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Stepanivka coat of arms
Stepanivka (Ukraine)
Basic data
Oblast : Sumy Oblast
Rajon : Sumy Raion
Height : no information
Area : Information is missing
Residents : 5,561 (2014)
Postcodes : 42304
Area code : +380 542
Geographic location : 50 ° 57 '  N , 34 ° 37'  E Coordinates: 50 ° 56 '46 "  N , 34 ° 37' 0"  E
KOATUU : 5924755800
Administrative structure : 1 urban-type settlement , 9 villages
Address: вул. Центральна 46
42304 смт. Степанівка
Statistical information
Stepanivka (Sumy Oblast)

Stepanivka ( Ukrainian Степанівка ; Russian Степановка Stepanowka ) is an urban-type settlement in the Ukrainian Sumy Oblast with about 5500 inhabitants (2014).

Stepanivka was first mentioned in 1670 and has been an urban-type settlement since 1968.


Stepanivka is located in Sumy Raion on the bank of the Sumka ( Ukrainian Сумка ), a small tributary of the Psel 13 km west of the center of Sumy on the regional road P-61 .

The settlement council municipality belonged until 2017, in addition Stepaniwka nor the villages Hlynjane and Holowaschiwka , on 15 March 2017, the village became the center of the newly established settlement community Stepaniwka ( Степанівська селищна громада Stepaniwska selyschtschna hromada ), to which even the 9 villages Biloussiwka ( Білоусівка ) Hlynjane ( Глиняне ) Holowaschiwka ( Головашівка ) Mylowydiwka ( Миловидівка ) Nowomychajliwka ( Новомихайлівка ) Oleksandriwka ( Олександрівка ) Pidlisniwka ( Підліснівка ) Stepne ( Степне ) and Tscherwonyj Kut ( Червоний Кут ) count.

Sons and daughters of the village

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Population figures of Ukrainian localities on, last accessed on December 4, 2014
  2. Відповідно до Закону України "Про добровільне об'єднання територіальних громад" ко Сумську комсмад "уо Сумську облемсь кусмуку облемсь кусмусн убломсь кораін