Oleg Michailowitsch Gasmanov

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Oleg Gasmanov (2010)

Oleg Mikhailovich Gazmanov ( Russian Олег Михайлович Газманов * 22 July 1951 in Gusev ) is a Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer, lyricist, actor and music producer . He is the author and interpreter of numerous songs that are well known in Russia. The artist's performances are characterized by a variety of acrobatic feats.


Gasmanov's parents came from the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic and both fought in the Great Patriotic War . The father - Michail Semjonowitsch Gasmanow (1924-1983) became a soldier at the age of 17, took part in the capture of Koenigsberg and fought on the 3rd Belarusian front . He was awarded the medal “Victory over Germany” and the Order of the Red Star . After the war he served in Berlin, studied at the "Pushkin" military building school in Leningrad Oblast and then continued to serve in the army until he was released in 1972 as a major of the construction troops in the reserve.

His mother, Sinaida Abramovna Gasmanova, née Altschuler (1920-2006) was a nurse in a hospital during the war. At the end of the war she was on the Chalcha River . She was awarded the Order of the Great Patriotic War II. Class and the medal "For Victory over Japan" . After the war she became a cardiologist and internist.

Oleg Gasmanov attended General School No. 8 in Kaliningrad for three years . He then attended school No. 44, and the 9th and 10th grades he completed in school No. 16, where he also passed the Abitur. During his school days he became a master of the sport of the Soviet Union in apparatus gymnastics .

In 1973 he finished his studies at the Kaliningrad Marine Engineering School specializing in refrigeration and compression machines and systems. From the third year of his studies he was scientifically active and went to sea. He finished his service as a captain 3rd rank of the reserve (corresponds to the corvette captain ).

After graduating, he worked as a lecturer at the university and wrote his dissertation. However, he noticed that he could not achieve his potential as a scientist in the period of stagnation . He learned guitar at the Kaliningrad Music School. He completed this training in 1981.

Gasmanov began his artistic activity in the Atlantic group , which was very popular at the time. During his studies at the music school, he worked in the restaurant of the Kaliningrad hotel . After completing his training at the music school, he worked in the group Sinjaja Ptiza (Blue Bird). He then sang in the Wisit group and other music groups. He played in the rock groups Diwo and Galaktika .

In 1983 Gasmanov moved to Moscow . During this time he wrote texts and compositions and offered them to other well-known artists. In 1988 he wrote the song Ljussi to his son Rodion , who was born in 1981, which became very popular in the Soviet Union and pushed western hits off the dance floors and discos.

In 1989 Gasmanov founded the group Eskadron , which became very popular. In the late 1980s he performed with his son Rodion. The first record with three songs by Gasmanov ( Ljussi , Uletaju , Jamaica ) appeared with a circulation of 30 million copies. Later, the debut solo album Gasmanows appeared squadron with the hits in the popular at the time Euro disco style. It became Gasmanov's musical calling card.

In 1994 he appeared in the film Dreams by the director D. Fedossow. The popular video clip I love girls (А я девушек люблю) was recorded on the basis of the film . In 1997 his first tour to the USA took place.

In 1995 he was awarded the degree of Master of Arts in the field of popular music.

In 1997 the song Moskva , written on the city's 850th anniversary, became the unofficial anthem of the Russian capital.

In 2002 Gasmanow became a UNICEF ambassador. In 2012 he was involved in the recording of the Anthem of the Russian Federation with the Alexandrov Ensemble . He also recorded a solo performance of the national anthem.

In 2014 he was actively involved in events for the preparation and implementation of the Winter Olympics in Sochi. He is a member of the Social Council at the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation . In 2014 he signed the collective appeal of Russian cultural workers to the Russian public in support of the president's positions on Ukraine and Crimea .

About his values ​​in life he says:

“Об этом могу сказать очень коротко. Я очень люблю жизнь во всех её проявлениях и многое в ней ценю. Прежде всего, независимость. Честь, достоинство, умение держать своё слово. Стремление всегда двигаться вперёд, несмотря ни на что… "

“I can do that briefly. I love life in all its forms and I value a lot. Most importantly, independence, honor, honesty, the ability to keep your word. To keep moving forward, regardless of anything "

- Oleg Mikhailovich Gasmanov

During the 2018 presidential election in Russia , Gasmanov was Vladimir Putin's confidante .

Gasmanov is a master of apparatus gymnastics .

Gasmanow lives in Moscow in the nature reserve Serebrjanny Bor (in German about silver forest ) on the shore of Lake Besdonnoje .


