Rudolf Voderholzer

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Bishop Voderholzer at Christmas 2014 in Regensburg Cathedral
Episcopal coat of arms

Rudolf Voderholzer (born October 9, 1959 in Munich ) is a German theologian, dogmatist and Roman Catholic bishop of Regensburg .


He grew up in Munich-Sendling ( St. Margaret parish ). As early as the early 1970s he published autobiographical books together with his mother, the teacher and children's book author Maria Voderholzer , such as B. We are four siblings or a fun family . After high school at Munich Dante-Gymnasium studied Voderholzer at the School of Philosophy of the Jesuits in Munich Philosophy (MA 1985) and at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Catholic theology (Dipl.-Theol. 1986). On 27 June 1987 he received for the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising by Cardinal Friedrich Wetter in Freising Cathedral , the priesthood and was then as chaplain in Traunreut , hair and Zorneding operates. In 1992 he became a research assistant to Gerhard Ludwig Müller at the chair for dogmatics at the University of Munich. In 1997 he was in Munich with a dissertation entitled The unity of writing and its spiritual meaning. Henri de Lubac's contribution to the study of the history and systematics of Christian biblical hermeneutics for Dr. theol. PhD . In 2004 he completed his habilitation at the Catholic Theological Faculty in Munich. In the same year he moved to the Department of Faith and Religious Studies and Philosophy at the Swiss University of Friborg in Üechtland ( French Université de Friborg , Latin Universitas Friburgensis ); from 2004 to 2005 he was president of the department.

From 2005 to the beginning of 2013, Rudolf Voderholzer was a full professor for dogmatics and the history of dogmas at the Trier Theological Faculty . During this time he lived in Kasel an der Ruwer , where he also worked as a pastor for the parish of St. Nikolaus and celebrated his silver jubilee as a priest in June 2012.

On December 6, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him . to the bishop of Regensburg. On January 11, 2013, Voderholzer took the oath of allegiance to be taken under the Bavarian Concordat and the Reich Concordat in the presence of Prime Minister Horst Seehofer . The episcopal ordination by Reinhard Cardinal Marx took place on January 26, 2013 in Regensburg Cathedral ; Co- consecrators were his predecessor Gerhard Ludwig Cardinal Müller and František Radkovský , Bishop of Pilsen . His episcopal motto is Christ in vobis spes gloriae (“Christ is among you - the hope of glory”) ( Col 1,27  EU ).

In 2016 he was appointed Grand Officer of the Papal Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulcher by Cardinal Grand Master Edwin Frederick O'Brien and invested in St. Paulus Cathedral in Münster on May 21, 2016 by Reinhard Cardinal Marx, Grand Prior of the German Lieutenancy . Voderholzer is a member of the German Association of the Holy Land .



Voderholzer is considered an expert on Henri de Lubac . Through his translation of “  L'Ecriture dans la Tradition  ” (German: “The Holy Scriptures in the Tradition of the Church”) and other essays, he has acquired essential parts of de Lubac's four-volume work “  Exégèse médiévale  ” (German: “Exegese des Mittelalters”) ) in German with the title “Typologie. Allegory. Spiritual sense. Studies on the History of Christian Interpretation of Scripture ”(Freiburg, 3rd edition 2014) published.

He is the founding director of the Pope Benedict XVI Institute, founded in 2008 . in Regensburg and editor of the collected theological writings of Pope Benedict XVI. In 2015, Pope Francis appointed him to the scientific advisory board of the Vatican foundation "Joseph Ratzinger - Benedict XVI." There, together with Cardinal Kurt Koch , Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi and Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria, he advises the President of the Scientific Advisory Board Cardinal Angelo Amato .

Supra-diocesan duties as bishop

Since October 30, 2010 Voderholzer has been a full member of the Sudeten German Academy of Sciences and Arts (humanities class).

Pope Francis appointed Voderholzer for the first time on May 28, 2014 and on May 8, 2019 for a further five years as a member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith .

In the German Bishops' Conference he is a member of the Faith Commission , of which he is Deputy Chairman, and the Commission for Science and Culture .

In 2016 he was appointed by Cardinal Grand Master Edwin Frederick Cardinal O'Brien as Grand Officer of the Papal Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem and invested on May 21, 2016 in St. Paulus Cathedral in Münster by Reinhard Cardinal Marx , Grand Prior of the German Lieutenancy . He belongs to the Regensburg Commandery of the Papal Laity Order. He is also a member of the German Association of the Holy Land . On February 3, 2019, he was invested in Regensburg as a Knight of Honor of the Teutonic Order .

Founding of scientific institutes

On September 1, 2014, he founded the Academic Forum Albertus Magnus in the diocese of Regensburg , which promotes the dialogue between science and theology and between society and the Church based on the example of St. Albert and coordinate the work of the scientific institutes of the diocese of Regensburg ( Institutum Marianum , Ostkirchliches Institut Regensburg , Institut Pope Benedikt XVI.).

