Peter Jüngling

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Peter Jüngling on July 17, 2013 in the Kaisersaal of the Frankfurter Römers

Peter Jüngling (born September 16, 1955 in Hanau ) is a German police officer and is a local researcher who mainly works on archaeological and historical topics from the Rhine-Main area .


After attending various schools in Hanau, he initially trained as a telecommunications technician at the Deutsche Bundespost from 1971 . After graduation, he switched to the Hessian Police in 1974 , where he completed his police training in 1977 and where he worked until September 2015 - most recently as police chief inspector at the police headquarters in Southeast Hesse . Most recently, he was in charge of parts of the Hanau city center as well as the districts of Kesselstadt , Wilhelmsbad and Mittelbuchen ; part-time, he was responsible as a contact person for same-sex ways of life (AgL), but also as a social contact person (SAP) and as an expert for archaeological finds and the fight against robbery excavations in Hesse .


Honorary positions

Since 1976 he has been a member of the Hanau History Association , since 1979 a member of the Archaeological Society in Hesse and since 1984 a member of the commission for the Hanau Historical Museum . From 1985 to 1997 he was a member of the Hanau Heritage Council. Since 2004 he has been chairman of the Association of Lesbian and Gay Police Officers in Hessen eV and contact person for organizations, authorities and citizens as well as especially for lesbian and gay police officers in the Main-Kinzig district, in the Offenbach district and the cities of Hanau and Offenbach am Main . In this role he played a key role in organizing the association's events. Since 2012 he has been the second chairman of the Queer-Hanau eV association

Scientific interests

In 1980 he founded a working group for prehistory and early history within the Hanau History Association . This working group consisted mostly of students and schoolchildren, at the same time did valuable youth work, and some of the students later studied prehistory or became excavation technicians . Peter Jüngling supports young academics right through to their university theses. Next he served since 1985 regularly juvenile offenders after juvenile justice nonprofit had to serve working hours, and allowed them as part of the costs incurred in archeology activities. Since 1978 he has been publishing scientific articles on the results of his research and doing public relations work for archeology and archaeological preservation . This also includes school project weeks and the supervision of work camps run by the International Christian Peace Service (CFD) and the Hanau youth workshop. He was also significantly involved in the organization of relevant conferences and events.

In addition to archeology, he was also interested in historical research. He published on the history of the fire brigade and local history - especially that of the Hanau district of Kesselstadt .


Archaeological research

Since 1972 he has been involved in archaeological research in the city of Hanau and the area of ​​the former Hanau district , today: Main-Kinzig-Kreis . Initially, he took part in archaeological rescue excavations in the area of Vicus and Fort Heldenbergen .

From 1980 he organized excavations independently as part of the Hanau History Association. The reason at that time was the destruction of a Bronze Age barrow field by the construction of the A 66 north of Hanau. Since then he has carried out around 35 major and countless minor excavations. These include u. a .:

He has also organized exhibitions, given a large number of lectures and offered guided tours.

In contrast to the standards that are often still used for archaeological projects carried out on a voluntary basis, he applied a professional standard for the excavations from the start, finds and findings were carefully documented, the finds restored and Peter Jüngling then published the excavation results in scientific publications. He autodidactically acquired the necessary knowledge.

Publications (selection)


  • The Bronze Age burial ground in the Bruchköbel Forest near Hanau. Wiesbaden 1982 ( Archaeological Monuments in Hesse 24).
  • Hanau-Kesselstadt. On the archeology of a parish church in Hanau. Hanau 2004 ( Hanau writings on archeology and history 1).
  • "This capell is still standing today ..." Contributions to the history of the Marienkapelle of Hirzbach, Hammersbach community, Main-Kinzig-Kreis Hanau 2004 ( Hanauer Schriften zur Archäologie und Geschichte 2).
  • with David Liuzzo: With Hebelius Potter around the old Hanau - a journey back in time to the year 1810 . Hanau 2010 ( Hanau Historical Issues 1).


