Barbara Stühlmeyer
Barbara Stühlmeyer OblOSB (born November 12, 1964 in Bremen ) is a German theologian , musicologist , author and Hildegard researcher .
Live and act
After high school at the Old School in Bremen and organ studies in church music director Wilfried Langosz whose assistant at the Catholic provost Church of St. John she was, she studied church music at the University of the Arts (1988 graduate). During her academic studies from 1988 to 1994 she studied Catholic theology with Arnold Angenendt and Klemens Richter , philosophy with Berthold Wald and musicology with Axel Beer and Winfried Schlepphorst at the University of Münster . In 2004 she was in Munster with 'summa cum laude' for Doctor of Philosophy PhD . She completed additional studies in Gregorian semiology with Luigi Agustoni , Godehard Joppich and Johannes Berchmans Göschl .
Her dissertation The Gesänge der Hildegard von Bingen is a standard work of music-related Hildegard research. It proves for the first time that the diastematic new script (written on staves ) also has a rhythmic meaning. Previously, Hildegard's compositions were interpreted equivalistically or mensuralistically . Stühlmeyer showed also that Hildegard's musical language and up to two and a half of octaves comprehensive Ambitus corresponded to the 12th century professional compositional standards. Her research has shown that the requirements of the Regula Benedicti had an impact on the formal conception of the compositions. This resulted in the evidence that the chants were used liturgical . Her theological research on the Ordo virtutum made it clear that Hildegard reflects the ethical discourse of the 12th century with its protagonists Bernhard von Clairvaux , Petrus Abaelardus , Anselm von Canterbury and Rupert von Deutz . For the research project Music and Gender on the Internet led by Prof. Beatrix Bochard, she wrote the basic page on Hildegard's music.
From 1993 to 2001 she worked as a conference leader in the Catholic Academy St.-Jakobus-Haus in Goslar . Since 1995 she has been an employee and editor of the magazine for tangible history Karfunkel , where she is responsible for the theology, music and medieval studies . From 2010 to 2015 she was editor and head of the service of the specialist magazine Musica sacra ( Bärenreiter-Verlag ). She has been a permanent employee of the daily mail since July 2015 . As a scientific advisor, she oversees CD productions, e.g. B. the ensembles " Sequentia " around Benjamin Bagby, "Ars Choralis Coeln " around Maria Jonas and "Cosmedin", Stuttgart (Stephanie and Christoph Haas ). She works as a medieval specialist for radio and television broadcasts as well as international exhibitions. As a writer, she is also involved in numerous book publications.
She lives in Hof , is married to Ludger Stühlmeyer and the mother of Lea Stühlmeyer. Since 2002 she has been an Oblate of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Hildegard in Rüdesheim am Rhein .
Works (selection)
Book publications
- The songs of Hildegard von Bingen . A musicological, theological and cultural-historical investigation . Olms , Hildesheim 2003, ISBN 3-487-11845-9 .
- In a sea of light. Healing chants by Hildegard von Bingen . With illustrations by Sabine Böhm. Butzon & Bercker , Kevelaer 2004, ISBN 3-7666-0593-3 .
- New friends are great . With illustrations by Nadine Lentzen. Verlag Haus Altenberg, Düsseldorf 2010, ISBN 978-3-7761-0224-6 and Verlag Butzon & Bercker, Kevelaer 2011, ISBN 978-3-7666-1429-2 .
- Sing life . Together with Ludger Stühlmeyer. Verlag DeBehr, Radeberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-939241-24-9 .
- Angel - the other reality . With illustrations by Sabine Böhm. Verlag DeBehr, Radeberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-939241-47-8 .
- Hildegard von Bingen. Works Volume IV. Songs Symphoniae . Beuroner Kunstverlag 2012, ISBN 978-3-87071-263-1 .
- Virtues and vices. Direction in dialogue with Hildegard von Bingen . With illustrations by Sabine Böhm. Beuroner Kunstverlag , Beuron 2012, ISBN 978-3-87071-287-7 .
