Nicolas Dupont-Aignan

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Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (2017)

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (born March 7, 1961 in Paris ) is a French conservative - populist politician who, as the founder of the Debout la France (DLF) party, takes eurosceptic , sovereignist positions. He is Mayor and MP of Yerres ( Département Essonne ) and sits as a non-attached MP in the National Assembly . As a candidate for the 2012 presidential election , he received 1.79% of the votes cast (643,907 votes in absolute terms), and 4.70% for the 2017 presidential election (1,695,186 votes in absolute terms).


Family and studies

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan is the grandson of one of the first pilots of the First World War; his father was captured during the Second World War and was able to escape. The last born of three siblings, he was raised in a middle-class family. He is the spouse of Valerie Vecchierini, lawyer and his parliamentary assistant since 1997, with whom he has two daughters. He graduated from the Institut d'études politiques de Paris in 1982 and became a lawyer in 1984. In 1985 he graduated from the University of Paris-Dauphine with a DESS (Masters) in Business Administration and Financial Markets . From 1987 to 1989 he was a student at the ENA (Promotion Liberté-Égalité-Fraternité).

Career and government work

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (2014)

He began his career as a civil administrator, then he was a member of the Ministry of Education under François Bayrou and the Ministry of the Environment under Michel Barnier .

Civil career

  • Civil administrator
  • 1988 to 1989: Assistant to the office manager for elections at the senior administration in the Ministry of the Interior
  • From 1990 to 1992: Head of Cabinet of the Prefect of the Paris Region ( Olivier Philip ) with the rank of sub-prefect
  • From 1992 to 1993: Head of Cabinet of the Prefect of the Paris Region (Christian Sautter)

Cabinets of Ministers

  • From 1993 to 1994: Head of Cabinet, then Technical Advisor to the Minister of Education (François Bayrou)
  • From 1994 to 1995: Technical Advisor for Workplace, Urban Ecology and Noise to the Environment Minister (Michel Barnier)

Origin of his political ideas

As a 13-year-old, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan was an avid supporter of the social Gaullist Jacques Chaban-Delmas , for whom he pasted posters during the 1974 presidential election . Before Édouard Balladur's unsuccessful candidacy for the 1995 presidential election , Dupont-Aignan moved into the cabinet of Environment Minister Michel Barnier . In contrast to his "boss", he did not support any of the RPR candidates.

Political career


In February 1997, Alain Juppé (also Prime Minister) appointed Dupont-Aignan as Head of Studies at the RPR . In February 1998, before Parliament was dissolved, the new President of the RPR, Philippe Séguin , who was close to him, appointed him party secretary.

In January 1999, after opposing the ratification of the Amsterdam Treaty , Dupont-Aignan was replaced in his role as Secretary of the Federations and moved closer to the sovereignists , particularly Charles Pasqua . On February 3, 1999, Dupont-Aignan founded the Debout la République group within the RPR and called for the list led by Charles Pasqua and Philippe de Villiers to be chosen for the European elections on June 13, 1999 . On June 18, he left the RPR to serve as vice-general secretary of the new Rassemblement pour la France (RPF) party founded by Charles Pasqua , in which he took care of the federations. However, he resigned from the RPF before the break between Charles Pasqua and Philippe de Villiers in May 2000.

This was followed by a rapprochement with Philippe Séguin (then a candidate to succeed Jean Tibéri as Mayor of Paris), then in autumn 2001 with Jean-Pierre Chevènement , then referred to as the “third man” by certain media before the upcoming presidential election in 2002 . He even published an article with the latter in Figaro on October 24, 2001 under the title: "The Republic is dead, long live the Republic!"

After incumbent President Jacques Chirac's victory over Jean-Marie Le Pen on May 5, 2002, he found his way back to the presidential majority. He was re-elected as a member of the Essonne department in the first ballot on June 9th. Meanwhile, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan was seen as a young leader with strong potential who would one day play a major role in France. For this reason he was selected for his doctorate in 2001 by the “Young Leaders of the French-American Foundation” to take part in two five-day seminars in France and the USA.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan during an interview

Local political activity

During the 1995 municipal elections in Yerres, the RPR list won with 51.85% of the vote against the list of the outgoing socialist mayor and three other lists. Thereupon he took over the reins of the heavily indebted city, which ran the risk of being subordinated to the prefect. He put the city's finances back on its feet by renegotiating the interest on debt with the banks and thus reducing the debt from 45 to 34 million euros. He stopped his predecessors' real estate projects, drew up an environmentally friendly zoning plan and built a promenade on the Yerres bank. He also halved the vacant apartments in his city and founded a municipal social housing office, which today operates four hundred apartments (with property subsidies). His environmentally friendly policy was recognized with the “International Pontos Environmental Award”, the third edition of which was presented to him in March 2009 in Frankfurt am Main, because the swimming pool wastewater is used to clean the streets. To ensure safety, he set up a local mounted police force to protect the forest (1/3 of the community area) and provided video surveillance for the rest of the city . Today the municipality's crime rate is half lower than the average of the other Essonne municipalities.

