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City of Zwickau
Coordinates: 50 ° 40 ′ 53 ″  N , 12 ° 28 ′ 31 ″  E
Residents : 6239  (Jan. 21, 2013)
Incorporation : July 1, 1923
Incorporated into: Planitz
Postal code : 08064
Area code : 0375
Oberplanitz (Saxony)

Location of Oberplanitz in Saxony

Oberplanitz is a district of the city of Zwickau , which has been the district town of the Zwickau district in the Free State of Saxony since 2008 . The place is in the district of Zwickau-Süd and has the official number 57. Between July 1, 1923 and December 31, 1943, Oberplanitz was part of the city of Planitz , which became part of the city of Zwickau through incorporation.


Districts of Zwickau

Oberplanitz is located in the south of the Zwickau urban area. The Planitzbach rises in the western corridor and flows into the Zwickauer Mulde . In the northeast lies the Alexanderhöhe. Bordering on Oberplanitz: the districts 54 ( Niederplanitz ) in the north, 59 ( Cainsdorf ) in the east, 58 ( Rottmannsdorf ) in the south, 56 ( Hüttelsgrün ) in the south-west and 55 ( Neuplanitz ) in the north-west as well as the community Lichtentanne (district Stenn ) in the west .

Neighboring places

Neuplanitz Niederplanitz
Stenn Neighboring communities Cainsdorf
Hüttelsgrün Rottmannsdorf


Oberplanitz market with town pyramid
SOS Children's Villages

In the time around 1100 the area around Planitz was settled by Slavs . The name "plaw" comes from them, which means "flowing watercourse" or "Schwemmbach". German settlement began around 1150. During this time Planitz Castle was built in what is now Niederplanitz . A distinction between Ober- and Niederplanitz was not made until the 16th century. With Ludovicus de Plavniz , the Lords of Planitz were first mentioned in a document on December 8, 1192 in Merseburg . The direct trunk line begins with him . The place and the castle Planitz were in the 12th and 13th centuries in the possession of the bailiffs von Weida , who enfeoffed the lords of Planitz with it. From 1406 they became vassals of the Margrave of Meißen . In January 1430 the Hussites raged in the village and burned down a number of farms and houses in addition to the castle. The von der Planitz family then had the castle rebuilt. In 1572 Christoph von der Planitz had to sell the original property for 40,000 guilders to Georg von Schönburg auf Glauchau and Waldenburg , who in 1579 sold it to Joachim von Beust (1522–1597), a law professor from Wittenberg, for 40,500 guilders . In the period that followed, the lordship of Planitz with the castle and the associated towns and lands changed hands several times.

Since the 16th century, a distinction has been made between Oberplanitz (mentioned in 1551) and Niederplanitz (mentioned in 1530). Both places belonged to the manor of the manor Planitz . Until 1856 Oberplanitz belonged to the Electoral Saxon or Royal Saxon Office of Zwickau . In 1856 the place came to the Zwickau court office and in 1875 to the Zwickau administration .

The originally planned route of the Zwickau – Falkenstein railway via Oberplanitzer Fluren was not implemented due to the negative attitude of the Planitz landowners. Since the expansion plans for the Zwickau – Planitz railway to Oberplanitz were never implemented, Oberplanitz remained without a railway connection.

On July 1, 1923, the communities of Ober- and Niederplanitz were merged to form the municipality of Planitz , which was the largest village in Saxony until it was granted town charter on May 8, 1924 . As part of the city of Planitz, Oberplanitz became a district of the independent city of Zwickau through incorporation on January 1, 1944. As a result of the second district reform in the GDR , Oberplanitz came as a district of Zwickau in 1952 to the Chemnitz district (renamed Karl-Marx-Stadt district in 1953 ), which existed until 1990. Thereafter, Oberplanitz belonged to the independent city of Zwickau in the Free State of Saxony, which has belonged to the Saxon district of Zwickau as a major district town since 2008. The SOS Children's Village opened in 1999 .

Industrial history of Oberplanitz

Former VEB activist Planitz

The textile industry began in Oberplanitz on August 27, 1910 with the Junghans & Rössel company. A new factory complex was built on Uthmannstrasse, in which mechanical embroidery has been carried out since then. After the company split up in 1926, C. Ludwig Rössel GmbH continued to produce on the site, and Junghans built a new knitting factory a few streets away under the name Junghans & Sons. After the expropriation that took place around 1945, both companies were reunited on February 28, 1951 and converted into the " VEB Aktivist Zwickau". At that time, top and bottom jerseys were mainly produced. After the fall of the Berlin Wall , the company was managed privately as Micado Strickwaren GmbH until it was closed in 2002.

Population development

  • 1998: 5716
  • 1999: 6008
  • 2000: 6237
  • 2001: 6264
  • 2002: 6320
  • 2003: 6390
  • 2004: 6380
  • 2005: 6368
  • 2011: 6304
  • 2015: 6100
  • 2020: 6000


The main roads through Oberplanitz are "Lengenfelder Straße" and "Rottmannsdorfer Straße" / "Äußere Zwickauer Straße". The federal motorway 72 , junction "Zwickau-West" can be reached via state road 293 in the west of the town . The western town hall is bounded by the Zwickau – Falkenstein railway line , but Oberplanitz does not have a station.


Water tower, to the right of it the Lessing School, which closed in 2010
Oberplanitz, school observatory

Oberplanitz has several historical sights, including the water tower , renovated in 2001 , which can be seen from afar. When the visibility is good, you can see the ridge of the Ore Mountains with the Fichtelberg and the Leipzig Völkerschlachtdenkmal from the water tower . Furthermore, the school observatory with the planetarium of the city of Zwickau has been located on Kreuzbergweg in Oberplanitz since 1975.



Individual evidence

  1. Integrated urban development concept (INSEK) Zwickau 2030 . Retrieved June 5, 2019.
  2. Division of the urban area of ​​Zwickau into city districts and districts ( memento of the original from June 10, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 5.2 MB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.zwickau.de
  3. Planitz Castle at www.sachsens-schlösser.de
  4. ^ Karlheinz Blaschke , Uwe Ulrich Jäschke : Kursächsischer Ämteratlas. Leipzig 2009, ISBN 978-3-937386-14-0 ; P. 64 f.
  5. The Zwickau administrative authority in the municipal register 1900
  6. ^ Norbert Peschke: Planitz . Experienced history (=  the series of archive images ). Sutton, 1999, ISBN 978-3-89702-148-8 , pp. 16 ( online [accessed July 13, 2016]).
  7. Oberplanitz on gov.genealogy.net
  8. Planitz on gov.genealogy.net
  9. ^ History of the Oberplanitz textile factory
  10. http://www.zwickau.de/de/politik/buergerservice/aemter/dezernat1/einwohnerstandesamt/publikationen/StatInfo1_2011.pdf  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Statistical information 1/2011@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.zwickau.de  
  11. Zwickau observatory and planetarium. In: sternwartezwickau.de. Förderverein Schulsternwarte Zwickau eV, accessed on April 16, 2017 .
  12. ^ Website of the Zwickau observatory and planetarium

Web links

Commons : Oberplanitz  - Collection of images, videos and audio files