Klemens Richter

Klemens Richter (born May 3, 1940 in Leipzig ) is a German Roman Catholic theologian , liturgical scholar and university professor . As a professor at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster , he set pioneering liturgical theological accents.
Live and act
From 1959 Richter studied Catholic theology , German , history and journalism in Münster and Vienna . After obtaining his licentiate in theology in 1969, he received his doctorate in theology at the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Münster in 1972 .
From 1965 to 1970 he was a lecturer at the Catholic Social Academy of the Diocese of Münster Franz-Wärme-Haus , and from 1970 to 1980 he was a member of the Presidium of the Catholic Pax Christi Movement in the Federal Republic of Germany . In this function he was involved in politics and the church for Christians in the GDR and Eastern Europe. He also worked for reconciliation with Israel .
From 1970 he worked as a research assistant at the seminar for liturgical science in Münster, since 1972 as an academic councilor for university didactics and religious education , from 1973 as an academic senior councilor for practical theology (liturgical science and curriculum revision).
From 1975 to 1979 he was a lecturer in pastoral liturgy at the Philosophical-Theological College of the Franciscans and Capuchins in Münster . From 1982 he worked as professor of liturgical science and from 1984 as director of the seminar for liturgical science at the Catholic-Theological Faculty of the University of Münster.
From 1990 to 1998 Klemens Richter was the spokesman for the Catholic liturgical lecturers working group in the German-speaking area . From 1993 to 1996 he also headed the Catholic Theological Faculty in Münster as dean . One focus of his research is on the connection between theology and practice of worship. He has been retired since July 2005.
In 2008 the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Erfurt awarded him an honorary doctorate . In 2015 Richter was made an honorary professor at the University of Opole .
Klemens Richter has been married since 1963 and has three children.
Monographs (selection)
- Klemens Richter, R. Freitag, On the liturgical structure of the word worship. A contribution to the discussion (= Living Divine Service 8), Münster 1965.
- Klemens Richter, Sociological Prerequisites for Faith and Disbelief , house letter of the Franz-Wärme-Haus, No. 3, Münster 1965.
- Klemens Richter (ed.), Renewal of the Church. Departure for a theology of tomorrow. With contributions to a lecture series of the Catholic Theol. Faculty of Münster von Böckle , Iserloh , Kasper, Kötting, Lengeling , Metz , Remmers, Weber (= contemporary Christianity 50), Osnabrück 1967.
- Klemens Richter (ed.), Leadership in Modern Armed Forces (= contributions to adult education 17), Osnabrück 1968.
- Klemens Richter (ed.), Ehe im Umbruch , With contributions from Dohms, Eising, Heinen, Köhne, Pösentrup, Struck, Wesemann. Munster 1969.
- Klemens Richter (Ed.), Catholic Press in Europe (= Timely Christianity 58). Osnabrück 1969.
- Klemens Richter (ed.), New Liturgy of the Dead. Eucharistic celebrations, liturgical services, funeral rites. Transfers and suggestions , Essen 1971, 4th edition 1972.
- Klemens Richter, H. Plock, M. Probst, The celebration of the wedding. Texts for wedding fairs and marriages , Essen 1971, 4th edition 1972.
- Klemens Richter, The wedding ceremony in the community. A handout to celebrate the wedding with the new rite of marriage , Essen 1972, 4th edition 1974.
- Klemens Richter, H. Plock, M. Probst, Communion celebration with the sick. A handout for priests and laypeople , Essen 1972, 2nd edition 1972.
- Klemens Richter, The ordination of the Bishop of Rome . A contribution to the ordination liturgy from the New Testament to the Pontificale Romanum of 1968 , dissertation, Münster 1972.
- Klemens Richter, H. Plock, M. Probst. Liturgy with the sick. Anointing of the sick, house masses, strengthening in death. Proposals and transfers , Essen 1973.
- Klemens Richter, H. Plock, M. Probst, Hope for the Lord. The help of the Church in the face of death . Essen 1973, 2nd edition 1974.
- Erich Feifel (Ed. West German Faculty Conference, Commission Curricula in Theology, by Erich Feifel), Klemens Richter (collaboration), contributions to university didactics (= study of Catholic theology, Volume 2) Zurich, Einsiedeln, Cologne 1974, ISBN 3-545-26114- X
- Erich Feifel (Ed. West German Faculty Conference, Commission Curricula in Theology, by Erich Feifel), Klemens Richter (collaboration), On the professional practice of studying theology (= study of Catholic theology, Volume 4) Zurich, Einsiedeln, Cologne 1976, ISBN 3-545-26119 -0 .
- Klemens Richter, church rooms and church dreams. The importance of church space for a lively congregation , Herder Freiburg im Breisgau 1998.
- Klemens Richter: Celebrating Congregation. The Identity of the Church and its Worship Service - a collection of essays. Edited by Benedikt Kranemann, Martin Stuflesser and Thomas Sternberg. Aschendorff, Münster 2015, ISBN 978-3-402-03427-9 .
Alumni (selection)
Former graduates of Klemens Richter:
- Teresa Berger , professor of liturgical science at Yale University .
- Stefan Böntert , professor of liturgical science at the Catholic-Theological Faculty of the Ruhr University Bochum .
- Wolfgang Max Burggraf, founding member of the Christian Working Group on Dance in Liturgy and Spirituality e. V.
- Benedikt Kranemann , professor for liturgical science at the University of Erfurt
- Werner Müller-Geib , professor for liturgical science at the Catholic University of Mainz.
- Andreas Poschmann , liturgical scholar at the German Liturgical Institute in Trier .
- Stefan Rau , pastor and advisor for liturgical education in the diocese of Münster .
- Martin Stuflesser , professor of liturgical science at the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg .
- Barbara Stühlmeyer , author and scientist.
- Ludger Stühlmeyer , cantor, composer and musicologist.
- Stephan Winter , professor for liturgical science at the Philosophical-Theological University of Münster.
- Uroczystocs nadania tytulu Profesora honoris causa KLEMENSOWI RICHTEROWI Profesorowi Uniwersytetu w Monastyrze. Wydzial Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, Opole, 2015, ISBN 978-83-63950-65-1 .
Web links
- Literature by and about Klemens Richter in the catalog of the German National Library
- Neurotic consequences. An interview with Klemens Richter about Christian rituals in the mourning process and the consequences for people who lose the foundations for this process in: kirchensite
- Richter was in Erfurt together with Peter Hünermann Dr. Theol. appointed hc. Report in: echo muenster
- A full bibliography (up to March 2017) can be found here .
- Klemens Richter on the website of the German Liturgical Institute
Individual evidence
- ^ Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
- ^ Yale University: Teresa Berger ( Memento from May 29, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ University Bochum: Stefan Böntert
- ^ University of Erfurt: Benedikt Kranemann .
- ^ German Liturgical Institute
- ↑ Stefan Rau on the church website
- ^ University of Würzburg: Martin Stuflesser ( Memento from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
personal data | |
SURNAME | Judge, Klemens |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | German Roman Catholic theologian |
DATE OF BIRTH | May 3, 1940 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Leipzig |