Gasmanov was married twice. His first wife was Irina Pavlovna Gasmanova (* 1951) from 1975 to 1997 . With her he has the son Rodion (born July 3, 1981), who is also a singer. Rodion graduated from the Finance Academy of the Government of the Russian Federation, was the financial director of a large Russian company and later head of the music group DNK . He composes and writes poetry.

Gasmanov's second wife is Marina Anatoljewna Muravjewa-Gasmanowa (* 1969). He has lived with her since 1997 and they married on July 15, 2003. Her son Filipp (* 1997), a nephew of the Russian entrepreneur Sergei Panteleevich Mawrodi , was adopted by Gasmanov. He and her have a daughter, Marianna (* 2003).

Gasmanov has a sister Elena Gasmanova.


The writer Vladimir Buschin is of the opinion that Gasmanov misuses the word Gospoda (gentlemen) in connection with the word officers.

“On May 8th there was a festive concert in the Kremlin Palace . Suddenly the citizen Gasmanov jumps on the stage and starts loudly: "The officers! ...". What gentlemen? Where did they come from Participants of the Great Patriotic War , officers of the Red Army , old men who have never been called that by anyone in their entire life are sitting in the hall . Even today they say comrade in the army . In connection with the Great Patriotic War, only the Germans or the Vlasov Army are called "gentlemen" "

- Vladimir Bushin

Gasmanov himself said that for a long time he had problems developing the song.

The rock musician Yuri Shevchuk accused Gasmanov of plagiarism: According to the lead singer of the group DDT , the idea of ​​the song Made in USSR is copied from Shevchuk's song Born in the USSR . Shevchuk also expressed himself critical of Gasmanov's work and called him Kremlin-nah. According to an expertise of experts, the criticized song is not plagiarism.

In 2015 a video clip of Gasmanov Forward Russia appeared on Youtube ! This clip was quickly removed in connection with a hacking attack and some time later, after the video was restored, Gasmanov's channel was blocked from Youtube. The singer was accused of being a militarist. After this incident became known to the general public, the channel was unblocked.

International sanctions

On July 21, 2014 Gazmanov was (along with the Russian artists Iosif Kobzon and Valeria Perfilowa) by the Foreign Minister of Latvia , Edgars Rinkēvičs forbidden entry to Latvia. Rinkēvičs justified the ban with her “contribution to undermining the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine”. It is noteworthy that the three well-known Russian cultural workers shortly before their planned participation in the XIII. International Competition of Young Artists in New Wave , which was to take place in Jurmala from July 22nd to 27th, 2014 , were entered in the Latvian “black list”.

Gasmanov commented on the Latvian Foreign Minister's decision as follows: "This gesture right before the opening of the New Wave Festival in Jurmala endangers the entire cultural and economic relations between our countries."

In August 2015, Ukraine's Domestic Intelligence Service put Gasmanov on the list of artists whose work poses a threat to the national security of Ukraine .

Gasmanov is also on a similar list of undesirable people in Lithuania .

Awards (selection)

Vladimir Putin awards Gasmanov the Order of Merit for the Fatherland IV degree, December 26, 2012

Gasmanov received the Russian Ovation Music Prize seven times and was the winner of the Pesnja goda Festival (Song of the Year) 15 times

He received the Golden Gramophone for the songs "Этот день" (This day, 1996), "На заре" (im Morgenrot, 1999), "Туман" (Nebel, 2003) and as a duet with Sofija Rotaru "Забирай" (2010) .

He received the Music Prize Chanson of the Year in 2016 for “Ясные Дни” (Clear days), “Вороной” (The black horse with Tamara Gwerditeli), “Бывший Подъесаул” (Abgedanker Podjessaul , quartet with Denis Maidanow and Aleksandr Marschofal in 2017) for "Когда мне будет 65" (When I turn 65) and "Единственная Моя" (My only one)

