Hoyerswerda Black Water

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Hoyerswerda Black Water
Upper Sorbian Čornica
The black water near Muschelwitz

The black water near Muschelwitz

Water code DE : 53814
location Bautzen district , Saxony
River system Elbe
Drain over Black Elster  → Elbe  → North Sea
source Hoher Hahn near Tröbigau
51 ° 6 ′ 36 ″  N , 14 ° 16 ′ 7 ″  E
Source height 419  m above sea level NN
muzzle south of Hoyerswerda -Neustadt in the Black Elster Coordinates: 51 ° 25 ′ 15 ″  N , 14 ° 15 ′ 3 ″  E 51 ° 25 ′ 15 ″  N , 14 ° 15 ′ 3 ″  E
Mouth height 118  m above sea level NN
Height difference 301 m
Bottom slope 6.4 ‰
length 47 km
Catchment area 248 km²
Discharge at the Zescha
A Eo gauge : 181 km²
Location: 20 km above the mouth
NNQ (08/28/1973)
MNQ 1966–2014
MQ 1966–2014
Mq 1966–2014
MHQ 1966–2014
HHQ (06/04/2013)
100 l / s
337 l / s
1.05 m³ / s
5.8 l / (s km²)
11.3 m³ / s
24.1 m³ / s
Left tributaries Silver water, Großhächener water, Puschwitzer water
Right tributaries Naundorf water , long water
Flowing lakes Knappensee
Medium-sized cities Hoyerswerda
Small towns Wittichenau
Communities Schmölln-Putzkau , Demitz-Thumitz , Göda , Neschwitz , Königswartha , Lohsa

The Schwarzwasser ( Upper Sorbian Čornica ), to better distinguish it from other rivers of the same name, such as the Ruhlander Schwarzwasser , also called Hoyerswerdaer Schwarzwasser , is a right tributary of the Black Elster in Saxony.


Springs and upper reaches

Black water source at the Hohen Hahn

The black water arises on the northern slopes of the Lusatian mountains from various source streams.

The main spring is located about 200 meters north of the summit of the Hohe Hahn at an altitude of 419 meters. From here the brook first flows northwards to Tröbigau , where it joins two other source brooks, one from the Tröbigauer Butterberg (388 m) and the other from the Tocken (derived from the Slavic tok = river ) between Tröbigauer Berg (401 m ) and Jungfernstein (373.2 m) come. It continues to flow west through Schmölln and then north-east through Demitz-Thumitz . The last place on the stream before it joins the other Schwarzwasser is Rothnaußlitz . Immediately before Schmölln and between Demitz-Thumitz and Rothnaußlitz, the stream is dammed in smaller retention basins.

Another source stream is the Naundorfer Wasser , which is sometimes also referred to as the right black water . It rises on the eastern slope of the Hohen Hahn at an altitude of 391 meters, only about one kilometer from the main source, but flows from there in an easterly direction through Naundorf and then north through Cossern , Zockau and Neuspittwitz to the confluence with the main river near the main road 6 near Spittwitz .

Neda Guardian Scale

Further course

The further course of the river leads north through the town of Spittwitz - there the silver water flows in - and through Nedaschütz . Shortly after Spittwitz and again before Nedaschütz, the valley narrows to a rocky gorge, the Nedaschützer Skala . This narrow valley landscape, typical of Upper Lusatia, was created during the Elster Ice Age . The meadow valley in between was to be flooded once by a dam. In the Nedaschützer Tal, about 200 meters above the Nedaschütz fish farm, the remains of the already started diversion tunnels for the black water can still be seen at the narrowest point. In the Spittwitz district of Skala, three out of four houses were abandoned by the residents. After the decision to build the Bautzen dam was made, the project was stopped.

Bridge of the A4 at Pietzschwitz

After crossing under the federal motorway 4 , where the Lange Wasser joins, the villages of Prischwitz , Sollschwitz , Dreikretscham , Saritsch and Neschwitz follow . The Puschwitz water flows into the latter . The black water is almost completely regulated in this section. Below Neschwitz the floodplain is around 500 meters wide, while the actual river bed is 5 to 10 meters deeper than its surroundings.

This is followed by Zescha and Königswartha with its pond landscape. The floodplain narrows to about 200 meters as far as Königswartha and widens again to 500 meters at the transition into the Lusatian glacial valley below Königswartha. At this point the river is only one to two meters cut into the floodplain.

At Königswartha, several branches branch off the Schwarzwasser, including the Warthaer Schwarzwasser , which feeds numerous ponds between Caminau , Wartha and Koblenz and reunites with the Schwarzwasser in Knappensee.

Lower course and mouth

Confluence of the Schwarzwassergraben (left) and Wudra
Aerial panorama near Hoyerswerda (right mouth of the Wudra into the Schwarzwasser and left mouth into the Black Elster)

In the further course there is Groß Särchen . Here the black water feeds the Knappensee , the charred residual hole of the open cast brown coal mine Werminghoff near Knappenrode . Before that, however, most of the water is diverted into the Schwarzwassergraben via a sluice , a diversion of the river that was created when the open-cast mine was operating. This leads from Groß Särchen west past the Knappensee.

The confluence of the black water into the Black Elster occurs due to the artificially created branches of both rivers in three different places:

First of all, the Schwarzwassergraben meets the Wudra , a straightened arm of the Black Elster , immediately south of Hoyerswerda . Since most of the water from both Schwarzwasser and Schwarzer Elster converges here, this confluence can be viewed as a regular blackwater estuary.

Only a few hundred meters later, at Klein Neida , the river also joins the historic main arm of the Black Elster.

The original black water flows after the outflow from the Knappensee through Spohla and Maukendorf to Hoyerswerda , where it is directed around the Neustadt into the Black Elster. The original confluence was relocated; in its place is now the Hoyerswerda-Neustadt prefabricated housing estate. The current estuary is located directly at the Görlitz Bridge over the Elster and is thus the last of the three confluences.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. ^ German Hydrological Yearbook Elbe Region, Part I 2014. (PDF) State Office for Flood Protection and Water Management Saxony-Anhalt, p. 123 , accessed on November 3, 2018 (from: lhw.sachsen-anhalt.de).

Web link

Commons : Hoyerswerdaer Schwarzwasser  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files