In 1997 he was elected as a member of the National Assembly. In 2008 he was re-elected as Mayor of Yerres with 79.70% of the vote in the first ballot. In 2012 he was re-elected to the National Assembly in the 8th constituency of Essonne with 61.39% of the vote in the second ballot against a socialist candidate .

Career in the UMP

When the Union pour la Majorité Présidentielle was founded, on November 17, 2002, he stood for election to lead with Sylvie Perrin and Christophe Beaudouin against Alain Juppé , Rachid Kaci, Brigitte Freytag and Mourad Ghazli. He received 14.9% of the delegate's votes. In November 2004 he stood again for the presidency of the UMP against Nicolas Sarkozy and Christine Boutin , this time receiving 9.7% of the vote.

Politically, he opposed the Contrat Première Embauche and the privatization of Gaz de France . In October 2005, he announced his candidacy for the 2007 presidential election , but had to give up because he could not get the necessary 500 signatures from public officials. Despite his dissent with Nicolas Sarkozy, he finally called for a vote for him in the second round of the 2007 presidential election.

Referendum on the European Constitution

In May 2004, in the run-up to the French referendum on the European constitution , he presented the motion “For a different Europe” during a national committee of the UMP, for which he received 20% of the vote. He called for a vote against the constitution in the referendum on May 29, 2005, after he had founded the “Comité pour le non à la constitution européenne” (Committee for the No to the European Constitution).

Foundation of Debout la République (Get up, Republic)

In opposition to Nicolas Sarkozy , he left the UMP on January 13, 2007 and founded the Debout la République party on March 31, 2007. The foundations of this new party, which is committed to the defense of the Gaullist and republican "certain idea of ​​France", is the pact for France, which brings together the prominent ideas and values.

On June 10, 2007 Nicolas Dupont-Aignan was elected in the 8th constituency of Essonne with 57.38% of the votes in the first ballot against nine other candidates - none of them UMP. Due to his dissent with the politics led by Sarkozy (including the Lisbon Treaty , tax package “Loi en faveur du travail, de l'emploi et du pouvoir d'achat” , pro-American politics), Nicolas Dupont-Aignan and his party finally left the UMP , and has since sat as a non-attached in parliament. In April 2008, the socialists voted for the motion of no confidence.

Debout la République drew up lists across France for the 2009 European elections . The MP himself was third on the Paris Region list. Debout La Republique received 2.04% on the continent (except for the South-West region, because the ballot papers could be distributed there in the polling stations), including 1.82% for the South-West region. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan was the top candidate on his list in the Paris region for the 2010 regional elections: They received 4.15% of the votes in the first round.

Candidate for the 2012 presidential election

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan and his special adviser Damien Lempereur during the 2012 election campaign

On November 21, 2010, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan announced his candidacy for the 2012 presidential election during the annual congress of his party Debout la République, presenting himself as a candidate for the exit from the euro and for the return of the franc. He received 708 signatures in March 2012, more than the 500 necessary to participate in the presidential election.

With a total of 643 907 votes in the first ballot, or 1.79% of the valid votes, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan was seventh ahead of Philippe Poutou , Nathalie Arthaud and Jacques Cheminade . In the city of Yerres, where he was mayor, he was first (24.88%). He made no election recommendations for the second round of voting.

2017 presidential election and beyond

On March 15, 2016, Dupont-Aignan announced his candidacy for the 2017 presidential election on the TF1 channel. In April 2017, in the first ballot, he received 1,695,186 votes (4.70%) and was eliminated from the race. Regardless of his previous rejection of the Front National and against internal party criticism, he announced an electoral alliance with Marine Le Pen on April 29 . a. should secure the post of Prime Minister in the event of Marine Le Pen's election; this electoral alliance was terminated shortly after Le Pen's defeat and before the parliamentary elections in June 2017 . In the subsequent parliamentary election in June 2017, he was re-elected as a member of his constituency in Essone in the second ballot.

In the European elections in May 2019 , he failed with 3.51% of the vote because of the 5% blocking clause.