With effect from September 13, 2016, he established the new Eastern Church Institute of the Diocese of Regensburg , which is intended to contribute to better mutual knowledge of Eastern and Western tradition and to the task of restoring church unity in diversity (see Ut unum sint 57). The facility is to tie in with the previous Eastern Church Institute in Regensburg and continue its work under changed conditions.

As the fourth scientific institute of the diocese, Bishop Voderholzer established the Institutum Liturgicum Ratisbonense on July 6, 2017 , which researches the history of the liturgy on the basis of medieval manuscripts. One focus of the work is on indexing the collection of fragments from the Bishop's Central Library in Regensburg and researching local liturgical traditions.

Coming to terms with sexual abuse and physical violence

In July 2017 he had a pastoral word read out in the parishes of the diocese . In it he asked the 500 victims of physical violence as well as the victims of sexual violence at the Regensburger Domspatzen "in humility" "instead of the perpetrators, most of whom died," and asked "that this apology would be accepted by those affected." After the publication of the MHG study on “Sexual abuse of minors by Catholic priests, deacons and male religious in the area of ​​the German Bishops' Conference”, he again addressed the believers in the Diocese of Regensburg with a pastoral word. In it he received the results of the study, expressed his regret and named measures to improve the prevention of sexual abuse. Above all, he calls for a culture of mindfulness. He offers all victims of sexual abuse an interview in which he, as the highest representative of the local church in Regensburg, wants to personally ask for forgiveness.

On the occasion of his 60th birthday on October 9, 2019, the chairwoman of the staff representative of the Episcopal Ordinariate in Regensburg, Ingrid Schmid, thanked him for his clear position in dealing with cases of abuse. For the staff it was a great relief to be able to refer to the personal and persistent commitment of the bishop in discussions or critical inquiries. The abuse commissioner of the federal government, Johannes-Wilhelm Rörig , had already made a similar statement in 2017 . He emphasized that Voderholzer had consistently faced responsibility since taking office. Matthias Katsch , spokesman for the victims' initiative “Eckiger Tisch”, described the Regensburg Cathedral Sparrows (next to Ettal) as “beacons in the landscape” of the reappraisal on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the abuse scandal becoming known in the German church .

In July 2020, he announced in a letter to the victims of sexual abuse and physical violence in the diocese of Regensburg that the recognition payments made to date would be doubled based on a decision of the DBK from March 2020 and in some cases even by one up to an upper limit of 50,000 euros Increase multiple. “The diocese of Regensburg had already paid significantly more than the 5,000 euros recommended by the Bishops' Conference. For example, former cathedral sparrows received up to 20,000 euros if they suffered sexual abuse. The systematic payment to victims of violence by the diocese is also unique. You can now count on up to 12,500 euros - instead of the previous 5,000 euros, ”reports Bayerischer Rundfunk. “Representatives of those affected at the Domspatzen told the BR that the initiative had come from Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer. In a letter to the victims available to the BR, the latter stated that he knew that even the higher level of recognition would not make amends for the injustice suffered. "However, according to the Mittelbayerische Zeitung, the Regensburg bishop combined this step" with the hope that those affected would receive this as recognition Being able to see your suffering and accept it as a sign of our readiness to contribute to healing and pacification as far as we can ”.

Regensburg Sunday Bible

With the Regensburg Sunday Bible , he published a Christian house book in 2017, which contains the reading and Gospel texts of the three reading years with reflections from Pope Benedict XVI. and images of works of art from the diocese of Regensburg combined.

Corona pandemic

In the Corona crisis , which from March 2020 also led to considerable restrictions for church life, he drew attention to the fact that Christian services were "existential for the church" and offered people "cohesion and a social orientation", so that a step-by-step opening of services for the participation of believers is necessary. He resolutely defended compliance with the state guidelines for the protection of the population and the containment of the spread of the virus as a requirement of common sense and charity. The coronavirus also shows the limits of human autonomy .

On February 26, 2020, the Federal Constitutional Court issued a judgment on euthanasia in which the protection of life would have been subordinated to human autonomy. A few weeks later the Federal Constitutional Court justified the considerable restriction of human autonomy with the protection of human life. Voderholzer therefore asks whether “the current crisis is not pushing the legal philosophy of unlimited autonomy to its limits”. The corona pandemic is not a punishment from God, but could very well be understood as a result of human activity, as a chain of guilt and human failure in which hubris, pride, carelessness and greed for profit entered into an ominous alliance.

