Publications of the Societas Uralo-Altaica

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The publications of the Societas Uralo-Altaica ( VdSUA ) are a series of monographs published by the Societas Uralo-Altaica (SUA) that has been published since 1969. All volumes were published by Harrassowitz Verlag Wiesbaden .

The international Ural - Altaic research community, founded in 1952 and based in Göttingen, is active (according to its own information) in the areas of Ural studies ( Finno-Ugric , Samoyedic ) and Altaic ( Turkish , Mongolian , Tungus and Korean studies ).

The series is edited by Volumes 1–36: Annemarie von Gabain and Wolfgang Veenker ; from volume 37–46: Wolfgang Veenker and Klaus Röhrborn ; from volume 47–51: István Futaky and Klaus Röhrborn; from volume 52–68: Ingrid Schellbach-Kopra and Klaus Röhrborn; from volume 69: Cornelius Hasselblatt ( Groningen , Netherlands ) and Klaus Röhrborn (Göttingen).

Most of the volumes appear in German , some in English . The volume on Xuanzang's life and work is in several parts.


  • Volume 88: Salis-Livisch IJA Sjögren's manuscript. Edited, glossed over and translated by Eberhard Winkler and Karl Pajusalu. 2016.
  • Volume 87: Kutadgu nom bitig: Festschrift for Jens Peter Laut on his 60th birthday / ed. by Elisabetta Ragagnin and Jens Wilkens. With the assistance of Gökhan Şilfeler. 2015
  • Volume 86: Bereczki, Gábor: Etymological Dictionary of Cheremiss (Mari) The native vocabulary . After the author's death. Edited by Klára Agyagási and Eberhard Winkler. 2013.
  • Volume 85: Finnish language , literature and culture in German-speaking countries. Suomen kieli, kirjallisuus ja kulttuuri saksankielisellä alueella. Edited by Marja Järventausta and Marko Pantermöller. 2013. ( table of contents )
  • Volume 84: Bartens, Hans-Hermann: Wotic Folklore . A walk through text publications and research literature. 2012.
  • Volume 83: Larsson, Lars-Gunnar: Borders and Groupings in Umesamian . 2012.
  • Volume 82: Lapponicae investigationes et uralicae. Festschrift for the 65th birthday of Lars Gunnar Larsson. Edited by Eberhard Winkler, Hans Hermann Bartens and Cornelius Hasselblatt. 2012.
  • Volume 81: Winkler, Eberhard: Udmurt Grammar . 2011.
  • Volume 80: Pantermöller, Marko : The Finnish Abessive : A case between spontaneous change and targeted language planning. 2011.
  • Volume 79: Salk, Gundula: The Sanjira of Togolok Moldo (1860–1942). 2009.
  • Volume 78: Blokland, Rogier : The Russian Loanwords in Literary Estonian . 2009.
  • Volume 77: Hasselblatt, Cornelius: Grammatical Dictionary of Estonian . 3rd revised edition. 2008.
  • Volume 76: Hungarians , Turks and Mongols . Small writings by Hansgerd Göckenjan . Edited by Michael Knüppel and Eberhard Winkler. 2007.
  • Volume 75: Kahrs, Ulrike: The life cycle among the Volga-Finnish and Permian peoples. Context fields, concepts, identity. 2008.
  • Volume 74: Özertural, Zekine: The Uighur Manichaeism . Editing of texts from Manichaica I and III by Albert v. Le Coq . 2008.
  • Volume 73: Werner, Heinrich: The beliefs of the Yenisei from the point of view of Tengrism . 2007.
  • Volume 72: Ölmez, Mehmet: Tuvinian vocabulary with old Turkish and Mongolian parallels. Tuvacanın Sözvarlığı. Eski Türkçe ve Moğolca Denkleriyle. 2007.
  • Volume 71: Yakup, Abdurishid: Disastvustik. An ancient Uighur adaptation of a legend from the Catusparisat sutra . 2006.
  • Volume 70: Turkology for the 21st Century. Challenges between tradition and modernity. Materials from the fourth German Turkologists Conference Hamburg, 15. – 18. March 1999. Edited by Hendrik Fenz and Petra Kappert (†). 2006.
  • Volume 69: Werner, Heinrich: The world of the Yenisei in the light of vocabulary. For the reconstruction of the Yenisei protoculture. 2006.