- Determination. On the way to the voice and to yourself . Together with Gottfried Hoffmann. Verlag DeBehr, Radeberg 2012, ISBN 978-3-944028-02-6 .
- The secret writing. Searching for clues with Hildegard von Bingen (children's crime thriller). Verlag Haus Altenberg , Düsseldorf 2013, ISBN 978-3-7761-0274-1 and Butzon & Bercker, Kevelaer 2013 ISBN 978-3-7666-1658-6 .
- Bernhard Lichtenberg . I will follow my conscience . Together with Ludger Stühlmeyer. Topos plus Verlagsgemeinschaft , Kevelaer 2013, ISBN 978-3-8367-0835-7 . Funded by the Wolfgang Siegel Foundation .
- Ways into his light. A spiritual biography about Hildegard von Bingen . Beuroner Kunstverlag, Beuron 2013, ISBN 978-3-87071-293-8 .
- Hildegard von Bingen. Life - work - worship . Topos plus Verlagsgemeinschaft, Kevelaer 2014, ISBN 978-3-8367-0868-5 .
- Johann Valentin Rathgeber . Life and work . Together with Ludger Stühlmeyer. Verlag Sankt Michaelsbund , Munich 2016, ISBN 978-3-943135-78-7 .
- Healing life forces. Paths to Freer Life . Beuroner Kunstverlag, Beuron 2017, ISBN 978-3-87071-354-6 .
- Elisabeth of Thuringia . Spirituality - history - effect. Topos Plus Verlagsgemeinschaft, Kevelaer 2018, ISBN 978-3-8367-1125-8 .
- The Turin Shroud . Fascination and facts . Together with Archbishop Karl Braun . Butzon & Bercker, Kevelaer 2018, ISBN 978-3-7666-2534-2 .
- Pendulums, stones, nerve biscuits. Esoteric in conversation with Hildegard von Bingen. Together with Archbishop Karl Braun. Butzon & Bercker, Kevelaer 2019, ISBN 978-3-7666-2601-1 .
- Baptized in Christ. Live and proclaim faith in the 21st century . With a foreword by Rino Fisichella and Paul Josef Cordes and contributions by Karl Braun , Thomas Groome , Maximilian Heim , Medard Kehl , Matthias Theodor Kloft , Kurt Koch , Karl-Heinz Menke , Bernhard Meuser , Marianne Schlosser , Ludger Schwienhorst-Schönberger , Rudolf Voderholzer , Lothar Wehr , Petroc Wiley u. a., Butzon & Bercker, Kevelaer 2019, ISBN 978-3-7666-2488-8 .
Articles in book publications
- The compositions of Hildegard von Bingen. A research report . In: Contributions to Gregorian chant , No. 22. ConBrio Verlagsgesellschaft , Regensburg 1996, ISBN 3-930079-23-2 .
- In search of the voice of the living spirit. The music of Hildegard von Bingen as a symbol of perfect creation . In: Edeltraut Forster (ed.), Hildegard von Bingen. Prophetess through the ages . Herder , Freiburg im Breisgau 1997, ISBN 3-451-26162-6 .
- Listening practice and performance practice of the music of St. Hildegard von Bingen . Together with Dietmar Hiller . In: Medievales 10. Actes du Colloque d'Etudes Medievales de l'Universite de Picardie-Jules Verne St-Riquier , Amiens Decembre 1998.
- Music in the 12th century . In: Hans-Jürgen Kotzur , Hildegard von Bingen 1098 - 1179 . Verlag Philipp von Zabern , Mainz 1998, ISBN 3-8053-2445-6 .
- Music in churches and monasteries . In: Yearbook of the Archdiocese of Bamberg, 82nd year 2006 . Heinrichs-Verlag Bamberg 2005.
