List of nature reserves in Middle Franconia

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The list of nature reserves in Central Franconia includes the following lists of nature reserves in Central Franconian counties and cities from the article namespace:

The selection corresponds to the administrative region Middle Franconia . There are 66 nature reserves in the administrative district (as of December 2018). The largest nature reserve in the district is the Tennenloher Forest .

Surname image Identifier

circle details position Area

Ampfrachsee BW NSG-00564.01
WDPA:  318115
Ansbach district Schnelldorf
Structurally rich wetland habitat with extensive meadows.
36.09 1982
Ellenbach BW NSG-00588.01
WDPA:  318338
Ansbach district Voggendorf
Mowing, wet and litter meadows, wet fallow and alder forest.
27.74 1940
Wet areas at the Hammerschmiedsweiher BW NSG-00215.01
WDPA:  163051
Ansbach district Dambach
Vermoort valley area.
19.34 1993
Großlellenfelder Moor BW NSG-00316.01
WDPA:  163384
Ansbach district Großlellenfeld
litter meadows, intermediate moor and swamp forest areas.
10.77 1987
Heglauer Wasen BW NSG-00105.01
WDPA:  81845
Ansbach district Heglau
marshland and pipe grass meadows.
5.4 1977
Kappelwasen BW NSG-00104.01
WDPA:  82040
Ansbach district Ornbau
biotope complex with a spacious wet meadow landscape.
11.71 1977
Karrachsee BW NSG-00370.01
WDPA:  164030
Ansbach district Windelsbach
Diverse complex of wet biotopes with numerous spring outlets.
19.88 1990
Kühberg near Gastenfelden Kühberg near Gastenfelden.jpg NSG-00223.01
WDPA:  164280
Ansbach district Gastenfelden
17.31 1984
Moosteile at the Klarweiher BW NSG-00211.01
WDPA:  164691
Ansbach district Dennenlohe fen
9.7 1984
Wet meadows Lierenfeld Commons-logo.svg Nasswiesen Lierenfeld I.JPG NSG-00179.01
WDPA:  82207
Ansbach , district of Donau-Ries Fürnheim
Ansbach district = 6.61 ha
Donau-Ries district = 0.07 ha
6.68 1983
Sheep herding around Kirnberg BW NSG-00446.01
WDPA:  165353
Ansbach district Kirnberg poor
47.54 1993
Schandtauberhöhle BW NSG-00205.01
WDPA:  165361
Ansbach district Bettenfeld Large
water-bearing cave.
11.98 1984
Cadolzhofen dry lawn guard BW NSG-00244.01
WDPA:  165963
Ansbach district Cadolzhofen
Dry grass interspersed with trees.
13.55 1985
Bird sanctuary Großer and Kleiner Lindleinsee Commons-logo.svg Lindleinsee001.jpg NSG-00378.01
WDPA:  166066
Ansbach district Schweinsdorf
Flat pond banks with a wide reed belt.
28.58 1990
Wildlife sanctuary and Gais pond BW NSG-00204.01
WDPA:  166078
Ansbach district Dinkelsbühl
pond with special importance for the bird world.
33.9 1984

Scheerweiher area near Schalkhausen Commons-logo.svg Scheerweiher.jpg NSG-00368.01
WDPA:  165372
Ansbach Ansbach
Flat pond with surrounding extensive pond rushes, cattails and reeds.
52.95 1990

Brucker Lache Commons-logo.svg Bruckerlache5.jpg NSG-00199.01
WDPA:  162592
gain Acquiring
wet forests
114.17 1964
Parade ground Commons-logo.svg Parade ground P1040658.JPG NSG-00578.01
WDPA:  318380
gain Achievement
change from sandy grasslands, dense grass corridors, open sand areas and groups of trees.
24.74 2000

