Locorotondo (wine)

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The name Locorotondo stands for white wines and sparkling wines from the southern Italian municipality Locorotondo in the metropolitan city of Bari ( Valle d'Itria ) in the Apulia region . Sometimes they are also expanded as Passito and the specifications "Riserva" or "Superiore". The wines have had a protected designation of origin ( Denominazione di origine controllata - DOC) since 1969 , the last update of which was published on March 7, 2014.

Growing area

The cultivation is permitted within the metropolitan city of Bari in the municipalities of Locorotondo and in Cisternino and parts of the municipality of Fasano .


The Locorotondo appellation provides for the following types of wine:

  • Locorotondo (without further Origin): has at least 50% of the grape Verdeca and at least 35% Bianco d'Alessano be prepared. A maximum of 15% other white grape varieties that are permitted in the “Murgia Centrale” or “Salento-Arco Jonico” production zones may be added. Wines with the designations “Superiore” or “Riserva” may also be sold. Wines from partially rosinated grapes may also be made using the passito method.
  • Wines are produced under the name "Locorotondo ...", followed by the respective grape variety , which must consist of at least 85% of the respective grape variety. A maximum of 15% other white grape varieties that are permitted in the "Murgia Centrale" or "Salento-Arco Ionico" production zones may be added:

Individual evidence

  1. a b Disciplinare di Produzione della Denominazione di Origine Controllata (production regulations and description). (PDF) In: ismeamercati.it. November 27, 2017, accessed July 25, 2018 (Italian).


  • Burton Anderson: Italy's Wines 2004/05 . Hallwag, Gräfe and Unzer, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-7742-6365-5 .
  • Jacques Orhon: Le nouveau guide des vins d'Italie . Les editions de l'homme, Montreal 2007, ISBN 978-2-7619-2437-5 .
  • Valeria Camaschella (Ed.): Lexicon of Italian Wines - All DOCG & DOC wines . Hallwag, Gräfe and Unzer, Munich 2002, ISBN 3-7742-0756-9 , p. 261 .