List of nature reserves in Lower Bavaria

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The list of nature reserves in Lower Bavaria includes the following lists of nature reserves in Lower Bavarian districts and cities from the article namespace:

The selection corresponds to the administrative region of Lower Bavaria . There are 66 nature reserves in the administrative district (as of February 2017). The difference in the number of protected areas between the Green List and this list is due to negligible overlaps. The largest nature reserve in the district is the mouth of the Isar.

Surname image Identifier

circle details position Area

Haidfilz Commons-logo.svg Haidfilz 2.jpg NSG-00182.01
WDPA:  81801
Freyung-Grafenau district 38.73 1983
High forest Commons-logo.svg Dreisessel 090301 06.jpg NSG-00184.01
WDPA:  81901
Freyung-Grafenau district 268.67 1983
Mitternacher Ohe Commons-logo.svg NSG Mitternacher Ohe.jpg NSG-00240.01
WDPA:  164637
Freyung-Grafenau , district of Regen Freyung-Grafenau district 76.70 ha, Regen district 30.28 ha 106.98 1985
Moor forest near Kirchl Commons-logo.svg Moorwald.jpg NSG-00180.01
WDPA:  82180
Freyung-Grafenau district 7.90 1983
Upper Ilz Commons-logo.svg Ilztal, near Fürsteneck.JPG NSG-00535.01
WDPA:  164864
Freyung-Grafenau , Passau Freyung-Grafenau district 286.38 ha, Passau district 81.42 ha 367.80 1997
Saußbachleite Commons-logo.svg Waldkirchen Canal Saußbachleite.jpg NSG-00025.01
WDPA:  82501
Freyung-Grafenau district 20.47 1939
Jungle on the Dreisessel BW NSG-00003.01
WDPA:  82763
Freyung-Grafenau district Neureichenau
remains of the primeval forest.
3.80 1938
Gusset felt Commons-logo.svg Zwicklfilz.jpg NSG-00017.01
WDPA:  82966
Freyung-Grafenau district Philippsreut
6.45 1939

Altlaufsenke between the outer Mühlgraben and Kühmoos Commons-logo.svg NSG Altlaufsenke.jpg NSG-00263.01
WDPA:  162126
Deggendorf district 0.77 1985
Danube Old Water State Pile Commons-logo.svg Nature reserve "Donaualtwasser Staatshaufen" .jpg NSG-00196.01
WDPA:  81537
Deggendorf district 57.90 1994
Donaualtwasser Winzerer Letten Commons-logo.svg Donaualtwasser Winzerer Letten.JPG NSG-00330.01
WDPA:  162779
Deggendorf district 62.23 1983
Forchenhügel and Moosleiten Commons-logo.svg Forchenhügel 01.JPG NSG-00741.01
WDPA:  389591
District of Deggendorf , Passau LK Deggendorf 94.06 ha, LK Passau 60.15 ha 154.21 2007
Hoiberhügel Commons-logo.svg Hoiberhügel.jpg NSG-00741.02
WDPA:  389603
Deggendorf district 90.04 2007
Isar river at Neutiefenweg Commons-logo.svg NSG Isaraltwasser near Neutiefenweg.jpg NSG-00210.01
WDPA:  163925
Deggendorf district 36.91 1984
Isar mouth Commons-logo.svg Isarmuendung.jpg NSG-00369.01
WDPA:  163929
Deggendorf district 807.74 1990
Runstwiesen and dead moss Commons-logo.svg NSG Runstwiesen 3.JPG NSG-00568.01
WDPA:  319024
Deggendorf district 149.43 2000
Rubble bog Commons-logo.svg Access to the rubble moor.jpg NSG-00189.01
WDPA:  82558
Deggendorf district 15.75 1983
Stockhügel and Auerbach Commons-logo.svg Stockhügel, Auerbach.jpg NSG-00741.04
WDPA:  389979
Deggendorf district 6.02 2007
Todtenau and surrounding meadows Commons-logo.svg The Todtenau.JPG NSG-00188.01
WDPA:  82719
District of Deggendorf , District of Regen LK Deggendorf 6.71 ha, LK Regen 138.11 ha 144.82 1983
Gray heron colony near Kleinschwarzach Commons-logo.svg Bird sanctuary 2.JPG NSG-00338.01
WDPA:  166072
District of Deggendorf , District of Straubing-Bogen LK Deggendorf 27.29 ha, LK Straubing-Bogen 35.78 ha 63.07 1988
Deggendorf Kingdom of Heaven Commons-logo.svg NSG Himmelreich near Deggendorf.jpg NSG-00752.01
WDPA:  555560671
Deggendorf district 103,953 2012