Ziegenanger wet meadows near Neuhaus Commons-logo.svg NSG Feuchtwiesen Ziegenanger near Neuhaus 17RM0941-PSD.jpg NSG-00340.01
WDPA:  163088
Erlangen-Höchstadt Adelsdorf
Extensive flat meadow location in the middle of an open agricultural landscape.
34.83 1988
Chain of ponds north of Bösenbechhofen Commons-logo.svg Carp ponds.JPG NSG-00754.01
WDPA:  555560673
Erlangen-Höchstadt Höchstadt an der Aisch
Diverse pond landscape and alluvial forest. Occurrence of the crested newt and the great moss maiden .
23.06 2012
Tennenloher Forest Commons-logo.svg Tennenloher Forst 010.JPG NSG-00483.01
WDPA:  165851
Erlangen , Erlangen-Höchstadt Forst Tennenlohe
Characteristic section of the Sebalder Reichswald.
955.95 1994
Bird sanctuary pond area near Mohrhof Commons-logo.svg Mohrhof nature reserve 3.jpg NSG-00167.01
WDPA:  82807
Erlangen-Höchstadt Poppenwind
Extensive pond complex with almost 100 ponds.
128.87 1982
Pond area near Krausenbechhofen Commons-logo.svg Krausenbechhofen NSG 17RM0827.jpg NSG-00314.01
WDPA:  166208
Erlangen-Höchstadt Krausenbechhofen
Typical groups of ponds in the Aischgrund.
26.25 1987
Wilderness on the Rathsberg Commons-logo.svg Wilderness at Rathsberg 003.JPG NSG-00514.01
WDPA:  166315
Forchheim , Erlangen-Höchstadt Rathsberg
Near-natural deciduous and mixed forests.
26.60 2015

Chain of ponds near Oberreichenbach BW NSG-00396.01
WDPA:  166211
Fürth district Oberreichenbach
pond chain.
9.67 1992
Hainberg Commons-logo.svg Hainberg-07-08-06047.JPG NSG-00493.01
WDPA:  163484
Nuremberg , Fürth district Oberasbach
Largest contiguous sandy grassland area in Northern Bavaria.
Fürth district = 196.73 ha
Nuremberg = 14.8 ha
211.53 1995

Gypsum cave Höllern and gypsum hill "Seven Buckles" Commons-logo.svg Gypsum cave Höllern and gypsum hill Sieben Buckel 01.jpg NSG-00278.01
WDPA:  163252
Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim district Markt Nordheim
Two extensive cave systems and special flora and fauna.
10.16 1986
Graefholz and Dachsberge Commons-logo.svg Gräfholz pond and Dachsberge.jpg NSG-00299.01
WDPA:  163300
Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim district Bad Windsheim In terms of
regional history, particularly valuable forest in Bavaria.
350.36 1986
Holzöd near Ippesheim BW NSG-00224.01
WDPA:  163783
Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim district Ippesheim
Species-rich semi-arid grassland.
5.88 1984
Guard at Gigert BW NSG-00420.01
WDPA:  163841
Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim district Seenheim Striking
juniper heaths.
39.47 1992
Külsheim gypsum hill Commons-logo.svg NSG Külsheimer gypsum hill 3.jpg NSG-00181.01
WDPA:  164297
Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim district Kühlsheim gypsum hills
and extensively used rough meadows.
8.37 1983
Rammelsee and Kleiner Schimmelsteig BW NSG-00183.01
WDPA:  82364
Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim district Uttenhofen
mixed oak forests with a historical form of forest use.
39.53 1983
Weiherboden near Anfelden BW NSG-00457.01
WDPA:  166207
District Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim , Ansbach Oberdachstetten
Abandoned pond with surrounding meadows.
Neustadt an der Aisch district = 7.24 ha
Ansbach district = 1.37 ha
8.62 1993

Sand pits at Föhrenbuck Commons-logo.svg NSG Föhrenbuck 03.jpg NSG-00407.01
WDPA:  165316
Nuremberg Nuremberg
Former sand pits.
21.93 1992
Pegnitztal East Commons-logo.svg 2015 LSG Nürnberg Ost 01 04.jpg NSG-00758.01 Nuremberg Nuremberg
Near-natural section of the Pegnitz Valley with sandy grassland, extensive grassland, floodplain and other forests.
221 2018

