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Coordinates: 49 ° 19 ′ 58 ″  N , 11 ° 23 ′ 13 ″  E
Height : 480 m above sea level NHN
Residents : 15  (2012)
Postal code : 92348
Area code : 09189

Kleinvoggenhof is part of the Bavarian municipality of Berg bei Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate in the Upper Palatinate district of Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate .


The hamlet is located in the Upper Palatinate Jura at approx. 480 m above sea ​​level north of the Dillberg and west of the municipal seat . Several springs arise here, the water of which flows into the Kettenbach .


In 1333, the Teutonic Order acquired two property in (Klein-) Voggenhof from the Eichstätt Cathedral Chapter, which were now subordinate to the Teutonic Order Maintenance Office Postbauer, which was managed by an external official from the Coming Nuremberg. In 1670 the two farms belonging to the nursing office and two goods appear in a description of the office. The manorial conditions (lower jurisdiction) were disputed for a long time between the imperial city of Nuremberg and the Palatinate. Towards the end of the Old Kingdom , around 1800, the Kleinvoggenhof consisted of four subjects, two of which belonged to the Teutonic Order (a whole and an eighth court) and two of the imperial city of Nuremberg (two half-courtyards, on which the lady's servant and Schwemmer sat). The blood jurisdiction was disputed between the Deutschordenspflegamt Postbauer and the Palatinate care office Haimburg . In the literature, the place name also appears as "Untervoggenhof" or "Untervockenhof" or just as "Voggenhof".

In the new Kingdom of Bavaria (1806), Kleinvoggenhof belonged to the Hausheim tax district . When the community was formed around 1810/20, the community Hausheim was formed, to which Hausheim itself, Gspannberg , Haslach (Berg near Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate) , Kettenbach and Kleinvoggenhof belonged. Kleinvoggenhof also belonged to the Catholic parish of Hausheim (1554 to 1627 Protestant) and the Hausheim school district; the Protestants were parish in Rasch around 1937 and schooled in Grub . Until 1930, the community of Hausheim and thus also Kleinvoggenhof belonged to the Kastl District Court , then to the Neumarkt District Court . As part of the regional reform in Bavaria , Hausheim and its districts were incorporated into Berg.

Population development

  • 1830: 23 (4 houses)
  • 1836: 24 (4 houses)
  • 1871: 18 (9 buildings; livestock: 21 head of cattle)
  • 1900: 22 (4 residential buildings)
  • 1937: 16 (6 Catholics, 10 Protestants)
  • 1950: 20 (4 residential buildings)
  • 1970: 15
  • 1987: 18 (5 residential buildings, 5 apartments)
  • 2012: 15


  • House No. 4, a residential stable with a gable and half-timbered upper floor, 18th / 19th century

Transport links

Kleinvoggenhof can be reached via roads from Hausheim in the east and from Großvoggenhof in the northwest.


  • Franz Xaver Buchner : The diocese of Eichstätt. Volume I, Eichstätt: Brönner & Däntler, 1937.
  • Bernhard Heinloth: Historical Atlas of Bavaria. Part of Old Bavaria, issue 16: Neumarkt. Commission for Bavarian State History, Munich 1967.

Individual evidence

  1. Heinloth, pp. 163, 166, 239
  2. Heinloth, p. 299
  3. Heinloth, p. 323
  4. Buchner I, pp. 462-465
  5. ^ Karl Friedrich Hohn: The rain district of the Kingdom of Bavaria, described geographically and statistically , Stuttgart and Tübingen: Cotta, 1830, p. 111
  6. Popp, Th. D. (ed.): Matrikel des Bissthumes Eichstätt , Eichstätt: Ph. Brönner, 1836, p. 76
  7. Kgl. Statistical Bureau (ed.): Complete list of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria. According to districts, administrative districts, court districts and municipalities, including parish, school and post office affiliation ... with an alphabetical general register containing the population according to the results of the census of December 1, 1875 . Adolf Ackermann, Munich 1877, 2nd section (population figures from 1871, cattle figures from 1873), Sp. 973 , urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb00052489-4 ( digitized ).
  8. K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (Ed.): Directory of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria, with alphabetical register of places . LXV. Issue of the contributions to the statistics of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Munich 1904, Section II, Sp. 872 ( digitized version ).
  9. Buchner I, p. 464
  10. Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Official place directory for Bavaria - edited on the basis of the census of September 13, 1950 . Issue 169 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1952, DNB  453660975 , Section II, Sp. 743 ( digitized version ).
  11. ^ Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Official place directory for Bavaria . Issue 335 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1973, DNB  740801384 , p. 126 ( digitized version ).
  12. Bavarian State Office for Statistics and Data Processing (Ed.): Official local directory for Bavaria, territorial status: May 25, 1987 . Issue 450 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich November 1991, DNB  94240937X , p. 257 ( digitized version ).
  13. Müller's Großes Deutsches Ortsbuch 2012 , Berlin / Boston 2012, p. 734
  14. ^ Sixtus Lampl and Otto Braasch: Monuments in Bavaria, Volume III: Upper Palatinate. Ensembles, architectural monuments, archaeological site monuments, Munich: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1986, p. 137

Web links

Commons : Kleinvoggenhof  - Collection of images, videos and audio files