Minckwitz (noble family)
Minckwitz , also Minckwitz von Minckwitzburg , Minkwitz or Münckwitz , is the name of an old middle German noble family . The lords and barons of Minckwitz belong to the Eastern nobility . Branches of the family still exist today.
The family was first mentioned in a document on October 2, 1168 with Siggeboto de Mincuiz . The trunk series begins with Hans von Minckwitz , who is mentioned in documents from 1397.
The sex originally came from the Osterland or the neighboring diocese of Naumburg-Zeitz . An ancestry from Bohemia and from there to Lusatia and Meißen cannot be proven. There is also probably no relationship between the Bohemian Mékovic dynasty , in German: Minkowitz, and the eastern nobility dynasty von Minckwitz described here.
Spread and lines
After Zedlitz-Neukirch , the zealous supporter of the Reformation Nicolaus von Minckwitz , who expelled the Bishop of Lebus from his Fürstenwalde residence in 1528 , and Erasmus von Minckwitz, who was Saxon Chancellor in the mid-16th century, also belong to the family.
In the middle of the 15th century, the trunk line was divided into two lines, one to Falkenhain near Zeitz and one to Breitenhain near Altenburg . The Falkenhainer line was located between Zeitz and Leipzig until recently . With the progenitor of the Breitenhainer line, the knight Hans von Minckwitz, chief marshal of the Saxon Duke Albrecht the Courageous , the family came to Lusatia. The Saxon duke enfeoffed him in 1481 with the rule of Sonnewalde . In addition, in 1499 he was court master in Meissen, councilor of the Electorate of Saxony and governor of Liebenwerda .
Even the sons of Hans von Minckwitz sold the Sonnewalde estate to the Counts of Solms . His son Caspar (I.) von Minckwitz acquired the Drehna rule in 1521 . The family had the moat built around the castle and the defense towers built. Caspar (I.) von Minckwitz was the youngest of four brothers who continued the tribe together with the eldest, the knight Hans von Minckwitz. The latter was also able to acquire the Trebsen , Ober- and Unterstitzschka , Sachsendorf and Wäldchen estates . The line he founded expired with the death of his last son. His goods came into the possession of the son of Caspar (I.) von Minckwitz zu Drehna, Wolf von Minckwitz. The Trebsen reign was sold to the Counts of Barby in 1548 . In 1697 Caspar Ehrenreich von Minckwitz sold Drehna Castle to the Counts of Promnitz .
The descendants of Caspar (I.) von Minckwitz founded numerous other branches, including Drehna, Uckro , Briesen , Wormlage , Lugk , Groß Jehser (from 1576 to the end of the 18th century), Groß Mehßow and Rehnsdorf in Niederlausitz Lindenau , Radibor , Luppa and Malsitz in Upper Lusatia, as well as Ober- and Unterstitzschka (Nitzschka near Wurzen ), Sachsendorf (Wurzen) and Wäldchen in Saxony. Members of the Drehna family later became Prussian , Belgian and Bohemian barons .
Friedrich August Wilhelm von Minckwitz , who died in 1823 , was a leading minister in the Duchy of Saxony-Gotha-Altenburg . His son Johannes von Minckwitz († 1857) became the royal Saxon foreign minister and lieutenant general .
Gottlob Heinrich von Minckwitz († 1851) came to Jemnitz and Preititz from the broadhain-sonnewalder main line . He was a royal Saxon real secret councilor , chamberlain and chief steward of the queen. Carl Caspar Ludwig von Minckwitz died in 1844 as a royal Prussian chief forester .
Status surveys
From the branch line Drehna the width Hainer main line received Caspar brothers Münckwitz on Spermberg, imperial Reichshofrat and Messenger, and Ehrenfried of Münckwitz, royal Bohemian Appellationsrat, on May 16 1586 Wien the Bohemian baron with a coat of arms improvement . The brothers Johann Friedrich von Minkwitz auf Drehna and Hans Christoph von Minkwitz received the Bohemian gentry in Pressburg on October 10, 1646 . An electoral Saxon recognition for her took place on September 27, 1648. Marie Freiin von Minckwitz from the house of Porcheresse ( Luxembourg ) received a Belgian recognition of the title of baron on July 22, 1847 .