Political identity

Gaullist and sovereignist

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan at the grave of Général de Gaulle on November 9, 2014 in Colombey

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan has always declared himself a resolute Gaullist, republican and sovereignist who has felt a connection to the French national state and to France's position in the world. Following Charles de Gaulle's “certain idea of ​​France”, he defines his position in the sovereignist movement, which is against the euro and today's European institutions ( European Commission , ECB , etc.), which he describes as technocratic and against the interests of the country Action. To the extent that he does not recognize himself in the familiar French right / left, Dupont-Aignan fights the European Union , which he believes is “imposing an authoritarian federal model, that it is against the nations and anti-democratic, that it is made up of technocratic, before People is composed of non-responsible organizations ”, whereas he insists on wanting to“ build a new Europe of nations and cooperation within the framework of a simple treaty that is limited to the shaping of power ”. His European anti-federalism and his sovereignist position (related to those of Philippe de Villiers or Jean-Pierre Chevènement ) led him to agitate against many European treaties (including the Maastricht Treaty ) and to withdraw from the 2007 UMP. In his fierce statements, he accuses the euro of being more of a political than an economic choice which, in his opinion, is stifling French competitiveness. However, he states that he is "not for Frexit , at least not immediately". First he prefers to “reorient European construction” and that he is “different from Marine Le Pen ” in this respect . The sovereignist statements of Dupont-Aignan (and those of his party, Debout la France ) show parallels with his claimed Gaullist legacy. By describing himself as a “social Gaullist”, Dupont-Aignan wants to defend the great republican foundations ( compulsory public and secular schooling, secularism, security, order, etc.) as well as moderate patriotism on various levels ( economic , political, etc.). Even if he takes conservative standpoints in the social and political areas and is thus placed in the right-wing field of the political stage, Dupont-Aignan in particular acknowledges his patriotic convictions and does not want to be classified on the right or left .

Critic of the "system"

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan's New Years address to the press on January 22, 2015

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan opposes what he calls the "system", that is, the majority parties UMP and PS (and, to a lesser extent, the UDI and EELV) , sometimes virulently . For decades he has accused them of having monopolized state power and of having no other result than "miserably failed", in particular by installing the European institutions through several treaties ( Maastricht , Lisbon ) that safeguard France's sovereignty in many areas (currency, Budget, finance, etc.). Equating the “system” with what he calls “UMPS”, he often denounces that, in his view , the two are responsible for unemployment , the decline in purchasing power, the poor economic results and the increasingly poor security meaning large parties (RPR / UMP and PS) that have followed one another since the 1980s. In his opinion, the increase in European Union decisions has led to the loss of national independence. Thus Dupont-Aignan thinks that there is no longer a real left / right split, the left (PS), like the traditional right (UMP), obey, according to him, the instructions of the European Union to ultimately the same internal politics that he did Judged "devastating" to execute.

Several media outlets, such as Les Inrockuptibles, examined questions about the proximity of Dupont-Aignan and Debout la France with the Front national (FN). When Dupont-Aignan's ideas, especially in terms of positioning towards the European Union or social values ​​(school, family, nation, order, etc.), agreed in some points with the FN, he defended himself against the accusations of right-wing extremism. Even if he considers Marine Le Pen to be more moderate than her father , he meant that she was "trapped" in the ideological framework he had inherited. Until then, he refuses any alliance with the FN or the Rassemblement bleu Marine on the grounds that the Lepenist movement maintains a tendency that is incompatible with a Gaullist and republican line. Thus, in his opinion, the National Front remains “right-wing extremist because Jean-Marie Le Pen is still its (honorary) president”. Furthermore, the statements of Marine Le Pen provoked the split in the French and, even if there were socio-economic similarities, their program was too “state- heavy ”, and even on the borderline of collectivism. Dupont-Aignan particularly wanted to emphasize his “moderate and republican patriotism” and accuses the so-called “UMPS” of using the FN in order to remain in power, since the political spectrum is misleading by only offering an alternative in favor of the The first suggests: the so-called “UMPS” or FN, this choice, which he refuses to join (thus explains his catchphrase “Ni système, ni extrêmes” - no system, no extremes, introduced for the 2014 European elections). However, he did not rule out rapprochement with Marine Le Pen if he should see a positive change in the direction of restraint and a less extremist line of the Front national.

Political strategy

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan questioned by the press in front of the Élysée Palace

He is open to any alliances or support from right to left camps. He says that, first of all, he looks at the results rather than the politicians' political label. He supports the Ligue du Sud (the southern league) in the 2015 département elections in the Vaucluse and the Alpes de Haute-Provence, as well as the Mouvement républicain et citoyen (Republican and civic movement) or the Mouvement pour la France (Movement for France).

