Strada Statale 22 di Val Macra

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Template: Infobox high-ranking road / maintenance / IT-S
Strada statale SS22 in Italy
Strada Statale 22 di Val Macra
Course of the S 22
Basic data
Overall length: 75.6 km

Regions :


Course of the road
Province of Cuneo
Street as P422
crossing S28
Locality Morozzo
Locality Margarita
crossing SP 564 (formerS564)
Locality Cuneo S20
Locality Caraglio
Locality Dronero
Locality Cartignano
Locality San Damiano Marca
Locality Macra
Locality Prazzo
Locality Acceglio

The SS22 was an Italian state road that was established in 1928 between Strada Statale 28 and Acceglio . Because of its course it bears the title "di Val Macra" . Their length was 75.6 kilometers. It runs into the Val Maira , where it ends in Acceglio. It goes back to Strada nazionale 43, established in 1923 between Cuneo and Acceglio. A 1998 law made it the Provincial Road of the Province of Cuneo in 2001 and the number was changed to 422 to avoid double occupancy.