List of FFH areas in Middle Franconia

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The list of FFH areas in Middle Franconia includes the following lists of FFH areas in Central Franconian counties and cities from the article namespace:

The selection corresponds to the administrative region Middle Franconia . There are 65 FFH areas in the administrative district (as of March 2016)

Surname image Identifier

circle details position Area

Court garden in Ansbach BW 6629-302
WDPA:  555521641
Ansbach 13.00
Nature reserve 'Scheerweihergebiet bei Schalkhausen' Commons-logo.svg Solanum 2120 20.jpg 6629-301
WDPA:  555521640
Ansbach 53.00

Endseer Berg Commons-logo.svg Gypsum break Endsee.JPG 6527-371
WDPA:  555521585
Ansbach district 125.74
Wetlands in the southern Central Franconian Basin BW 6829-371
WDPA:  555521719
Ansbach district 45.94
Swabian and Franconian river network BW 6832-371
WDPA:  555521722
District of Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen , Ansbach , Ansbach 1,093.90
Hesselberg Commons-logo.svg Hesselberg-Unterschwaningen-1.JPG 6929-371
WDPA:  555521755
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district 282.03
Hutungen on Rother Berg and around Lehrberg BW 6628-371
WDPA:  555521637
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district 182.48
Guarding of the franc height BW 6627-301
WDPA:  555521635
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district 78.00
Combed newt habitats around Eichelberg and spruce wood near Colmberg BW 6628-372
WDPA:  555521638
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district 562.01
Klosterberg and Gailnauer Berg BW 6727-371
WDPA:  555521689
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district 375.11
Natural forest reserves of the Frankenhöhe BW 6527-372
WDPA:  555521586
Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim district 243.91
Obere Altmühl with Brunst-Schwaigau and Wiesmet BW 6830-371
WDPA:  555521720
District of Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen , Ansbach 4,507.98
Sonnensee and Birkenfelser Forest BW 6629-371
WDPA:  555521642
Ansbach district 174.44
Taubertal north of Rothenburg and Steinbachtal Commons-logo.svg Swan Lake006.jpg 6627-371
WDPA:  555521636
Ansbach district 1,061.70
Animal ponds at Hinterholz and ponds at Aubühl BW 6628-373
WDPA:  555521639
Ansbach district 12.30
Wörnitztal Commons-logo.svg Nasswiesen Lierenfeld I.JPG 7029-371
WDPA:  555521786
Ansbach district 3,893.33

Aurach between Emskirchen and Herzogenaurach BW 6430-371
WDPA:  555521541
District Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim , District Erlangen-Höchstadt 199.08
Occurrence of stag beetles near Kleinseebach Commons-logo.svg Occurrence of stag beetles near Kleinseebach 2.jpg 6332-373
WDPA:  555521471
Erlangen-Höchstadt district 0.89
Labyrinth Commons-logo.svg Irrhain 001.JPG 6432-371
WDPA:  555521543
Erlangen-Höchstadt district 111.82
Markwald near Baiersdorf Commons-logo.svg Erlangen Großer Bischofsweiher (Dechsendorfer Weiher) 013.JPG 6332-371
WDPA:  555537764
Erlangen-Höchstadt , Forchheim district 308.09
Nature reserve 'Wildnis am Rathsberg' Commons-logo.svg Wilderness at Rathsberg 006.JPG 6332-302
WDPA:  555521468
Erlangen-Höchstadt district 25.00
Sand heaths in the Middle Franconian basin Commons-logo.svg Tennenloher Forest 009.JPG 6432-301
WDPA:  555521542
Erlangen-Höchstadt , Fürth district 1,168.00
Ponds and wet areas in the Aischgrund, pond area near Mohrhof Commons-logo.svg Neuhaus Angerweiher 17RM1605-PSD.jpg 6331-371
WDPA:  555521466
Erlangen-Höchstadt district 422.44