- The choirs of angels and the devil in the choir stalls - the basics of medieval music practice . In: Stations of church music in the Archdiocese of Bamberg . Bamberg 2007.
- And Klara sings. An old-time story for children . In: Yearbook of the Archdiocese of Bamberg 2009 . Heinrichs-Verlag Bamberg, 84th year 2008.
- The soul sounds like a song - Hildegard von Bingen and the music . In: Information and material series . Hildegard von Bingen - Theological, didactic and spiritual impulses . Institute for Religious Education Freiburg im Breisgau, Issue 3/2012, No. 4055.
- Hymnological splinters . In: Sing a new song to the Lord! New songs in Passau's own part of the new praise of God . Episcopal Pastoral Office Passau 2013, ISBN 978-3-9813094-7-8 .
- Hildegard, Wigbert and the tired feet . In: Himmelswege - Stories and songs of saints and heroes . Butzon & Bercker / Bonifatiuswerk, Kevelaer 2015, ISBN 978-3-7666-1893-1 .
- The sundial in the bag . In: We discover creation. Story and hands-on book . Butzon & Bercker / Bonifatiuswerk, Kevelaer 2016, ISBN 978-3-7666-2162-7 , 2018, ISBN 978-3-7666-2448-2 .
- Aventurina, the cat and the goddess (children's story). In: Yearbook of the Archdiocese of Bamberg, 95th year 2020 . Heinrichs-Verlag Bamberg 2019.
- God's word for me 2020. Butzon & Bercker Kevelaer 2019, ISBN 978-3-7666-2605-9 .
- Annette v. Droste-Hülshoff. Multifaceted and deep. In: Poets, Priests and Prophets. Life and work of inspiring writers. Edited by Stefan Meetschen, Alexander Pschera and Alexander Riebel. fe-medienverlag, Kißlegg 2020, ISBN 978-3-86357-152-8 , pp. 41-48.
- A historical-phenomenological map of the amplexus . On the trail of a form of piety. In: Joachim Werz (ed.): The world of the Cistercians. New studies on the history of a European order. Be & Be, Schnell + Steiner, 2020, ISBN 978-3-7954-3471-7 , pp. 230–242.
Texts for musical works
- Live faithfully in everyday life . Three stanzas song text for the 1000 year diocesan anniversary of the Archdiocese of Bamberg. Setting: Ludger Stühlmeyer. In: Church music in the Archdiocese of Bamberg No. 44, July 2007 and Heinrichsblatt No. 31, Bamberg August 2007.
- Libretto for a Reformation cantata. Scoring: Bernfried EG Pröve , WP: November 5, 2017 in Braunschweig.
- A song for Elisabeth . Five-stanza lyrics, 2018. Setting: Ludger Stühlmeyer. In: Elisabeth of Thuringia . Topos Plus Publishing Association, Kevelaer 2018.
Articles in magazines
- The soul is symphonic - the compositions of Hildegard von Bingen . In: Münchner Sonntagsblatt , Evangelical weekly newspaper for Bavaria , Munich November 1998.
- Hildegard von Bingen . In: Karfunkel , magazine for tangible history No. 53, Wald-Michelbach 2004, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- For the reconstruction of the Viking music . An interview with Benjamin Bagby ( Sequentia ). In: Karfunkel Musica No. 1, Wald-Michelbach 2005, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- Secret facts falsify the world - women in the Middle Ages (series). In: Karfunkel, magazine for tangible history , Wald-Michelbach 2006.
- Do ut des - The Romans and the Gods . In: Karfunkel-Codex No. 4, Wald-Michelbach 2006, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- Elisabeth of Thuringia (cover story for the state exhibition). In: Karfunkel, magazine for tangible history No. 70, Wald-Michelbach 2007, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- Heaven and earth touch or: Why one cannot speak the Sanctus . In: Living Faith , Journal for Spirituality in Everyday Life, Issue 5, Kevelaer 2007 ISSN 1430-0087 .
