Saxon Court Organization Act

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Basic data
Title: Law on the Organization of Courts and Public Prosecutor's Offices in the Free State of Saxony
Short title: Saxon Court Organization Act
Abbreviation: SächsGerOrgG
Type: State Law
Scope: Saxony
Legal matter: Administration of justice
Issued on: May 24, 1994
( SächsGVBl. P. 1009 )
Entry into force on: August 1, 1994
Expiry: January 1, 2001
Section 74 (2) No. 1 SächsJG of November 24, 2000 ( SächsGVBl. P. 482 )
Please note the note on the applicable legal version.

Saxon Court Organization Act was the short title of two successive state laws that determined the seat and district of the Saxon courts.

Court Organization Act of June 30, 1992

The law on the organization of the courts in the Free State of Saxony (Sächsisches Rechtsorganisationsgesetz - SächsGerOrgG) of June 30, 1992 ( SächsGVBl. P. 287 ) ordered the dissolution of the previous district and district courts on January 1, 1993 and created the court structure listed below in the Free State of Saxony, which came into force with regard to labor, social, administrative and financial jurisdiction on July 1st, 1992, with respect to ordinary jurisdiction on January 1st, 1993.

Labor jurisdiction
Saxon State Labor Court (in  Chemnitz ) Labor Court Bautzen  | Labor Court Chemnitz  | Labor Court Dresden  | Labor Court Leipzig  | Zwickau Labor Court
Social justice
Saxon State Social Court (in  Chemnitz ) Social Court Dresden  | Chemnitz Social Court  | Leipzig Social Court
Administrative jurisdiction
Saxon Higher Administrative Court (in  Bautzen ) Administrative Court of Dresden  | Administrative Court of Chemnitz  | Administrative Court of Leipzig
Financial jurisdiction
Saxon Finance Court (in Leipzig )
Ordinary jurisdiction
Higher Regional Court of Dresden Bautzen district court District Court of Bautzen  | District Court Bischofswerda  | District Court Hoyerswerda  | Kamenz District Court
Chemnitz District Court District Court Annaberg  | Chemnitz District Court  | Freiberg District Court  | District court Hainichen  | Marienberg District Court  | District Court Oederan  | District Court Rochlitz  | District Court of Stollberg  | District court of Zschopau
District Court Dresden District Court Dippoldiswalde  | District Court Dresden  | Grossenhain District Court  | District Court of Meissen  | Neustadt District Court  | District court Pirna  | District court Riesa
Goerlitz Regional Court District court Görlitz  | Löbau District Court  | District Court Weißwasser  | District court Zittau
District Court Leipzig Borna District Court  | District Court of Delitzsch  | District Court Döbeln  | District Court Eilenburg  | District court Grimma  | District Court Leipzig  | District Court Oschatz  | District Court Torgau  | Wurzen District Court
District Court of Zwickau District Court Aue  | District Court Auerbach  | District Court Glauchau  | Plauen District Court  | Reichenbach District Court  | Schwarzenberg District Court  | District Court of Zwickau

Court Organization Act of May 24, 1994

The Saxon Court Organization Act, promulgated as Article 1 of the Law on the Organization of Courts and Public Prosecutor's Offices in the Free State of Saxony and on the Implementation of Procedural Laws of May 24, 1994 , was in principle just a new version of the previous Court Organization Act. With effect from August 1, 1994, the district courts of Bischofswerda, Oederan, Rochlitz, Zschopau, Großenhain, Neustadt, Delitzsch, Wurzen, Glauchau, Reichenbach and Schwarzenberg were repealed and a new district court in Hohenstein-Ernstthal was established in the Chemnitz district, so that the districts are now the following district courts included:

Regional courts District courts
Bautzen district court District Court of Bautzen  | District Court Hoyerswerda  | Kamenz District Court
Chemnitz District Court District Court Annaberg  | Chemnitz District Court  | Freiberg District Court  | District court Hainichen  | Hohenstein-Ernstthal District Court  | Marienberg District Court  | District court of Stollberg
District Court Dresden District Court Dippoldiswalde  | District Court Dresden  | District Court of Meissen  | District court Pirna  | District court Riesa
Goerlitz Regional Court District court Görlitz  | Löbau District Court  | District Court Weißwasser  | District court Zittau
District Court Leipzig Borna District Court  | District Court Döbeln  | District Court Eilenburg  | District court Grimma  | District Court Leipzig  | District Court Oschatz  | Torgau District Court
District Court of Zwickau District Court Aue  | District Court Auerbach  | Plauen District Court  | District Court of Zwickau

The seats of the other courts remained unchanged, only the districts of the labor, social and administrative courts changed slightly. When the Saxon Justice Act came into force on January 1, 2001, the Saxon Court Organization Act ceased to be in force.