Fürth and Zirndorfer city forest Commons-logo.svg Stadtwald Fürth 06.jpg 6531-301
WDPA:  555521589
Fürth , Fürth district 828.00

Bibert and Haselbach Commons-logo.svg 2015 Bibertgrund near Großhabersdorf 03.jpg 6630-301
WDPA:  555521643
Ansbach , Fürth district 240.00

Chain of ponds north of Weinzierlein Commons-logo.svg Klingengraben (Bibert) 003.JPG 6531-371
WDPA:  555521590
Fürth district 5.26
Zenn from Stöckach to the mouth BW 6530-371
WDPA:  555521588
District Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim , District Fürth , Fürth 609.31

Bat winter quarters in the Steigerwald and the Frankenhöhe BW 6427-371
WDPA:  555521537
Ansbach , district Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim , Kitzingen 4.74
Gypsum hills near Külsheim and Wüstphül Commons-logo.svg Gypsum hill seven humps 05.jpg 6428-371
WDPA:  555521540
Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim district 61.09
Mouse-eared colonies in Steigerwald, Frankenhöhe and Windsheimer Bucht BW 6428-302
WDPA:  555521539
Ansbach , district Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim 0.00
Moor ponds in the Aischgrund and in the Grethelmark BW 6330-371
WDPA:  555521465
District Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim , District Erlangen-Höchstadt 215.11
Natural forest reserves of the Frankenhöhe BW 6527-372
WDPA:  555521586
District Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim , Ansbach 243.91
Swath ditch BW 6428-301
WDPA:  555521538
Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim district 6.00
Vorderer Steigerwald with Schwanberg Commons-logo.svg Clay marl stone on Schwanberg 01.jpg 6327-371
WDPA:  555521463
District Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim , District Kitzingen 8,350.89

Kornberge near Worzeldorf Commons-logo.svg Quarries Wolkersdorf 02.jpg 6632-372
WDPA:  555521645
Nuremberg , district of Roth 137.88
Rednitz Valley in Nuremberg Commons-logo.svg 2016 Rednitz Katzwang 03.jpg 6632-371
WDPA:  555521644
Nuremberg , Schwabach 337.76
Clearing islands in the Reichswald Commons-logo.svg LSG Birnthon 01.jpg 6533-371
WDPA:  555521593
Nuremberg Species-rich, mostly poor grassland on sandstone keuper. 43.47
Nuremberg Zoo with Schmausenbuck Commons-logo.svg Schmausenbuck quarry 01.jpg 6532-372
WDPA:  555521592
District of Nürnberger Land , Nuremberg 613.20
Erlenstegen waterworks Commons-logo.svg 2015 LSG Nürnberg Ost 01 04.jpg 6532-371
WDPA:  555521591
Nuremberg 213.33