Before the FN, he supported Robert Ménard's candidacy for the local elections in Béziers . He later distanced himself by putting up candidates against him for the 2015 département election in the Hérault.

He would form an alliance with the Front de gauche (Left Front) if it was a question of saving France. He also wants to hold talks with the National Front and does not rule out governing with it if he removes "xenophobia and racism" from his rear camp. In 2012, he said Marine Le Pen could be his prime minister under him.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan maintains good relations with members of the UMP such as Henri Guaino , Jacques Myard, Lionnel Luca, Rachida Dati , Laurent Wauquiez , whom he extends his hand to join him. Thanks to his connections, his pupil, François Durovray, was able to be elected President of the Essonne Council, formerly his cabinet director in the Yerres municipal council.

"Fake news"

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan has been accused of knowingly disseminating falsified and deliberately alarmist news with the mere aim of attracting public attention. Among other things, in the run-up to France's signature on the migration pact of Marakesch in November 2018 , he disseminated Marine Le Pen's thesis that the pact increases the risk of an Islamist threat, represents a trap for France and leads to "migration chaos". In January 2019, he also spread the thesis that the Treaty of Aachen signed with Germany had been concluded in secrecy and meant a sell-out of France, among other things. a. because it would lead to a division of the French UN Security Council seat.

Political ideas

Citizens' participation

In terms of his claimed Gaullist legacy, he is naturally very attached to the institutions of the Fifth Republic and , in practice, to the political principles of General de Gaulle . Thus France Arise an ardent supporter of the referendum , which he considers essential in matters of national sovereignty, especially for ratification "any new European treaty" for "any new constitutional amendment," even for "any new privatization or assignment national assets ”. He also wants to promote citizens' initiatives for a referendum by “reducing the number of signatures to the required 2 million”. Another promise made by Dupont-Aignan for the 2012 presidential election was five referendums on the exit from the euro , judicial reform in terms of criminal proceedings, territorial development policy, educational reform and border controls, including the management of immigration. The ex-candidate also plans to recognize the blank votes with coupled elective , so that "the citizens of their nation recover". Objective: "Measure what the traditional parties are really worth to the French" and "better take into account the dissatisfaction of the citizens". However, he opposes the right to vote for foreigners. He wants to introduce a dose of proportional representation for parliamentary elections and calls for a law to exclude elections for corrupt officials.

The primacy of performance

Presentation of the 750 sponsorships before the Constitutional Council in 2012

He defends positions that are both clear and strict about the educational system. "The School of the Republic should enable every citizen to find opportunities through their efforts and work to be able to integrate into society". Dupont-Aignan particularly values schools as a factor in national integration. Even if it the citizens' education on the basis of the public , universal , compulsory, secular praises and demanding school, he shows "the three defects" on the working conditions, "which are getting worse for teaching," the "lack of incentive for Work ”and a“ blatant lack of the foundations in teaching ”, coupled with the poor articulation between secondary school and university studies. Willing to “rebuild the school”, he ambitiously pursues this goal by simultaneously tackling priority points: “re-motivate the teaching staff”, “restore authority in education”, rehabilitate effort and performance, and consolidate and improve the courses as well as their results. The Ministry of Education is to be renamed the Ministry of Education, and learning the basics is to be the school's first mission. His party suggests "promoting overtime in favor of tutoring" and also "abolishing the rule of not replacing half of the officials in the education authority", "enabling teachers to reorient" who want to move to a new authority, to reintroduce the compulsory siezen ”,“ to extend the authority of the teachers to convene the disciplinary council ”,“ to make the child allowances dependent on school attendance ”or the possibility to remain seated. Another important measure taken by Debout la France is to “set up schools for difficult cases in which disciplinary conditions with uniform and military supervision prevail” with the aim of “removing troublemakers from schools and re-educating these young people”. To this end, the Dupont-Aignan movement wants to consolidate the learning of the French language , develop branches that are poorly regarded in France (technology and vocational education), as well as raise the level of teaching.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan in his mayor's office