Voderholzer expressly distanced himself from an appeal by Carlo Maria Viganò on May 8, 2020 with the Latin headline “Veritas liberabit vos!” ( The truth will set you free , according to Jn 8,32  EU ), in which there was growing doubt about the actual risk of infection the coronavirus and the reporting of the pandemic was referred to as " alarmism "; the containment measures taken allegedly favored the interference of "foreign powers" with serious social and political consequences, according to the text also signed by Voderholzer's doctoral supervisor Gerhard Ludwig Müller .


Bishop Voderholzer, together with the Evangelical Lutheran regional bishop Hans-Martin Weiss, welcomed and supported the cross decree of the Bavarian state government of April 2018 . In an interview with Deutsche Welle, Bishop Voderholzer said: "I cannot find anything reprehensible about a commitment to the cross as the epitome of Christian faith, which deeply shapes the foundations of our coexistence - not even from a party-political point of view." He contradicted Cardinal Reinhard Marx's criticism that the decree expropriated the cross and played it down to a cultural symbol by pointing out that everyone who appeals to the cross will have to be measured by their claims.

On June 27, 2018, Voderholzer received the Bavarian Order of Merit .

In November 2019, a group of conservative Christians referred to an online protest against Pope Francis calling on the Pope to public penance for alleged idolatry in the context of the Amazon Synod , among other things. a. to Bishop Voderholzer. However, in a public statement, the latter “decidedly reject this reference and the allegations against Pope Francis associated with it”.


In May 2020, after the first peak of the corona pandemic, he expresses his thanks and appreciation to all pastoral and catechetical employees (priests, deacons, pastoral officers, parish officers and religious teachers) in the Diocese of Regensburg by offering them a case of beer each the in-house brewery Bischofshof.


  • The unity of writing and its spiritual meaning , Johannes Freiburg 1998, 3-89411-344-8
  • Meet Henri de Lubac , Sankt-Ulrich-Verlag Augsburg 1999, ISBN 3-929246-44-9
  • Fundamental Theology, Ecumenical Theology , 2001, ISBN 3-89710-186-6
  • The divine revelation: Commentary on the foreword and on the first chapter of the dogmatic constitution “Dei verbum” of the Second Vatican Council , Johannes Freiburg 2001, ISBN 3-89411-369-3 (by Henri de Lubac; translated from the French)
  • Hermeneutics: From the Scriptures to Schleiermacher (Handbook of the History of Dogmas) , Herder Freiburg 2003, ISBN 3-451-00701-0
  • Incontro con Henri de Lubac , Eupress 2004, ISBN 88-88446-21-4 (Italian)
  • (Together with Ernst Kögler) He led me out into the distance. Father Victricius Berndt OFMCap (1915-2003). Life picture of a Sudeten German priest. Records. Sermons. Memories (= for church and ethnic group. Small series of the Sudetendeutschen Priesterwerkes, Volume 11), Reimlingen 2006.
  • Christian Schaller, Michael Schulz, Rudolf Voderholzer (eds.): Mediators and Liberators: The Christological Dimension of Theology , Herder Freiburg 2008, ISBN 3-451-29804-X (Festschrift for Gerhard Ludwig Müller)
  • Meet Henri de Lubac, his life and work , Ignatius Press San Francisco 2008, ISBN 978-1-58617-128-5 (translation by Michael J. Miller)
  • Revelation, Tradition, and Scripture Interpretation. Building blocks for a Christian biblical hermeneutics, Verlag Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg 2013, 208 pages, ISBN 978-3-7917-2519-2
  • "And the word became flesh ...". Thoughts on Advent and Christmas, Verlag Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg 2016, 112 pages, ISBN 978-3-7917-2828-5
  • The crib helps ensure that Christmas remains Christmas, in: From amazement and admiration. Pope Francis and Bishop Rudolf on the value, importance and history of the nativity scene. Illustrated with pictures of the internal nativity scene exhibition in the Episcopal Ordinariate Regensburg 2019/2020 (= art collections of the Diocese of Regensburg, Diözesanmuseum Regensburg, catalogs and writings, Volume 48, edited by Maria Baumann), Regensburg 2019, pp. 25–45, ISBN 978- 3-9601-8093-7
  • For the renewal of the church. Spiritual impulses on current challenges, Verlag Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg 2020, 256 pages, ISBN 978-3-7917-3138-4
  • "The replaced Sabbath". Annunciation in Corona times , dedicated to all priests and deacons, pastoral officers , parish officers , religious teachers and all full-time and voluntary employees in the service of Caritas in the diocese of Regensburg as thanks for their special commitment during the peak phase the corona pandemic in spring 2020, Verlag Schnell & Steiner, Regensburg 2020, 176 pp., ISBN 978-3-7954-3580-6