Stream valleys of the Hersbrucker Alb Commons-logo.svg Molsberger Tal 03.jpg 6534-371
WDPA:  555521594
District of Nürnberger Land Flyer: Stream valleys of the Hersbrucker Alb 698.33
Dolomitkuppenalb BW 6335-306
WDPA:  555521477
District of Nürnberger Land Flyer: Dolomitkuppenalb 2,195.00
Wetlands in the Pegnitz Valley near Reichenschwand BW 6434-371
WDPA:  555521546
District of Nürnberger Land 37.87
Caves of the northern Franconian Alb Commons-logo.svg Breitenstein farmer 02.jpg 6335-305
WDPA:  555521476
District of Nürnberger Land , District of Bayreuth Winter quarters for the great mouse-eared mouse and other bat species in natural karst caves. 0.01
NSG 'Schwarzach-Durchbruch' and Rhätschluchten near Burgthann Commons-logo.svg Schwarzachklamm 45.jpg 6633-371
WDPA:  555521646
District of Nürnberger Land Deep gorge-like valleys of the Schwarzach and their tributaries with a high proportion of forest cut into the sandstone Keuper or Black Jura.
Flyer: NSG 'Schwarzach-Durchbruch' and Rhätschluchten near Burgthann
Eastern Vogelherd in the Veldenstein Forest Commons-logo.svg 2019 Hasensee 01.jpg 6335-372
WDPA:  555521479
District of Nürnberger Land , District of Bayreuth 248.52
Pegnitz between Michelfeld and Hersbruck Commons-logo.svg NSG Ranna 08.jpg 6335-371
WDPA:  555521478
District of Nürnberger Land , District of Amberg-Sulzbach , District of Bayreuth 310.54
Rothenberg ruins near Schnaittach Commons-logo.svg Rothenberg Fortress 03052008.JPG 6434-302
WDPA:  555521545
District of Nürnberger Land 3.00
Eaves slopes of the Hersbrucker Alb Commons-logo.svg Capuchin armchair 01.jpg 6434-301
WDPA:  555521544
District of Nürnberger Land , District of Amberg-Sulzbach Flyer: Eaves slopes of the Hersbrucker Alb 1,472.00
Forests in the Upper Palatinate Jura Commons-logo.svg Brunnfels 01.jpg 6535-371
WDPA:  555521595
District of Nürnberger Land , District of Amberg-Sulzbach , District of Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate 803.73
Wellucker Forest north of Koenigstein Commons-logo.svg Fichtelbergloch (A 110) 01.jpg 6335-302
WDPA:  555521475
District of Nürnberger Land , District of Amberg-Sulzbach 899.00

Moorings south of Allersberg and at Seligenporten BW 6733-372
WDPA:  555521691
District of Roth , District of Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate 11.88
Schwarzach from the Main-Danube Canal to Obermässing BW 6833-372
WDPA:  555521726
District of Roth , District of Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate 206.46

Burgstallwald near Gunzenhausen BW 6830-372
WDPA:  555521721
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district 118.27
Erlenbach near Syburg BW 6932-301
WDPA:  555521757
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district 59.00
Feuerletten slopes around Dorsbrunn and Arbachtal east of Pleinfeld BW 6931-371
WDPA:  555521756
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district 159.25
Bat winter quarters in the southern Franconian Alb Commons-logo.svg Grubschwart entrance blind tunnels 02.jpg 6932-371
WDPA:  555521758
District of Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen , Eichstätt , Neuburg-Schrobenhausen 7.97
Arbor book Commons-logo.svg Arbor book 03.jpg 7032-301
WDPA:  555521789
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district 20.00
Mausohrwochenstuben in the middle Franconian Alb Commons-logo.svg BW 6833-302
WDPA:  555521724
District of Nürnberger Land , District of Roth , District of Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen 0.00
Middle Altmühltal with Wellheimer dry valley and Schambach valley Commons-logo.svg Jackdaw rock Konstein 03.jpg 7132-371
WDPA:  555521819
District of Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen , Eichstätt , Neuburg-Schrobenhausen 4,204.50
Nature reserve ' Auwald bei Westheim 'Commons-logo.svg BW 7029-302
WDPA:  555521785
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district 50.00
Röttenbach Forest BW 6832-372
WDPA:  555521723
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district 282.36
Schambachried Commons-logo.svg Schambachried with Gunthildiskapelle.jpg 7031-371
WDPA:  555521787
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district 11.20
Schambachtal with side valleys BW 7031-373
WDPA:  555521788
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district 207.38
Quarry on Schrandelberg near Langenaltheim BW 7131-372
WDPA:  555521818
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district 13.83
Langenaltheim quarry BW 7131-371
WDPA:  555521817
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district 78.50
Eaves of the southern Franconian AlbCommons-logo.svg Kaising 05.jpg 6833-371
WDPA:  555521725
District of Roth , District of Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen , District of Eichstätt 4,324.42
Legend for fauna-flora-habitat

See also

Web links

Commons : FFH areas in Middle Franconia  - collection of images, videos and audio files