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Coordinates: 49 ° 22 ′ 31 ″  N , 11 ° 26 ′ 27 ″  E
Height : 425 m above sea level NHN
Residents : 203  (December 31, 2015)
Postal code : 92348
Area code : 09189

Unterrohrenstadt is part of the Bavarian municipality of Berg bei Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate in the Upper Palatinate district of Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate .


The village is located in the Upper Palatinate Jura , approx. 6 km north of the municipality in the valley of the Rohrenstädter Bach .


The place Rohrenstadt is divided into Unterrohrenstadt, Mitterrohrenstadt and Oberrohrenstadt . The Rohrenstädter / Rornstädter originally sat in (Mitter-) Rohrenstadt and first became tangible around the middle of the 13th century. They were Ministeriale der Hirschberger and benefactors of the Benedictine monastery in Kastl . The church of (Upper) Rohrenstadt is first mentioned in a document around 1350, when a bell was purchased; The independent parish was Rohrenstadt St. Kolomann, to which Unterrohrenstadt belonged, from 1444 to the Reformation in 1625, whereby the Rornstadt residents held the right of presentation until the waiver in 1522 and could no longer claim them later (application from 1693 to the government in Amberg ). In 1476 Eberhart von Rohrenstadt sold an estate in Unterrohrenstadt to the Gnadenberg monastery . The last Rornstadt resident, Georg von Rornstatt, sold his property, namely “Pfarrlehen, Vogtey, Höfe, Zins, VAL, crew and justice to upper. Mitter- und Unterrohrenstatt ”1522 to the Palatinate Elector Ludwig V , who made Rohrenstadt subordinate to the Haimburg care office. Some pipe townspeople goods were feud of the monastery Kastl and were up to the secularization of the monastery given to various noblemen 1,803th The village was sacked in the Landshut War of Succession in 1504/05. During the Thirty Years' War in 1639, the Haimburg Office reported two courtyards in Unterrohrenstadt of the Stift-Kastlische Propstei Litzlohe to the Palatine government of Amberg as winter quarters for troops. It remains to be seen whether this also includes the Unterrohrenstadt mill property, which was subordinate to the office. The Pfaffenhofen office reported to Amberg for the same purpose eight farms from their property for Unterrohrenstadt, Mitterrohrenstadt and Reichelshof. The Engelthal monastery also had property in Unterrohrenstadt, probably donations from rich Nuremberg patrician families .

Towards the end of the Old Kingdom , around 1800, Unterrohrenstadt consisted of 13 properties. The largest landlord was the Haimburg Kastenamt with a three-quarter courtyard, three half-courtyards, a quarter courtyard and three sixth courtyards. The community shepherd's house was also part of the Haimburg caste office. There was also the monastery judge Gnadenberg as landlord; it had a half yard. The electoral nursing authority in Haimburg exercised the highest jurisdiction .

In the new Kingdom of Bavaria (1806) a Stöckelsberg tax district was established , and the Stöckelsberg rural community was formed in the district court and rent office of Kastl when the community was formed around 1810/20 . It included the settlement of Stöckelsberg and the former Rornstadt manor, namely Unter-, Mitter- and Oberrohrenstadt, given as a fief by the Kastl monastery. In 1862 the district court of Kastl and with it the municipality of Stöckelsberg became part of the new district office in Velburg , when it was dissolved in 1880 it became the district office of Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate .

In 1850/51 the two-thirds of the pastor of Stöckelsberg's “in the 3 Rohrenstadt” was fixed at 23 bushels of grain and eleven bushels of Haber.

In the course of the municipal area reform , the dissolved municipality of Häuselstein with its four districts Häuselstein, Reicheltshofen , Wünricht and the Mauertsmühle came to the municipality of Stöckelsberg on May 1, 1972 . This community was in turn incorporated on May 1, 1978 into the large community of Berg. Since then, Unterrohrenstadt has been one of 35 districts of Berg near Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate. While Unterrohrenstadt had around 100 inhabitants in the 19th century and well into the 20th century, this number rose significantly in the 1970s / 1980s with increasing residential construction and has now exceeded the 200 mark.

The Unterrohrenstadt mill was driven by the Rohrenstädter Bach. There was a water wheel each for the grinding mill and for the sawmill, which was also operated by the miller. In 1950 the mill wheels were replaced by turbines. The mill was given up in 1960, the sawmill in 1990.

The shooting club Wiesengrund Rohrenstadt, founded in 1964, has its shooting club, which was inaugurated in 1998, in the Untere Dorfstrasse in Unterrohrenstadt.

