Shajapur (District)

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Shajapur District
State Madhya Pradesh
Division : Ujjain
Administrative headquarters : Shajapur
Area : 3469 * km²
Residents : 994.029 * (as of 2011)
Population density : 286 * inh / km²
Website :
*) Figures refer to the Shajapur district minus the Tehsils, which have formed the Agar Malwa district since 2013.
Districts of Madhya Pradesh: Number 42 is Shajapur

The Shajapur District is located in the northwestern part of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh .

Before the Agar Malwa district split off in 2013, the district had an area of ​​6195 km² (as of 2011). In the 2011 census, the population was 1,512,353. In 2001 it was still 1,290,685. The gender distribution was 51.57% men and 48.43% women (i.e. 939 women per 1000 men). The alphabet rate was 70.17% (83.19% among men and 56.36% among women).

Less the area of ​​the newly established Agar Malwa district, the area of ​​Shajapur is now 3469 km². The corresponding population according to the 2011 census was 994,029 and the resulting population density was 286 inhabitants per square kilometer.

The district administration is located in the city of Shajapur . The district extends between the metropolitan areas of Ujjain in the west and Bhopal in the east.

Administrative division

The district is divided into the following Tehsils: Gulana , Kalapipal , Moman Bododiya , Shajapur and Shujalpur .

Web links

Commons : Shajapur District  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

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