Lichen and pine forests south of Leinburg Commons-logo.svg NSG lichen 03.jpg NSG-00570.01
WDPA:  318401
District of Nürnberger Land Leinburg
Unique natural area with sand dunes, lichen and pine forests characterized by drought.
834.0803 1950
Schwarzach breakthrough Commons-logo.svg Schwarzachklamm 44.jpg NSG-00300.01
WDPA:  165487
District of Nürnberger Land , District of Roth Schwarzenbruck
Räthsandsteinschlucht with surf caves, abundance of mosses, alder - alluvial forests and on the slopes mixed forests of beech, pine and spruce trees.
Area distribution:
District of Nürnberger Land = 25.04ha
District of Roth = 13.23
38.27 1936
Schwarzenbrucker Moor Commons-logo.svg Schwarzenbrucker Moor 02.jpg NSG-00415.01
WDPA:  165504
District of Nürnberger Land Schwarzenbruck
One of the few moors in Middle Franconia. Silting complex of near-natural ponds with floating leaf and underwater vegetation.
9.8906 1982
Upper Molsberg Valley Commons-logo.svg Molsberger Tal 09.jpg NSG-00227.01
WDPA:  164884
District of Nürnberger Land Happurg
Natural canyon forests with spring slopes, grazed grasslands, juniper bushes, meadows, tall herbaceous vegetation and calcareous debris fields.
17.4252 1984-12-04
Rinntal near Alfeld Commons-logo.svg Rinntal near Alfeld 13.jpg NSG-00579.01
WDPA:  318994
District of Nürnberger Land Alfeld
Typical Jura rock valley on the Alb plateau.
32.8211 2000-09-08
Schottental near Heldmannsberg Commons-logo.svg Schottental 03.jpg NSG-00579.01
WDPA:  318994
District of Nürnberger Land Pommelsbrunn
valley floor with the typical character of a Hutanger .
42.0441 1996-09-25
Wetland and sandy grasslands near Speikern Commons-logo.svg BW NSG-00242.01
WDPA:  163062
District of Nürnberger Land Ottensoos
Varied habitat made up of dry sand and wet biotopes.
10.4915 1996
Pegnitzau between Ranna and Michelfeld Commons-logo.svg NSG Ranna 14.jpg NSG-00548.01
WDPA:  318939
District of Nürnberger Land , District of Amberg-Sulzbach , District of Bayreuth Neuhaus , Auerbach , Pegnitz
valley meadows.
Area distribution:
District of Nürnberger Land = 99.34ha
District Amberg-Sulzbach = 79.83ha
District Bayreuth = 19.24ha
198.71 1998

Stream and gorge forest near Untermässing Commons-logo.svg Stream and ravine forest 06.jpg NSG-00447.01
WDPA:  162312
District of Roth Undermässing
spring outflows with tufa formations
12.2 1987
Kuhbachtal near Hausen Commons-logo.svg 2016 Kuhbachtal 10.jpg NSG-00502.01
WDPA:  164278
District of Roth Röckenhofen
Typical landscape section of the Albtrauf
48.8 1995
Northwest bank of the Rothsee main dam Commons-logo.svg Rothsee 04.jpg NSG-00541.01
WDPA:  318868
District of Roth Roth
silting area with shallow water zones and several islands
47.24 1998
Reservoir root of the Rothsee Commons-logo.svg Rothsee pre-barrier NSG 06.jpg NSG-00404.01
WDPA:  165657
District of Roth Allersberg alluvial
forests, open water areas, inaccessible islands and siltation area
45.19 1992
Thalach meadows BW NSG-00426.01
WDPA:  165872
District of Roth Thalmässing
Near-natural stream course and abandoned, well-kept areas
12.64 1992
Kauerlacher Weiher bird sanctuary BW NSG-00276.01
WDPA:  166073
District of Roth Karm
Still water close to nature
40.69 1986
Schwarzachwiesen bird sanctuary near Freystadt BW NSG-00331.01
WDPA:  166077
District of Roth , District of Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate Ebenried , Freystadt
Large meadow complex with partially extensively used meadows, which provides an important habitat for sensitive, meadow-breeding bird species.
District of Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate : 20.83 ha,
District of Roth : 21.41 ha
42.24 1988
Dredging pond between Bechhofen and Gauchsdorf BW NSG-00757.01 District of Roth Abenberg , Büchenbach
Abandoned sand mining sites. Habitats of a species-rich flora and fauna.
35.54 2017