  • Volume 68: Geisler, Michael: Vowel Zero Alternation, Syncope and Accent in the Permian Languages. 2005.
  • Volume 67: Werner, Heinrich: The Yenisei languages ​​of the 18th century. 2005.
  • Volume 66: Mari and Mordwinen in today's Russia . Language, culture, identity. Edited by Eugen Helimski, Ulrike Kahrs and Monika Schötschel. 2005.
  • Volume 65: Lihkkun Lehkos: Contributions to Finno-Ugric Studies on the occasion of the sixtieth birthday of Hans-Hermann Bartens. Edited by Cornelius Hasselblatt, Eino Koponen and Anna Widmer. 2005.
  • Volume 64: Werner, Heinrich: The diathesis in the Yenisei languages ​​from a typological point of view. 2005.
  • Volume 63: The Ural-Altaic peoples' identity in the change between tradition and modernity. Lectures of the Symposium of the Societas Uralo-Altaica from 13. – 15. October 2002. Edited by Gerson Klumpp and Michael Knüppel. 2003.
  • Volume 62: Werner, Heinrich: MA Castrén and the Jenissejistik. The Yenisei languages ​​of the 19th century. 2003.
  • Volume 61: India and Central Asia . Language and cultural contact. Lectures at the Göttingen Symposium from May 7-10, 2001. Edited by Sven Bretfeld and Jens Wilkens. 2003.
  • Volume 60: Pantermöller, Marko: On the orthographic integration of foreign words in Finnish. 2003.
  • Volume 59: Confrontation and Identification. The Finnish-Ugric languages ​​and peoples in the European context. Edited by János Gulya . 2002.
  • Volume 58: Klumpp, Gerson: Konverb constructions in Kamassian. 2002.
  • Volume 57: Wŭśa wŭśa - Greetings !: Contributions to Finno-Ugric Studies in honor of Gert Sauer, offered on his seventieth birthday. Edited by Eugen Helimski and Anna Widmer. 2002.
  • Volume 56: Scripta Ottomanica et Res Altaicae. Festschrift for Barbare Kellner-Heinkele on her 60th birthday. Edited by Ingeborg Hauenschild, Claus Schönig and Peter Zieme. 2002.
  • Volume 55: Hasselblatt, Cornelius: Grammatical Dictionary of Estonian . 2nd, completely revised edition 2001.
  • Volume 54: Göckenjan, Hansgerd; István Zimonyi: Oriental reports on the peoples of Eastern Europe and Central Asia in the Middle Ages . The Gayhani tradition ( Ibn Rusta , Gardizi , Hudud al-'Alam , al-Bakri and al-Marwazi ). 2001.
  • Volume 53: Widmer, Anna: The poetic formulas of the North East Yakian heroic poetry. 2000.
  • Volume 52: Deltcheva-Kampf, Veronika: Onomasiological model for a contrastive-typological consideration of the suffixal and compositional word formation area (using the example of Finnish, Hungarian and Russian). 2000.
  • Volume 51: Europa et Sibiria: Contributions to the language and culture of the smaller Finno-Ugric, Samoyed and Paleo-Siberian peoples. Commemorative ribbon for Wolfgang Veenker . Edited by Cornelius Hasselblatt and Paula Jääsalmi-Krüger. 1999.
  • Volume 50: Werner, Heinrich: Das Jugische (Sym-Ketic). 1997.
  • Volume 49: Winkler, Eberhard: Krewinisch . To develop an extinct Baltic Finnish language form. 1997.
  • Volume 48: Turkology Today - Tradition and Perspective. Materials of the third German Turkologists Conference Leipzig, 4. – 7. October 1994. Edited by Nurettin Demir and Erika Taube. 1998.
  • Volume 47: Studia Ottomanica. Announcement for György Hazai on his 65th birthday. Published by Barbara Kellner-Heinkele and Peter Zieme. 1997.
  • Volume 46: Werner, Heinrich: Comparative Accentology of the Jenissej -prachen. 1996.
  • Volume 45: Werner, Heinrich: On the typology of the Yenisei languages. 1995.
  • Volume 44: Raschmann, Simone Christiane: Cotton in Turkish Central Asia . Philological and economic- historical studies based on the pre-Islamic Uighur texts. 1995.
  • Volume 43: Pusztay, János: Contributions to the discussion on basic language research (example: the protourals). 1995.
  • Volume 42: Menges, Karl H .: The Turkic Languages and Peoples. An Introduction to Turkic Studies . 2nd, revised edition. 1994.