- The wonder of the world - Friedrich II. Von Hohenstaufen (cover story). In: Karfunkel, magazine for tangible history No. 76, Wald-Michelbach 2008, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- Stargazers, Turners - A Journey into the World of Physics (cover story). In: Karfunkel, magazine for tangible history No. 78, Wald-Michelbach 2008, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- The Nebra Sky Disc . Special contribution to the permanent exhibition in the State Museum for Prehistory (Halle) 2008. In: Karfunkel, magazine for tangible history No. 79, Wald-Michelbach 2008, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- Paul of Tarsus . An interview with Archbishop Ludwig Schick . In: Karfunkel, magazine for tangible history No. 81, Wald-Michelbach 2009, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- The Hanseatic League (cover story). In: Karfunkel, magazine for tangible history No. 83, Wald-Michelbach 2009, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- Live in the city and dance with the wolf - the new ways of life of the mendicant orders . In: Karfunkel Gothic Codex No. 7, Wald-Michelbach 2009, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- Organ passages on the street - side lights on the 200th birthday of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy . In: Musica sacra , magazine of the General Cäcilien-Verband for Germany, issue 3, Regensburg 2009, ISSN 0179-356X .
- Nobody is Perfect - A Little History of Manners . In: Karfunkel, magazine for tangible history No. 86, Wald-Michelbach 2010, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- Two shrouds many questions - the shroud of Turin and the veil of Manoppello . In: Karfunkel, magazine for tangible history No. 89, Wald-Michelbach 2010, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- Including teasing - a life within limits . In: Living Faith , Journal for Spirituality in Everyday Life, Issue 2, Kevelaer 2010 ISSN 1430-0087 .
- Unanimous - multi-layered: The Gregorian chant (music special). In: Karfunkel, magazine for tangible history No. 90, Wald-Michelbach 2010, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- From Deep Purple to Blackmore's Night . An interview with Ritchie Blackmore and Candice Night . In: Karfunkel, magazine for tangible history No. 95, Wald-Michelbach 2011, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- Ut mens concordet voci - Benedict's rule as a life model for church musicians . In: Musica sacra , magazine of the General Cäcilien-Verband for Germany, issue 3, Regensburg 2011, ISSN 0179-356X .
- Praise to creation in difficult times - When the earth gets stuck in the throat . In: Living Faith , Journal for Spirituality in Everyday Life, Issue 4, Kevelaer 2011 ISSN 1430-0087 .
- Focus series on Hildegard von Bingen, in: Church newspapers of the dioceses of Austria 2011. Stark und Gottverliebt (September 18), From the hermit to the superstar (October 23), plain text, still asked (October 30), Von Dinkelbrei und Chalcedon ( November 6), Heaven and Back (November 13), Good and Evil in Conversation (November 20), Praise to God from the hand of women (November 27).
- The uncomfortable teacher or: why Hildegard von Bingen was holy so late . In: Karfunkel, magazine for tangible history No. 96, Wald-Michelbach 2011, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- Colors in the European Middle Ages . In: ark (architecture space construction), 1/2012.
- Musicality in a duet with the gift of visions (Hildegard von Bingen). In: Die Tagespost , Würzburg November 2012.
- The saints and the cult of relics (cover story for the anniversary edition). In: Karfunkel, magazine for tangible history No. 100, Wald-Michelbach 2012, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- Scope for new music or: following the trend. The Holy Offices of the Middle Ages . In: Musica sacra , magazine of the General Cäcilien-Verband for Germany, issue 5, Regensburg 2012, ISSN 0179-356X .
- “God also has' his poets in German”. Highlights from the history of the hymn books . In: Die Tagespost , Würzburg January 29, 2013.
- Like a city on a mountain - a visit to the St. Hildegard Abbey . In: Minipost, the magazine for altar boys and girls No. 8, published by the Office for Youth Pastoral Care of the German Bishops' Conference , August 2013.
