Maria 2.0

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Icon of Mary that was created for the week of action

Maria 2.0 , also known as the church strike, is an initiative initiated by women in the Roman Catholic Church in Germany . Among other things, it initiated an action week from May 11th to 18th, 2019. In southern Germany, the initiative was partly taken up on May 13th or only on May 19th and continued until May 26th.

The initiatives and events are now taking place continuously.


The demands of the initiative are directed against power structures in the church . She calls for women to have access to all church offices , the abolition of compulsory celibacy and a comprehensive investigation into cases of abuse in the church .

Catholic Herz-Jesu-Kirche in Unterlauchringen

In general, it is about “ equality between men and women in the Catholic Church. [...] The three initiators of the Lauchring church strike [...] have collected around 5,000 signatures since their initiative began in May. [...] On Monday [23. September 2019] the three women traveled to Fulda in Hesse , where the German Bishops 'Conference is meeting. "They handed over" a folder with the signatures to Cardinal Reinhard Marx , the chairman of the Bishops' Conference. "

They were also supported on site by Mechthild Heil , chairwoman of the Catholic women's community in Germany .


The name of the initiative is based on the fact that “Maria 1.0” stands for Maria as the ideal of the silent and serving woman. “2.0 means a new beginning: set everything to zero. We're not like that anymore! ”- as Barbara Stratmann, one of the initiators, put it.

Church strike and actions in 2019

Demonstration after ordination in Freiburg

In a call by the initiators it said: “In the month of Mary in May, in the week from May 11th to 18th, 2019, we call on all women to go on a 'church strike': We no longer enter church and do no service. We will celebrate worship in front of the churches and express our complaints and demands emphatically and creatively. ”According to the initiators, white as the color“ of compassion, sorrow and a new beginning ”creates a common appearance. They encourage the use of white clothing, handkerchiefs, flowers and candles in the activities. In at least 50 locations, Maria 2.0 campaigns have been announced that are not only worn by women.

In the parish Herz Jesu (Essen-Burgaltendorf) the volunteer men also joined the “church strike”.


A vigil took place on Sunday, May 12th, in the morning on Münster's Domplatz . Around 700 to 800 believers took part in this central event of the Germany-wide action week.

A networking meeting for the diocese of Münster is to take place at the end of August.

South Baden

A large number of activities were known from southern Baden-Württemberg :

On the afternoon of May 12th, around 400 men and women demonstrated on Freiburg's Münsterplatz after being ordained a
priest . Archbishop Stephan Burger in charge approached two spokespersons when he moved out of the cathedral: “The message is getting through,” he said, but also: “I won't be able to resolve this tension today.” Burger did not allow any further contacts until October.

Continuation in Freiburg
Around 200 people, including women from the Maria Magdalena congregation in Freiburg, continued their protest on June 30, when city dean Christian Würtz was ordained bishop. Participants also came from Mannheim and Konstanz. Würtz presented “a letter and a red ball to Sigrid Striet and Eveline Viernickel, combined with the wish not to lose the thread of the conversation” and the invitation to a conversation in September. This has taken place in the meantime. Archbishop Burger has agreed to bring the concerns of the Catholics into the "discussion process of the synodal path" and he wants to stay in dialogue with the women. According to spokesman Michael Hertl, the Freiburg ordinariate has received around 500 e-mails, postcards and letters, most of which support the campaign's demands. The ordinariate wants to answer all letters.

Since July 7, the demonstrators organized every Sunday from 11 to 11:30 am, when the cathedral chapter leaves the exhibition, a "waking up" in front of the cathedral .

Bad Säckingen In
front of the Fridolinsmünster in Bad Säckingen on Sunday, May 19, an action took place in front of the portal and in the parish garden "a 'somewhat different May devotion' with meditation texts on Mary and other topics". In the region, including in Waldshut-Tiengen , the campaigns continued until May 26th.

