divided shield above in black two growing, facing each other red-armored and tongued golden lions, holding a millstone covered with black iron in their front paws, below divided by silver and blue, in it a lily in confused colors."
Justification for the coat of arms: It was approved by the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of the Interior in 1951 . Previously, since 1845, the coat of arms had only shown the two Electoral Palatinate lions, which had been on the court seal since the 17th century. Since the place belonged to the Hochstift Speyer for a long time, its colors silver and blue were added.

The flag is blue-white-blue in a ratio of 1: 3: 1.

Parish partnership

The community has a partnership relationship with Uchizy in Burgundy, France.

Culture and sights

Cultural monuments

Are located on site a total of 17 properties under conservation are, including a tobacco shed from middle 19th century and the Catholic Church of St. John Baptist .


The nature reserve Woogwiesen extends partly over the municipality markings .

Regular events

The so-called Tobacco Village Festival takes place on the third weekend in September .

Economy and Infrastructure


Tobacco was previously grown on site.


From 1905 Harthausen owned a train station on the 1956 disused local line Speyer – Neustadt . The community is now connected to the local transport network via bus route 507. State road 537 also runs through the village . The county road 26 leads to Hanhofen and Römerberg.


The PWV hut in the water house

The PWV hut, inaugurated in 1999, is located in the water house to the west of the settlement area . The From Rhine to Wine cycle path and the Franconia-Hesse-Kurpfalz long-distance hiking trail marked with a red cross also run through the municipality .


The community belongs to the judicial district of the Speyer District Court .


Honorary citizen

  • Jakob Endres
  • Ludwig Remmel
  • Alex Unterländer
  • Klaus Bachmeier

Sons and daughters of the place

People who worked on site

Web links

Commons : Harthausen  - collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. State Statistical Office of Rhineland-Palatinate - population status 2019, districts, communities, association communities ( help on this ).
  2. State Statistical Office Rhineland-Palatinate (ed.): Official directory of the municipalities and parts of the municipality. Status: January 2018 [ Version 2020 is available. ] . S. 104 (PDF; 2.2 MB).
  3. ^ Fritz Klotz: The former high altar of Harthausen , in "Pfälzer Heimat", born in 1963, pages 58-60
  4. ^ Gas explosion in Harthausen: Apparently arsonists were at work - Nachrichten :: Rheinland-Pfalz | SWR.de
  5. Harthausen gas explosion: situation report at 1.45 p.m. | Rhein Neckar television
  6. ^ Gas explosion in Harthausen - News :: Rhineland-Palatinate | SWR.de
  7. http://www.swr.de/landesschau-aktuell/rp/gastank-explodiert-verletzt/-/id=1682/nid=1682/did=12136572/1ujmy10/index.html
  8. RHEINPFALZ.DE: Harthausen is evacuated after a gas explosion ( memento of the original from December 3, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.rheinpfalz.de
  9. RHEINPFALZ.DE: Dreyer / Lewentz: Land stands by Harthausen's side after gas explosion ( Memento of the original from December 3, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.rheinpfalz.de
  10. Archive link ( Memento of the original dated December 3, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.rheinpfalz.de
  11. http://www.derwesten.de/panorama/evakuierung-von-harthausen-nach-explosion-wieder-aufgehoben-id8502173.html
  12. ^ "Public prosecutor thinks gas explosion is murder" , Die Rheinpfalz , September 11, 2014
  13. Die Rheinpfalz online from December 3, 2014
  14. State Statistical Office Rhineland-Palatinate - regional data
  15. under [1]
  16. [2]
  17. ^ The Regional Returning Officer Rhineland-Palatinate: Municipal elections 2014, city and municipal council elections
  18. ^ The Regional Returning Officer Rhineland-Palatinate: Local elections 2019, city and municipal council elections
  19. http://www.rheinpfalz.de/lokal/speyer/artikel/rat-i-klaus-bachmeier-wird-ehrenbuerger/