- The opera Dialogues des Carmelites . In: Musica sacra , magazine of the General Cäcilien-Verband for Germany, issue 6, Regensburg 2013, ISSN 0179-356X .
- The new spiritual song 2013 - a situation analysis . In: Musik + message No. 2, 2013, published by the Association for Christian Popular Music in Bavaria, Nuremberg , November 2013.
- In the name of the fatherland and the daughter. Forays into the church history of the early Middle Ages . In: Karfunkel, magazine for tangible history No. 109, Wald-Michelbach 2014, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- Sound space romance - of roots and branches . In: Musica sacra , magazine of the General Cäcilien-Verband for Germany, issue 6, Regensburg 2014, ISSN 0179-356X .
- In the balance of forces ( Gertrud von Helfta ). In: Die Tagespost , Würzburg December 2014.
- Sources are more important than structures. ABC of spiritual life . In: Die Tagespost , Würzburg, December 2014.
- Church in conversation. 600 years of the Council of Constance . In: Musica sacra , magazine of the General Cäcilien-Verband for Germany, issue 1, Regensburg 2015, ISSN 0179-356X .
- Focus series on the Year of the Order, in: Messaggero di Sant'Antonio , Padua 2014/15. Leave everything behind and follow it , No. 12, December 2014. Lonely together: Desert monks , No. 1, January 2015. Shaping change: The Benedictines , No. 2, February 2015. Back to the sources: The Cistercians , No. 3 , March 2015. The power of silence: The Carthusians , No. 4, April 2015. A life in poverty - The Franciscans , No. 5, May 2015. With the sword of the Spirit: The Dominicans , No. 6, June 2015. An order for the greater glory of God: The Jesuits , No. 7/8, July – August 2015. Overflowing love: Missionary orders and charitable religious orders , No. 9 September 2015. With God in the world: The secular institutes , No. 10, October 2015.
- From pharaoh to diamond. Mummies and dead customs . In: Karfunkel, magazine for tangible history No. 120, Wald-Michelbach 2015, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- Teresa of Avila. For the 500th birthday of a mystic . In: Karfunkel, magazine for tangible history No. 120, Wald-Michelbach 2015, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- Kant and unknown in Weimar . In: Die Tagespost , Würzburg October 2015.
- Myth, Logos, Therapy . In: Die Tagespost Würzburg, October 2015.
- Focus series on the Year of Mercy, in: Heinrichsblatt , weekly newspaper for the Archdiocese of Bamberg 2015/16. Open your hearts for Christ , December 2015. In the footsteps of Jesus. Mercy in the parables of the Gospels , January 2016. The unexpected grace. Confession as a Sacrament of Mercy , February 2016, Learning to Be in His Light. Praying to exercise mercy , March 2016. Take the necessary steps. Works of Mercy , April 2016. Mother of Mercy. Learning Mercy from Mary , May 2016. Breaking new ground. Three Centuries of Compassionate Living Examples , June 2016. Sacred Life Curriculum. Church Fathers and Mercy , July 2016. In harmony with sun and wind. Nature as a teacher of mercy , August 2016. The word that changes everything. Gratitude as the key to a compassionate life , September 2016. The miracle of the accompanied life. Angel of Mercy October 2016. Guide to heavenly life. The Saints as Teachers of Mercy , November 2016.
- Adoration or adoration, the iconoclasm . In: Karfunkel-Codex No. 14, Wald-Michelbach 2016.
- With the sword of the spirit. 800 years of Dominicans . In: Karfunkel, magazine for tangible history No. 127, Wald-Michelbach 2016, ISSN 0944-2677 .
- A new queen in Hamburg . An interview with Philip Klais about the organ in the new Elbphilharmonie . In: Die Tagespost , Würzburg September 2016.
- What does that sound like? A research project from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology . In: Die Tagespost Würzburg, January 2017.
- Find a way to Jesus. A conversation with Alexander Graf zu Castell . In: Die Tagespost , Würzburg March 2017.