As for the higher education system, he said that “the law on university autonomy has the advantage of allowing private investment and opening the university to the professional world”. On the other hand, he denounces “the alignment of our system with the Anglo-Saxon model, which causes the cost of education”, and “the stagnation of university entry of one generation by 25%, whereas in other countries it is around 40 to 50%”. As a result, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan proposes to increase higher education to 2% of GDP. He hopes that France can catch up and that partnerships between elite schools, universities and the IUT (technical college) can be strengthened. Its goal is "more democratic access to universities through grants for top performers and a reduction in tuition fees". In order to avoid mistakes in direction, he suggests introducing “a numerus clausus for branches with a limited job market”. The party wants “the state to guarantee the free entrance exams in the elite schools”, which it believes squeeze students out. Nevertheless, he does not question the system of the elite school and supports the preparatory classes . "They have proven their efficiency and show how work and effort guarantee school success through this educational system," he asserts. But because of social justice, he is against the selection to be accepted into the preparatory classes. In his 2012 program he proposes a measure, “the training capital that young people without diplomas are entitled to in order to get a second chance with a new orientation in the education system”. You could have this training capital during your professional life, but the candidate does not explain the conditions accompanying this measure. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan says that he wants to give the young people “job security”. He focuses on improving the living conditions of the students. He also suggests "halving business school tuition fees" and "imposing student loans at 0% interest on banks to finance their studies". The candidate criticizes the late payment of the scholarships. He suggests "introducing a financing plan validated by the Studentenwerke that pays out the scholarships at the right time". To do this, they would have to be transferred monthly so that the students can pay for their apartment during the summer. Finally, he would like to increase the minimum remuneration for the internship by 50%.


Above all, he carries out a program aimed at the national sovereignty of France, where he clearly positions himself at the heart of the sovereignist movement against the euro and the European institutions . Since his party is radically resisting European federalism , he criticizes today's European construction, including supranational institutions that are “against the nations, anti-democratic and technocratic”. Debout la France wants to reform the European Union , which has been diverted from the original goals. Since he wants to break with federalism on both the economic and the political level, DLF is an advocate of a "Europe of Nations", which differs radically from today's institutions such as the European Commission or the ECB . Thus the party is fighting for the “negotiation of a new confederal treaty that would give the nations their freedom of action again” and lay the foundation for a confederal “community of European states” that would be more democratic and effective. He practically calls for the dismantling of supranational structures such as the European Commission, the ECB, etc. He proposes to replace them with agencies for European cooperation, the European projects of the participating states, such. B. Airbus perform. Such could be extended to the technological, scientific, etc. areas. He wants to create a new European currency system with fixed parity that could be expanded to include countries like Great Britain, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. Dupont-Aignan wants to terminate all European contracts . Its aim is to build a new Europe of states by means of a simple treaty that is limited to the organization of powers.

Economic interventionism

Meeting Debout la France in La Belleviloise - Paris, May 20, 2014 - with Nicolas Dupont-Aignan and Dominique Jamet

If he strongly distrusts, even rejects, economic neoliberalism , which he describes as “anarchist”, he is instrumental in criticizing globalization , which excessively opens the borders in favor of the interests of some and not of the whole nation . As the cause of the social misery and unemployment, he points to today's euro, the relocations, the dishonest competition with low wage costs countries ( China , Poland , etc.) and the decline in state power over the financial markets and global corporations (especially on the subject of national debt) to blame. If he criticizes capitalism in its most liberal way, which he would like to soften through a “targeted” and “reasonable” protectionism (customs duties, economic patriotism ), he nevertheless refuses to seal off the country from worldwide trade in the communist or socialist way. He does not oppose the market economy as long as it is “sensible”, “moderately” and moderately regulated. Describing himself as pragmatic as well as innovative and moderate in terms of business, he prescribes a reduction in social security contributions for companies and a currency devaluation (after the euro exit), as well as support for new technological and scientific projects. He wants to put the Banque de France (French central bank) under political control and let it settle the national debt. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan wants to end the indebtedness of future generations. He proposes reforming the state in order to limit “the waste and dispersion of public funds”: the civil servants' staff will be relocated and the objectives of the ministries will be contractually bound. He intends to review all social and tax allowances and cut the unnecessary and costly. He wants to introduce withholding tax to fight fraud. He wants to create a new tax class of 50% for incomes over 300,000 euros a year. As a sovereign he would like to establish a tax system that is linked to citizenship, as in the US. Finally, he wants to exclude the residence from the calculation of the ISF (wealthy tax).

The fight against interference

As a Gaullist, he advocates an independent foreign policy based on the sovereign right of peoples to self-determination. So he demands France's withdrawal from the integrated military command of NATO and wants an independent foreign policy. He calls for protection and support for Africa's economy against global competition so that the continent can feed itself and develop its own economy beyond the exploitation of natural resources. He calls for the recognition of the Palestinian state . On the grounds that the most important thing is the fight against the Islamic State , he calls for the political fight against Bashar al-Assad to be stopped .