Isar cold water and burning area near Mamming Commons-logo.svg Nature reserve, Mamming.jpg NSG-00486.01
WDPA:  163926
Dingolfing-Landau district 51.41 1994
Isar floodplains near Goben Commons-logo.svg Goben, Isarauen.jpg NSG-00461.01
WDPA:  163927
Dingolfing-Landau district 75.07 1994
Lean locations near Rosenau Commons-logo.svg Rosenau, NSG.jpg NSG-00462.01
WDPA:  164536
Dingolfing-Landau district 9.57 1994
Rosenau Commons-logo.svg Haide Rosenau.JPG NSG-00449.01
WDPA:  82439
Dingolfing-Landau district 10.65 1993
Vilstal near Marklkofen Commons-logo.svg VilstalP1050377.jpg NSG-00220.01
WDPA:  166061
Dingolfing-Landau district 171.94 1984
Walperstetten spring moor BW NSG-00474.01
WDPA:  166164
Dingolfing-Landau district 4.19 1994

Inland dunes near Siegenburg and Offenstetten Commons-logo.svg Inland dunes near Offenstetten 01.jpg NSG-00221.01
WDPA:  162422
District of Kelheim Siegenburg , Abensberg
deposits of drift sand, deck sand and terrace sand.
25.14 1984
Goldau Commons-logo.svg Burgstall Burg Wöhr Neustadt an der Donau Ldk Kelheim Niederbayern.JPG NSG-00203.01
WDPA:  163270
District of Kelheim Neustadt an der Donau
oxbow lakes and reed beds.
24.59 1984
Hirschberg and Altmühlleiten BW NSG-00503.01
WDPA:  163698
District of Kelheim 374.98 1995
Klamm and Kastlhang Commons-logo.svg 2019 Bauernleite 02.jpg NSG-00088.01
WDPA:  82070
District of Kelheim 250.15 1969
Ludwigshain BW NSG-00008.01
WDPA:  82117
District of Kelheim Hienheim
part of the forest.
2.16 1939
Mattinger slopes Commons-logo.svg DR-Oberndorf1.JPG NSG-00037.01
WDPA:  82144
District of Kelheim , District of Regensburg Matting
Wooded slope with striking rock formations.

Kelheim district 11.25 ha, Regensburg district 48.05 ha

59.30 1941
Niedermoor south of Niederleierndorf BW NSG-00212.01
WDPA:  164808
District of Kelheim 62.15 1984
Sandharland Heath Commons-logo.svg Sandharlandener Heide (Allmende) 02.JPG NSG-00090.01
WDPA:  82486
District of Kelheim 11.12 1970
Prunn Castle Commons-logo.svg Prunn Castle 03.jpg NSG-00075.01
WDPA:  82527
District of Kelheim Riedenburg
The slopes of the Jura between the towns of Prunn and Pillhausen, which slopes down towards the Altmühl, with the center of "Schloss Prunn".
77.46 1956
Schulerloch Commons-logo.svg Schulerloch NSG 03.jpg NSG-00087.01
WDPA:  82557
District of Kelheim Essing
steppe heather forest, limestone beech forest and karst cave.
12.67 1968
Sippenauer Moor Commons-logo.svg Sippenau source1.JPG NSG-00009.01
WDPA:  82597
District of Kelheim Mitterfecking
Unique sulfur spring moor on the edge of the Alb.
8.72 1939
Former NATO training ground in Siegenburg Commons-logo.svg Siegenburg Range Memorial Lkr Kelheim Niederbayern.JPG NSG-00755.01 District of Kelheim Siegenburg
273.71 2015
Weltenburger narrow Commons-logo.svg Danube breakthrough weltenburg.jpg NSG-00089.01
WDPA:  6977
District of Kelheim Kelheim
The Danube Valley from Weltenburg to Kelheim.
559.25 1970

Former training ground in Landshut with Isarleite Commons-logo.svg 20140615 Ochsenau Panzerweg.jpg NSG-00593.01
WDPA:  318323
Landshut 278.93 1982

Bird sanctuary Middle Isar reservoirs Commons-logo.svg Bird sanctuary Middle Isar reservoirs2.jpg NSG-00170.01
WDPA:  82804
Freising district , district of Landshut Freising district 191.12 ha, Landshut district 399.13 ha 590.25 1982-09-23

Audobel BW NSG-00741.03
WDPA:  389576
District of Passau 8.97 2007
Halser Ilz loops Commons-logo.svg Halser Ilz loops GO-2.jpg NSG-00456.01
WDPA:  163505
Passau , District of Passau City of Passau 54.16 ha, LK Passau 35.30 ha 89.46 1993
Lower Inn Commons-logo.svg Lower Inn.jpg NSG-00094.01
WDPA:  82753
District of Passau , district of Rottal-Inn LK Passau 260.74 ha, LK Rottal-Inn 438.50 ha 699.24 1972
Vils Engtal Commons-logo.svg Protected area Vils-Engtal in Bavaria in Winter.JPG NSG-00533.01
WDPA:  166060
District of Passau Vilshofen on the Danube
78.54 1997