- Looking away is not possible . An interview with Günter Wallraff on his 75th birthday. In: Die Tagespost , Würzburg September 2017.
- Seek his face. A slightly different story of St. Veronica . In: Heinrichsblatt , weekly newspaper for the Archdiocese of Bamberg No. 5, February 2019.
Sound carrier
Scientific support and booklet design for the following CD recordings:
- Hildegard von Bingen: Femina Forma Maria . Marian songs of the Villaren Codex. Ensemble Mediatrix, headed by Johannes Berchmans Göschl . Calig, Augsburg 1996.
- Hildegard von Bingen - O vis aeternitatis . Vespers in the Abbey of St. Hildegard. Schola of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Hildegard, Eibingen, headed by Johannes Berchmans Göschl, Sr. Christiane Rath OSB. Ars Musici , Freiburg im Breisgau 1997.
- Hildegard von Bingen: Saints . Sequentia , Barbara Thornton, and Benjamin Bagby. BMG Music Publishing , New York 1998.
- Hildegard von Bingen: Ordo virtutum - a medieval mystery play . Ensemble A Cappella, Cologne, directed by Dirk van Betteray. OKK, Waldbröl 1998.
- Hildegard von Bingen: Ordo virtutum . Cantoria Alberto Grau, head of Johannes Berchmans Göschl. Legato 1999.
- Lilium . Ensemble Cosmedin, Stephanie and Christoph Haas. Animato 2001.
- Seraphim - Hildegard von Bingen . Ensemble Cosmedin, Stephanie and Christoph Haas. Animato 2005.
- Rose van Jhericho - The song book of Anna of Cologne (around 1500) . Ars Choralis Coeln, director Maria Jonas. Raumklang 2007.
- Quinta Essentia . Ensemble Cosmedin, Stephanie and Christoph Haas. Animato 2007.
- A royal couple from Hof. The organs in St. Marien and St. Michaelis . Rondeau Production , Leipzig 2012.
- Hildegard von Bingen: Celestial Hierarchy . Sequentia, Head Benjamin Bagby, Deutsche Harmonia Mundi (SONY), Freiburg i. Br. 2013.
Radio and television (selection)

- Interviews with Barbara Stühlmeyer in the three-part ARD television series: Hildegard von Bingen (1098–1179) . Coproduction by RKK / KRO Hilversum , KTRO Brussels , SDR Stuttgart , SWF Baden-Baden and CoBo Fonds, broadcast in 1998. Editing: Uwe Mönninghoff and Raimund Ulbrich, director: Wil van Neerven.
- Margarete Zander and Barbara Stühlmeyer in conversation. 900 years of Hildegard von Bingen . Broadcast on WDR , Cologne on June 20th and NDR , Hamburg on October 3rd, 1998. Editor: Dagmar Töpfer, director: Hein Bruhl.
- Margarete Zander and Barbara Stühlmeyer in conversation. New music scene . Broadcast in NDR Kultur , Hamburg on August 22, 1999.
- Discussion of the day So now, church teacher: What can we learn from Hildegard von Bingen . Stefan Parrisius in conversation with Barbara Stühlmeyer. A broadcast by BR-alpha and Bayern 2 , Munich on October 9, 2012.
- Gospel of the day on Domradio Cologne, October 2013.
- Very close to life. Minor characters of the Passion. Broadcast on Bayerischer Rundfunk, Munich on April 9, 2020. Editor: Andreas Pehl.
- 2019: Certificate of Honor from the Archdiocese of Bamberg
- Dorothea Weiler: In search of the voice of the living spirit. Barbara Stühlmeyer researches the music of Hildegard von Bingen . In: Heinrichsblatt No. 16, Bamberg, April 19, 1998.
- Franziska Hanel: Songs and Pictures - Hildegard von Bingen as a central point in the life of two women: Barbara Stühlmeyer and Sabine Böhm . In: Frankenpost , Hof, September 18, 2004.