Social conservatism

His attitudes to social issues are also so formative that he considers the reforms in matters of social spending to be necessary and yet refuses to undercut social standards. He believes that employees should participate in working capital, with the aim of reaching 15% in every French company. He wants to reduce immigrants (except students) - family reunification, work, asylum seekers - by 50% while his future mandate, "terminate the Schengen Agreement", "fight against illegal work" (strengthen controls, tighten the punishment of the guilty employer) and "Extend to five years the time that enables citizenship to be acquired through marriage in order to take action against marriages of convenience". According to his vision, an effective immigration policy should be regulated both internally and through the development of the countries or areas that are the source of the emigration flows. Dupont-Aignan therefore wants to “stimulate and strengthen development aid (direct investments, study exchanges, etc.) with the emigration countries, especially Africa” and “couple this aid with the control of migration flows”. Even if the party sets high goals, it considers zero immigration to be impossible and utopian, even less desirable, since it advocates a strict integration policy. During the migration flow that began in 2015, she initiated a referendum to have the French support the reintroduction of border controls, contrary to the Schengen Agreement. He is against artificial insemination , surrogacy , euthanasia , and the right to adopt for homosexual marriages. In addition, he is against the abolition of the concept of descent with regard to the latter. To this end, he advocates a civil association for same-sex people (without using the word marriage anyway) and reimbursement of the costs of abortion .

Combating "laxity"

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan protests resolutely against the "judicial laxity" he regards. He supports the Institut pour la Justice (Institute for Justice), an association that advocates a protective attitude by the judiciary towards the victims. He vehemently criticized the then Justice Minister Christiane Taubira , whose resignation he regularly demanded. In his 2012 program he proposes to set up 20,000 prison places in the disused barracks, to implement real life imprisonment , and to abolish automatic parole. To punish terrorists, he wants to reopen the Cayenne penitentiary in French Guiana. In 2016 he changed his proposal to introduce a prison sentence in the Kerguelen Archipelago. After the attacks in France in January 2015 , he called for a state of emergency , the withdrawal of citizenship for dual nationals fighting in the enemy camp, solitary confinement for the French returning from jihad, the termination of the Schengen Agreement and the reintroduction of border controls Prevent jihadist movements and arms traffic.


In 2009, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan took sides against the Hadopi law introduced by Culture Minister Christine Albanel . At the same time he brought out a book with the publishing house Libro Veritas, which is also freely accessible on the Internet. On March 11, 2009, he defended the global license in parliament because he considered the Internet a “fantastic means of spreading culture” and “changing democracy in the right direction”.


Nicolas Dupont-Aignan and Nigel Farage in Strasbourg on December 6, 2013

At the European level, he is allied with the British UK Independence Party (UKIP) by Nigel Farage , with the Italian five-star movement by Beppe Grillo and the Independent Greeks of Defense Minister Panos Kammenos in Greece. In May 2013, his party held a meeting that brought together eurosceptic figures such as Nigel Farage from UKIP, Timo Soini from the True Finns and Slavcho Binew from Ataka .

Nicolas Dupont Aignan accompanied by Philippe Olivier (formerly FN) and Eugène-Henri Moré (formerly PCF)

He was also accompanied by critics such as the economist Jacques Sapir or the whistleblower Hervé Falciani . Among the economists, he took advice from Sapir, Jacques Nikonoff , Gérard Lafay, Jean-Pierre Gérard and Jean-Pierre Vesperini to work out his program and his “alternative plans”. Academics such as Henri Temple, Gilles Ardinat and Éric Anceau can be found among its ranks. He was recently joined by the teacher and publicist Jean-Paul Brighelli. Former Deputy Mayor of La Courneuve, Eugène-Henri Moré, a former member of the French Communist Party , joined him in March 2015 to lead the regional elections in the Seine-Saint-Denis department .


Local offices


  • June 25, 1995 - July 25, 2017: Mayor of Yerres - Successor: Olivier Clodong
  • March 22, 2002 - today (January 2017): President of the Yerres Tal municipal association

In the early 1990s, the "Triton", a leisure pool that closed immediately after it opened and left the city in debt of 20 million euros, dominated the headlines. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan decided to run in the local elections in 1995. He was elected in the first ballot, after which he consolidated the city's finances and reduced the debt burden by a third. He stopped the real estate projects of his predecessors, worked out an environmentally friendly zoning plan and laid out a promenade on the banks of the Yerres . Within 10 years he halved the vacant apartments in his city and founded a municipal social housing office, which today operates four hundred apartments (with property subsidies). His environmentally friendly policy (e.g. the use of swimming pool wastewater for street cleaning) was honored with the “International Pontos Environnmental Award”, the third edition of which was presented to him in March 2009 in Frankfurt am Main. He is the first mayor to involve the citizens through local referendums and is regularly confirmed in his office with over 75% of the votes.