  • Fire protection ordinance from 1695 and ordinance for the residents of the old town of Hanau from 1729 and 1730 . In: 675 years old town Hanau - Festschrift and exhibition catalog. 1978, pp. 129-137.
  • Preliminary report on the excavation of a Bronze Age burial ground in the Bruchköbler Forest near Hanau . In: Neues Magazin für Hanauische Geschichte 7 (4), 1982, pp. 168–171.
  • with D. Perzl: The 1982/83 excavation in the Roman brickworks of Großkrotzenburg . In: Neues Magazin für Hanauische Geschichte 7 (5), 1983, pp. 248-253.
  • Another Roman brick kiln from Großkrotzenburg. Main-Kinzig district . In: Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 13 (4), 1983, pp. 479-482.
  • Excavations in the Roman fort and medieval area of ​​Hammersbach-Marköbel . In: Neues Magazin für Hanauische Geschichte 8 (3), 1984, pp. 161–168.
  • A new Middle Neolithic settlement near Hanau-Mittelbuchen . In: Hanauer Geschichtsblätter 29, 1985, pp. 23-36.
  • A Bronze Age burial ground in the Bruchköbel Forest near Hanau . In: Hanauer Geschichtsblätter 29, 1985, pp. 41-101.
  • Germanic ceramics from the pre-Roman times from Maintal-Bischofsheim . In: Hanauer Geschichtsblätter 29, 1985, pp. 107-114.
  • Comments on a "Roman grave find" from Hanau Salisberg . In: Hanauer Geschichtsblätter 29, 1985, pp. 119-125.
  • Two grave finds from the Migration Period from Karlstein-Dettingen, Aschaffenburg district . In: Hanauer Geschichtsblätter 29, 1985, pp. 151-161.
  • On the history of the Hanau fire brigade . In. Festschrift 125 Years of the Hanau Volunteer Fire Brigade. 1986, pp. 25-51.
  • with T. Roka: The Hanau fire department in the present . In: Festschrift 125 Years of the Hanau Volunteer Fire Brigade. 1986, pp. 53-67.
  • On the history of the Kesselstädter Church . In: Unser Gemeinde Vol. 2, No. 3. 1986, p. 8.
  • Underestimated by 2500 years - death investigations did not recognize the historical find . In: Criminology. Journal for the entire criminal science and practice 11/1986, pp. 524-526.
  • Archaeological finds in the Windecker district and settlement history up to around 850 . In: 700 years of the city of Windecken. 1988 ( Nidderauer Hefte 4), pp. 31-41.
  • Two Bronze Age finds from the Main . In: Hanauer Geschichtsblätter 30, 1988, pp. 55-64.
  • with OT Niedenthal: Two Roman pottery kilns in the Hanau harbor area . In: Hanauer Geschichtsblätter 30, 1988, pp. 93–112.
  • with K. Dielmann (†): The Roman burial ground in Erlensee-Rückingen. A preliminary report on the investigations from 1951 and 1960-62. In: Hanauer Geschichtsblätter 30, 1988, pp. 113-120.
  • The Roman estate and the Germanic settlement on the "Kilianstädter Hohl" near Hanau-Mittelbuchen - a contribution to the migration period in the Hanau area . In: Hanauer Geschichtsblätter 30, 1988, pp. 173-258.
  • Roman and medieval finds from an excavation in Großkrotzenburg . In: Hanauer Geschichtsblätter 30, 1988, pp. 289–326.
  • Preliminary report on the excavation of early La Tène settlements in Hanau-Klein-Auheim. In: New Magazine for Hanau History 9 (3), 1989, pp. 203–205.
  • The fragment of a ceramic idol figure from Hanau-Mittelbuchen . In: New magazine for Hanau history 1992, p. 4ff.
  • New excavations in the Roman facilities on Salisweg in Hanau-Kesselstadt. In: New Magazine for Hanau History 1993, pp. 2ff.
  • To continue the excavations on the Salisberg in 1993 . In: New Magazine for Hanau History 1994, p. 2f.
  • with Sabine Wolfram: Conference of the West and South German Association for Antiquity Research in Hanau . In: New Magazine for Hanau History 1995, pp. 71–74.
  • A coin treasure from Salisweg in Hanau-Kesselstadt . In: New Magazine for Hanau History 1997, pp. 2–9.
  • Kesselstadt . In: Stadtzeit - History magazine on the occasion of the anniversary of 400 years of the Walloon-Dutch community and Neustadt Hanau 1597–1997. 1997, p. 162ff.
  • 825 years of "Rückingen" and 750 years of moated castle in Rückingen . In: New Magazine for Hanau History 1999/1, pp. 8-17.
  • Violence against lesbians and gays. Report on a prevention mission for Christopher Street Day . In: Police in Frankfurt am Main 34, 2000, pp. 26–28.
  • "Pecunia olet" ("and it stank") - an unusual treasure find on Hanauer Salisweg . In: Stadtzeit 4, 2001, pp. 15-19.
  • Kesselstadt's prehistory - from the first humans to the Celts . In: Stadtzeit 7 - Spotlights on two millennia. 2009, pp. 8-13.
  • Roman inscriptions from Kesselstadt or what an old piece of wood tells us . In: Stadtzeit 7 - Spotlights on two millennia. 2009, pp. 34-41.
  • Church excavations by the Hanau History Association in the Main-Kinzig district (Hesse) . In: Church Archeology Today. Questions - Methods - Results 2010 ( publications of the Alemannisches Institut 76), pp. 452–463.
  • kChezsilstat jubilans (Kesselstadt celebrates): From the “fishing village with a castle” to the “Perle am Main” . In: New Magazine for Hanau History 2011, pp. 213–227.


