List of streets, squares and bridges in Hamburg-Rothenburgsort

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Location of Rothenburgsort in Hamburg and in the Hamburg-Mitte district (light red)

The list of streets, squares and bridges in Hamburg-Rothenburgsort is an overview of the streets, squares and bridges currently available in the Hamburg district of Rothenburgsort . It is part of the list of traffic areas in Hamburg .


In Rothenburgsort (district numbers 132 and 133) 9187 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2019) live on 7.4 km². Rothenburgsort is located in the postcode areas 20097 and 20539.

There are 62 designated traffic areas in Rothenburgsort, including eight bridges, two squares, a park, a barrage and an island.
Many bridges over the Bille are named after their paintwork to distinguish them: Brown Bridge, Yellow Bridge, Green Bridge and Black Bridge.

Overview of the streets

The following table gives an overview of all designated traffic areas in the district and some related information. In detail these are:

  • Name / location : current name of the street. Via the link ( location ), the street can be displayed on various map services. The geoposition indicates approximately the middle. In the case of longer streets that lead through two or more parts of the city, it is therefore possible that the coordinate is in a different part of the city.
  • Street key : official street key, consisting of a letter (first letter of the street) and a three-digit number.
  • Length / dimensions in meters:
    Note: The length information contained in the overview are overview values rounded up or down according to mathematical rules , which were determined in the Digital Atlas North with the local scale. They are more for comparison purposes and, if official values ​​are known, are exchanged and marked separately.
    For squares, the dimensions are shown in the form a × b for rectangular systems or a × b × c for triangular systems with a as the longest edge.
    The addition ( in the district ) indicates how long the street is within the district if it runs through several districts.
  • Name origin : origin or reference of the name.
  • Date of designation : Year of the official designation or the first mention of a name, in case of uncertainty also the specification of a period.
  • Notes : Further information on nearby institutions, the history of the street, historical names, monuments, etc.
  • Image : Photo of the street or an adjacent object.
Name / location Road
Length / dimensions
(in meters)
Origin of name Date of designation Remarks image

( Location )

A711 0640 Alexandra (1942–1969), singer 2006 The artist lived in Rothenburgsort in the 1960s.
Footpath and bike path

( Location )

A385 0170
(in the district)
Wilhelm Amsinck , Hamburg Senate Syndicate for his services to the development of the Hammerbrook 1842 northwestern part in Hammerbrook , part of federal highway 4 Amsinckstraße, view into town
At the stone camp

( Location )

A340 0530 after the building authority's stone warehouse that used to be there 1929 Footpath At the stone camp
On the Brandshof lock

( Location )

A510 0065
(in the district)
Lock built in 1625 at the mouth of the Bille and Elbe, named after the mayor's court, Johann Brand (1585–1652), which was located here at the time 1865 northwest part in Hammerbrook On the Brandshofer Schleuse, in the background the area of ​​the wholesale market
Ausschläger Allee

( Location )

A531 0330
(in the district)
after the predominant location in the Rothenburgsort district of Billwerder Ausschlag 1888 The word "Ausschlag" means a piece of land in front of a dike that was used by farmers as pasture for cattle in summer and was flooded by the Elbe and Bille in winter ; south of the Tiefstack Canal in Billbrook . Ausschläger Allee
Outsider Billdeich

( Location )

A532 1395 according to location and function in the district of Billwerder Ausschlag 1865 Outsider Billdeich
Elbe dike ruled out

( Location )

A533 0385 according to location and function in the district of Billwerder Ausschlag 1865 Elbe dike ruled out

( Location )

B062 0150 Jacob Bargsted (1797–1885), last steward in Billwerder rash Bargstedgasse
At the Green Bridge

( Location )

B170 0205 after the location near the Bille 1865 At the Green Bridge
Bergedorfer Heerweg

( Location )

B251 0175 after its function as a country road to Bergedorf 1929 Bergedorfer Heerweg
Billhafen discharge point

( Location )

B321 0125 according to location and function 1955 Billhafen discharge point
Billhorner Bridge

( Location )

- 0050
(in the district)
based on the Billhorner Brückenstraße 1960 southern part in HafenCity Billhorner Bridge
Billhorner Brueckenstrasse

( Location )

B322 0845 according to the function leading to the New Elbe Bridge 1887 Billhorner Brueckenstrasse
Billhorner dike

( Location )

B323 1125 to the former river island Billhorn 1865 Billhorner dike
Billhorner Kanalstrasse