Alluvial forest near Westheim Commons-logo.svg BW NSG-00475.01
WDPA:  162305
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district Westheim (Middle Franconia)
Wet forest area, which is characterized by black alder and ash swamp forests.
50.33 1979
Brombachmoor Commons-logo.svg BW NSG-00194.01
WDPA:  81462
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district Langlau
Moor in a hollow valley covered by alder forests, alluvial forests and small ponds.
3.94 1995
Bookkeeping at Markt Berolzheim Commons-logo.svg Marktberolzheim.buchleite.jpg NSG-00465.01
WDPA:  162621
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district Berolzheim market
semi-dry grassland with grazing sheep.
31.13 1986
Oak-hornbeam forest Laubenbuch near Rothenstein Commons-logo.svg Arbor book 02.jpg NSG-00266.01
WDPA:  162883
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district Rothenstein
Historical forest management in the form of a medium forest.
20.38 1985
Grafenmühle Commons-logo.svg NSG Grafenmühle 02.jpg NSG-00577.01
WDPA:  318456
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district Langlau
Open water areas and dry spruce and pine forests.
88.52 2000
Peninsula in the Kleiner Brombachsee Commons-logo.svg NSG peninsula in the Kleiner Brombachsee 01.jpg NSG-00344.01
WDPA:  163494
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district Langlau
Species-rich, poor meadows surrounded by different biotopes.
42.06 1989
Dry Jura slope with the rock group "Twelve Apostles" Commons-logo.svg 12 Apostles at Altmühltal-RW.jpg NSG-00216.01
WDPA:  163959
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district Solnhofen
series of rock towers.
15.12 1984
Märzenbecherwald near Ettenstatt Commons-logo.svg Märzenbecherwald 02.jpg NSG-00337.01
WDPA:  164577
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district Ettenstatt
Largest occurrence of the spring knot flower in the Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen district.
11.82 1988
Spring horizons and grasslands on the Albtrauf near Niederhofen Commons-logo.svg 170818-093 Weissenburg - NSG Magerrasen Niederhofen TT.jpg NSG-00275.01
WDPA:  165066
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district Niederhofen
spring outlets and fens.
44.59 1986
Sawmill Commons-logo.svg NSG Sägmühle 01.jpg NSG-00580.01
WDPA:  319037
District of Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen , district Roth Absberg , Enderndorf , Kalbensteinberg
flat water zone and adjacent open water areas.
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district = 19.44 ha
Roth district = 12.92 ha
32.35 2000
Schambachried Commons-logo.svg Schambachried with Gunthildiskapelle.jpg NSG-00099.01
WDPA:  82506
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district Schambach
Rare limestone flat moor.
6.88 1973
Reservoir root of the Igelsbachsee Commons-logo.svg Reservoir root of Igelsbachsee 03.jpg NSG-00345.01
WDPA:  165656
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district Absberg
biotope complex made up of silting societies, alder forest remains and fallow land.
25.25 1989
Stone channel near Wolfsbronn Commons-logo.svg Rinne Wolfsbronn 03.jpg NSG-00213.01
WDPA:  82630
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district Meinheim
Moss-covered limestone turf channel.
6.53 1984
Bird sanctuary shallow water and island zone in the Altmühlsee Commons-logo.svg Altmühlsee12.JPG NSG-00311.01
WDPA:  166070
Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district Gunzenhausen , Muhr am See
"Vogelinsel" with flat islands, mud banks and long shorelines
201.54 1987

Legend for nature reserve

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Green list of nature reserves in Middle Franconia. (PDF; 87 kB) Bavarian State Office for the Environment, December 31, 2014, accessed on May 23, 2016 .

Web links

Commons : Nature reserves in Middle Franconia  - collection of images, videos and audio files