Rifugio Finonchio - "Fratelli Filzi"

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Rifugio Finonchio - "Fratelli Filzi"
SAT refuge  category  C
Rifugio Finonchio - "Fratelli Filzi"
location Monte Finonchio; Trentino , Italy ; Valley location:  Rovereto
Mountain range Vicentine Alps
Geographical location: 45 ° 54 '1.5 "  N , 11 ° 6' 53.3"  E Coordinates: 45 ° 54 '1.5 "  N , 11 ° 6' 53.3"  E
Altitude 1589  m slm
Rifugio Finonchio - "Fratelli Filzi" (Vicentine Alps)
Rifugio Finonchio - "Fratelli Filzi"
builder SAT
owner SAT section Rovereto
Built 1930
Construction type Refuge
Usual opening times from June 20th to September 20th
accommodation 16 beds, 0  camps
Web link Rifugio Finonchio

The Rifugio Finonchio - "Fratelli Filzi" or just Rifugio Finonchio or Rifugio Filzi (German Finonchiohütte ) is a refuge of the Rovereto section of the Trentino Alpine Club (SAT).

Location and surroundings

The Rifugio Finonchio is located in the municipality of Rovereto in the province of Trento at 1589  m asl. The hut is only a few meters below the summit of Monte Finonchio. In the immediate vicinity there are a number of radio and television transmission masts , which can also be easily seen from the Adige Valley .


The first plans to build a refuge on Monte Finonchio date back to the time before the First World War , when Monte Finonchio became a popular destination for the upper class of Rovereto. In 1912 the foundations for the hut could be laid, but there was no further expansion due to the First World War.

Only after the end of the war were the plans for further construction resumed. Work began in 1929 and the rifugio was inaugurated just a year later. It was named in memory of the two brothers Fabio and Fausto Filzi, who died in the war on the Italian side and grew up in Rovereto .

During the Second World War, the hut was badly damaged by looting, so that only a few walls were left at the end of the war. The new building, which was aimed at immediately after the end of the war, was not started until 1956 and the new Rifugio Filzi with its characteristic semicircular roof was finally opened a year later.

In 2010 the SAT section Rovereto decided to extensively renovate the hut and in July 2014 the completely renovated hut was able to reopen.


  • From Guardia, 868 m on path 104 (2 hours)
  • From Moietto, 924 m on path 103 (2 hours)
  • From Pornàl-Diéneri, 1134 m on path 107 (1 hour 45 minutes)
  • From Serrada, 1250 m on path 104 (1 hour 30 minutes)


  • Monte Finonchio, 1603 m 5 minutes


  • Achille Gadler, Mario Corradini: Rifugi e bivacchi nel Trentino , Panorama, Trento, 2003, ISBN 978-88-87118-40-7 .
  • Società degli Alpinisti Tridentini - Sezione del CAI - Commissione Sentieri: … per sentieri e luoghi. Sui monti del Trentino. 1 Prealpi Trentine Orientali. Monte Lessini, Caréga, Pasubio-Colsanto, Finònchio-Monte Maggio, Altopiani Vézzena-Lavarone, Cima Dodici-Ortigara, Vigolana, Marzòla. Euroedit, Trento, 2012, ISBN 978-88-86147-95-8 .

Web links

Commons : Rifugio Finonchio  - collection of images, videos and audio files

References and comments

  1. ^ A b Società degli Alpinisti Tridentini - Sezione del CAI - Commissione Sentieri: … per sentieri e luoghi. Sui monti del Trentino. 1 Prealpi Trentine Orientali. Monte Lessini, Caréga, Pasubio-Colsanto, Finònchio-Monte Maggio, Altopiani Vézzena-Lavarone, Cima Dodici-Ortigara, Vigolana, Marzòla. Euroedit, Trento, 2012 p. 215
  2. On the biographies of Fabio and Fausto Filzi in Italian (PDF; 296 kB), accessed on March 20, 2017.
  3. On the history of the Rifugio Filzi in Italian , accessed on March 20, 2017.