Donauleiten from Passau to Jochenstein Commons-logo.svg Jochensteiner Leiten.jpg NSG-00277.01
WDPA:  162782
Passau , District of Passau City of  Passau  17.65 ha,
district of Passau  373.61 ha
391.26 1987

Bach learner Moos Commons-logo.svg Bachlerner Moos, NSG.jpg NSG-00626.01
WDPA:  318152
Regen district 8.65 1993
Birkenbruchwald Oed Commons-logo.svg Birkenbruchwald Öd.jpg NSG-00214.01
WDPA:  162431
Regen district 18.77 1984
Großer Arbersee and Arberseewand Commons-logo.svg GrosserArberseeAnsicht1.JPG NSG-00021.01
WDPA:  163348
Regen district 148.57 1939
Large stake and stake bolt St. Antonius stake Commons-logo.svg Large stake 3.JPG NSG-00012.01
WDPA:  81769
Regen district The pile , a ridge in the Bavarian Forest


24.03 1939
Yard stake Commons-logo.svg Nature reserve Hofpfahl.JPG NSG-00013.01
WDPA:  81905
Regen district Allersdorf
15.93 1939
Kiesau Commons-logo.svg Nature reserve Kiesau.jpg NSG-00448.01
WDPA:  164068
Regen district 9.59 1993
Moosbach stake Commons-logo.svg Moosbacher Pfahl 02.jpg NSG-00011.01
WDPA:  82182
Regen district Moosbach
10.98 1939
Post at the ruins of Weißenstein Commons-logo.svg Weißenstein3.JPG NSG-00028.01
WDPA:  82319
Regen district Weissenstein ruins 4.61 1940
Riesloch Commons-logo.svg Rießloch Falls - 20110923-01.jpg NSG-00016.01
WDPA:  318989
Regen district Ground corn
33.40 1939
Red felt Commons-logo.svg Rotfilz.JPG NSG-00095.01
WDPA:  82449
Regen district 12.88 1973
Stockau meadows Commons-logo.svg The Stockauwiesen.jpg NSG-00134.01
WDPA:  82647
Regen district Zwiesel
10.99 1980
Stockwiesen near Schollenried Commons-logo.svg Stockwiesen near Schollenried.jpg NSG-00178.01
WDPA:  82650
Regen district 12.33 1983

Salzach estuary bird sanctuary Commons-logo.svg Innspitz with a view of the confluence of the Inn (left) and Salzach (right) .jpg NSG-00419.01
WDPA:  166076
Altötting , Rottal-Inn LK Altötting 288.03 ha, LK Rottal-Inn 281.51 ha 569.54 1992

Öberauer Danube loop Commons-logo.svg Öberauer Donauschleife 02.jpg NSG-00288.01
WDPA:  164857
Straubing , District of Straubing-Bogen City of  Straubing  230.02 ha,
LK  Straubing-Bogen  60.57 ha
290.59 1986

Bogenberg Commons-logo.svg Bogenberg 2014 012.JPG NSG-00074.01
WDPA:  81433
District of Straubing-Bogen 7.77 1998
Brandmoss Commons-logo.svg Brandmoos.JPG NSG-00137.01
WDPA:  81450
District of Straubing-Bogen 26.17 1996
Buchberg and Helmberg near Münster Commons-logo.svg Helmberg near Münster 02.jpg NSG-00555.01
WDPA:  318251
District of Straubing-Bogen Lime clods in the Gäuboden south of Münster (Steinach) . Partial areas of Buchberg (2.95 ha) and Helmberg (approx. 12 ha). 15.29 1994
Donauauen near Stadldorf Commons-logo.svg Donauau near Stadldorf.jpg NSG-00315.01
WDPA:  162781
District of Straubing-Bogen Kirchroth
Near-natural sections of the Danube floodplain rich in old water with softwood floodplain vegetation in the upland area of ​​the dike foreland.
89.52 1992
Pond landscape near Wiesenfelden Commons-logo.svg Beckenweiher.JPG NSG-00622.01
WDPA:  319299
District of Straubing-Bogen 77.05 2003

Legend for nature reserve

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Green list of nature reserves in Lower Bavaria. (PDF; 87 kB) Bavarian State Office for the Environment, July 15, 2016, accessed on February 28, 2017 .

Web links

Commons : Nature reserves in Lower Bavaria  - collection of images, videos and audio files