Otto Moericke

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Otto von Moericke , also Otto Möricke , (born December 4, 1880 in Schwäbisch Gmünd , † June 20, 1965 in Osnabrück ) was a South German local politician . He was Mayor of Speyer (1917-1919) and Lord Mayor of Konstanz from 1919 to 1933.


Otto Moericke, related to the family of the poet Eduard Mörike and brother of the lawyer Dagobert Moericke , studied law and was awarded a doctorate in 1905 at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg with his thesis on the agricultural policy of Margrave Karl Friedrich von Baden. rer. pole. PhD.

He was a supporter of the Garden City Movement and, as a young lawyer, applied to the city of Mannheim in spring 1907 for a "voluntary", i.e. unpaid job, and was hired by Mayor Otto Beck as an "unpaid unskilled worker" . A short time later he got a permanent position as a city councilor. He was also involved as a voluntary counter in Karlsruhe in the 1907 occupation and company census and in Mannheim in the 1910 census.

In 1909 he was together with Hans Kampffmeyer , a co-founder and general secretary of the German Garden City Society , and the director of the Strebelwerke Mannheim, Alfred Dreßler, initiator of the Mannheim Garden City Cooperative . Moericke was elected chairman of the board.

In 1914 he was called up for military service as a lieutenant. At the front near Verdun he was wounded, released from duty and elected mayor of Speyer in the summer of 1917 . In 1919 Moericke succeeded Hermann Dietrich , who was Baden's Minister for Foreign Affairs from November 1918 to 1920, in the office of Lord Mayor of Constance. In 1933 he was deposed by the National Socialists and the NSDAP member Albert Herrmann installed.

From 1919 to 1932 he was a member of the board of directors of the Mittelthurgau Railway (MThB) , and from 1921 to 1932 Vice President. During Moericke's tenure, the Constance – Meersburg ferry was decided.

After the end of the war he became the first district administrator in Lörrach , but was soon deposed by the French occupation authorities.

He is the namesake of the Konstanz youth hostel " Otto Moericke Tower ".



  • Otto Moericke: "The importance of allotment gardens for the residents of our cities" , Braun Karlsruhe 1912
  • Otto Moericke: "The municipal housing certificate" , Braun Karlsruhe 1913
  • Otto Moericke: "The activities of the city administration of Konstanz in recent years" in: 200th anniversary of the Konstanzer Zeitung, 1928
  • Otto Moericke: "Memories" , in: Konstanzer Geschichts- und Rechtsquellen, Vol. 30, Thorbecke Verlag 1985, ISBN 978-3-7995-6830-2

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "93 years of Gartenstadt-Genossenschaft" , Gartenstadt-Genossenschaft Mannheim eG, viewed on April 19, 2009
  2. ^ "93 years of Gartenstadt-Genossenschaft" , Gartenstadt-Genossenschaft Mannheim eG, viewed on April 19, 2009
  3. "BioTG - Biographical data from pioneer days ..." (PDF; 74 KB), viewed 19 April 2009
  4. "Origin and Development" ( Memento of the original from June 21, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Konstanz ferry, viewed on April 19, 2009 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. Silke Hartenstein: You clearly shaped your time. in: Badische Zeitung of November 23, 2013; accessed on March 1, 2018
predecessor Office successor
Hermann Dietrich Mayor of Konstanz
1919 - 1933
Albert Herrmann