Artistic creation


Oleg Gamanov, 2010
Oleg Gasmanov, 2010
  • Ljussi - 1989 («Люси»), compact cassette
  • Eskadron - 1990 («Эскадрон» "The Squadron") compact cassette
  • Squadron - 1991 («Эскадрон» "The Squadron") LP
  • Morjachka - 1991 ("Морячка" "The Sailor") compact cassette
  • Ten Burewestnika - 1993 ("Тень Буревестника" "The Storm Bird's Shadow") compact cassette
  • Eskadron - 1993 («Эскадрон» "The Squadron") CD
  • Morjachka - 1993 ("Морячка" "The Sailor") CD
  • Saguljal - 1994 ("Загулял" "I went for a walk") CD
  • Brodjaga - 1996 («Бродяга» "The Tramp") CD
  • Moskva. Lutschije pesni - 1996 ("Москва. Лучшие песни" Moscow. The best songs) Scrapbook
  • Eskadron moich pesen schalnich ... - 1997 ("Эскадрон моих песен шальных ...")
  • Krassnaja kniga Olega Gasmanowa - 1998 («Красная книга Олега Газманова» The red book of Oleg Gasmanov)
  • Is weka w wek. Izbrannoje - 2000 ("Из века в век. Избранное" From century to century. Selected) scrapbook
  • Perwy round - 50! - 2002 («Первый раунд - 50!» First round - 50!)
  • Moi jasnye dni -2003 («Мои ясные дни» My clear days)
  • Gospoda officery - 10 let - 2004 («Господа офицеры - 10 лет» 10 years The gentlemen officers) Scrapbook
  • Sdelan w SSSR - 2005 («Сделан в СССР» Made in SSSR)
  • Cem futow pod kilem - 2008 ("Семь футов под килем" Seven feet under the keel)
  • Upgrade - 2011 scrapbook
  • Ismerenie schisni - 2012 ("Измерение жизни" The dimension of life)
  • Antologija - 2013 («Антология» Antology) collector's edition
  • Peresagruska - 2014 («Перезагрузка» reboot) album of rewritten hits
  • Vperyot, Rossiya! - 2015 («Вперёд, Россия!» Forward, Russia!)
  • Shitj - tak shitj! - 2018 («Жить - так жить!» That's life)

Gasmanov's songs adopted by other artists

  • Lyussi, Maugli, the chimney sweep, the Dreikäsehochs, end of winter, children's dreams, dreams are performed by Rodion Gasmanov. (The last title in a duet with Yulia Viktorovna Natschalowa).
  • Beautiful red sunrise - Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov
  • Good afternoon Piter! - Mikhail Boyarsky
  • The seafarer - Filipp Kirkorow and Vladimir Zhirinovsky
  • The Only One - Filipp Kirkorow (1997)
  • White Snow, The Sinful Way, Never, Hobby, A Matter of Taste - Valery Leontiev
  • I stay with you - Mascha Rasputina (solo and in a duet with Gasmanow)
  • Moscow - Iossif Kobson and the Respublika group
  • A wave rolled - Nadezhda Babkina and Lyudmila Nikolayeva. Was sung by Galina Romanowa at the time
  • Fact - Vladimir Presnyakov
  • The whore - Aleksandr Kaljanow and Mikhail Shufutinsky , was also sung by the Otpetyje moschenniki group .
  • The Bayadere Group Shtap
  • Sleepy Night - Kristina Orbakaite . In the past, the song was also sung by Galina Romanowa and Larissa Dolina sang the song under the title From Dusk to Dawn .
  • Snow stars - Natasha Korolyova . Previously also sung by Galina Romanowa.
  • My sailor - Galina Romanowa, Tatyana Ovsyenko, Marina Khlebnikova, Blestjashchie group (The Shining)
  • Hope dies last - Boris Moiseyev
  • Jessaul - Irina Allegrowa and Sergei Sawin, formerly also sung by Wika Zyganowa
  • My love - Sergei Masayev and Igor Zarukhanov
  • The butterfly , mom and my sailor were sung by Jelena Jessenina. The song Mama also by Denis Maidanow and the duet Danil Pluschnikow and Dima Bilan
  • At dusk - group Bjely Oryol and Grigori Leps
  • Fate - Sosso Pavliashvili and Lev Leschchenko
  • A breath of fresh air - Nogu swelo group!
  • I don't think officers, sources - Iossif Kobson
  • Dance while you're young - Iossif Kobson and Nepossedy
  • It's late, take with you - Sofija Rotaru , the latter also in a duet with Oleg Gasmanov
  • The island of the sunken ships - Vitas
  • That day - Nikolai Baskov
  • When the rail joints rattle - Laima Vaikule and Alssu (in a duet with Oleg Gasmanow)
  • Aeroflot - Valery Syutkin
  • Zločin i kazn (the Serbian version of the song In the Twilight ) - Zdravko Čolić ; the Serbian text is from Đorđe Balašević .
  • The tramp - jasmine


  • 1991 - The Genius - Cameo
  • 1995 - Starye pesni o glawnom-1 - tractor operator
  • 1996 - Starye pesni o glawnom-2 - Gasik, electrician
  • 2000 - Starye pesni o glawnom-4. Postscript ' Al Bano
  • 2007 - The taxi driver , TV series, part 4
  • 2011 - New Years SMS - Cameo
  • 2014 - Mixed Feelings - Cameo