A native of the branch line upper Nitzschke the width Hainer mainline Bernhard von Minckwitz, royal Saxon forester decommissioned , was on 21 November 1918, the number 533a in the Saxon Adelsbuch entered.
On January 15, 1915, Hans von Minckwitz, royal Saxon chamberlain and forester out of service, received from the Falkenhain line under number 533b and Wilhelm von Minckwitz auf Dornreichenbach, royal Saxon general of the infantry and adjutant general of King Albert , under number 533c an entry in the royal Saxon nobility book.
coat of arms

The family coat of arms is split from black and silver four times at the top. On the crowned helmet with black and silver (also red and silver) helmet covers, a shuttlecock made of silver and red (umbrella board), which is alternately set with three black and two silver ostrich feathers.
Known family members
- Knight Nicolaus (Nickel) von Minckwitz (* around 1485–1549), Lord of Sonnewalde and Governor of Lusatia , promoter of the Reformation
- Hans Rudolph von Minkwitz (1637–1702), Polish and Saxon lieutenant general, city colonel of Dresden and governor of the city of Leipzig
- Hans Christoph von Minckwitz (1688–1759), Saxon lieutenant general and head of the regiment
- Johann Christoph von Minckwitz († 1795), lieutenant general and head of the regiment
- Georg Wilhelm von Minckwitz (1736–1796), Prussian major general
- Johannes von Minckwitz (1787–1857), Saxon Foreign Minister 1831/35
- Rudolf von Minckwitz (1827–1916), Prussian infantry general
- Wilhelm von Minckwitz (1837–1922), infantry general and adjutant general of the King of Saxony.
- Hans Erwin von Minckwitz (1838–1925), General of the Infantry
- Horst Benno Adolf von Minckwitz (1877–1956), officer and military aviator
- Eberhard von Minckwitz (1910–1995), lawyer and member of the Berlin House of Representatives
- Barbara von Minckwitz (* 1950), lawyer and TV lawyer
- Gunter von Minckwitz (* 1964), Prof. Dr. med. u. Business economist (AFW) gynecologist
See also
- Walter von Boetticher : History of the Upper Lusatian Nobility and its Goods , Volume 2, Oberlößnitz 1913, p. 207ff
- Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels , Adelslexikon Volume IX, Volume 116 of the complete series. CA Starke Verlag, Limburg (Lahn) 1998, ISSN 0435-2408
- Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of noble houses , fourth year, Justus Perthes , Gotha 1903, p. 374ff ; Sixth year, 1905, p. 521ff
- Gothaisches genealogical paperback of the baronial houses for the year , seventh year, Justus Perthes, Gotha 1857, p. 494ff Minckwitz von Mickwitzburg; Eighth year, 1858, p. 449ff
- Ernst Heinrich Kneschke : New general German nobility lexicon . Volume 6. Friedrich Voigt's Buchhandlung, Leipzig 1865, pages 300–303. ( Digitized version )
- Valentin König ea, Genealogische Adels-Historie , Volume 1, S. 14 Pedigree Johanna von Minckwitz Haus Lindenau
- Leopold von Zedlitz-Neukirch : New Prussian Adelslexicon . Volume 3. Reichenbach Brothers, Leipzig 1837, pages 411–412. ( Digitized version )
Web links
- Homepage of the von Minckwitz family
- Entry about Minckwitz, family von in the central database of bequests
- Information and literature on the von Minckwitz family in the Wildenfels castle archive
Individual evidence
- ↑ Ludwig August Schultes: Directorium Diplomaticum II. Page 199
- ^ Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels , Adelslexikon. Volume IX, Volume 116 of the complete series, pp. 78-80.
- ↑ a b New general German nobility lexicon. Volume 6, pp. 300-303.
- ^ New Prussian nobility lexicon. . Volume 3, pp. 411-412.
- ↑ Jakob Christoph Iselin : Newly increased historical and geographic general lexicon . Volume 3, 1747, digitized