Lauchringer Church Strike
In the Upper Rhine community of Lauchringen in Baden-Württemberg, three women went on strike from May 13th and held a liturgical service on May 19th with 60 supporters, women and men, in front of the church, including the local Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety and member of the Bundestag Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter (SPD). After this prelude, the initiators collected 5000 signatures on their request and handed them over personally to Cardinal
Reinhard Marx at the end of September during the general assembly of the German Bishops' Conference in Fulda . The Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Freiburg , Stephan Burger , has so far suggested a meeting with the women. From October 2019 to July 2020 "(invite) the initiators of the Lauchring church strike [..] every third Wednesday of the month in a different location [in the district of Waldshut] to prayer for equal rights for men and women in the Catholic Church."

Conclusion on the Upper Rhine
After the strike in the pastoral care unit Mittlerer Hochrhein St. Verena , the organizers from Lauchringen took stock (in conversation): It was about raising awareness of equality between women and men in the Catholic Church: “We were able to achieve that, it worked widely discussed in the population. ”There was feedback from the pastoral care units Allensbach am Bodensee, from Schwörstadt in the district of Lörrach and from the Ortenau district . Also “Protestant Christians have spoken out.” The pastors - “for whom others did our work during the services” - “did not stab us in the back, but largely ignored our church strike.” The leader however, the pastoral care unit was ready for an evening discussion.

In the meantime, Pastor Ulrich Sickinger, head of the pastoral care unit Mittlerer Hochrhein St. Verena , is also "one of 138 signatories of the online petition with which priests and deacons of the Archdiose of Freiburg express their support for the reform movement Maria 2.0 of the Catholic Church."

In the meantime, the Pastoral 2030 reform concept is also being discussed, because "this means that a pastor will in future have to look after a parish the size of a district."


At Pentecost, a demonstration with around 200 participants took place in front of the Mainz Cathedral , at which the Mainz Bishop Peter Kohlgraf was also present and discussed with the participants for an hour. On August 14th, Kohlgraf met again with representatives of the movement. He emphasized that he wanted to continue the dialogue and invited "to accompany both the synodal path of the German bishops' conference [...] and the" pastoral path "in the diocese" . He also wants to bring the topics of Maria 2.0 into discussions himself.


On Sunday, November 3, 2019, a literal service of the Maria 2.0 initiative took place in front of the Hedwigs Cathedral in Berlin, which was under renovation , in which almost 100 people took part, including Barbara John , Wolfgang Thierse and the chairman of the Diocesan Council of Catholics in the Archdiocese of Berlin, Bernd Streich. Archbishop Heiner Koch spoke to the participants at a subsequent reception in the Cathedral Forum .


The starting point of the initiative was a reading group in the parish Heilig Kreuz in Münster , in which the first apostolic letter of Pope Francis , Evangelii gaudium , was studied at the beginning of 2019 . In an online petition with an open letter to Pope Francis, the participants demand access for women to all church offices and the abolition of compulsory celibacy. The way in which the victims of abuse are dealt with is also criticized.


Support came from the Catholic Women's Community in Germany and the Catholic German Women's Association . Roman Catholic pastors also expressed their approval for the concerns of Maria 2.0. For example, Jörg Hagemann, city ​​dean of Münster, announced that he would take part in the divine service on the church forecourt and then - as it was his task - celebrate the Eucharist in a simple form in the church.

Franz-Josef Bode , Bishop of Osnabrück and Chairman of the Women Sub-Commission of the Pastoral Commission of the German Bishops' Conference , welcomed the action. Although it is problematic that women leave the Eucharistic community and hold their own celebrations in parish halls, one must recognize the “impatience” behind which there is a “very deep injury” to many women who are active in their church: “that they are not so accepted in church feel how it corresponds to their commitment. "

Stephan Burger, Archbishop of Freiburg, showed understanding for the desire to give women access to the diaconate and the priesthood, but saw no room for maneuver under canon law . Matthias Kopp, spokesman for the German Bishops' Conference, explained that there must be changes and that a dialogue is necessary for this, "but strikes are not the right means".