( Location )

B324 0585 after the course parallel to the Bille Canal 1865 The addition "Billhorner" happened in contrast to Kanalstrasse in Uhlenhorst Billhorner Kanalstrasse
Billhorner Mühlenweg

( Location )

B325 0400 after the function leading to the windmill on Billwerder Deich, which was demolished in 1887 1877 Billhorner Mühlenweg
Billhorner Röhrendamm

( Location )

B326 2610 after a popular name 1865 Under the street was the main water pipe, through which the other parts of the city were supplied with water from the Rothenburgsort waterworks. Billhorner Röhrendamm

( Location )

B333 2590 according to the location along the Bille and the Bille Canal 1869 Billstrasse
Billwerder new dike

( Location )

B340 0890 after the dike built in 1625/26 1865 Billwerder new dike
Borsig Bridge

( Location )

- 0025
(in the district)
based on Borsigstrasse 1924 crosses the Tiefstack Canal and connects the districts of Billbrook and Rothenburgsort; eastern half of the bridge in Billbrook Borsig Bridge
Brandshofer dike

( Location )

B557 0560 after the nearby Brandshofer lock 1960 Brandshofer dike
Brown bridge

( Location )

B563 0030
(in the district)
after painting the bridge 1929 crosses the Bille as an extension of the Ausschläger Billdeichs ; northern part in Hamm Brown bridge
Bullenhuser Dam

( Location )

B694 0400 after Hans Bulle, the first town bailiff at the beginning of the 16th century 1890 Bulle gave its name to the entire area, which was called "Bullenhausen". Bullenhuser Dam
Carl Stamm Park

( Location )

C096 0110 × 45 Carl Stamm (1867–1941), pediatrician 2010 before 2010 Hexenpark Carl Stamm Park

( Location )

C101 0655 Cornelia Harte (1914–1998), developmental biologist 2018 Cornelia-Harte-Strasse

( Location )

E188 0180 named after a former island, Entenwerder or also Pferdewerder 1931 Entenwerder
Entenwerder rose

( Location )

E189 0185 named after a former island, Entenwerder or also Pferdewerder 1931 Entenwerder rose
Entenwerder Street

( Location )

E190 0060 named after a former island, Entenwerder or also Pferdewerder 1931 Entenwerder Street

( Location )

F214 0095 after the former Hamburg free port and the former customs border, which ran between Freihafenstrasse and Zollvereinsstrasse 1870 Freihafenstrasse

( Location )

G284 2215 Peter Heinrich Wilhelm Großmann (1807–1886), businessman and senator 1893 Grossmannstrasse
Green bridge

( Location )

- 0030
(in the district)
after painting the bridge 1865 crosses the Bille and connects the districts of Hammerbrook and Rothenburgsort; northern part in Hammerbrook Green bridge

( Location )

G344 0430 Gustav Kunst (1836–1905), merchant 1908 Kunst was a partner in the company Kunst & Albert in Vladivostok and bequeathed an amount of 250,000 marks to the poor fund. Gustav-Kunst-Strasse

( Location )

G351 0200 Johann Christoph Friedrich GutsMuths (1759–1839), educator 1929 Gutsmuthsweg

( Location )

H121 0060 after the location near the former Hanseatic Hall 1935 Hanseatenstieg

( Location )

H133 0335 Hermann N. Harden (1803–1852), landowner and farm owner 1960 Hardenstrasse

( Location )

H245 0120
(in the district)
after the landowner Johann Hinrich Heidenkamp around 1775 north from the middle of the Bille in Hammerbrook , part of the federal highway 75 Heidenkampsweg

( Location )

H462 0085 Johann Hintzpeter (1839 - 1908), Deichvogt in Billwerder Ausschlag 1929 Hintzpeterstieg
Kaatje Benninga Square

( Location )

K653 0090 × 40 Kaatje Benninga (1898–1943), general practitioner in Rothenburgsort 2018 Benninga was murdered in the Sobibor extermination camp in 1943 ; Victims of National Socialism .
Currently still in development. (As of May 2020)
Kaltehofe main dike

( Location )

K536 2550 according to location and function on the Elbe island Kaltehofe 1970 Kaltehofe main dike

( Location )

K037 1750 according to location and function on the Elbe island Kaltehofe not known Kaltehofe-Hinterdeich
Kaltehofe island

( Location )

- after a hallway name 1768 This is not a street, but the entire Elbe island that came to Hamburg through the Gottorper comparison .
Kaltehofer Bridge