Population development of Unterrohrenstadt

  • 1836: 108 (17 houses)
  • 1871: 107 (37 buildings; livestock: 5 horses, 84 head of cattle)
  • 1900: 112 (20 residential buildings)
  • 1937: 97 (Catholics)
  • 1950: 118 (19 residential buildings)
  • 1961: 108 (21 residential buildings)
  • 1970: 109
  • 1987: 157 (41 residential buildings, 45 apartments)
  • 2015: 203 (as of December 31; 112 male, 91 female)

Worth seeing

Erhard Rornstätter - sculpture from 2009
Village fountain
  • A sculpture in memory of Erhard / Eberhart Rornstätter (1410–1489), Knight of Rornstatt, set up by the Rohrenstadt eV cultural development association on October 10, 2009
  • Cast iron village fountain
  • Marterl in memory of Ludwig Schmidt, who was struck by lightning in 1898, renewed in 2007

Transport links

Unterrohrenstadt can be reached via a local connecting road that branches off from the NM 9 district road near the Oberölsbach exit of the A3 and leads via Mitterrohrenstadt to Oberrohrenstadt.

After Unterrohrenstadt, a community connecting road (popularly known as the "Ho Chi Minh Path") branches off in 2009/10 up to Sindlbach.


  • Bernhard Heinloth: Historical Atlas of Bavaria. Part of Old Bavaria, Issue 16: Neumarkt, Commission for Bavarian State History, Munich 1967, (digitized version)
  • Franz Xaver Buchner : The diocese of Eichstätt. Volume I, Eichstätt: Brönner & Däntler, 1937, Volume II 1938 (digitized version )
  • Ober-, Mitter- and Unterrohrenstadt . In: Josef Breinl: Chronicle of the large community of Berg. With the local history of all districts , Berg 1996, pp. 110–114

Individual evidence

  1. Buchner II, p. 553 f.
  2. Heinloth, p. 155, (digitized version)
  3. Breinl, pp. 110-114; Buchner II, p. 554, (digitized version)
  4. Armin Gugau: Studies on the Landshut War of Succession of 1504/1505. The damage and its repair, Munich 2015, p. 158
  5. ^ Negotiations of the Historical Association for Upper Palatinate and Regensburg , 84th Volume, 1934, p. 136, (digitized version, p. 136 there)  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ; Heinloth, p. 158, (digitized version)@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / digital.bib-bvb.de  
  6. Heinloth, p. 114, (digitized version)
  7. Heinloth, p. 308, (digitized version)
  8. Heinloth, p. 329, (digitized version)
  9. Buchner II, p. 557, (digitized version)
  10. Kurt Romstöck (text) and Alfons Dürr (drawings): Die Mühlen im Landkreis Neumarkt id Opf. , Neumarkt id Opf. 2004, p. 88
  11. ^ Website of the shooting club
  12. Popp, Th. D. (ed.): Matrikel des Bissthumes Eichstätt , Eichstätt: Ph. Brönner, 1836, p. 145, (digitized version )
  13. Kgl. Statistical Bureau (ed.): Complete list of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria. According to districts, administrative districts, court districts and municipalities, including parish, school and post office affiliation ... with an alphabetical general register containing the population according to the results of the census of December 1, 1875 . Adolf Ackermann, Munich 1877, 2nd section (population figures from 1871, cattle figures from 1873), Sp. 975 , urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb00052489-4 ( digitized ).
  14. K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (Ed.): Directory of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria, with alphabetical register of places . LXV. Issue of the contributions to the statistics of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Munich 1904, Section II, Sp. 874 ( digitized version ).
  15. Buchner II, p. 558, (digitized version)
  16. Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Official place directory for Bavaria - edited on the basis of the census of September 13, 1950 . Issue 169 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1952, DNB  453660975 , Section II, Sp. 749 ( digitized version ).
  17. Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Official city directory for Bavaria, territorial status on October 1, 1964 with statistical information from the 1961 census . Issue 260 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1964, DNB  453660959 , Section II, Sp. 553 ( digitized version ).
  18. ^ Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Official place directory for Bavaria . Issue 335 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1973, DNB  740801384 , p. 129 ( digitized version ).
  19. Bavarian State Office for Statistics and Data Processing (Ed.): Official local directory for Bavaria, territorial status: May 25, 1987 . Issue 450 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich November 1991, DNB  94240937X , p. 257 ( digitized version ).
  20. ^ Bulletin of the Berg municipality from February 2016, p. 8
  21. neumarktonline.de

Web links

Commons : Unterrohrenstadt  - Collection of images, videos and audio files