One of the critics of the week of action is Archbishop Georg Gänswein , private secretary of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. , who warned in April 2019 against "wanting to invent a new church and tweaking its DNA."

The conservative Forum of German Catholics called for withdrawing from the Catholic Women's Association. Peter Winnemöller analyzes for that with the "participation in self- invented church services" the Sunday duty is probably not fulfilled and with the action, which he characterizes as a "church boycott", the conditions for a dispensation according to CIC Can. 1245 were not fulfilled, so the participants committed a grave sin.

The Catholic Johanna Stöhr from the diocese of Augsburg started the Maria 1.0 initiative to "show that there are women who are faithful to the teaching of the church."

A banner of the theology department of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg at the university church was directed “Against abuse and the marginalization of women in the church”. It showed a figure of Mary who at the same time suggested a vulva . This aroused some resentment, including on Facebook . However, it was covered by the prefect of the university church Eberhard Schockenhoff and the ordinariate did not want to interfere in the freedom of the university church. The Freiburg public prosecutor's office checked two charges of blasphemy for criminal relevance, but saw no reason for a trial, as there was no criminal offense.

The chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, Bishop Georg Bätzing , said in an interview with Publik Forum in May 2020 about the Maria 2.0 campaign and the We are Church movement : “You are part of the Church. These are our people! "

In Switzerland, church-committed women with the support of various associations, including the Swiss Catholic Women's Association (SKF) and the Interest Group for Feminist Theologians, also called for a church women’s strike on June 15 and 16, 2019 and to participate in the national women’s strike (June 14, 2019) on.

The TV comedian Carolin Kebekus mentioned Maria 2.0 on July 9, 2020 in the Carolin Kebekus Show on ARD . Many more women would likely quit the Church in the future. She wonders why the church does not use the engagement of women in the initiative. "The church is going down the drain and there are clever, highly intelligent, studied women full of love for their church and just want to help, but are not allowed to."


In Innsbruck , Catholic women organized a silent procession from the hospital church to Innsbruck Cathedral . In the Viennese parishes of Breitenfeld and Inzersdorf-St. Nikolaus , women organized a service in front of the respective churches.