  • Volume 41: Julius von Farkas on his 100th birthday. Edited by István Futaky and Wolfgang Veenker. 1994.
  • Volume 40: Werner, Heinrich: The class system in the Yenisei languages ​​1994.
  • Volume 39: Memoriae Munusculum. Memorial ribbon for Annemarie v. Gabain . Edited by Klaus Röhrborn and Wolfgang Veenker. 1994.
  • Volume 38: Hauel, Petra: The East Yak personal names with special consideration of the personal names of the 17th century. 1994.
  • Volume 37: Language and cultural contacts of the Turkish peoples. Materials of the second German Turkologists Conference in Rauischholzhausen 1990. Edited by Jens Peter Laut and Klaus Röhrborn. 1993.
  • Volume 36: Taube, Jakob: World and life in embroidery and fairy tales of Central Asian peoples. Studies on the history of the worldview. 1993
  • Volume 35: Hasselblatt, Cornelius: Grammatical Dictionary of Estonian . 1992.
  • Volume 34: Xuanzang's Life and Work. Edited by Alexander Leonhard Mayer and Klaus Röhrborn
    • Volume 34.1: Mayer, Alexander Leonhard: Xuanzang, translator and saint. 1992.
    • Volume 34.2: Cien biography VII. Translated and commented by Alexander Leonhard Mayer. 1991.
    • Volume 34.3: The old Turkish Xuanzang biography VII. Based on the manuscript from Leningrad, Paris and Beijing as well as based on the transcript by Annemarie von Gabain. Translated and commented by Klaus Röhrborn in 1991.
    • Volume 34,4: Cien biography VIII. Translated and commented by Uwe Frankenhauser. 1995.
    • Volume 34.5: The old Turkish Xuanzang biography VIII. Based on the manuscript from Paris, Beijing and St. Petersburg and based on the transcript by Annemarie von Gabain. Edited, translated and commented by Klaus Röhrborn. 1996.
    • Volume 34.6: Cien Biography VI. Translated and commented by Alexander Leonhard Mayer. 2001.
    • Volume 34.7: The Old Turkish Xuanzang Biography III. After the handwriting of Paris , Beijing and St. Petersburg as well as the transcript by Annemarie von Gabain. Edited, translated and commented by Mehmet Ölmez and Klaus Röhrborn. 2001.
    • Volume 34.8: Semet, Ablet: Lexical investigations on the Uighur Xuanzang biography. 2005.
    • Volume 34,9: The old Turkish Xuanzang biography X. Based on the manuscript from Paris, Beijing and St. Petersburg and based on the transcript by Annemarie von Gabain. Edited, translated and commented by Aysima Mirsultan. 2010.
    • Volume 34,10: Xuanzang's life and work. The Old Turkish Xuanzang biography IX: Based on the manuscripts from Paris, Beijing and St. Petersburg and based on the transcript by Annemarie von Gabain. Edited, translated and commented by Hakan Aydemir. 2013.
    • Volume 34,11: Xuanzang's life and work / [Hui-li; Yan-cong]. Edited by Alexander Leonhard Mayer and Klaus Röhrborn. The old Turkish Xuanzang biography V: after the handwriting of Paris and St. Petersburg as well as the transcript by Annemarie v. Gabain edits, translates and comments / Siglinde Dietz; Mehmet Ölmez; Klaus Röhrborn
  • Volume 33: Schlachter, Wolfgang: Level change disorders in Malå Lappish . Building or dismantling a system? 1991.
  • Volume 32: Jääsalmi-Krüger, Paula: Ostjak disease names and their naming motivation. An onomasiological-semasiological examination. 1990.
  • Volume 31: Hasselblatt, Cornelius: The Estonian particle verb as a loan translation from German. 1990.
  • Volume 30: Lectures and presentations at the Finn-Ugric workshop 9. – 11. May 1989 in Hamburg. Edited by Wolfgang Veenker. 1990.
  • Volume 29: Turkish languages and literatures. Materials from the first German conference of Turkologists in Bamberg, 3. – 6. July 1987. Edited by Ingeborg Baldauf , Klaus Kreiser and Semih Tezcan . 1991.
  • Volume 28: Lee, Sang-Hyup: Confrontational analysis between the Hungarian and Korean case systems. 1990.