( Location )

K647 0160 based on the island of Kaltehofe 2015 crosses the Billwerder Bucht barrage Kaltehofer Bridge

( Location )

K316 0125 Friedrich Heinrich Köhne (1879–1956), educator and school reformer 1961 Koehnestrasse
Langer Hagen

( Location )

L058 0455 after a hallway name 1914 Langer Hagen

( Location )

- 0040
(in the district)
based on Liebigstrasse 1934 crosses the Tiefstack Canal and connects the districts of Billbrook and Rothenburgsort; eastern half of the bridge in Billbrook Liebigbrücke

( Location )

L191 0155 William Lindley (1808–1900), British engineer 1869 Lindleystrasse

( Location )

M034 1400 Paul Siegfried Marckmann (1787–1829), landowner and farm owner in Billwerder Ausschlag 1869 Marckmannstrasse
Moorfleeter main dike

( Location )

M357 0985
(in the district)
Hamburg district Moorfleet 1970 eastern part in Moorfleet

( Location )

M319 1585 after a hallway name 1936 Hagen is the name for young bushwood. Mühlenhagen

( Location )

N246 0205 after the Niebur family, who lived in Rothenburgsort in the 16th and 17th centuries and were the owners of the later Marckmann farm from 1616 to 1680; the family also provided various Hamburg council members 2018 There was already a Nieburstrasse between 1912 and 1968 in the area of ​​Billwerder Ausschlag. Nieburstrasse

( Location )

O228 0175 Olga Brandt-Knack (1885–1978), SPD politician 2018 Olga-Brandt-Knack-Strasse

( Location )

R096 0240 Origin unknown 1870 Reginenstrasse
Rothenburgsort market square

( Location )

R318 0105 × 40 according to location and function in the district 1960 Rothenburgsort market square

( Location )

R319 0155 Johann Rodenborg (1574–1640), councilor and mayor 1869 The naming of Rothenburgsort goes back to the Rodenborg family. In the 17th century, this owned a farm on the site of today's Hamburg waterworks . One of the most prominent family members was Johann Rodenborg, mayor of Hamburg from 1536 to 1547. Rothenburgstrasse

( Location )

- 0050 Carl Schurz (1829–1906), politician and revolutionary 1930 based on the streets Schurzallee-Nord and Schurzallee-Mitte in Hamm ; crosses the Bille Canal in the course of Billstrasse Schurzalleebrücke
Black bridge

( Location )

- 0035
(in the district)
after painting the bridge 1960 crosses the Bille in the course of the Heidenkampsweg ; northern part in Hammerbrook Black bridge
Barrage at Billwerder Bay

( Location )

- 0155 according to location and function between Billwerder Bay and the Norderelbe 1968 Barrage at Billwerder Bay

( Location )

S743 0610 after the Stresow family who owned the site 1869 Stresowstrasse
Thieding series

( Location )

T195 0090 Friedrich Thieding (1893–1967), doctor and publicist 1969 Thieding was a long-time member of the board of directors at Rothenburgsort Children's Hospital . Thieding series
Tiefstacker Bridge

( Location )

- 0045
(in the district)
according to location and function 1924 crosses the Tiefstackkanal in the course of Ausschläger Allee and connects the districts of Billbrook and Rothenburgsort with each other Tiefstackbrücke
Vierland dam

( Location )

V042 0875 according to the function in the direction of the Vier- und Marschlande leading 1948 Vierland dam

( Location )

Z045 0190 after the location directly on the border to the former Hamburg free port 1870 Zollvereinstrasse

Individual evidence

  1. Digital Atlas North
  2. ^ Senate resolution of August 30, 2018, published in Official Gazette No. 73 of September 11, 2018, accessed on November 25, 2019
  3. ^ Senate resolution of August 30, 2018, published in Official Gazette No. 73 of September 11, 2018, accessed on November 25, 2019
  4. Senate resolution of December 14, 2015 in the Official Gazette No. 100 of December 22, 2015, page 2134, accessed on November 12, 2018
  5. ^ Senate resolution of August 30, 2018, published in Official Gazette No. 73 of September 11, 2018, accessed on November 25, 2019
  6. Senate resolution of November 22, 2018, published in the Official Gazette No. 98 of December 7, 2018, accessed on November 25, 2019

Literature and Sources

Web links

Commons : Streets in Hamburg-Rothenburgsort  - Collection of images, videos and audio files