Parliamentary offices

Deputy (National Assembly):

  • June 12, 1997 - June 18, 2002: RPR -Assonne MP (elected in the second ballot with 50.09% of the votes in the 8th constituency);
  • June 19, 2002 - June 19, 2007: Essonne MP (re-elected in the first ballot with 54.34% of the vote against 14 candidates);
  • June 20, 2007 - June 16, 2012: Member of the Essonne (re-elected in the first ballot with 57.38% of the vote);
  • June 17, 2012 - June 17, 2017: Essonne MP (re-elected in the second ballot with 61.39% of the vote).
  • Since June 18, 2017: Member of the Essonne (re-elected in the second ballot with 52.05% of the vote).

In 1997 he was the youngest member of parliament after Jacques Chirac dissolved parliament . Between 2002 and 2012, Dupont-Aignan was re-elected in this constituency. In the National Assembly he defended a Gaullist line in the faction of the RPR , then the UMP . He has been a non-attached MP since breaking with the UMP in 2007.

See also: List of members of the National Assembly of the 15th electoral term (France) , List of members of the National Assembly of the 14th electoral term (France) , List of members of the National Assembly of the 13th electoral term (France) and List of members of the National Assembly of the 12th electoral term (France) . Parliamentary term (France)


At the dedication at the book fair on March 17, 2012
  • L'Europe va dans le mur. Elle accelère. Et elle klaxonne !, éditions L'Archipel, (2004) ( ISBN 2841876047 )
  • Ne laissons pas mourir la France de Paul-Marie Coûteaux et Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Éd. Albin Michel, (2004) ( ISBN 2226142177 )
  • J'aime l'Europe je vote non, Éditions François-Xavier de Guibert, (2005) ( ISBN 2755400218 )
  • Osons la France, ( ISBN 2914759045 )
  • Europe & Orient, o 2: Chaos, de Jean-Varoujan Sirapian, Roger Akl, collectif, préface de Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, éditions Sigest (2006) ( ISBN 2-951218-76-1 )
  • L'Afrique du Sud, en territoire xhosa, de Guillaume Chassang, préface de Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Paris, Éditions La Société des Écrivains, (2007), ( ISBN 978-2-7480-3642-8 )
  • Le petit livre mauve, Éditions InLibroVeritas, (2009)
  • L'euro, les banquiers et la mondialisation: l'arnaque du siècle, Éditions du Rocher, (2011) ( ISBN 978-2-268-07116-9 )
  • Le Printemps français: ou comment les «petits» by the libérer la France!, Éditions du Rocher, (2012) ( ISBN 978-2-268-07336-1 )
  • Les Voleurs de la République: enquête sur les parasites fiscaux, préface d'Alain Bocquet, Éditions Fayard, (2013) ( ISBN 978-2-213-68064-4 )
  • France, lève-toi et marche, Éditions Fayard, (2016)

Web links

Commons : Nicolas Dupont-Aignan  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Wikisource: Nicolas Dupont-Aignan  - Sources and full texts (French)