- Hanna Stank: Community life as an adventure . In: Frankenpost , Hof, November 9, 2010.
- Claudia Beckers-Dohlen: A portrait of the carbuncle authors: Dr. Barbara Stühlmeyer . In: Karfunkel No. 96, October 2011.
- Beate Franz: Live like St. Benedict . Portrait of the Benedictine Oblate Dr. Barbara Stühlmeyer. In: Frankenpost , Hof, December 23, 2012, p. 2.
Web links
- Literature by and about Barbara Stühlmeyer in the catalog of the German National Library
- Works by and about Barbara Stühlmeyer in the German Digital Library
- Literature by and about Barbara Stühlmeyer in the catalog of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
- Literature by and about Barbara Stühlmeyer in the catalog of the Hessian State Library
- Literature by and about Barbara Stühlmeyer in Die Tagespost .
- Literature by and about Barbara Stühlmeyer in the specialist journal Musica sacra
- Author's manual for music, Verlag Ernst Kuhn, Berlin → Entry on Barbara Stühlmeyer
- Barbara Stühlmeyer on the Healthy Hildegard website
- Lexical article on Hildegard von Bingen , based on Barbara Stühlmeyer's Die Gesänge der Hildegard von Bingen. (2003), at MUGI - Music and Gender on the Internet
- Online portal Articles by Barbara Stühlmeyer about Hildegard von Bingen
Individual evidence
- ↑ Church music team. Parish of St. Marien Hof, 2010, archived from the original on November 9, 2014 ; accessed on July 13, 2018 .
- ^ Barbara Stühlmeyer: Hildegard von Bingen. In: MUGI. Music education and gender research: Lexicon and multimedia presentations. March 6, 2018, accessed July 13, 2018 .
- ↑ Imprint. In: Musica sacra: magazine for Catholic church music; Official organ of the Cecilia Association in the service of the liturgy and the church music apostolate. Archived from the original on October 29, 2011 ; accessed on July 13, 2018 .
- ↑ Search term: Barbara Stühlmeyer. In: The daily mail. Retrieved July 13, 2018 .
- ↑ Hildegard von Bingen: Celestial Hierarchy. (PDF, 800 kB) Ensemble Sequentia, May 1, 2013, accessed on July 13, 2018 (translated and introduced by Barbara Stühlmeyer).
- ↑
- ^ Ensemble Cosmedin. Retrieved July 13, 2018 .
- ↑ Annual Chronicle of Advent 2010 - Advent 2011. St. Hildegard Abbey, accessed on July 13, 2018 .
- ↑ Honey Meconi: After the party: Hildegard since 1998: Barbara Stühlmeyer, Die Gesänge der Hildegard von Bingen: a musicological, theological and cultural-historical investigation: Abstract. In: Early Music 33.4 / 2005. November 1, 2005, pp. 693-695 , archived from the original on April 23, 2015 ; accessed on July 14, 2018 .
- ↑ Singing life - song reflections by Barbara and Ludger Stühlmeyer. Verlag DeBehr, archived from the original on June 20, 2015 ; accessed on July 14, 2018 .
- ↑ Hildegard von Bingen - Works: Lieder Symphoniae. Beuroner Kunstverlag, archived from the original on June 20, 2015 ; accessed on July 14, 2018 .
- ^ Hans Baumgartner: Strong and in love with God. In: Vorarlberger KirchenBlatt. September 18, 2011, accessed July 14, 2018 .
- ↑ Stühlmeyer on the website of
- ↑ Podcast on the BR2 website
- ↑ On July 1, 2019 by Cathedral Chapter Prof. Dr. Peter Wünsche, Head of the Pastoral Care Department in the Archbishop's Office in Bamberg.
personal data | |
SURNAME | Stühlmeyer, Barbara |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | German theologian, musicologist, author and Hildegard researcher |
DATE OF BIRTH | November 12, 1964 |