List of schools in Flensburg

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The list of schools in Flensburg contains a directory of elementary and general education schools in Flensburg .


  • Name: Name of the school
  • Origin of name: Namesake / origin of the name of the school
  • Year: year of establishment
  • Type of school, provider and notes: primary school , support center , community school , grammar school , vocational school
  • Students: number of students
  • District / Coordinates: District in which the school is located and location coordinates.


Surname Origin of name year School type, carrier and notes student District
Official website
grammar school , special form of grammar school on the second educational path
Upper secondary school level of the city of Flensburg in the buildings of the Flensburg secondary school Mürwik Fördegymnasium Flensburg (April 2014), picture 01.JPG
Altes Gymnasium
Official website
Old-language grammar school 1566 High school in the city of Flensburg with 36 classes, the city's oldest high school. The building of the old grammar school has dominated the skyline on the west bank since 1914 and is a cultural monument on the Westliche Höhe . 857
(as of 2014/2015)
West elevation Old high school (Flensburg or Flensborg) .JPG
Official website
Auguste Viktoria (1858–1921),
last German Empress and Queen of Prussia
1886 High school in the city of Flensburg with 40 classes. The Auguste Viktoria School was built in 1912 and is a cultural monument on the Frisian Mountain . 991
(as of 2014/2015)
Frisian mountain Auguste Viktoria School, House A, Flensburg, September 2013, picture 03.JPG
Comenius School
Official website
Johann Amos Comenius (1592–1670),
philosopher, theologian and educator
Community school of the city of Flensburg with 14 classes 305
(as of 2014/2015)
North city
Official website
Cornelius Hansen Community school with elementary school part of the Danish School Association for South Schleswig , 14 classes 283
(as of 2014/2015)
North city
Official website
Duburg ,
an abandoned hilltop castle from the 15th century
1920 Community school with upper secondary level of the Danish School Association for Southern Schleswig , 26 classes, cultural monument . Duborg-Skolen was Germany's only Danish high school until the Schleswig-Holstein AP Møller-Skolen opened in 2008. 526
(as of 2014/2015)
Neustadt - Duburg Duborg Skolen in Flensburg.JPG
Eckener-Schule RBZ Flensburg
Official website
Hugo Eckener (1868–1954), head of the Zeppelin factory in Friedrichshafen, the first to cross the Atlantic with a zeppelin and an honorary citizen of Flensburg (1924) and his brother Alexander Eckener (1870–1944), painter and graphic artist 1815 Vocational School of the City of Flensburg , Regional Vocational Training Center (RBZ), Public Law Institution  (AöR) approx. 2500 Frisian mountain View from the access path.jpg
Official website
Elementary school of the city of Flensburg , open all-day school , nine classes 215
(as of 2014/2015)
West elevation
Official website
Flensburg Fjord 1961 High school in the city of Flensburg with 31 classes. Founded in 1961 as the New Gymnasium under construction , since 1966 under the name of Fördegymnasium 862
(as of 2014/2015)
Mürwik Fördegymnasium Flensburg (April 2014), picture 02.JPG
Free Waldorf School Flensburg
Official website
Waldorf school based on the Waldorf education established by Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925) 1983 Substitute school (officially recognized) and open all-day school with Waldorf kindergarten run by the non-profit organization Association for the Promotion of Waldorf Education Flensburg eV 20 classes. Qualifications: Abitur , secondary school certificate or, less often, secondary school certificate 455
(as of 2014/2015)
Südstadt Waldorf-school-flensburg.jpg
Official website
Fridtjof Nansen (1861–1930),
a Norwegian zoologist, polar researcher, diplomat and Nobel Peace Prize laureate
1992 Community school with upper secondary school level in the city of Flensburg , 33 classes. Founded in 1992 as the Integrated Comprehensive School Flensburg (IGS) 777
(as of 2014/2015)
Mürwik FNS A building Flensburg.jpg
Official website
1972 Support center with a focus on intellectual development with 24 classes, open all-day school , since 1978 in Elbestraße 176
(as of 2014/2015)
Community School Flensburg-West
Official website
1914 Community school with upper secondary school in the city of Flensburg with 19 classes 421
(as of 2014/2015)
Frisian mountain
Goethe School
Official website
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832),
German poet
1894 High School of the city of Flensburg with 30 classes. The main building, built from 1914 onwards, is a cultural monument in Jürgensby . Before that, the school had been in today's Hans-Christiansen-Haus since 1896 . 712
(as of 2014/2015)
Juergensby Goethe School Flensburg 2015 HDR.jpg
Official website
Gustav Johannsen (1840–1901),
politician, teacher and editor of the Flensborg Avis
1952 Community school (fællesskole) with elementary school and support center (hjælpeskole) part of the Danish School Association for South Schleswig , 19 classes 397
(as of 2015/2016)
West elevation Gustav Johannsen-Skolen.jpg
Official website
Hollow roads area Primary school of the city of Flensburg , open all-day school , after school care center , eight classes 163