Songs in the movie

  • 1994 - Poyezd do Bruklina
  • 2000 - Rytsarskiy roman - Song: Everyone chooses for themselves
  • 2001 - Krot (TV series, all seasons) - Song: Moscow
  • 2006 - Officers (TV series, all seasons) - Song: Zwei Adler
  • 2010 - Punane elavhõbe (Estonian crime film) - Song: Moscow
  • 2010 - Strelyayuschiye gory (TV miniseries) - song: Grenzposten
  • 2011 - Moskva. Tri vokzala (all seasons) - song: Drei Bahnhöfe
  • 2011 - Nemets ( The German , TV series, Belarus) - Song: One-Way-Ticket

Web links

Commons : Oleg Gazmanov  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files
External photos

Individual evidence

  1. Gasmanov went with the "Immortal Regiment" (Russian)
  2. Gasmanow, Michail Semjonowitsch on the website of the Immortal Regiment (Russian)
  3. Rodion Gazmanov. Family Rodion Gazmanov on capelino.com
  4. Gasmanowa Sinaida Abramowa on pamyat-naroda.ru
  5. Oleg Gasmanow on svpressa.ru (russ.)
  6. a b Oleg Gasmanov's mother has died.
  7. biography on www.peoples.ru (russ.)
  8. Gasmanov's biography on biography-life.ru
  9. a b c d Natalja Murga: Family secrets of Oleg Gasmanov . In: http://www.krasotana5.ru . December 25, 2006. Retrieved June 24, 2019.
  10. a b c d E.D. Uvarova: entertainment arts in Russia. XX. Century. Encyclopedia . Olma-Press, 2004, ISBN 5-224-04462-6 (Russian).
  11. ^ Members of the Eskadron group on gazmanov.ru
  12. Gasmanow, Oleg , biography on gazmanov-music.narod.ru/ (archive.org)
  13. Oleg Gazmanov on the website of the concert agency zakazartistov.com
  14. Russian cultural workers support the position of the President on Ukraine and Crimea on the official website of the Ministry of Culture of Russia (Russian)
  15. a b Oleg Gasmanov biography on www.peoples.ru
  16. Who will agitate for Vladimir Putin , Vedomosti , January 22, 2018
  17. Biography Oleg Gasmanows. (No longer available online.) In: taina.aib.ru/. Archived from the original on January 3, 2010 ; Retrieved June 26, 2019 (Russian).
  18. a b Biography on Gasmanov's official website (on web.archive.org; Russian)
  19. Marina Muravyeva-Gazmanova
  20. Interview with Oleg Gasmanov's wife
  21. Gasmanow has a daughter on www.kp.by (December 17, 2003; Russian)
  22. Immortal Regiment. Solnnogorsk. Gasmanov Mikhail Semyonovich
  23. Wladimir Sergejewitsch Buschin: anthology Ehre und Schande der Nations // samomudr.ru (pdf, 1.26 MB, russ.)
  24. Yevgeny Tschernich: Oleg Gazmanov: "I was forbidden to sing in the Kremlin over the Soviet Union" ( ru ) Komsomolskaya Pravda . April 6, 2005. Accessed May 31, 2019.
  25. Shevchuk on Gasmanov ( ru ) persona.rin.ru. July 27, 2009. Retrieved August 19, 2011.
  26. Google has released the Gasmanows channel on YouTube ( memento from June 26, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
    Google has released the Gasmanows channel on YouTube
  27. Latvia has blacklisted Oleg Gasmanov, Iossif Kobson and Valerija. itar-tass.com, July 21, 2014
  28. Oleg Gasmanov does not go to “New Wave 2014” . Official website July 21, 2014, at web.archive.org
  29. The Ministry of Culture named the Russians who endanger the security of Ukraine , Ukrajinska Pravda , August 8, 2015 (Russian)
  30. Ukraine confirms "black list" for Russian artists , eurovision.de
  31. On the feast of the Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church, the Holy Patriarch Kirill read a liturgy in the Church of Christ the Savior and consecrated Archimandrite Sergius (Teliha) as bishop http://www.patriarchia.ru , February 5, 2017
  32. Interview with Oleg Gasmanov on Mayak Radio , October 23, 2011
  33. You are a seafarer, I am a sailor sung by Schirinowski , YouTube
  34. Punane elavhõbe , Music