Bourmont Canton

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Canton of Bourmont
region Champagne-Ardenne
Department Haute-Marne
Arrondissement Chaumont
main place Bourmont
Dissolution date March 29, 2015
Residents 3,270 (Jan 1, 2012)
Population density 14 inhabitants / km²
surface 232.95 km²
Communities 25th
INSEE code 5205

The Canton Bourmont was 2015 a French constituency in Arrondissement Chaumont , in Haute-Marne and the region Champagne-Ardenne ; its main town was Bourmont . The last representative in the General Council of the Département was André Deguis.

The canton of Bourmont was 232.95 km² and had 3518 inhabitants (as of 1999).


The canton consisted of 25 municipalities:

local community Population year Area km² Population density Code INSEE Post Code
Bourg-Sainte-Marie 97 (2013) 9.19 11 inhabitants / km² 52063 52150
Bourmont 506 (2013) 16.07 31 inhabitants / km² 52064 52150
Brainville-sur-Meuse 85 (2013) 5.93 14 inhabitants / km² 52067 52150
Champigneulles-en-Bassigny 50 (2013) 6.82 7 inhabitants / km² 52101 52150
Chaumont-la-Ville 116 (2013) 11.22 10 inhabitants / km² 52122 52150
Clinchamp 90 (2013) 16.07 6 inhabitants / km² 52133 52700
Doncourt-sur-Meuse 47 (2013) 5.93 8 inhabitants / km² 52174 52150
Germainvilliers 96 (2013) 6.60 15 inhabitants / km² 52217 52150
Goncourt 273 (2013) 18.77 15 inhabitants / km² 52225 52150
Graffigny-Chemin 215 (2013) 17.27 12 inhabitants / km² 52227 52150
Hâcourt 34 (2013) 2.94 12 inhabitants / km² 52234 52150
Harréville-les-Chanteurs 289 (2013) 15.76 18 inhabitants / km² 52237 52150
Huilliécourt 120 (2013) 8.87 14 inhabitants / km² 52243 52150
Illoud 239 (2013) 13.85 17 inhabitants / km² 52247 52150
Levécourt 99 (2013) 6.70 15 inhabitants / km² 52287 52150
Malaincourt-sur-Meuse 56 (2013) 3.83 15 inhabitants / km² 52304 52150
Nijon 81 (2013) 7.71 11 inhabitants / km² 52351 52150
Outremécourt 99 (2013) 9.10 11 inhabitants / km² 52372 52150
Ozières 45 (2013) 9.62 5 inhabitants / km² 52373 52700
Romain-sur-Meuse 125 (2013) 16.44 8 inhabitants / km² 52433 52150
Saint-Thiébault 242 (2013) 0.60 403 inhabitants / km² 52455 52150
Summer decor 79 (2013) 7.66 10 inhabitants / km² 52476 52150
Soulaucourt-sur-Mouzon 100 (2013) 9.20 11 inhabitants / km² 52482 52150
Vaudrecourt 36 (2013) 2.60 14 inhabitants / km² 52505 52150
Vroncourt-la-Cote 23 (2013) 4.19 5 inhabitants / km² 52549 52240

Population development

1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999 2006 2012
4362 4768 4537 4196 3906 3522 3486 3270