Welsche Church

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Welsche Church on Grazer Griesplatz
Welsche Church in the building ensemble

The Welsche Church is a Roman Catholic church in the 5th  Graz district of Gries . Today it is the local chaplain of Graz-Welsche Church Hl. Franz de Paula , which belongs to the parish Graz-St. Andrä is subordinate to and belongs to the dean's office Graz-Mitte of the city ​​church Graz .


In 1717 the brotherhood of Italian builders, painters, sculptors and plasterers applied for the construction of their own church on Gries. A total of 168 families were among the members of the brotherhood with around a third of sympathetic noble Styrians who supported the application. The Italians were called "the Welschen " by the local population . That is why the church consecrated to St. Francis of Paola was named so. The builder of the baroque Welschen Church, which was completed in 1725, was Joseph Carlone . The construction time was four years. Josef Hueber , Carlone's successor and husband of Carlone's widow, added the façade with the tower and the roof turret that existed today in 1745/46.

In 1964 the parish was installed as a local chaplaincy.


On the side facing Griesplatz, the sandstone figures of faith, hope and love adorn the facade. Tower and roof turret close off bell-shaped tower domes.

The interior consists of a hall with a rectangular presbytery . On the dominant high altar is an elaborate stucco decoration by the artist Carlo Federigo Formentini . Franz Karl Remp created the central panel, which shows the church patron, the archangel Michael and angel putti . In the chancel there are figures of Saints Florian , Sebastian , Johannes Baptist and Donatus . The depiction of God the Father is surrounded by angels in the altarpiece.

The two side altars come from the abandoned Clarissin Church in Paradeis and fit harmoniously into the interior. On the left side altar is a depiction of the crucifixion of Christ and the stigmatization of St. Francis of Assisi as the upper image . The right side altar shows the death of St. Joseph , and in the upper picture St. Anna Maria reading teaching around 1770 by Martin Johann Schmidt . There is also a picture of Mary in the dress of ears .


The organ was built in 1843 by the organ builder Alois Hörbiger . The instrument has 16 registers , divided into a manual and pedal unit . The playing and stop actions are mechanical.

Manuals C – f 3
1. Principal 8th'
2. Principal 8th'
3. Dumped 8th'
4th Salicional 8th'
5. Octav 4 ′
6th Reed flute 4 ′
7th Nasard 2 23
8th. Super octave 2 ′
9. Pointed flute 2 ′
10. Larigot 1 13
11. Cymbel II
Pedals C – c 1
12. Pedestal 16 ′
13. Octavbass 8th'
14th Quintbass 5 13
15th Choral bass 4 ′
16. Mixture III 2 ′


  • Alois Kölbl, Wiltraud Resch: Paths to God. The churches and synagogue of Graz. 2nd, expanded and supplemented edition. Styria, Graz 2004, ISBN 3-222-13105-8 , pp. 158-160.

Individual evidence

  1. More information on the organ (PDF; 494 kB) p. 18. ( Memento from August 19, 2014 in the Internet Archive )

Web links

Commons : Welsche Kirche, Graz  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 47 ° 3 '57.9 "  N , 15 ° 25' 52.3"  E