(as of 2014/2015)
Jürgensby - ravines
Jens Jessen-Skolen
Official website
Jens Jessen (1854–1906),
politician, editor-in-chief and publisher of Flensborg Avis
Community school with elementary school part of the Danish School Association for South Schleswig , 13 classes 280
(as of 2014/2015)
Mürwik Jens Jessen-Skolen (Flensburg 2014) .JPG
Official website
Juergensby district Primary school with community school and support center of the Danish School Association for South Schleswig , 15 classes 268
(as of 2014/2015)
official website
Berta Katharina Lassen (1880–1956),
German painter
1951 Community school without upper secondary school level in the city of Flensburg , 19 classes 495
(as of 2014/2015)
Juergensby Käte-Lassen-School Flensburg.JPG
Kurt Tucholsky School
Official website
Kurt Tucholsky (1890–1935),
German journalist and writer
1973 Community school with upper secondary school level in the city of Flensburg , 50 classes 1192
(as of 2014/2015)
Engelsby Kurt Tucholsky School Flensburg.JPG
Oksevejens Skole
Official website
Ox path Primary school with community school part of the Danish School Association for South Schleswig , six classes 103
(as of 2014/2015)
Ostseeschule Flensburg
Official website
Baltic Sea Elementary and community school with ten classes, Montessori pedagogy , sponsored by the non-profit GmbH Ostseeschule Flensburg. 289
(as of 2014/2015)
Mürwik Osbek School or Baltic Sea School (Flensburg 2015), picture 05.JPG
Official website
Paulus Paulsen Promotion center of the city of Flensburg with four classes (as of 2014/2015) 38
(as of 2014/2015)
Neustadt Schlossstrasse 28, Flensburg.jpg
RBZ Hannah-Arendt-Schule AöR
Official website
Hannah Arendt (1906–1975),
Jewish German-American political theorist and publicist
1910 Vocational School of the City of Flensburg , Regional Vocational Training Center (RBZ), Public Law Institution  (AöR) 1850 Frisian mountain
RBZ HLA - The Flensburg Business School AöR
Official website
Commercial school 1873 Vocational school of the city of Flensburg , regional vocational training center (RBZ), public law institution  (AöR). The outbuilding of the Schloss-Duburg-Schule is a cultural monument in the Neustadt . Frisian mountain Marienallee school building of the Flensburg Commercial College.jpg
School Adelby
Official website
Adelby Elementary school in the city of Flensburg with twelve classes, open all-day school 252
(as of 2014/2015)
School on campus
Official website
Campus at the European University of Flensburg Regional school of the city of Flensburg 154
(as of 2012/2013)
Schule Auf der Rude
Official website
Rude district Elementary school of the city of Flensburg , open all-day school , four classes 93
(as of 2014/2015)
Südstadt Access gate to the school on the Rude, 03.JPG picture
School Engelsby
Official website
Engelsby district Elementary school of the city of Flensburg with 14 classes, open all-day school 286
(as of 2014/2015)
School Friedheim
Official website
Friedheim district Elementary school in the city of Flensburg with twelve classes, open all-day school 259
(as of 2014/2015)
Mürwik - Friedheim Friedheim School, Flensburg-Mürwik 2013.JPG
Schule Fruerlund
Official website
District Fruerlund 1954 Elementary school of the city of Flensburg with nine classes, open all-day school 196
(as of 2014/2015)
Fruerlund Bohlberg 56, Flensburg.jpg
Max von der Grün-Schule
Official website
School for the handicapped Promotion center of the city of Flensburg with a focus on physical and motor development, ten classes 81
(as of 2014/2015)
School Ramsharde
Official website
Ramsharde 1901 Elementary school of the city of Flensburg with nine classes, open all-day school ; was an elementary school (elementary and secondary school ) from its foundation in 1901 and has been a pure elementary school since the 1970s 223
(as of 2014/2015)
North city
Unesco-Projekt-Schule Flensburg-Weiche
Official website
UNESCO project school
1976 Elementary school in the city of Flensburg with eight classes, open all-day school 169
(as of 2014/2015)
Soft SchuleWeiche.JPG
Forest School
Official website
The name apparently refers to the nearby Marienhölzung , but possibly also to the deacon Jasper Wald. Elementary school of the city of Flensburg with 15 classes, open all-day school , cooperation school of the European University of Flensburg 335
(as of 2014/2015)
West elevation Forest school in the snow (Flensburg, January 2014), picture 01.JPG
Center for cooperative educational assistance

Official website

Cooperation between school (special focus on emotional and social development) and youth welfare of the city of Flensburg. 1990 Cooperative establishment of school and youth welfare of the city of Flensburg. Building of the former Pestalozzi School. Sandberg

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad Directory of general education schools in Schleswig-Holstein 2014/2015. Statistical Office for Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein , February 2015, accessed on April 6, 2015 .
  2. Skolens elevtal. In: Gustav Johannsen-Skolen, Flensborg. Dansk Skoleforening for Sydslesvig , accessed on March 21, 2016 .
  3. Ostseeschule Flensburg. Student numbers

Web links

Commons : Schools in Flensburg  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files