  • Volume 27: Buddhist narrative literature and hagiography in Turkish tradition. Edited by Jens Peter Laut and Klaus Röhrborn. 1990.
  • Volume 26: Ritter, Ralf-Peter: Investigations on the Partitive in Vepsic . 1988.
  • Volume 25: Feldmann, Georg Wilhelm: Economy and market against the background of the prehistoric Finno-Ugric-Indo-European language contacts. Attempt to interpret language as an instrument of economics. 1988.
  • Volume 24: Park, Soo-Young: Comparative analysis of sentence structure in German, Hungarian and Korean. 1987.
  • Volume 23: Turkish Buddhism in Japanese Research. Edited by Jens Peter Laut and Klaus Röhrborn. 1988.
  • Volume 22: Gabain, Annemarie from: The formal language of Uighur painting . 1987.
  • Volume 21: Laut, Jens Peter: Early Turkish Buddhism and its literary monuments. 1986.
  • Volume 20: Dialectologia Uralica. Materials from the first international symposium on the dialectology of the Ural languages , 4th – 7th centuries September 1984 in Hamburg. Edited by Wolfgang Veenker. 1985.
  • Volume 19: Runes , Tamgas and Graffiti from Asia and Eastern Europe . Edited by Klaus Röhrborn and Wolfgang Veenker. 1985.
  • Volume 18: Documenta Barbarorum. Festschrift for Walther Heissig on his 70th birthday. Edited by Klaus Sagaster and Michael Weiers . 1983.
  • Volume 17: Schiefer, Erhard: Considerations on the suitability of the passive term and previous passive studies, with special consideration of the Finnish-Ugric languages. 1983.
  • Volume 16: Languages ​​of Buddhism in Central Asia . Lectures at the Hamburg Symposium from July 2 to July 5, 1981. Edited by Klaus Röhrborn and Wolfgang Veenker. 1983.
  • Volume 15: Ikola, Osmo: sentence equivalents in Finnish . 1981.
  • Volume 14: Scholia. Contributions to Turkology and Central Asian Studies . Annemarie von Gabain on her 80th birthday on July 4th 1981 by colleagues, friends and students. Edited by Klaus Röhrborn and Horst Wilfrid Brands. 1981.
  • Volume 13: Bátori, Istiván: Russians and Finnougrians . Contact of peoples and contact of languages. 1980.
  • Volume 12: Festschrift for Wolfgang Schlachter on his 70th birthday. Edited by Christoph Gläser and János Pusztay. 1979.
  • Volume 11: Bergsland, Knut: Lappish grammar with reading pieces. Translated from Norwegian by Werner Dontenwill. 1976.
  • Volume 10: Futaky, István: Tungus loanwords from Ostjak . 1975.
  • Volume 9: Lavotha, Ödön: Concise Estonian grammar . Translated from the Hungarian by Hans-Hermann Bartens. 1973.
  • Volume 8: Plöger, Angela: The Russian loanwords of the Finnish written language . 1973.
  • Volume 7: Kobilarov, Gudrun: The German loan words of the Hungarian common language. 1972.
  • Volume 6: Gabain, Annemarie from: Life in the Uighur kingdom of Qočo (850–1250). 1973. 1: Text volume.
  • Volume 5: Sajnovics, Joannis: Proof that the language of Hungarians and Lapps is the same. Translated from Latin by Monika Ehlers. With notes and afterword. Edited by Gyula Décsy and Wolfgang Veenker. 1972.
  • Volume 4: Declining dictionary of the written Vogul language. Compiled by Wolfgang Veenker. 1971.
  • Volume 3: Tekin, Şinasi: The chapters on the doctrine of consciousness in the Uyghur Gold Shine Sutra (IX. And X.). Edited by Klaus Röhrborn and Peter Schulz. 1971.
  • Volume 2: Haarmann, Harald: The indirect form of experience as a grammatical category. A Eurasian isogloss. 1970.
  • Volume 1: Radloff . Index of German meanings, compiled under the direction and editing of Annemarie von Gabain and Wolfgang Veenker. 4 deliveries. 1969-1972. The work is finished.

References and footnotes

  1. cf. ( Memento of the original from November 18, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. ^ SUA
  3. : sv: Lars Gunnar Larsson (Swedish)

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