Strada Statale 674 Tangenziale Ovest di Siena

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Template: Infobox high-ranking road / maintenance / IT-S
Strada statale SS674 in Italy
Strada Statale 674 Tangenziale Ovest di Siena
Basic data
Operator: ANAS SpA
Overall length: 10 km

Regions :


The Tangenziale Ovest north of the Siena-Ovest junction
Course of the road
Autobahn beginning (0)  Crossing from the Siena motorway slip road Italian traffic signs - autostrada.svg RA3
Junction (0)  Siena north
Gas station Rest stop (1.1)  Symbol: rightSymbol: right "Montecelso" service area
tunnel Fontebecci (423/423 m )
tunnel Acqua Calda ( 187/187 m )
Junction (3)  Siena Acqua Calda
Gas station Rest stop (5.4)  Symbol: rightSymbol: right Service area "Siena Tangenziale"
Gas station Rest stop (5.8)  Symbol: leftSymbol: left Service area "San Marco"
Junction (6.5)  Siena ovest
Junction (8.8)  Siena south - Via Cassia S2
node (10)  Grosseto - PerugiaItalian traffic signs - strada extraurbana principale.svg S223 E78 Italian traffic signs - strada extraurbana principale.svg SS73 E78

The west tangent (Tangenziale Ovest) of Siena is a short section of the Italian SS 674 and serves as a bypass of the city. It has 2 lanes for each direction of travel, but has no hard shoulder. Its northern end is the seamless continuation in the Raccordo autostradale 3 at the Siena Nord junction ; in the south it turns into Strada Statale 223 di Paganico . It is managed and operated by ANAS SpA and is toll-free throughout its history.