  • NN: New chairman at VelsPol . In: Box 132 (June 2004), p. 26.
  • mk: Peter Jüngling: Kesselstadt, a piece of the mosaic of history . In: Kesselstadt - The magazine for Kesselstadt, Wilhelmsbad and Hohe Tanne. 5th volume issue 4 v. February 25, 2009. [Interview]
  • thb / pm: Hanauer through and through . In: Hanauer Anzeiger v. August 29, 2009.
  • hwk / mkl: Homosexuality in the police (not) an issue . In: Hanauer Anzeiger v. May 24, 2012.
  • Hanswerner Kruse: Commitment to more tolerance . In: Kinzigtal-Nachrichten v. May 29, 2012.
  • Christoph Süß: Mosaic stones for the big picture. The volunteers from the history association have received an award for their commitment . In: Frankfurter Rundschau v. November 6, 2012 (R3 edition).

Web links


  1. ^ Annual meetings of the Federal Association of Lesbian and Gay Police Officers 2001 and 2003 in Oberursel and 2013 in Frankfurt am Main .
  2. These include u. a. the 72nd annual meeting of the two German associations for antiquity research 24. – 29. May 1994 in Hanau with almost 1000 participants, several events as part of the 100th anniversary of the incorporation of Kesselstadt to Hanau in 2007 as well as the organization and implementation of the 950th anniversary of the first mention of Kesselstadt, 2009.
  3. Peter Jüngling has organized around 20 exhibitions, including:

Individual evidence

  1. Janek Rauhe: Homosexual Officials. Interior Minister encourages coming out . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung v. 17th July 2013.
  2. NN: cash prize for the archeology working group of the Hanau history association. In the constant race against time . In: Hit v. April 29, 2002.
  3. pm / jow: Medal of Merit for a young man . In Hanauer Anzeiger v. May 8, 2015, p. 22; Federal Cross of Merit for Peter Jüngling on, May 7, 2015; mize: Federal Cross of Merit for Peter Jüngling . In: v. May 7th. 2015.
  4. NN: cash prize for the archeology working group of the Hanau history association. In the constant race against time . In: Hit v. April 29, 2002.
  5. ^ The Bronze Age burial ground (1982); Preliminary report on the excavation of a Bronze Age burial ground; A Bronze Age burial ground (1985).