Kota Belud

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Kota Belud
Coordinates 6 ° 21 '  N , 116 ° 26'  E Coordinates: 6 ° 21 '  N , 116 ° 26'  E
Location of the city within the Kota Belud districtLocation of the city within the Kota Belud district
Basic data
Country Malaysia


Residents 8392 (2010)
Entrance to Kota Belud
Entrance to Kota Belud
Kota Belud Mosque

Kota Belud is a city in the Malaysian state of Sabah . Kota Belud belongs to the administrative district of the same name ( Kota Belud District ) and is 70 kilometers north of the capital Kota Kinabalu . The city is part of the West Coast Division area , which includes the districts of Kota Kinabalu , Ranau , Kota Belud, Tuaran , Penampang , Putatan, and Papar .


Kota Belud is located in the north of the island of Borneo between Kota Kinabalu and Kudat .



The population of the city of Kota Belud is 8,392 people, a large part of whom are Bajau .


Kota Belud is known for its huge tamu , a market that is held every Sunday. Pesta Kaamatan (Thanksgiving Day ) and Tamu Besar (The Great Market) take place annually. Tamu Besar is one of the most colorful festivals in Sabah. On this occasion the Bajau are dressed in their famous colorful robes, sell their handicrafts and show their riding skills.


Kota Belud belongs to the parliamentary constituency "P.169 Kota Belud". In the parliamentary elections in Malaysia in 2013 , the candidate of the coalition government Barisan Nasional Dato 'Abd Rahman bin Dahlan won the day.

See also


Web links

Commons : Kota Belud  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. a b Census 2010 for Sabah (PDF; 1.9 MB), page 143 ed. from the Bureau of Statistics, Malaysia
  2. Election Commission of Malaysia : Kedudukan Kerusi Bagi Parlimen ( Memento of the original from April 23, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ; Accessed May 6, 2013 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / keputusan.spr.gov.my