Web links

Commons : Maria 2.0  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Maria 2.0" - Strikes for more women's rights in the church. In: ARD . May 11, 2019, accessed May 13, 2019 .
  2. ^ Juliane Schlichter: Lauchringer church strike: Cardinal Marx accepts signatures. In: Südkurier, September 25, 2019.
  3. Juliane Schlichter: With support from above to success , Alb-Bote, October 9, 2019.
  4. The time of the silent mistress is over. In: Deutschlandfunk. May 10, 2019, accessed May 11, 2019 .
  5. How it all started and how it went from there ... Accessed May 11, 2019 .
  6. Action week in the Marian month of May (Flyer). Retrieved May 12, 2019 .
  7. a b c Small initiative grows into a nationwide wave of protests. In: May 11, 2019, accessed May 12, 2019 .
  8. ^ Call for a church strike. In: Ruhr Kurier Lokalkompass. April 30, 2019, accessed May 12, 2019 .
  9. Hundreds of women at the vigil in front of the cathedral. In: Westfälische Nachrichten. May 12, 2019, accessed May 12, 2019 .
  10. Elizabeth Friedgen: Maria 2.0 wants changes in the church. In: August 16, 2019, accessed August 17, 2019 .
  11. "Maria 2.0": Catholics on strike , as of May 13, 2019
  12. Simone Höhl and Thomas Biniossek: Hundreds of Catholics demonstrate for the admission of women to the priesthood. Badische Zeitung, May 12, 2019, accessed on May 12, 2019 .
  13. According to the police, Würtz was ordained as Freiburg's auxiliary bishop., June 30, 2019, accessed on July 2, 2019 . Freiburg: Activists protest against the church on reports 250 participants.
  14. ^ Uwe Mauch: Würtz consecrated to Freiburg's auxiliary bishop. Badische Zeitung, June 30, 2019, accessed on June 30, 2019 .
  15. Synodal Way - what is it? Questions and Answers- Church + Life. Retrieved September 29, 2019 .
  16. Sina Schuler: Archbishop exchanges with activists. Badische Zeitung, September 24, 2019, accessed on September 24, 2019 .
  17. ^ Sina Schuler: Next "Maria 2.0" demo for the episcopal ordination of the city dean. Badische Zeitung, June 10, 2019, accessed on June 11, 2019 .
  18. Michael Gottstein: Wailing Wall in front of the Minster , Alb-Bote , May 16 and Peter Rosa: The church strike continues , Südkurier , May 20, 2019.
  19. Juliane Schlichter: With support from above to success , Alb-Bote, October 9, 2019.
  20. Juliane Schlichter: With support from above to success , Alb-Bote, October 9, 2019.
  21. Juliane Schlichter: Church in Crisis , Südkurier, October 12, 2019.
  22. ^ Bishop Kohlgraf: Maria 2.0 should help shape the "synodal path". Internet portal, August 16, 2019, accessed on August 17, 2019 .
  23. ^ Protest of the Maria 2.0 initiative in Berlin: Catholics for women's consecration , November 4, 2019.
  25. Nationwide women go on church strike. In: May 11, 2019, accessed May 11, 2019 .
  26. ^ Catholic women on church strike. In: May 11, 2019, accessed May 11, 2019 .
  27. Women go on church strike under the "Maria 2.0" campaign "We want to change". In: February 21, 2019, accessed May 11, 2019 .
  28. ^ "Maria 2.0": Why women no longer set foot in the church. In: May 11, 2019, accessed May 11, 2019 .
  29. Catholic women welcome nationwide initiatives to renew the church (press release). In: kfd. March 6, 2019, accessed on May 12, 2019 .
  30. ^ "Maria 2.0": This is how the women's strike in the diocese of Münster works. In: Church + Life. May 10, 2019, accessed May 12, 2019 .
  31. ^ Pastoral Commission. In: German Bishops' Conference. Retrieved May 12, 2019 .
  32. Catholic women start a week-long church strike. In: Der Tagesspiegel. May 11, 2019, accessed May 11, 2019 .
  33. ^ Catholic Church "Maria 2.0": The Strike of Pious Women. In: Deutsche Welle. May 10, 2019, accessed May 11, 2019 .
  34. Not to church, not to volunteer. In: Tagesthemen 11:15 p.m. (video). May 11, 2019, accessed May 12, 2019 .
  36. The church boycott is approaching. May 10, 2019, accessed May 12, 2019 .
  37. ^ Johanna Stöhr: Maria 1.0. Retrieved May 14, 2019 .
  38. ^ «Maria 1.0» - Bavarian Catholic answers to church strike. Retrieved May 14, 2019 .
  39. ^ Sina Schuler: Excitement about the "Maria Vulva" banner at the Freiburg University Church. Badische Zeitung, May 21, 2019, accessed on May 23, 2019 .
  40. ^ Fabian Vögtle: No preliminary investigation because of the Maria poster against Freiburg theology students. Badische Zeitung, June 28, 2019, accessed on June 30, 2019 .
  41. Britta Baas, Alexander Schwabe: “Time is running out”. A conversation about the reform push in the corona pandemic with Georg Bätzing, the new chairman of the Catholic bishops in Germany. In: Publik Forum 10/2020, May 29, 2020, pp. 28–32.
  43. Cabaret artist Kebekus again targets the Catholic Church. In: July 10, 2020, accessed July 10, 2020 .
  44. Jens Szameit: Seven years after the censorship scandal: Carolin Kebekus attacks the Catholic Church again. In: Weserkurier. Retrieved July 10, 2020 .
  45. Church Without Women: When Catholics Strike. In: May 11, 2019, accessed August 7, 2019 .