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Bingkor (Malaysia)
Coordinates 5 ° 24 '  N , 116 ° 12'  E Coordinates: 5 ° 24 '  N , 116 ° 12'  E
Basic data
Country Malaysia


Residents 51 (2010)

Bingkor or Bingkur is a settlement in the Keningau district in the Malaysian state of Sabah . Bingkor is located 123 kilometers from Kota Kinabalu and is part of the Interior Division . According to 2010 population statistics, Bingkor has 51 residents. OKK Gunsanad Kina introduced the cultivation of natural rubber in Bingkor .


Starting in 1936, on the instructions of Sir Jardine , the British governor of British North Borneo , indigenous self-government was introduced in the Keningau plain on an experimental basis. Building on his positive experience in Tanganyika , Jardine wanted to improve the poor profit situation from poll tax. For this purpose, an administrative center run by locals was built in Bingkor, which was responsible for twelve kampung with a total population of 2,700 inhabitants and was placed under the direction of the widely respected chief Sedoman . Bingkor was the first known settlement to be granted full financial autonomy by the North Borneo Chartered Company . In order not to disturb this experiment, the Catholic churches were prohibited from any missionary work in this administrative area.

The experience with Bingkor's self-government was an essential basis for the establishment of the Native Administration in British North Borneo. This transfer of sovereign rights to the level of traditional indigenous jurisprudence is enshrined in law in today's Sabah through the Native Courts Enactment 1992 .


  • KG Tregonning: A History Of Modern Sabah (North Borneo 1881–1963) , 2nd edition, University of Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur, 1965, reprint 1967

Individual evidence

  1. a b Population Distribution by Local Authority Areas and Mukims, 2010 (Census 2010) ( Memento of the original from February 27, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 368 kB), page 147  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Malaysia Today: Hari-hari terakhir seorang Ketua Menteri  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as broken. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , January 18, 2008 edition; Accessed May 5, 2012@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  3. Tregonning, p. 127
  4. John Rooney: Khabar Gembira: History of the Catholic Church in East Malaysia and Brunei, 1880-1976 , 1981, page 189, Burns and Oates Ltd Wellwood North Farm rd, Tunbridge Wells Kent, ISBN 978-0860121220
  5. ^ Native Courts Enactment 1992 ; Accessed June 17, 2012