Individual evidence

  1. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan In: Huffington Post , accessed May 26, 2015
  2. Maëlle Brun: [Interview] Nicolas Dupont-Aignan: “Le harcèlement des femmes est mon cheval de bataille parce que j'ai deux filles” , In: , 26 November 2015.
  3. Le CV de Nicolas Dupont-Aignan ( Memento of the original from March 9, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Le JDD, February 15, 2012 (French) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Debout la République ( Memento of the original dated December 30, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ., February 18, 2007, accessed on March 28, 2012 (French) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. Earlier Classes 2001 ( Memento of the original from July 30, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ., 2012, accessed January 12, 2017 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. Article du Monde sur la gestion de la ville de Yerres ., March 3, 2008 (PDF) (French)
  7. ^ Comment la Ville de Yerres a redressé des finances en perditio ., accessed on October 21, 2016 (French)
  8. Grand Prix de l'Environnement 2009 - Candidats 2009 ., accessed on April 29, 2017 (French)
  9. Référendum: "pathétique" (Dupont-Aignan) . Le Figaro , February 10, 2012 (French)
  10. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan quitte l'UMP .
  11. Dupont-Aignan wants to collect the Gaullists and the Republicans  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . 2Template: Dead Link /  
  12. ^ Motion de censure du 8 avril 2008 .
  13. ^ "Dupont-Aignan candidat en 2012" , dépêche AFP reprise par Le Figaro , November 21, 2010.
  14. ^
  15. [1]
  16. Results of the first round of the presidential election on April 25, 2012 ( Memento of the original of April 28, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , consulté le 26/04/12 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  17. ^ Essonne: François Hollande and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan en vedette ., April 23, 2012 (French)
  18. ^ Result of the presidential election on April 23 and May 7, 2017 , , accessed on April 29, 2017.
  19. Figaro: [2] , May 15, 2017 (French)
  20. a b c d e f g h Archived copy ( memento of the original from October 9, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  21. Archived copy ( Memento of the original dated December 12, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  22. Dupont-Aignan pas favorable au Frexit In: , October 2, 2016, accessed on October 26, 2016
  23. [3] .
  24. a b [4] .
  25. Archived copy ( memento of the original dated November 8, 2014 in the web archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  26. a b c [5] .
  27. [6] .
  28. Dupont Aignan en Avignon en soutien aux candidats Debout la France  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  29. ^ De Haute-Provence: la Ligue du Sud and Debout la France forge an alliance for the department election
  30. ^ Dupont Aignan "Ménard c'est Jeanne d'Arc"
  31. ^ Debout la France remercie Luc Zenon
  32. ^ Beziers, une seule liste Debout la France
  33. Dupont-Aignan ready to ally with the Front de Gauche and Jean-Luc Mélenchon if it was a question of saving France  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  34. Dupont-Aignan wants to speak to the Front National  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  35. Dupont Aignan the Association of Patriots could take shape if the Front National should really change  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  36. ^ L'express: Dupont-Aignan could designate Le Pen as Prime Minister
  37. Slate: Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, la stratégie de l'intox , January 30, 2019, accessed on February 4 (French)
  38. a b c d e Archived copy ( memento of the original dated December 23, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  39. [7]
  40. Nicolas Dupont aignan democratiser acces enseignement superieur In: , accessed on May 31, 2015
  41. a b Archived copy ( memento of the original dated December 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  42. Debout la France program "Pour une France Libre au service de l'intérêt général" ( Memento of the original of April 28, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  43. Pourquoi je voterai en faveur d'un État palestinien demain
  44. In: , accessed on September 1, 2015
  45. La souveraineté au coeur du program de Dupont-Aignan In: , accessed on May 31, 2016
  46. Retour des frontières: Dupont-Aignan veut un référendum d'initiative populaire In: Le Figaro , accessed on October 10, 2015
  47. Aignan fait l'éloge de la prison contre le laxisme de Taubira  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  48. Dupont Aignan: “Il faut suspendre immédiatement l'espace Schengen”
  49. ^ "Nicolas Dupont-Aignan publie son nouveau livre sous license libre" sur Numerama
  50. ^ Intervention à l'Assemblée nationale
  52. Qui est Panos Kammenos, l'allié de droite de Syriza? In: , accessed on August 10, 2015
  54. Video: Discours de Jacques Sapir - Congrès de Debout la France October 12, 2014; Sapir wrote on his blog on October 11, 2016: I spoke of the formation of a National Liberation Front. This front could include a number of parties, because the political spectrum of those who oppose the euro is very broad. ... The fight against the euro must lead to rapprochement, even with people with whom you have serious disagreements.
  55. "Hervé Falciani et Nicolas Dupont-Aignan en réunion publique commune" ( Memento of the original of February 21, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , site de Debout le France, 25 November 2013. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  56. Des économistes de tous boards pour un plan B
  57. [8]
  58. Pourquoi ever rejoins Nicolas Dupont-Aignan
  59. La Courneuve: l'ex maire-adjoint aux côtés de Dupont-Aignan In: , accessed on May 29, 2015
  60. Municipales: à Yerres, la pression fiscale ne nuit pas à Dupont-Aignan In: , accessed on May 25, 2015
  61. A Yerres, la revanche de Dupont-Aignan In: , accessed on May 25, 2015
  62. Comparateur de territoireCommune d'Yerres (91691) In: , accessed on May 25, 2015
  63. La voie du redressement pour mieux rassembler In: , accessed on May 25, 2015
  64. Results of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan: réélu haut la main à Yerres In: , accessed on May 25, 2015
  65. Résultats des élections législatives 2002 pour la 8 e circonscription de l'Essonne: site du ministère de l'Intérieur
  66. Résultats des élections législatives 2007 pour la 8 e circonscription de l'Essonne: site du ministère de l'Intérieur
  67. Résultats des élections législatives 2012 pour la 8 e circonscription de l'Essonne: site du ministère de l'Intérieur