Kuno von Falkenstein (General)

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Kuno Erdmann Wilhelm Freiherr von Falkenstein (born December 12, 1840 in Esslingen am Neckar , † May 6, 1899 in Strasbourg ) was a Württemberg general of the infantry .


Falkenstein was the son of a lieutenant and Emma, ​​nee Bardili. After his parents died early, he attended the Lyceum in Ludwigsburg and the grammar school in Stuttgart . He entered the war school of the Württemberg Army in Ludwigsburg on April 11, 1856 and was assigned to the Pioneer Corps as a lieutenant in the artillery during the mobilization on the occasion of the Sardinian War . At the end of May 1859 he was transferred to the engineer corps. Here Falkenstein advanced to lieutenant in mid-February 1863 and served as adjutant from April 1865 . On April 24, 1866, he was transferred to the tactical department of the Quartermaster General. For the duration of the war against Prussia , Falkenstein was active in the headquarters of the VIII Federal Corps and took part in the battles near Aschaffenburg , Tauberbischofsheim , Gerchsheim and Würzburg .

After the war, Falkenstein was promoted to captain in March 1867 and was commanded to do a reconnaissance trip in the Black Forest and the Bavarian maneuvers on the Lechfeld in autumn . In the period leading up to the beginning of the war against France , he was assigned several times to the General Staff in Berlin and took part in general staff trips and maneuvers in Prussia. With the mobilization Falkenstein came to the staff of the field division in 1870, took part in the battles at Wörth , Sedan and Villiers as well as the enclosure and siege of Paris . His achievements were recognized by being awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Military Merit and the Iron Cross, 2nd class.

After the peace agreement Falkenstein was a year from 29 July 1871 Hohenzollern Fusilier Regiment. 40 commands, was the beginning of December 1871 the General Staff aggregated and on 16 October 1872 as a company commander in the 3rd Infantry Regiment. 121 displaced . This was followed by promotion to major on August 1, 1873, when he was employed as a regular staff officer in the 2nd Infantry Regiment ("Kaiser Wilhelm, King of Prussia") No. 120 . From October 15, 1873 to September 15, 1874, Falkenstein was the wing adjutant of King Karl . He then returned to the service, commanded the Fusilier Battalion in 7th Infantry Regiment No. 125 and on March 3, 1879, with a patent dated September 18, 1880, was promoted to lieutenant colonel . On July 8, 1879, Falkenstein was transferred to the General Staff and commanded to serve with the Great General Staff in Berlin under position à la suite . During this time he participated as a referee in the maneuvers of the XI. Army Corps in Alsace . For one and a half years he was then from mid-January 1880 for service in the General Command of the III. Army Corps commands. With the powers of a department head, Falkenstein was then appointed chief of the general staff of this corps. In 1883 he attended the French maneuvers of the 7th and 8th Corps. Falkenstein became a colonel at the end of April 1884 and was appointed commander of the Leib Grenadier Regiment (1st Brandenburg) No. 8 on September 23, 1885 . On August 4, 1888, he was commissioned to lead the 9th Infantry Brigade in Frankfurt (Oder) , until he was finally promoted to major general on August 22 and appointed general à la suite of the King of Württemberg.

Removed from his command in Prussia, Falkenstein returned to Württemberg on September 23, 1888 and commanded the 52nd Infantry Brigade (2nd Royal Württemberg) in Ludwigsburg until November 17, 1890 . Subsequently promoted to lieutenant general while remaining in his position à la suite of the king , he was assigned to the war ministry from November 24, 1890 until his appointment as divisional commander. On January 14, 1891, he was sent to Prussia to take over the 3rd Division, and three days later he took up his post in Stettin . Falkenstein was released from this command on July 7 of the following year and appointed adjutant general to King Wilhelm II . On December 2, 1894, he awarded him the Commander's Cross of the Order of Military Merit. On April 4, 1896, a new command to Prussia took place, leaving the relationship as adjutant general. With this date Falkenstein became the commanding general of the XV. Army Corps and promoted to General of the Infantry on April 18, 1896. In this position he was awarded the Grand Cross of the Red Eagle Order with Oak Leaves on May 22, 1898 . Falkenstein died of renal colic after holding a corps parade with the Kaiser .

He was married to Mathilde Countess zur Lippe-Biesterfeld-Falkenflucht . Several children were born from the marriage.


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Individual evidence

  1. Württemberg Military Ordinance Gazette. No. 16 of May 24, 1898, p. 46.