Web links

Commons : Rudolf Voderholzer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Munich becomes Bavaria's youngest bishop . In: Abendzeitung Munich , January 25, 2013
  2. Catholic Church in the Ruwertal: Silver Priest Jubilee Voderholzer
  3. ^ Nomina del Vescovo di Regensburg (Germania) . in: Holy See Press Office: Daily Bulletin of December 6, 2012.
  4. ^ Oath of allegiance to the constitution ( Memento of May 13, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  5. Bishop takes oath on constitution
  6. "Benedict Institute" , Vatican Radio , September 13, 2008.
  7. Organi. Retrieved May 18, 2020 .
  8. ^ Nomina di Membri della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede. In: Daily Bulletin . Holy See Press Office, May 28, 2014, accessed May 28, 2014 (Italian). , May 10, 2019.
  9. Press release from September 20, 2016 - No. 175
  10. Live broadcasts from St. Paulus Cathedral in Münster: Pontifical Mass with investiture of the Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem , Diocese of Münster , May 21, 2016.
  11. “Take this cross, sign of God's love and the order” - Bishop Dr. Rudolf Voderholzer becomes Knight of Honor of the Teutonic Order. Diocese of Regensburg, February 4, 2019, accessed on June 26, 2019 .
  12. ^ Opening of the "Academic Forum Albertus Magnus". Retrieved October 15, 2018 .
  13. ^ Diocese of Regensburg founds Eastern Church Institute. Retrieved October 15, 2018 .
  14. ^ Interdisciplinary conference "Divine service in Regensburg institutions". Retrieved October 15, 2018 .
  15. Shepherd's Word from July 2017 (PDF)
  16. Ulrich Weber, Johannes Baumeister: Incidents of violence being exercised against those who are under wards among the Regensburger Domspatzen. (PDF) July 18, 2017.
  17. MHG study. (PDF) German Bishops' Conference, September 24, 2018, accessed on October 5, 2018 .
  18. ^ Rudolf Voderholzer: Pastoral letter of the Bishop of Regensburg on the occasion of the publication of the MHG study of the German Bishops' Conference. In: September 29, 2018, accessed October 5, 2018 .
  19. "It is nice to be a bishop in Regensburg". Voderholzer celebrates his 60th birthday with employees, companions and friends . In: Donau-Post . October 14, 2019, p. 26 .
  20. Praise from the Federal Government Commissioner. Appreciation of abuse at Regensburger Domspatzen. In: Church and Life - Network. The Catholic online magazine. The Bishop of Münster, February 25, 2017, accessed on October 17, 2019 .
  21. ^ Dpa: Catholic Church. Still "no real processing" of the abuse cases. In: Kölner Stadtanzeiger. January 10, 2020, accessed January 10, 2020 .
  22. ^ Diocese of Regensburg pays up to 50,000 euros for victims of abuse. August 4, 2020, accessed August 4, 2020 .
  23. ^ Diocese of Regensburg pays up to 50,000 euros for victims of abuse. August 4, 2020, accessed August 4, 2020 .
  24. Abuse: Bishop writes to the victims . In: Mittelbayerische Zeitung from August 4, 2020 . S. 2 ( ).
  25. ^ Elisabeth Lehner: Bishop gives away 11,000 hand-signed Bibles . In: , September 24, 2017.
  27. Rudolf Voderholzer: "Easter under the restrictions of the Corona crisis". Pastoral letter from the Bishop of Regensburg . March 27, 2020 ( ).
  28. Thorsten Paprotny: Bishop Voderholzer: Christians are "lobbyists of life" . In: CNA German . April 13, 2020 ( ).
  30. Call. In: Appeal for the Church and the World. Retrieved May 10, 2020 (American English).
  31. Bishop Voderholzer distances himself from conspiracy theorists, May 11, 2020
  32. Also Bishop Voderholzer against world conspiracy theories. "Playing with fire": Bishop Fürst criticizes Viganò appeal. In:, 11 May 2020 online
  33. ^ Cross decree: Regensburg bishops support Söder. Retrieved August 10, 2020 .
  34. Deutsche Welle ( Cross duty in Bavaria causes controversy | DW | 06/01/2018. Retrieved August 10, 2020 .
  35. Together under the cross - Regional Bishop Weiss and Diocesan Bishop Voderholzer affirm their “ecumenical yes” to the cross in public spaces. Retrieved August 10, 2020 .
  36. ^ Protest against the sacrilegious actions (sic!) Of Pope Francis. November 12, 2019, accessed December 10, 2019 .
  37. Not my way. Bishop Voderholzer at a distance to protest against the Pope , November 13, 2019.
  38. ^ Statement by Bishop Voderholzer on the letter of protest against Pope Francis. In: Homepage of the Diocese of Regensburg. November 13, 2019, accessed December 10, 2019 .
  39. 08 May 2020 2:31 p.m .: Bishop thanks with barley juice. Retrieved May 10, 2020 .
predecessor Office successor
Gerhard Ludwig Müller Bishop of Regensburg
since 2012